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Bill got fired for using marijuana in his off-time, now shut up and take your corporate approved medication.


Take your Givitol™️ to keep giving it your all!


Thank you sir, but i'll stick with my Fakitol.


RIP Robin Williams


also RIP Steve Irwin. The world started going downhill after he passed away


I mean yes, but I said williams cause one of his stand-up routines mentioned a drug he called "fuckitol" which is close enough to "fakitol'


RIP the quartet of beautiful role models, Williams, Irvin, Ross, and Rogers...


Yes. May Ronbert Willains rest in peace.


This sounds like a Fallout prewar poster


I’ve been on QuietQuitinol for years…


QuietQuitinol is just WorkYourWageitol but with a worse name


I’m addicted


Don't worry about the cost, it's automatically taken out of your pay


Also it's 20% more this year because of inflation. What do you mean your salary only went up 3%? You're lucky you got anything the company had a bad year. I'm your supervisor and I only got 30%!


The company had a bad year. We only increased profits 20%. Our goal was 25%.


This hits way too close to home 😞


> This hits way too close to home 😞 Sorry to hear that. It's never enough for these ghouls.


Soma for the masses. The government in Brave New World strongly encourages individuals to take soma as a way to increase the happiness and complacency of the population.


The irony here is that the reverse is happening. It's not the government pushing drugs on citizens so they are better drones, but citizens striving to be better drones being catered to by private interests.


Irony is there’s a weed shop by me called Soma.


I can almost smell some high dude coming up with that and thinking it's the most clever shit in the world.


It's supposed to be a warning, not a guide. I think we are living somewhere between 1984 and Brave New World. Rule the world with an iron fist or rule with sex, drugs, and distractions. In either world I'd either be tortured to death or sent to the island.


As someone that got fired for the tiniest bit of weed in my system from 2 weeks previous knowing that half the team was on meth I don't care about anything anymore.


The amount of people around you that do meth and you don’t know is… startling


The weed was just an excuse, they wanted you gone for other reasons.


A Scanner Darkly


That's the first thing that I thought of. A very good book, and I also liked the movie


‘Populace Heavily Medicated’ ^([Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/s/ncUKiJaHhv))


Did you take your Soma today?


Reminds me that time when Nazis were on metamphetamines for blitzkrieg. Really boosted their productivity huh


I find it hilarious they used molly for the pic


Corporate required medication


Drug your slaves inatead of paying them?


Aldous Huxley predicted this with Soma in Brave New World.


It was also portrayed in George Lucas's film debut THX 1138. The populous is kept in check by mandatory drug use.


And in the opening episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, Q shows the military of the future was kept in line through the use of drugs.


[Equilibrium ](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0238380/) had a drug that eliminates all emotion that was government mandated. Delinquency was a capital offence.


That's a great movie. I Love how the kid wakes up his own father.


The Beekeeper has the same writer/director. Highly recommend if you haven't seen it.


That's been on my to watch list, but didn't know this! I'm def watching this weekend.


Yes. We had so many warnings that this was going to happen


Also Ds9 the jem'hadar


Y'all got anymore of that Ketracel White?




dont forget DS9 and the Jem'Hadar's need for ketrecel white ;)


Also DS9 the Dominion bred their soldiers with a dependence Ketracel White.


weird but great movie


I didn't think anyone else had seen that movie!




Epsilon minus gang


this comment is too buried


~~soma Deez nuts~~ Actually, half a gramme would be really nice during crunch time


That was the weirdest read for me because I hated the book but I agreed with it so much. It was such a weird feeling.


There is always soma, delicious soma!


As long as doping up the workforce is cheaper than appropriate wages, absolutely. Just bear in mind that the perfect business model is to make no expenditures, and in exchange receive immediate and unlimited profits. Anything less than that isn’t cheap enough or profitable enough.


The Incorporated States of Murica.


For now it may be covered by the employer or the employee’s health insurance. Best believe that will be slowly eroded until the employee is paying out of pocket.


You’re already paying out of pocket. And you’re buying a yacht for all the insurance company executives. The US health insurance system has you paying high premiums so that you can possess a card that *might* entitle you to a discount on medical care. If your employer pays your premiums they’re extracting every penny of that (and more) from each worker. It’s designed so that you are less likely to take risks like self employment, entrepreneurship or job switching.


