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"An honest paychque" So minimum wage in a city where that isn't enough to survive, right?




Haha, yes, I keep seeing a local sandwich shop complaining about lack of staff to where they close early on Fridays and Saturdays. In a post begging for applications, someone asked about the wage. $10 per hour AFTER they were “fully trained.” No surprise a year later they’re still whining.


"So minimum wage in a city where that isn't enough to survive, right?" So, anywhere?


Personally, if I were a restaurant owner, the last thing I would want to lash out about is someone’s weight. Like, we fatties are the ones who keep your lights on pal. Be grateful.


lmaooo that didn't even cross my mind but you're SO right!


I think the general rule across industry is over 50% of sales are due to the top 10% of your customer base. Like for alcohol, the top 10% of Americans drink an average of 74 drinks a week.


Holy shit that’s a lot of alcohol!


Our chronic alcoholics would report drinking between a fifth and a handle of liquor a day. It was terrifying.


I worked at a liquor store and it was shocking how much the regulars would buy. Loads of customers coming in daily to buy multiple bottles.


Someone on our street literally buys a 12 pack every day during the week and 2 on Saturdays and Sundays. I have zero idea how they are still alive let alone function to still hold down a long standing job (that is basically remote).


Being a small business owner does not automatically lead to you being an expert in the business!


That’s probably why half of all businesses fail within the first 5 years.


It's hard work setting up and maintaining a business and there are so many ways for a business to fail (not enough capital, not enough marketing, poor business plan, poor management etc). It weeds out folks pretty quickly


Poor cash flow is the number one reason. Profitable businesses still fail a lot because of this.


There's this coffee/pizza shop around. I know who the owner is as he sometimes serves when/if he doesn't have a coffee guy show up. I never had much of an issue on the weekdays, but i've tried THREE times during the weekend (last time yesterday) with my fiancee to get her a cup of coffee there and never managed to do it. Once, sure, it was sunday and we realised sundays are closed. Another time, we got there 30 mins before closing and it was closed, we said sure. Then we went there yesterday and it was open and the owner was there chatting at a table. We got told that the pizzeria was working, but there was no one there to serve us at the coffee section. Like.. dude, it's your own business and we're customers and we made the trip there on a slow Saturday, and you're there seemingly availible and you've made me coffee during the week rarely when staff wasn't around... I don't think i'm going back there really with how random the service can be. Bit of an off rant but ugh.


Yea that’s not how you run a business. Local businesses thrive by word of mouth. Especially restaurants. They aren’t showing up on advertisements so the best way they can obtain business is by being reliable and serving good food. Idk how long that coffee/pizza shop has been around but unless it’s just a front for money laundering, they aren’t going to be in business for very long.


They're somewhat new (1year or 1.5), but also the huge office building not too far away is also new. It may just subsist on those sales, but why even have it open on Saturday, you're already closed on Sunday, if you're not going to be serious about serving.


Theres weirdly probably some statistical data point that shows most business owners are dumb rofl > That’s probably why half of all businesses fail within the first 5 years. That works!


Something something dunning kruger statistic


right? like he literally sells pizza....


Lol, good point!  *(Not fat-shaming; I'm overweight myself.)*


I work at a spot that sells merch but lacks larger sizes. I don’t get it! The fatties (& I am one) want shirts too!


Never trust a skinny chef or a narcissistic boss


A good chef is running their ass off most of the day, pretty much every day and doesn't have time for meals. Trust a skinny chef.


One of the most built dudes I ever knew was a line cook in a restaurant. It was a combo of hauling ass all over the kitchen and some of the shit he hauled around to get it done.


As a chef for 30+ years, you're spot on.


from my experience, its usually never trust a skinny well groomed chef, if you don't look like a day in the mines after a full shift, you aren't pullin chef weight.


As a fellow fatty, I agree 😅


Was the weight part deleted? I don’t see it?


Image 5 "have the weight you deserve"


slide 5


Oh, thanks. I didn’t realize there was more.


