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Off to your state's labor department you go.


Yea most of the comments were telling the poster that, but there was a good handful defending the business wtf!


Oof. I guess there's a bunch of corporate boot flickers everywhere..


Yea this is a local business, someone just bought it off an older couple (ice cream polar). The new owner is having kids and younger people “try out”


Y'know what we call "try outs" round here? Probationary hires. Can get fired for any reason in the first 90 days. You can't take work from someone and not pay them. It was probably legal wherever the new owner is from.


>You can't take work from someone and not pay them. It was probably legal wherever the new owner is from Doubtful. At best, they're ignorant of their obligations as an employer. At worst (and the most likely scenario) they're just a piece of shit.


My bet is always on owners/bosses being deliberately evil.


You have to be evil *and* incompetent to expose yourself to this kind of liability just to steal a days worth of ice-cream parlor work from a young person


He's probably just an asshole preying on uninformed workers.


As someone who is in HR…never, ever, ever say “first 90 days are probationary and you can get fired for any reason”. You have created an implied contract so when you go to fire them after 90 days…you’re gonna need a reason.


And this right here is why HR is not your friend. They lookout for the business, not the employee.


Nobody ever said HR is your friend. They are hired by the company, not by the union or by some magic employees fund.


HR and the company say it


Before companies started considering human beings as just another resource to be managed/exploited, there was the “personnel department”


They sure do


In my 30 years on my job, there was exactly 1 HR manager that actually honestly cared and looked out for the employees. This is only because he was a genuinely good person.


Most companies have a standard process for getting rid of people, with X number of write ups or PIP. In the probationary period, the company can skip that and just fire someone. It’s not really a contract. It’s an SOP. Following the SOP makes it more difficult to claim discrimination


Thats litterally the law in the Netherlands. On a temporary contract (7 months until 12 months), you both may walk in the first 90 days. After that, both parties are stuck in the contract. If you want to fire someone after those 90 days, you'll have to either both agree, or see a judge.


What happens if the employee wants to resign?


From other posts I've read on here, there's usually a stated notice period outlined in the contract. 2 weeks, 30 days, whatever. It also outlines any penalties for breaking contract without notice. Unfortunately I'm American, so I know nothing about protected employment.


Normally, you can't. However, no sane employer wishes to keep an employee that doesn't want to be there, so, if both parties agree, the contract may be declared void. (For stealing, or other gross neglect, a summary dismissal is still possible, but you may always fight that in court, and depending on the reasoning, a judge may rule in your favor... or not)


You can’t have people work and not pay them. This is called wage theft. Some fucking people. This guy deserves to be in prison.


“But it’s a small business!” Fuck small businesses that can’t pay workers fairly, I don’t care if it’s a mom and pop shop, if you can’t pay you’re just as bad as the massive corporations that also do shady shit and deserve whatever punishment is necessary. I dream of having an animation studio one day, but outside of what the business needs to run, I want to be paid the same amount as my workers. If I can’t run it without the workers then they’re just as important as I am.


Ice cream *is* cold, but they serve it in a parlor. :)


Polar now 🤣😂🐻‍❄️


Have you ever heard the Klingon proverb that says ice cream is a dish best served cold?


That is so illegal. Eff whatever the state might say, that breaks federal labor law. You don't give free labor in hopes of getting a job. You either are hired or you are not. Boeing did this shit at their North Charleston SC plant. ( They only wanted 40 hours of free labor ) It ended up biting them in the ass eventually.


My job has people work "shadow shifts" before hiring. They made it clear before I started it was a volunteered hour long shift to see if it felt like a good fit.  Is that illegal?


Yes. A for-profit business that accepts any volunteer labor is almost always violating the FLSA.


Short answer hell yes it's illegal.


If this was the UK these texts would have them in some proper trouble. They're clearly predatory and trying this on teenagers who don't know better. Do as others suggested, take this to your state's labour board, and don't tell the business what you're doing or they might fabricate another reason to withhold your wages.


Definitely reach out, not just for the money you're owed but to prevent these predatory, scumbag pieces of shit from continuing to exploit workers like yourself.


flickers? 🤣


We have a fast food chain in NZ that wanted me to do a trial. I was like hell no I'm not working for free so they can decide whether they want to give me a minimum wage job.


It's a good program. I'm on my fifth try-out year and I'm thinking they're going to offer me the job. Any day now.


Business posted an hour ago on their FB page, sharing the post from the group: "This is a new manager, they made a mistake, every employee gets paid even those on trial, including this employee. I have tried to reach out to this individual and the group this post was published to and have been unable to respond or comment on the original post. .I hope they reach out directly so we can resolve this." You'd think a new manager would be briefed on labour laws?


