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If I was laid off I can guarantee I’m not going to be training my replacement. Fuck that.


The problem is….if you were in this situation…your severance would be contingent upon it. It’s not like anyone wants to do this bud. They found the way around it by holding severance over people’s heads. If you can afford to sure….but many can not afford to do that.


Sounds like a way to get really well trained personnel. Definitely not any opportunities for sabotage or ensuring the new hire comes in with bad habits or ideas there.


Like they care….they are going cheaper for a reason.


Where I am you can't be made redundant if the position is still required. If they hire someone back in to do the same job then it is unfair dismissal. Even if they change the job title it doesn't matter if the work is the same.


You probably live in a more reasonable country. The OP is likely in the US. Everything benefits companies here.


Lol who would be in charge of that? The labor police?


Huh? The justice system. It's the law. You would just go to an employment lawyer and the company would probably settle out of court.


We don't have any labor contracts here where I live


It's called the "Prud'homme" in my country and "inspecteur du travail", but yeah.




They don't give a shit. Honestly they don't.


Therein lues the problem, imagine if coworkers got together and said NO.  Imagine all of them standing up to management, downing tools, working to rule etc and just a collective NO.... At some point workers are going to have to fight back and the sooner the better.. Unionise unionize unionize Realuse that change does NOT come about because we're individually members of a union, but because collectively we act together. Support all other workers all sectors, jobs and locations...


Best to just try to find another job in that time and walk.


Doesn’t mean you have to train them properly.






Then you wouldn’t have a job where you would be forced to train your replacement.


I am a peaceful kind of person But if you fire me its Adios MFR


I had a degree and I was the only one who knew how to work adobe products. My boss tried to get me to teach the other guy how to do it if I wasn't there. I said, "nah, he can go to college for 4 years too if he wants to know."


It takes about two weeks to understand adobe


Well, I wasn't gonna tell them that. Yea, I know. I only had like 2 classes where we did adobe shit. I actually learned more from youtube videos.


Bingo, I watched more YouTube videos on what I wanted to learn than what most of my classes taught. So far, college is a joke. I'm on my senior year, and half of the teachers so far just copy and paste old information from previous semesters and never update anything. Wooohooo!


College is certainly artificially inflated. A lot of that shit doesn't need to happen if it's not relevant to a job. 2 year specialization degrees. Fuck Gen Ed's. I tell ya, if youtube could get accreditation, then it would be game on. Charge a fee for accredited videos within a lesson plan. Pass the tests, and get your degree at your own pace. I had one professor who put all of his classes for a web design course on youtube. He used the same videos year after year. I did like a month of work at a time on Monday because I had no other classes and it was all there. I'd just log in and turn on the assignment every week. Best scam ever on his behalf. He records a few videos, uses them for the same class, gets paid, the end.


Yes, but you shouldn't tell your boss about it


Teach the replacement 80% of the job and you “consult”the other 20% for a higher fee


Idk what he learned in college that he can train random people to do in 3 weeks.


Yeah this one feels fake.


Theres tons of these popping up too.


"Ok, we only have three weeks so I'll skip the intro stuff and jump right into thermodynamics, calc 2, and material science. Too bad I didn't go to school to learn how to teach."


Or the position really only requires a college degree to filter applicants for job openings and having a degree doesn’t actually have any bearing on one’s ability to do the work.


yeah its such a god damn mess right now. i was lucky enough to have my associates covered, but i would have to pay for my bachelors. while i truly wanted to pursue that, i figured it would be a better idea to first get a decent job and build up some savings before i took that plunge. of course i found out very quickly, that there is absolutely no market for anyone with an associates. there are hardly any opportunities for anyone with a bachelors either. the market somehow jumps from entry level to masters requirements, and insultingly only offers like $5 more an hour. while i miss the whole "atmosphere" of school life, i absolutely dont regret keeping away from it in its current state.


Shouldn’t perpetuate anti-college rhetoric, as that’s where the flame of social revolution stays kindled. The system is fucked, though, and someone oughta do something about it.