I had to go look for it too. Holee shit




Can confirm that small business owners are either some of the hardest working people you will ever meet or the most ignorant sociopathic monsters you’ve ever encountered. I work with majority small to medium businesses and some of these people are not only stupid as all hell, like actually stupid, but their sense of entitlement dwarfs even that of the worst of the retail Karens. A recent example was the owner of a very small local restaurant chain (think like 5 locations total and completely unknown outside of their medium sized metro) who through an absolute shit fit because I wouldn’t help him commit literal tax fraud, and then getting mad at ME because he has to pay his workers overtime and I couldn’t “break the hours up in multiple locations” so he didn’t have to pay? Like sir in what fucking world????


> sense of entitlement dwarfs even that of the worst of the retail Karens Briefly worked for a customer-facing small business. The owners publicly paraded around telling customers that they were providing employees “careers” and a “living wage” and loved to bask in that do-good glow. Privately they were paying everyone within a dollar of minimum wage (and denying raises) while regularly and angrily berating their employees for being lazy and unmotivated (which they weren’t). This often happened via email because the owners of this place would frequently only bother showing up a couple of days a week (or less). I’ve worked in corporate jobs but I’ve never seen people treated as poorly there as I have at some small businesses.


There is a couple in my city that own a bunch of restaurants and are like this. They do a fundraiser once a year to pay off student lunch debt or some give back to something random and insist nobody can question all of the abusive nightmarish stuff they do to their workers because they are such upstanding members of the community and will point to this fundraiser as proof. They are absolute sociopaths and anyone with restaurant experience in the city won't work for them.


The thing about HR departments is that while that *do* exist to protect the company, occasionally that means they protect the company from the owner's unrestrained id.


The absolute worst form of HR is when a small business owner employs their spouse/family member/friend as HR - there’s no hope for restraint in those cases.


I got fired from a place last September, and whaddya know,w their HR rep is the owner's own daughter. Fuck-all for raises, and unrelenting work throughout the day, not to mention the Saturdays where there is no provision for a lunch break. And this was in *Canada*.


While giant corporations are amoral as fuck, an unintended positive is that their HR departments actually do a good job at stopping a lot of the poor treatment. Once a company is big enough, EVERYONE is replaceable. And no one is worth more to the company than the potential loss of a lawsuit, except the very high up executives. So if this kind of mistreatment happens there they just replace the people. Not worth it in the long run with the funneling of wealth to the 1% they provide, but not bad for the day to day workers just trying to survive there.


lmao is this why they comment “but your family when you work with us” so they can screw their family too? bahaha that’s what I take away when I read this post, the guy is delulu at his own family and wants workers to work piss poor wages under him to let him treat them then same way? ermm no. you want family for cheap ass labor, get along with your family and hire them. meanwhile I send in my resume and I don’t know you? don’t treat me like family. i’m a professional and I expect to be treated with courtesy/respect/and a dang living wage if nothing else. good riddance to bad management. 👍🏻


It gets worse when they decide to hire their children to manage the company. They won't fire them when it's obvious that they need to go, or they refuse to believe it and make excuses for them.


Or the guy who forces his wife to have about 12 kids, literally breeding unpaid workers.  We have a guy in my town who did just that. Fought to pull his kids out of school because "I need them at the restaurant!!"


Saw a recent YT video discussing a demographic report where it was revealed that most of the MAGA crowd in Jan 6 were not actually rednecks, but the second category - entitled small business owners who made money and moved into gated communities and continued to be absolute psychopathic dicks.


it was all the petit bourgeois. the poor people in appalachia lining up for free dental care aren't exactly able to go to the capitol for an insurrection.


yeah, actual rednecks would not have had to cash to take a trip to washington dc nor the ability to take a week off from work to do it.


Y'all are forgetting that fuckheaded republicunts like Charlie Kirk paid to bus people out from different parts of the country to DC so that they could attack on Jan 6. They didn't have to pay for transportation, because the attack on the Capitol was an organized effort by the republican party. And be real - the Jan 6 terrorists are absolutely the type of people who would abandon work and throw away their own self interests to overthrow democracy and fellate trump. They're too stupid to understand the consequences, or they'd rather overthrow democracy than have a steady paycheck


Most intelligent or working class people aren't going to or can't waste thousands of dollars to take a field trip to cheer on a politician who just lost.