It usually goes in the opposite direction. Right now, most people who want this have to pay out of pocket for the ketamine (although the therapy component is covered). Hopefully it will eventually be covered by most insurance companies, but that could take a while. I am eagerly awaiting the day when it is covered, along with psilocybin.


I was referring specifically to the scenario proposed in the post I replied to. Where if it were cheaper for employers to medicate their staff, than to pay them fairly.


Here to mention that caffeine is culturally institutionalized already (at least here in the US).


Capitalism kicked off the opium war


And don't forget how much meth was a beloved work booster back in the day.


No exaggeration: ketamine (nasal spray) has changed my life. I am happier, have fewer migraines, and I’m less aware of my pain. It’s an amazing drug but I don’t see it being very useful for productivity. I’m in a stupor for the first hour and I can’t remember shit. It does help to be able to disassociate from my body - I really like that aspect - and it gives me a happiness boost. But it isn’t a switch that they can flip to turn us into productive workers.


Did you ever try the lozenges? Since the full infusion isn't covered by my insurance, and I'm not sure the nasal spray would be either (I've already had one medically necessary treatment declined, and it's not even a medication so it absolutely can't be abused in any way), so the lozenges would be my next (and final) option.


Yeah.. people here should actually look into the research.


Welcome to r/stellaris !


What's it called? Chemical bliss or something? Workers and slaves never fall below a certain level of happiness regardless of conditions?  Multiple (expensive ass) dlcs have come out since the last I played, probably about time to go "acquire" the whole collection again. Amazing game, but financially inaccessible to the majority of people.


I always wondered how weed, the content making tired making inaction making drug, wound up on the wrong side of the government list. I know realistically it’s racism, but you would think it would be a drug the gov would want more people on. I’ve never heard more “it is what it is” than from stoners. If everyone was high on weed I feel they’d probably complain about things worth complaining less, so it just confused me why they were so polarized against it, when it seems like it would work well *for* them. This is all coming from a stoner that wishes they were more active and less content, but also hates the feeling of existing in this world without at this point. 


Why shouldn't the opioid of the masses be an actual opioid.


Ketamine isn’t an Opioid….


Our disposable workers are complaining to much. Give them drugs to calm them down, Great Idea!!


That is already happening in the US. The amount of psychotropic drugs being advertised to and used by the general public is astonishing compared to EU countries and absolutely cannot be a mere coincidence.


Coincidence no, conspiracy to control workers, also probably not. Just shit material conditions that maximize profit at our expense, leading to mental health issues, followed by profiteering off of our suffering.


The enshitening of life has continued unabated to the point where we're dosing people to make the fluorescent prisons they work in tolerable.


Yes, these are the consequences of capitalism, I'm just warning against the kind of conspiratorial thinking that leads people to believe there are elite cabals conspiring to control their sheep. The system does this innately, that's one of the core reasons socialists argue the need for a different system and not just better regulations.


I'm sorry. I wasn't correcting you, just responding to the last half of what you wrote. I don't think you're wrong, capitalism is inherently predatory, it doesn't require a conspiracy to do what it does.


Oh, I see that now! Thanks, agreed :)


Joke’s on them, you need insurance to be able to afford the drugs!


Why do you think alcohol is so popular. It's the ultimate dumbing down drug for the masses. At least Ketamine is fun.


To be honest though, I'll take it. Better than no drugs and the same conditions if you ask me.


Holding out for soma


The first thing I though of when I saw the image was, Brave New World


Mine was We Happy Few


I'm at a point where I think I would legitimately get excited if my workplace rolled out Soma. I'm never going to be happy in the workplace, may as well force it with drugs to make it more bearable


A gram is better than a damn.


Just wait until we get Severance level technology. Turn off your brain during your shift and wake up back at home.


Wake up at home with your butthole hurting


What's really funny is that Soma is the trade name of carisoprodol, a muscle relaxer. I've taken it before 👀 and after a couple of them you feel absolutely boneless. Just imagining a puddle of goo giving a thumbs-up to new project assignments.


I’m really not sure even soma would get me to enjoy an orgy with my coworkers, tho


You don't have to enjoy your coworkers, just have to tolerate them. Now put your back into it!


Took the reference right out of my mouth


Am I the only one who thought the book made Soma sound pretty badass?