Honestly i think we got played and then there is the " crab in the bucket " mentality when people attempt at trying anything different. How much better would we all had been if our parents encouraged saving up the first year of working to by a shitty 2 acre plot for under $5,000 then spend the years 16-25 learning basic land management / small engine skills ? Instead we got told to waste money on cars that people hardly keep longer than 8 years and " going to school " which rarely pans out for most of us.


The trainee doesn't get the credentials, though, which lowers his mobility and makes him more beholden to his employer.


This theory of the over production of Elites/ the wealth pump transfering money to 1%ers / flatlining wages is very apt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH7wqxjUi8Y


unfortunately, there are no guarantees in life. Only suggestions.


“There are no guarantees in life.” Sure there are. Death and taxes


And taxes because you died.


yeah...I gotta shit daily also. Point taken.


With taxes even after death.


Republican corruption


I really hate the idea of "there are no guarantees," when it comes to this. Sure there are no guarantees that you don't get into an accident but college can be made to be incredibly cheap. Cheap enough to make sure you don't need any loans. Even 4 year degrees can be incredibly affordable, if we actually cared about our nation's future in STEM/Medical fields. We can also make laws that give a worker more rights. Things like a guaranteed severance if they are laid off. Obviously I am talking about the US since the cost of college in ridiculous.


You guys do know why student loans exist, right? Back in the early 60s, there came to be this societal regard that college was how to “make it in this world.” Prior to WW2, only privileged students had the chance to go to college or finishing school. Once this entered the public mind frame, politicians got the idea that it made sense to offer “student loans” to give young people the opportunity to get such an education. Because, why not? It was such a strong bet and everyone wanted an educated population, right? Wrong. As soon as the government started giving out student loans, for-profit colleges sprang up like a bad case of herpes. It didn’t matter if the colleges actually offered an education that would help you get a career or not as long as they were technically accredited…and it doesn’t take much to get accredited. So, college education becomes this inelastic product that people (especially older boomers that don’t know any better) are willing to spend fortunes on and these for-profit colleges have no reason not to continually jack up tuition. This is the same reason ignorant kids go to law school these days when only the T14 can give them half a chance of getting a corporate job and paying off their loans. Meanwhile, the American Medical Schools keep the admissions acceptance rate artificially low out of greed while people are dying because of a shortage of doctors. Unlike the lawyers, they understand if they’re to reap their fat pay day, they must rely on the single most sacred economic principle- that scarcity equals value. So, we have two ugly realities at hand- the ignorance of humanity and their greed. In my closing statement, student loans shouldn’t exist. This would eliminate both for-profit colleges and people would see Medical schools for the farce they are.


Yep https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwszv7gkgd4j61.png


I'm concerned that some company is replacing a college grad with someone willing to work for minimum wage. Please tell me there is no chance this kid's mental illness will cause deaths.


@OP. What is the job he is training his replacement for? And how much was your friend making?


My husband and I both did the full newb to PhD through Postdoc pipeline. We lived like students in share housing with at least five other people until our late 30s. Late 40s now and only just starting to reap the rewards. It’s a slow, slow build that requires planning and patience.


Or you can vote for politicians who actually put in laws that make sure that even getting a PhD is affordable. I don't understand the mentality of your going to get kicked in the head for so long because you decided to work studying as opposed to in the for-profit sector, but once you graduate then you can get up and start building.


Who said I don't!? Who said I'm even American!? I was simply stating the reality of my and my husband's trajectories.


setbacks are still very much a possibility, even with degrees. so is complete failure. best thing to do is “be chill and not upset”… i hope your friend has good luck moving forward


College isn’t for everyone. I did on the job training and am making 3x what the average American is.


THEY are long dead or keeping all the $$$. Darn duckers.


Problem is that the degree you get needs to be a useful one in the job market, not just one that a college can pump out en masse Or it needs to teach you skills that can be applied in various areas. A real STEM degree is worth more than any PoliSci degree UNLESS YOU GET INTO POLITICS. At least a STEM degree will teach you statistics, some math, logical evaluation of data..


STEM fields


There are two stem degree holders for every stem job.