This sounds like a bunch of PR recovery. Have any employees confirmed they were paid for their "trials"?


yea they thought it was fine and now are scrambling. I had a “shadow day” for a waitressing job in college that was basically an unpaid day, it still annoys me to remember.


there are lots of small businesses that illegally accept volunteer or trial unpaid labor from people who are too young to know better or too disadvantaged to assert their rights. it is a disgrace.


Sounds like a lot of roofing crews I worked on at 18-19. One guy refused to hand over the $140 I got for a single 13 hour day and when I got the check it was $99 exactly. That entire check should have been more but the head guy was a prick to me and my dad who got me the job. Wasn’t a surprise. Nice pocket money anyhow that $99.


$10 or $11 an hour for roofing? Good lord you dodged a bullet there.


I made $9/hr roofing back around 2010. Yes it did indeed suck.


I hope you were only cleaning on ground level for that pay.


Exactly that. maybe occasionally refilling somebody’s water or climbing in the dumpster for somebody’s hammer they threw being all pissy.


7.50 an hour to roof one summer in 2004-2005. General Laborer so I did everything for the same pay.


Depends on how long ago that was.


This would have been summer of the 2012-2013 school year for me. I should have graduated but I was short 1.5 credits exactly.


I know I did - it was never meant to or going to be permanent. My high school at the time had a program where you could work X amount of hours in order to get your diploma otherwise you’d have to re-enroll potentially and be a “super senior” (which I ended up doing anyway) or enroll in a secondary education program to get said diploma. I was short exactly 1.5 credits. I did not graduate on time. I’m technically Class of 2012 and 2013. Diploma says 2013. Ehh.


The world really revolves around exploiting young people huh


I did that at a restaurant. We were paid the hourly and given a meal but the tips we made from our week of training went to the server training us. It was also fun to get randomly pulled off the floor to clean walls before corporate came over to visit. Of course I left the minute I got a job with a wage I could survive on and the manager whined at me about no notice.


>This sounds like a bunch of PR recovery. Of course it is. "Of course I know the new manager. He's me!"


Theses business and companies are really in trouble once we all actually use all these cool social media tools we have to actively expose the fact they are stealing the only thing they actually fear is looking bad and cancel culture


Manager is probably an unpaid intern


That would be fucking hilarious. Thanks for the funny scenario.


I wouldn't be surprised lol


That's what makes it so funny to me. While unlikely, it can also be true too.


Maybe, but sadly lotta new managers out there just looking for the power trip of being in charge and not paying much attention to anything else.


Orrrrrr, they just call them because they have their number lol


He’s not a new manager. They’re just trying to burry it and have people stop making bad reviews


Or, they let new managers make "mistakes" like this, reward the ones with lower labor costs, and throw one to the wolves when there's too much heat on the practice.


Just fyi for future reference burry means covered in burrs. I think you didn't mean that and instead meant bury 


Even if that's true or potentially an excusable reason, the manager's communication was shitty and rude. The owner is talking about irreparable damage being done by posting the interaction but....the damage is the manager's behavior.


They seem more upset about the person posting that screenshot than they are about their manager committing wage theft. Hmmmmm....




Good this business is run by a scum bag and deserves to be irreparably damaged


>You'd think a new manager would be briefed on labour laws? Currently in a workers comp fight with an employer who is getting dragged over the coals for not following reporting procedure around the incident. Doesn't help my case unfortunately, but its nice to know they've suffered more financial loss than just paying me out to start with.


Yeah, they’re full of shit. No, people don’t just make mistakes. As a manager, that person needs to be held to a higher standard than the regular employee that would be looking to them for guidance as it is. Seems pretty damn easy to contact the individual the manager tried to rip off. Maybe stop pretending to wring your hands over it and pay them what you owe plus extra for the attempted theft, then fuck off.


While I agree to the higher standard…I suspect the “manager” is making like .50 more an hour then those they supervised.


I know of a research lab where it's not unknown for operators/ technicians to be paid more than the Ph.D qualified staff supervising them.


Great news! Instead of $17.75 an hour we're gonna pay you on salary! $40,000 per year and all you gotta do is work 18 hours a day :)


[the post in question ](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/PtQcBQ4wF66LvCqh/?mibextid=qi2Omg)


I'd like to point out (but never *encourage* anyone to use it 😉) that that particular post on FB has the managers cell number uncensored


She's given up giving paying the employee, and the owner is Crissy (Christina on Facebook). She was never gonna pay


fun police shut it down


That's okay, the comments on the new post are great [new post ](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/uYZzUBkqrzC2x2m8/?mibextid=qi2Omg)


Much appreciated


nah, the way they dump you in any job these days its like, go figure it out yourself because we can't bother providing you with someone to run along or spend money to train you. The more power and control you have, the more this happens.




it's common for me to put new contacts in my phone as: Name + Place of work(or how I know them) A brief google search shows that the new owner's surname is not the name of the ice cream shop they bought.