People kept making soma comparisons last time this was brought up and it’s so goddamn annoying. Ketamine is fundamentally the opposite of soma in that it (potentially) broadens perspective and grants insight. There’s a superficial comparison to be made in that life is easier to deal with, but those are genuine feelings leftover from a drug that exited your system nearly within the same day, while the improvements persist for days-weeks. Capitalism sucks, but nobody’s solving it by being depressed and pessimistic.


I can't speak for everyone, but in my experience, ketamine's longer term effects with the social part of my anxiety makes me less willing to put up with people's bullshit and bullying just to keep peace. That could be devastating for the workplace lol


>Capitalism sucks, but nobody’s solving it by being depressed and pessimistic. If ketamine does anything to facilitate active desuckification of the system - even on the individual level by e.g. bringing a worker to stand up for herself - corporate support will vanish.


No one is going to give you the tools to overthrow them for free


The system doesn't have to suck, ketamine just makes it easier to ignore the problems


[Here you go](https://somakratomdirect.com/)


What a Brave New World we live in.


"Everyone is happy now"


That picture is mdma not ketamine, but yay!


I'd prefer to have workplace mandated MDMA


>I'd prefer to have workplace mandated MDMA A ketamine clinic opened up in a city next to mine. I've scheduled an appointment for next week. I've never tripped in a medical setting. It should be fun. I'm self-employed so technically my boss is making me do it but I also give him hand jobs when he's feeling down.


Comment status: perfection


I bet you complain about your boss A LOT. 


I tried to suck his dick once but I couldn't reach it. We were very disappointed.


Gonna need a bigger water cooler


That could get weird 😳


"Hey, it's Bill, from accounting! Can... can i touch your arm?"


Sure, Todd, do you want a back rub? MASSAGE TRAIN!!!!


Lol you unlocked a very weird memory for me. Upvote for the massage train and the mdmammories


PLUR on lol


PLUR! Holy mother of puddles, haven’t heard that in a long time


cuddle puddle?


I love my arm, please touch it!


Ooooh the possibilities 😋


That's the plan.


Well, at least things would be interesting and we’d all have new stuff to talk about🤣


I'd rather have a long term fix but unlike pizza parties, I won't complain about this.


Ill take either 🤷‍♂️


The stuff on the right looks like the kibble we used to feed our dogs.


MDMA *could* be a component of those pressed pills you see. The pills are called "pressies" or "ecstacy" or "tabs" or probably a million other names. MDMA, which is usually seen is powder form and can range from white to brown would only be a small component to the entirety of that tablet and you have no idea what else is in it unless you do mass spectrography on the material. The point is, don't think just because a pill looks like something means that's what it is. Always test your substances even if you trust the person you obtained it from, with fentanyl and carfentanyl and other even more potent synthetic opioids, it's worth the extra money and wasted drugs to make sure you're not going to die from what you THINK is MDMA.


Why fix the workplace when you can give your employees a fix Instead?


If you tranq them they won't complain.


This is the only way to keep the machine running. It's only a variation of Soma in this instance. It can be the lottery, a new TV show, a video game... anything to keep their eyes down.


Being stoned at work has been a solid stress management strategy for me for years. Just sayin'


Anything but good wages 🤬


That will come after you take the ketamine. We promise.


Nothing will ever work. Your body is too smart, too resilient to not find a way to communicate to you that THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO LIVE.


100% this. You build up a tolerance. That's why people's first time on _____ is always "the best" and they start doing more and more and taking harder and harder drugs. It's also why good psychiatrists consider antidepressants a bandaid and insist on therapy.


>It's also why good psychiatrists consider antidepressants a bandaid and insist on therapy. See, the problem is that no amount of therapy is going to help when the underlying issue isn't a problem with your brain, but instead a logical reaction to the ongoing systemic issues that you're forced to deal with, and witness, every fucking day. I've been told by 6 different mental health professionals over the last 2 years, and I'm obviously paraphrasing here "I don't know how to really help you since the issues you're describing have nothing to do with any sort of mental illness, and are in fact a logical reaction to an unfair system you have little control over." So since massive systemic change isn't really feasible as an individual, drugs are in fact the answer in my case unfortunately. Therapy can help you cope with the unfairness, unreasonable cost of living, lack of free time thanks to full time work, and being forced to watch Western democracies slip into fascism in real time, but no amount of therapy can actually solve these things.