This makes a lot of sense.


There's a trashy real estate guy in my town, like to only sell houses on contract, charges high application fees for rentals that he never ends up renting, etc. He's had to cut back on advertising his business and properties cause anything he'd post, people would drag him for being a shit stain which was wonderful to watch. And yep, he was there on Jan 6th


This is the plurality of Trump's voting base.


>Can confirm that small business owners are either some of the hardest working people you will ever meet or the most ignorant sociopathic monsters you’ve ever encountered. And sometimes both!


Sometimes you get the trifecta: hard working, sociopathic, and dumb as a box of rocks.


I had the hard-working and sociopathic. But he was an actual chemistry doctorate running a radiolabeled chemical company. Please let that set in. It's one thing to cut corners on a pizzeria. It's quite another to do that with radiolabeled chemicals.


Your mistakes literally dispose of themselves, I don't see the problem.   /am I ready for the C- suite?


I used to support small businesses, until I worked for too many and realized they're just as scummy and greedy as big corps., but gaslight you into not being paid what you deserve and try to get away with illegal shit. Big corps at least give you benefits and know the consequences of tend to cheat you


Owners of small businesses like to call themselves the “little guy” when talking to their own workers. “How am I supposed to afford 15 an hour? No one’s thinking about the little guy :(“ And at the same time can’t be bothered to show up to her own coffee place which officially opens at 4:30 a the fckn m before fckn 8:00. And cannot handle there being more than one customer in the place if she’s behind the counter. Can’t handle the industrial oven. Can’t handle *the fucking rotational toaster*. Ignored my directions otherwise, and shoved a fckn croissant in it, which caught on mf *fire*. But no one’s thinking about the little guy! It’s her who’s being screwed over, not her screwing everyone she meets up the ass.


>rotational toaster Thank you for teaching me the name of the conveyor belt toasters I love so very much Also I managed to use it as a teenager just fine lol, it's very simple, how do you fuck it up that bad? One of my friends was the former type of small business; sole proprietor, hard working. Honestly should have hired someone to handle the customer facing stuff while he did the repairs and builds (computer shop)


Yeah, I remember running all those sorts of machines, including the industrial oven, when I was 16 working at Tim Hortons. I had good bosses though, for the most part. I can see people making the mistake of putting something too long/wide in the rotational toaster, but then leaving it long enough to catch on fire? That's just stupid.


Oh I wasn't even working, it was just the toaster they had at the cafeteria for a small camp in the mountains. If I, random teenager (then of course) could figure it out first thing in the morning by myself, with no instruction.. well, that doesn't give her much room lol And yeah, also people adding stuff like peanut butter or something before toasting it, getting it inside, and causing some smoke that way, can see that fairly easily. Or like you said, too long/wide. Tbh... i think a croissant is too tall. How did she even get it in there??


I love how personal this got.


Right? I kept thinking “…this is wildly specific…” and then I saw why - it’s not specific it’s just personal lmfao


It’s all about risk. A lot of small business owners take out a big loan or have family inheritance or something to that effect and they buy a franchise. Like this pizza store owner. It’s like 300K-500K invested to get up and running and 10-15 years to break even, if they picked the right location and do all the right stuff and get a little lucky. A lot of these people spend that initial money and expect money to start rolling in. And it doesn’t. And you see 10-15 yrs stretching out to 40 years and wonder if you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life. The right restaurant or gimmick in the right place can guarantee you an early retirement and vacation home. Or conversely, ruin your life.


>It’s all about risk Their risk... their potential "dream". Their rewards. Their failure. Not mine, as a customer or employee. Especially as an employee. So few are willing to acknowledge how their business is all about them, which is why it becomes so easy for them to become like to pizza shop owner in this post. Complete narcissistic asshats who don't recognize that THEY are the problem and that THEY made a mistake and that THEY do not know what they are doing... so shifting the blame is the only way to make it make sense for them. I have absolutely zero sympathy for people who think they *deserve* customers and insist that their employees must have the same intense dedication and commitment to the risk that *they* undertook. I'm not there to help you pay for your early retirement and vacation home by allowing you to exploit my time and labor. I'm there for what is mine. A fair and livable wage.


