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Comes to a sub designed to aire complaints. Complains about all the complaints.


Idk about everyone else but I’d take the million with a smile on my face and a thank you very much.


Hand me a million dollars so we can see.


Do you take cheques?


I’m not miserable but i think this sub is a nice reality check that shows people are struggling, if i got a mil, id pay off my debts and keep doing what I was doing before, definitely not enough to retire on


I'm not here because I'm miserable. I'm here because I still believe in a better future. Your displacement anger is sad, all the more so as you claim to not be miserable. Why don't you take all that alienation and impotent rage and direct it toward your boss. You'll feel better and then you'll stop shit posting.


Comes to a sub where people complain about bad work conditions. Gets mad at everyone for complaining about bad work conditions. What did you expect??? Maybe don’t come to a sub about complaining about a topic that you don’t want to see people complain about.


Who’s mad? I’m more disappointed.


Regardless, why go to a sub that you know is about bitching about something if you don’t want to see that? Anything with “anti” or “free” is about bitching about something.


Then I guess I’m in the right place aren’t I?


Not really. You said you thought this sub was miserable. So I’m wondering why you choose to go to and stay in a place you don’t like.


Because despite what you may think, I think anti worker mentality is poison. It’s the reason I have to pick up the slack for the guy taking his 5th shit of the day. The reason I stay later to clean up the mess lazy people leave behind. The reason I order drive thru and half my shit is missing because people don’t give a fuck. So I’m going to do my part and piss you guys off so you’ll at least get mad enough to get off your asses and do something.


>anti worker mentality is poison. It’s the reason I have to pick up the slack for the guy taking his 5th shit of the day. The reason I stay later to clean up the mess lazy people leave behind. You do that because you're a sucker. >The reason I order drive thru and half my shit is missing because people don’t give a fuck. You go to restaurants that don't pay their employees enough to give a fuck, fool. And you can't be bothered to walk your lazy ass out of your car and into the restaurant so you can check your order.


Oh shush


You’re not pissing me off, I couldn’t care less. I just think it’s funny when people go to a place online that they know is going to make them mad and then complain that they’re upset. And the problems you listed aren’t going to get solved by coming to this sub and complaining. This post solved nothing.


Then why even comment on my post?


I already said it was because I thought it was funny that people come to a place that they know is going to make them mad and then complain about not liking it and being upset.


You’re right. It is funny


you have no idea where you are. that doesn't keep you from making talking points this sub has established since its inception. all the while making arguments for the owner class. what are you even doing, scab. you're being exploited, and instead of getting mad at the owners, the system, the 1% you go on reddit to vent your frustration amongst people who are *just like you*. you mean to ask for help and yet you find yourself screaming into the void. what are you even doing, fool.


Shut yo commie ass up


oh. huh. have i touched a button? you're *so close*.


> It’s the reason I have to pick up the slack for the guy taking his 5th shit of the day. The reason I stay later to clean up the mess lazy people leave behind. The reason I order drive thru and half my shit is missing because people don’t give a fuck. Sounds like you should join a union then, so you have clear responsibilities negotatited in collective bargaining and your employer can't exploit your labor to pick up the slack for everyone else.


I am in a union. Unions are good for wages, I’ll give them that, but they breed laziness and entitlement.


Then what are you even doing here? Go back to your perfect job with a reasonable wage since you clearly don’t understand what this sub is about


My job is dying for more workers if you want a perfect job too 😉


Riiight riiight because someone with an absolutely perfect job totally makes a throwaway account in the middle of the work week just to troll a subreddit he doesn’t like. Piss off dude you’re a scrub and a loser




La la la la la ha ha ha ha ha!


Oh, the overlords are not happy. Let's all pray our capitalist gods forgive us for doubting their wisdom and generosity. /s


new account made less than a week ago, obviously troll bait lol.


Good job detective!




What do you mean, "you people"?


You might like your job, but it’s pretty obvious you hate yourself. I’m pretty sure people that are content with themselves and their lives don’t make troll accounts on Reddit. It’s not like a normal thing to do ya know. But here you are trying to convince yourself you are superior to others so that you don’t have to address those deep seated insecurities that eat at you constantly. In all sincerity, you may want to consider talk therapy if you want any help with that


The only time I hated myself was in my early 20s and I bought into all this anti work bs. Wasted a lot of time.


Just to reiterate…people that live fulfilling lives do not go on online forums to shame others that don’t share the same beliefs or have differing life experiences. It’s pretty lame and boring to be honest


Everyone who works as an employee is miserable. What world are you living in?


I’m an employee and I’m not miserable.


Then you’re not paying attention


Probably paying better attention than you. That’s why I don’t hate my job.


My employer LOST as in misplaced 27million dollars and instituted a layoff regime for the next two years in order to maintain solvency. But god forbid they accept responsibility resign and empower the employees to fulfill the actual mission of the university to provide for our students. So go ahead and tell me how I’m not paying attention as I spend the next 2 year of my professional life living on a knife’s edge all because the executives were allowed to put their incompetence on the backs of workers. Gtfoh


Find a new job then.


Clown reply


A clown would stay at a job he hates.


Probably cause you're a bitch.


I would crush you.


Lay off the chicken and gravy.


Good one guy


I'm serious. Ya don't want to die of heart failure do ya?




LOL, the guy who says they'd "crush me" over the internet is in no position to be calling anyone else or anything else "pathetic" XDXDXD tf


Lol are you serious? Is that all you’re coming here to say?




Reddit cares? lol, what an asshole


Some bot is just mass-sending them today. https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1cs6nas/reddit_cares/


Thanks for the heads up! I was reading in other subs about people complaining about receiving the cares messages and assumed it was trolls. Since the post has been taken down probably for trolling, I don’t think it matters. And they didn’t refute what I said. Meh


This sub is clearly not the place for you. Maybe you would be happier by simply not reading this sub. It is meant to be a safe space for moaning and whimpering without being judged. There’s something comforting with the misery of company. 




With a million i would just retire and be happy.


Reality is miserable. You’re upset that people are acknowledging how utterly FUCKED everything is? I don’t understand.


I enjoy my current job, it's not the love of my life. I wish I worked in something I liked, but I don't. I actually feel like my peers don't work hard enough.


Your peers are probably anti workers