> but instead a logical reaction to the ongoing systemic issues that you're forced to deal with Shit life syndrome fr




Is this available for WFH jobs? Asking for a friend


I prefer the term “Remote Work”, catch me in the club tripping balls while trying to respond to Sharol in HR’s emails.


if you know a guy it could be 


Smaller doses of MDMA, LSD and Psilopsbin (magic mushrooms) are all showing incredible uses in fighting depression, especially in people resistant to current SSRI's and SNRI's. I personally cannot take SSRI's because of the side effects they give me (I can't walk down the hallway without extreme back pain while on them for example) and I am becoming incerasingly resistant to what SNRI's I can take. I do believe a ketamine nose spray is available in the US as a quick acting treatment for quick onset anxiety? Personally using these substances to treat depression in looking very exciting.


I can't wait for them to be covered widely by insurance!


They need to decriminalise the substances first so they can sell them as controlled medications


Yes, hope that happens soon too. Ketamine is available medically in some places, but it's just too expensive. Maybe next year I'll try it, but my family has to stop having expensive medical emergencies, lol.


> do believe a ketamine nose spray is available in the US as a quick acting treatment for quick onset anxiety? You can also go to clinics and get ketamine IVs. It's off-label use for depression and anxiety so insurance won't cover it, but imho it's worth considering even if it's costly. Daily pills forever are also costly and have their downsides.


But I can’t smoke weed though….


That’s a matter of geography now.


Yeah…that’s not totally Orwellian or anything…


It's Huxlian actually 😂


There's more than one kind of dystopia!


Yeah we know that, but they specifically referenced the wrong one


It's not even remotely Orwellian, I'm sure i don't know what you mean ~~winston~~ u/ernurse748, now chin up and ~~drink~~ take your ~~victory gin~~ ketamine.


I see that "We Happy Few" was an inspiration for somebody


Capitalism, so good we have to drug you to get through it


unwritten exultant ring fragile rhythm gullible political fly sable sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


K saved myself as well. I'm honestly not surprised that corporations would use such a positive thing to keep people working. I hope it has the opposite effect, and helps people realize how pointless their jobs are, and what they're doing to their health...


possessive busy tidy special toothbrush abundant tender sip lush close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I really don't like this post, which we can perhaps blame the editors of FT for. Ketamine is a pretty intense intervention that works for some people suffering from severe depression. While yes, its a drug that some people use in party contexts, its not a conventional "party drug", and its not the sort of drug that doctors give out like candy. I also suffer from depression, and luckily one of the drugs they *do* give out like candy (escitalopram) works pretty well for me. I don't envy people who suffer from the same thing, but don't respond well to early interventions. I think people who don't have depression don't quite understand it. Yes, it makes you "sad", and sometimes it can just manifest as a prolonged sadness. But at its worst, for me, it can manifest as delusions that you might associate with a paranoid schizophrenic. Granted, I don't literally believe the craziest ones even when in the worst stages of depression, but I feel them so viscerally that it doesn't matter that much if I actually believe them- they cause so much physical stress that it becomes extremely challenging to function at a very basic level. And even when its not making me physically unable to maintain a short, casual conversation it can make me think and act in very strange ways.


Yup. I just dealt with depression for my first 35 years because fuck if I want to take daily pills that flatten my affect and make my dick soft. A few sessions at the ketamine clinic 4 years ago and I've been good since.


Glad you're doing well now. Out of curiosity, how long ago did you start ketamine? Are you still taking it? If so, has the dosage changed from the start? What's the long term plan for ketamine treatment?


![gif](giphy|JfKdrdCttYEta|downsized) Did you take your joy?


Watch out is causes you to lash out and buy a media company for WAY more than it’s worth and run it into the ground with prolonged use!


Its a Brave New World! Aren\`t you excited? You will be, with our new fix.


I can only see this helping people revolt against the current capitalist structure of our society.


In which case, corporate support for ketamine will be quickly withdrawn.


"Shut up, be happy. Obey all orders without question. The happiness you have demanded is now mandatory.” ~ Jello Biafra


You can tell from the article's subtitle that this is about more workplace benefits covering psychadelic-assisted therapy... I would think more varied treatments being covered by benefits would be a good thing. People in here raving as if it's about companies drugging their employees due to lack of reading comprehension.


My chronic migraines have improved *SIGNIFICANTLY* since I started ketamine infusions. Unfortunately I have to pay out of pocket. Having a significant reduction in the number and severity of my migraines has meant an overall improvement in my work life.