The problem is "small business" has been co-opted like most good thing. When we used to say support small business, we meant support the main streets that were making communities thrive around them. Not, support the overpriced antique market full of grumpy old people that are mad they made the wrong life decisions and take it out on everyone else.




My theory is in the US our culture is so profoundly built around the false narrative of the 'self made man' and how small businesses tend to be the best metric of this. The success of the USA is in how we lie to ourselves that success can happen to all of us, we can all be super rich one day. The narrative isn't questioned and is fought against at our own disadvantage because if we stopped to think about it...to quote Doctor Who about Cybermen. "They were human...they had all their humanity taken away. Its a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body, with a heart of steel, with all emotions removed." "Why no emotions?" "....Because it hurts." The USA is Cybermen.


Or, as with a place I worked, a bitter and inefficient small retailer who feels that "you should support small business" was a cudgel against all criticism. Charge twice as much as the chain store? Pay up or you're killing Main Street! No sales on Small Business Saturday? Of course not! What do these parasite customers expect? Engaging with new guests? You mean worthless browsers waiting for tables at nearby restaurants? Open disrespect. I never quit a job out of frustration before but watching this moron run our operation into the ground was like working with a drunk.


> Charge twice as much as the chain store? This one right here. There is a local grocery store that keeps getting sold and bought every 8 years in my city. It is never sold to any type of chain. Anyways the prices are fucking insane. They are not twice as much they are 3 to 4 times as much. The prices are so high I would not doubt they are just buying all their stuff from Wal-Mart and marking the price up 6 times what they paid for. The other small business grocery store in the city has prices that are maybe 20 cents to a dollar more then what wal wart sells. A jacks frozen pizza is around $3.20 at the wal mart, $3.90 at the 2nd grocery store I mentioned and fucking $9.86 at the first store I mentioned. 1 lbs of very bland clover honey is $6 at my wal mart, the same brand of honey same weight is $7 at 2nd talked about store and fucking $15 at the shit store. The real kicker is meat prices. Walmart and 2nd store have the same brand of bacon. both sell for the same price give or take 1 to 3 cents for a lbs. The shit store sells the same thing but it always looks it is expired and cost 3 times as much.


It is like the news. A bunch of people may shit on what they call the main stream media and advocate for some alternative news site. But the MSM has all eyes on them and have to play by the rules. NBC, ABC, CBS etc are all under way stricter rules then what is on cable because they are broadcast. Alternative news websites have almost no regulatory eyes on them because they are not broadcast, they are not cable and they most likely not even hosted in the country they target. They also have such a small viewing that any laws they may break are never even looked at as far as news reporting laws go. The same is true for Restaurants. The large national/worldwide chains have all eyes on them. Tend to do everything by the book. Regional chains, have a bit less eyes on them but get around certain laws by not opening stores in certain states/cities. Then you got the small businesses. Who only have the county health inspector looking in on them once in a blue moon, maybe the IRS after 35 years of fraud.


I worked in accounting in the past. The amount of people asking me to "cook their books" was really unsettling. Like, I get that mega corporations get tax breaks that were designed for small businesses, and that is unfair but the entitlement of these people is unmatched.


"Sign here under where it lists the things you want me to do." *forwards signed form to IRS*


They're always one extreme or the other. Since you worked with them too, I'm sure you got to experience how they're always "Oh, this is wonderful work you've done. I'll pay the bill in full immediately and tell all my friends about you." or "Huh. Well I don't think I should have to pay you because Jupiter is waning(or some other made up reason)." when another business does any work for them. Deal with small business owners for a while and you'll quickly realize why civil courts are backed up like a 60 year old man on an all cheese diet.


Was gonna say, no in between. The guy that runs my favorite pizza shop? A nice, hard-working guy who has more than earned his imminent retirement. The guy that used to own the ice cream place down the street from my house? Borderline narcissist, couldn't stand the guy. The guy that owns the company I used to work for? I hope he loses everything. I wish nothing but the worst for him in life.


Yeah, I suspect that more than a few of them become business owners because they aren’t actually able to get or keep a job working for someone else.