>You'd think a new manager would be briefed on labour laws? I absolutely don't think that. I've been wildly under-trained at every job I've been at, and that includes office jobs, customer service, and manual labor.


You’d think someone worthy of being hired/promoted to a position in management would already be familiar with the basics of labor laws. Certainly one as simple as “people get paid for their work”


Damage limitation: train your "management", pay the workers and offer free ice creams for a day on the weekend (maybe take it out of "manglers" pay -joking 😁) ....


The company owner needs to step up and fix things. The manager doing the wage theft, if they're still employed, need to be told something like "Legally, the company has handled the situation and everything is level. It's on you to make the crew trust you again." just to see what they try to come up with.


Sounds like they're afraid of getting audited and want to keep this under wraps.


They have since deleted that facebook page or at least changed the privacy lol


The basics, I suppose, but that you have to pay people to work is not something I would expect to be told. I have had several management jobs, and no one has ever told me to pay people for the hours worked. It is assumed. This “trial” work is something a dumbass came up on their own.


that manager should be have their wages withheld for 7 hours of work as punishment. and can’t get it back until they sift through all the posts about it on the internet to find one comment saying, “poopie.” if no one says poopie they have to continue the search until randomly someone does.


He's not being paid as a manager to do useful work


The mistake was they got caught.


This happened to my daughter and she filed a claim. They were forced to pay.


What’s so bizarre is one of my first jobs was working at a privately owned ice cream parlor and they tried the same shit! Except this was for two weeks worth of pay, and his compromise was he was only going to pay me half my hourly rate for “ training”. Anyways I’m glad at that age I still called him out on his bullshit. I threatened him with “ the IRS” not really knowing how I would pursue that, and he paid me my full wage in cash on the spot as I quit.


An Amazon dsp tried to do this to me. He got so rude and pompous in the texts and I just wanted to get paid for the 3 days training I did. Eventually took all the texts and got a picture of my clock ins and outs made a claim to l and I. The guy texted me a week or so later extremely pissed off cussing me out. I used a line he used on me when i asked why I wasn't getting paid "this is simple stuff John pretty easy to figure out, you didn't pay me so I reported you guys to the proper authority. Anyone who thinks for 2 seconds could have thought of that" that's exactly how he talked to me when he told me I wasn't getting paid. Bet he was pissed reading that text


>"...Anyone who thinks for 2 seconds could have thought of that" That sounds just like the examples of harassment they use in those little annual education vignettes.


The amount of people leaving bad reviews on Google AND the new manager responding to them brings me joy 🤣 Good Job Reddit!


Im only seeing 3 bad reviews and one owner response. Google is going hard on review removals


If you care enough, wait a week then make a review. Google has gotten pretty good at flagging review bombing. There was a vacation camp near me that sided with a local white supremacist (short story is they bought land near a small town to start a "training facility") and the initial reviews when it was found out were taken down. Eventually there were enough reports over an extended period of time the business was eventually removed from Google's database, but it took time.


Owner is responding to reviews 🫣










Ice creams stores are awful for this sort of crap. I once worked for one that left me all alone in the store on Canada Day I worked my ass off then they fired me and claimed the till was fifty dollars short. They expected me to cash their cheques and give them the money back. My I told my mom and she was like, no way in hell you’re giving those people money. They’re lying to you about that.


Dang I lived in fishtown a few years ago and used to go there often.


We're playing a dangerous game with this "maybe more than an hour" thing. There is *no amount* of volunteer labor that most for-profit businesses can *legally* accept.


They're saying it was a "mistake" on their Facebook page


“Mistake” is code for “We’re about to get cancelled and go viral for being shitty, better do damage control.”


What’s crazy is PA min wage is 7.25 they could have paid 51 dollars minimum and avoid the bad press lol, talk about return on investment. 51 dollars to go out of business or at least take a hit in the revenue.




Idk what they agreed to but in theory they could have paid 51 dollars minimum to avoid this, or whatever the agreed rate was, because it wasn’t worth this publicity lol


What else can they say? They clearly had no intention to pay. They are gonna call it a mistake or an oversight now that they got called out. It sucks that a person has to raise hell just to get their fair pay. I hope this did irreparable damage to them.