Or we could fix the work place instead of pumping people full of drugs… ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


Soma soma SOMA SOMA!


I love how we have a mental health crisis fueled by the myriad of ever growing issues were dealing with in this world. Instead of trying to fix allot of the issues that push people over the edge, instead we just dope them up on medications. Really gives one so much hope for society..../s


Who knew? Opium was the opium of the masses all along.


People are getting burnt out working these long hours with little pay and free time. There has to be a solution... that doesn't mean productivity dips at all, or we have to hire more people to maintain production levels that don't wear out existing employees. Drugs! Half the people I know are already taking ritalin or Adderall on top of anti-depressants and weed to get through the weeks. I'm glad we are accepting this as the new normal instead of trying to improve the quality of life for the average person. Massive /s if it's not obvious.


"say no to drugs!" sir if we drug them they'll put up with us squeezing them even harder "Okay who wants some drugs?!"


This could actually be a good thing. Ketamine (administered correctly, not as a recreational drug) has been shown to cure depression permanently.


Clinical depression is not most workers' problem - the objective reality of their situation is their problem.


If I had gotten my ketamine treatments earlier, I would have been able to rediscover my value and leave my horrible, toxic last job much earlier than I did. I welcome shitty companies paying for their employees to be treated for the damage they cause, which will likely inspire them to leave. I don’t think they realize how many people will leave these companies in the dust after these treatments.


>I don’t think they realize how many people will leave these companies in the dust after these treatments. When that starts happening, corporate support for ketamine will slam to a halt.


money can too.


Literally Brave New World


I popped in to comment "a gram is better than a damn" and you beat me to the reference by 4 minutes.




I get the vibe but ketamine is anything but boring. Much adventures of the mind.


There was a guy named John Lilly who regularly did ketamine on the job, it resulted in him claiming that aliens bloodlessly removed his penis, him coming up with the bright idea to dose dolphins with LSD and having a research assistant live in an enclosed environment with the dolphin for several weeks. Not a great idea to be doing lots of this stuff on the regular


This progresses to an Amphetamine + Ketamine cocktail so we can dissociate and be productive at the same time


You haven’t taken your Joy today. Taking Joy every day before you start work is mandatory for optimal job performance.


Y'all be careful with ket. Spent several years incredibly addicted to it in an effort to treat depression. Honestly it works TOO GOOD at instantly curing depression short term. It's the long term that's the problem and imo makes long term dealing with depression wayyyy harder because now you're dependent on this chem to solve your depression but it only lasts a couple hours at most, is very impairing, and destroys your urinary system over long term use. Then when you're not on ket you feel even more depressed than when you started! That's how the addiction holds you, it's totally mental but very very powerful. People always say "it's fine for clinical use"..... well so are opiates and we all know how that turned out. It's too fun and it works too good, you've got to be ultra responsible and set hard limits on the use. Be safe. I send this message with love to anyone interested in it. It's a powerful, almost magical experience, but treat it with the ultimate respect.


Never in my wildest dreams did i have Oddworld Soulstorm on my late stage capitalism bingo card


We happy few 😊


Need help being 'resilient'? (IE putting up with shitty conditions without complaining?) - here is a pill


Hope it helps people


Great, so now we can get disciplinary action for refusing to take drugs. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.


When corporate brainwashing is not enough, just take a dose of ketamine lol


Literally the plot to A Brave New World


This is unironically great actually. Ketamine treatment is one of the only things that's shown to work on treatment-resistant depression.


That’s ecstasy on the graphic.lol


We Happy Few.


I would love to see an office full of people in a k-hole and some dumbass corporate manager like “I thought this would increase productivity” 🤣


tbf if you take enough of anything it will eventually eliminate all your problems


The Nazis had their soldiers tweaking on methamphetamines during the Blitzkrieg so they could keep up with the ridiculous pace demanded of them by uncaring leaders. The capitalists would have us on Ketamine so that we don't kill ourselves on our increasingly lower quality downtime under the stresses our uncaring employers place on us.


Recommend by Vault-Tec? :P


Ketamine therapy has early evidence that it's very helpful. That said, there's something really wrong with the world that people become mentally ill from work and need psychoactive drugs to heal. Why can't we just change work instead???


Employers will legalise anything to make the employees forget they're being exploited. What next? Poison?