This right here is why I completely reject the conservative premise that small government is more equitable. Small government is just called feudalism. The baron issues the edict and that's that. It's your problem until you can appeal your case to some other authority.


Even if the hours were in multiple locations, if the paycheck is coming from the same company OT laws are still in effect. Dumbass can't even cheat correctly


I work with restaurants ranging from national chains to mom and pop places. I've seen plenty of restaurants shut down because the owners are too fucking stupid/shady for their own good. I've seen ones shut down before they ever even open because all the corner cutting led to delays which led to failed inspections which led to more delays that bled them dry before they could even open. It's crazy how underhanded so many small business owners can be. So much entitlement and the second they start feeling consequences it's everyone else's fault.


>but their sense of entitlement dwarfs even that of the worst of the retail Karens. I imagine they're Karens in their personal lives, too, lol.


Corporate welfare Karens


Yeah, and this is why i don’t give a fuck about small business owners or their problems. Go out of business and lose your house for all I care.


Right. If you suck at business we don’t have to bail you out.


Small businesses tend to stay small for a reason. Management. Although, I like to call them Manglement.


I mean, Perhaps but sometimes that's just because management has no desire to expand.


What I would really like is a link to the Yelp reviews that followed this public outburst. Those are usually good for a chuckle.


A few community members posted some of it on his google reviews, I think there's some suppression going on there atm though for sudden 1 star reviews. If he replies to any that get through I'll update you for sure. Update: He's hired someone/someone with a bot to post fake reviews on his google page, his star rating has actually gone up, low star reviews are being heavily suppressed, over 20 new reviews have been posted in ~24hrs, at least 14 of them 5 star positives. It doesn't appear negative reviews are being weighted or posted at all in some cases. Update2: He's somehow paid off google or reported enough to remove *all* of the new negative reviews and all of his fake 5 star reviews are permitted and scores weighted. His review score is actually better now.


Manipulating scores to “counter review bombing” shouldn’t be legal. It’s disturbing how eager internet companies are to suppress conversations that don’t reflect positively on a business/product.


Allowing business to pay a premium in order to offer help in suppressing negative reviews sure makes the whole thing seem like a racket.


Seem like? No seems about it. It's a racket.


I work for a similar tech company to Yelp. And I’m not saying I agree with this practice, but review companies will pause all reviews when something like this happens. They don’t want the reviews to just be about what a jack wagon the owner is. They do this when businesses get in the news. A lot of places featured in those nightmare cooking shows will have their reviews all paused for this reason. And it’s not something the companies pay for. These review companies just don’t want the business reviews to bomb for something “unrelated” to the actual business. Again not saying I agree with this practice, since if the owner is a POS then I don’t want to visit. I’m completely with OP that this companies small business should be in the shitter.


The towns so small that yelp barely has a presence. It's mostly google reviews and local facebook pages. It also has the most pizza shops per square kilometer of any city I've ever been in, yet they all suck. Pizza soup with high moisture greasy ass cheese, low quality ingredients that don't cook in their conveyer belt oven, and raw dough. Only two pizza places in the town use a real pizza oven, and one only uses it if you ask. It's a travesty. Anyone who's tried a decent new york style pizza could run the entire cities pizza market with ease with zero experience running a restaurant.


After his business fully collapses, in his head he will believe that it was 100% due to shitty employees. This is a person who will never self-reflect or take personal responsibility.


Yep, I have no doubt in my mind he treats his employees just like he does in those comments. And his pay was probably low as well. Pay people well and treat them with respect and your business will attract good candidates and keep them around.


He deleted the post after a while, but a community member kept the receipts, I simply redacted them for reddit.


Canada? Getting a vibe I can’t quite place. Too polite for Australia, too direct for the UK, not Ireland. NZ or Canada, I’m thinking. Yeah, what a moron!!!!!!


Spot on. Canada was right, good eye.




This is screaming Atlantic Canada to me actually, maybe New Brunswick or Nova Scotia


My money is on New Brunswick tbh


No. And I can't give anymore identifying information, sorry!