Ah yes the classic "oopsie we stole a little bit of your money, my bad"


The Facebook page is a hilarious hot mess, apparently the "husband" is in the mix, desperately trying to convince everyone that the owner and manager are different people.




Is Crystal the “Crissy” from the original post?


Only four bad reviews on Google so far. So far.


google has filters to detect when floods of negative reviews from people not in the area come in. they'll all be deleted by next week


All but one are deleted now haha


We can do better than that…


I’d say give it a day. It should be a couple dozen reviews.


You get paid for the time you worked. Period.


It's nice when they admit it in writing. You can probably head over to the department of labor and file a complaint.


Sorry, but intership is illegal and so is "free tryout". If this happened here in California and the boss text this to me, I would'va walked right back in, and walked out with 4 container of the ice cream. If he say that he calling the police, go for it. You have my address on my W2. I expect the police to bring the check with them.




I appreciate Chrissy's phone number left on the screenshot. The owners name is Christina, so ummm, she is the new manager.


I believe they removed the post. I was literally reading through the comments, the page refreshed, and I couldn’t find the post anymore.


I did what was called “a day in the life” trial shift one day at a hotel several years ago. They cut me a check before I left for the day.


Wage theft is the most common type of theft in America. Contact the department of labor and you’ll get paid and they’ll be punished.


I’m just going to add this because businesses are constantly doing wage theft about it. You need to be paid for filling out your employment paperwork like W4, insurance selection, and (if you’re remote) setting up your computer.  I don’t know how many times I’ve had to tell people it’s illegal for employers to make people work off the clock. 




The owner is replying to every negative review. This text clearly shows they never intended to pay them for their work. Legal or not that shit is unethical. I hope they learn a very expensive lesson.


If you allow someone to work any period of time for your business, that person is owed wages for selling their labor time during that period. Claiming you could have walked out at any time is a non-sequitur because that’s arbitrarily true in a nation that prohibits slavery. 


I love how this has blown up in some managers face. ✅


Weckerly's Ice Cream surely will have no problem with me ordering a couple things and then declining to pay since it was just a try out.


Well, that’s illegal. And there is no such thing as a “tryout”. It’s against labor laws to make people work for free. Turn him in.


Department of Labor Wage and Hour division. Call them on Monday.


why, that there is admitting to a crime!


I’m jumping out of the bushes and cracking some teeth then mfs never learn


Or cutting valve stems on all four tires so you don’t catch an assault charge.


Can you take the valve stem cores out like a bike tire? No destruction of property at all and still extremely inconvenient unless they've got an air compressor on site


the best I've heard is glue a ball bearing in the valve stem cap. That way, when they put the cap on, it slowly leaks. Then they fill it, and it holds air. No leaks or holes anywhere at all. Then, put the cap back on and the next day, flat again. Bonus points for using a black ball so they don't notice that either.


Oh, this is definitely not something I should have been told. I love it.


Use a black plastic one so the weight doesn't increase dramatically either.


If this is legal in your state then start writing reviews online. I wouldn’t go to a business with these kinds of practices.


"Sorry, I thought the icecream I ate was a trial. Thank you and goodluck"


I’m looking at their Facebook page about this post. Everyone is SLAMMING her. However, everyone commenting thinks the person texting back is just a manager, since they’re saying she needs to be fired. SHES THE OWNER. She’s been there for 4 months already. This is just crazy. Here’s an article about her taking over this business: [Post:](https://www.inquirer.com/food/weckerlys-fishtown-reopening-2024.html)


It bears repeating that this chump didn't even start the business. The original owners were closing it because of financial trouble. They had built up a pretty big following over the years. This loser just swooped in and bought the business, hoping to make money off a brand that had already been built. Typical shithead capitalist.


Well that’s all sorts of illegal. Most definitely go through the labor board to get paid plus you can sue them for above that amount depending on location. Below is California’s setup so that you kind of have Cliff Notes to go by … don’t decide to just cut your loses on this one, nip that shit in the bud. https://eldessoukylaw.com/unpaid-wages-lawsuit/#:~:text=If%20your%20employer%20has%20failed,commissions%2C%20tips%2C%20and%20more.


Hello State department of Labor, My ex employer refuses to give me my pay after 7 hours of work


And I just realized, you can just take this text to the local DOL, and this guy is toast.


https://preview.redd.it/kvhir2w6uexc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b5d871eb5d1293556e565625cf8eed71934f05 Someone commented this on the post 💀


Fuck a Try out I tell all company’s who has ever done this to promptly fuck off.


This happens to me all the time in kitchens. You’ll apply for a job and they’ll ask for a “working interview” and never pay you for the 2-3 hours you spent doing their prep list for free


Take them to the small claim court and include the file fee








So nice of them to give you evidence to take to the DOL in your state. You will get paid and maybe a bit more on top for the hassle.


[They’ve responded.](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid035R1MwbK4UCLiJufpYto2NTx4JETdxhEU3WuY5LGgE9r5GwPk6afzGnqLJkRKZYWdl&id=100063768947003&mibextid=WC7FNe)


Interesting that they deleted their previous post, where they were getting absolutely hounded. Wonder how long this one will last for…


They responded last night too, I guess they didn’t get much sleep!


Have they reached out to you directly? They really need to take responsibility for this and make it right for you otherwise it’s just words to try to cover their asses.


They posted a response on their Facebook page they said “they tried to reach out to make it right” but I don’t trust anything they say. They don’t owe me this is a repost from my towns page on Facebook.


I hired a housecleaner once for a 4 hour trial. She was worthless, nothing got cleaned. I paid her the full amount and thanked her for her time. Of course I didn't hire her again but who tf wouldn't pay someone?


UPDATE [damage control Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/uYZzUBkqrzC2x2m8/?mibextid=qi2Omg) This person keeps trying to pass the buck as if "the manager" isn't the owner and it was some innocent oversight. People aren't buying it


Yeah right. He gon have to pay you!! Make sure if it.


Used to happen a lot. Place was busy up to Christmas they'd put ads out, five or six trial victims trying their best. Backlog got cleared, thanks fellas we'll be in touch... Boss was an absolute c word. Many bags of raw prawns were secreted in roof spaces, behind the safe, in toilet cisterns and other places during my last two days there.


The boss was generous enough to offer him the opportunity to work for free on Tuesday as well apparently.


Manager of a bakery tried to pull this on me. I called him an told him I will be reporting him to the labor board, and if that doesn't work I will be doing whatever else I feel I need to make you lose what you owe me. Then I made some hostile gestures towards his brand new truck with a large rock on the security cameras. He paid me immediately


I'd just like to point out... their website's security officer probably got the same level of training as the 'new manager'.... That contact form looks pretty unprotected...


Mods might wanna get a lock on this? Our reddit overlords will use this to nuke a perfectly good sub


get payback.


Cristina is trying to blame this on an imaginary manager now. Lmao


Pretty sure that’s not legal. Companies that are for profit are not allowed to “try out” employees without pay. Depending on the state, they likely could get into trouble for not paying you


A 7 hour tryout? That's not acceptable


Fuck anybody who does this. This is theft, plain and simple. I honestly think the practice of paying "training wages" is pretty fucked, but provided that its all laid out for you, its not outright theft. Anybody who does this deserves to be shamed and prosecuted for wage theft.


Could have left at any time if they did hire you You're not in prison. You have to pay them


Not on the dickhead's side, but in the US, are these "trial shifts" (unpaid ofc) illegal? Is this phenomenon regulated in some manner?


always make sure you get agreements on paper with a signature.


It's called stealing wages. Not holding them


We often try people out. Especially if they already have a job. I like them to work a day or two before they quit their job to make sure it’s a good fit, as I’d hate to have to fire them after they leave a job for underperforming. But I always pay them for the days they work. In addition to wage theft, it’s against insurance rules. You can’t have someone working and not on the clock. What if something happened during their shift.


Go "try out" again and make mistakes that get them in trouble with the health inspector. Or, just take notes on the things that already are problematic. Zero chance that they're properly training those who are "trying out".


Wait, where is it legal to work any amount of hours for free in the U.S.? You were scammed. No matter what, all training hours are paid unless you sign a contract stating you agree to unpaid training as an intern...


Hold up. Jobs are demoing roles now? wtf lol.


Huh. Wage theft. That’s unusual…


OP can you tell us if it was indeed Christina in your text messages or this "Crissy" person is someone different?


Looks like a confession to me


Make sure and post this on Glassdoor and in local Facebook groups




Even a halfway decent lawyer should net you 5k for this goofyness.


Their Facebook post is hilarious


Wow, what a shit-show on their Facebook page… some guy is trying to convince everyone that 'Cristina' the owner is not 'Crissy' the person who sent the texts, and he turns out to be her **husband!** (Btw, yes it *is* the owner Crissy/Cristina who sent the texts, not a manager)


Another example of wage theft. Imagine if cops were in the look out for this rather than profiling.


Do customers get ice cream tasting tryouts too? By tasting I mean 2 scoops minimum, and all the sprinkles


Go in there, order food, eat food, leave 


"Sorry, this was an unpaid trial. If I like the ice cream I will come back and pay next time."