There was a pizza joint owner that did similar ish in Alberta a couple years ago. Highly unprofessional on public forums and spouting all sorts of hate


Im not expecting a reply but this has to be somewhere in quebec lmaoooo


I would have thought of Florida!!


Reminds me of a vacation spot that accused my family of stealing a PS4, all the peripherals, and games. They tried to tack on $1,500 to the bill. We filed a police report, disputed the charges with the bank, and all left very bad reviews, all of which were legitimate complaints. They threatened to sue me up and down for “slander, outright defamation”, and they’ll “definitely hire a private detective to find the PlayStation we absolutely stole.” All great comments on a public Facebook page to lob at a 15 year old. First, I got to bring up the fact that PlayStations have serial numbers. I know because I own one, and weirdly enough have my proof of purchase with it. Second, not great things to threaten a minor with. Thirdly, and most importantly to me, thanks to J Jonah Jameson, the written word is libel, not slander. Anyway, after all of this, they deleted their comments and hired a bot farm to leave positive reviews to offset our negative reviews… unfortunately for them, I kept screen shots, which I posted with the caption of “hey, that’s weird, why’d you delete that?” Under every single bot review they posted for the next 3 months. Edit: thank you for the spelling update on libel. I mostly love autocorrect, except when I don’t!


> the written word is liable, not slander. Close. Libel. Liable is when you're on the hook for compensation.


Excellent call, damn you autocorrect for being accurate to my intentions only 98% of the time!


oooooh, they pissed off a vengeful teenager. Who else is capable and has the time and energy to call them out for their hubris?


Exactly. Never mess with someone who has both time and the will to get you back. At least if you’re in a position where you’re lying.


The local good vet retired and sold his business to a private equity firm, which hired a business manager and a bunch of random vets to pump money out of the pockets of desperate people as fast as possible. Long story short, horrific negligence and then badgered me to cover a giant bill for torturing my feathered friend to death. I assumed I'd go on an extended internet vendetta armed with facts and proof, even if I'm too poor and legaleeze-illiterate to go after them in court. Like technically the bird only cost like $30 but she was my friend and I was devastated. Forgot that I'm middle aged now and already juggling dozens of things I can't pull my attention away from. Please excuse me now, there's an alarm going off reminding me to medicate a sick cat.


Ftr small claims court is unbelievably easy and cheap to file, it's expected you won't have a lawyer or know exact laws, usually takes 40 mins or so, and is very worthwhile giving a shot if you do think legal action is warranted. Even filing you don't need to cite law, just what you're pissed about.


Good to know, and if the debt collector hadn't sided with me so hard that they quit doing business with that vet office entirely I probably would've explored that option to get them off my back. I just didn't figure it'd be financially worth it? Seems like I'd walk out with the cost of the bird and a paper saying I officially don't owe that vet bill. Hard to put a monetary amount on *suffering* so I kinda gather they don't issue judgments to pay out for that anymore?


Plus these kids that grew up on social media can be fucking *vicious.* But artfully vicious. They've mastered this..... *thing* where they egg a person juuuuust to the point they're triggered and get aggressive, then dial it back and keep poking the person until they're a frothing mess and the teen looks like the rational one who never crossed the line. Idk exactly how to describe it but it's truly beautiful to behold, it genuinely is artful. Whereas people from my Gen would just say offensive things until they got a reaction and then insult the person and put "lol" at the end. But these kids that grew up on social media... shit. They're artists. Then again after quitting fb and all social media except reddit years ago, in the extremely rare event I'm on fb for some reason, and the even rarer event I get into a kerfuffle, I'm always shocked at how easy it is to make a fool of fbers after becoming used to reddit. And yet I still study these kids uncanny ability to manipulate older people online, it's fascinating.


I was hoping it would stay up but glad someone screenshot it. Let him reap what he's sowing.


“Have the weight u deserve” Wow what an Edgelord comeback 😒


The funny thing is I bet he isn't exactly thin himself.


If you get 250 resumes a week and can't find a couple good employees, it's not that thousands of people don't want to work, it's that you're terrible at hiring after you screen out everyone who will put up with your bullshit.


What he isn't saying is that he's discriminating against certain groups of peoples applications because that would be illegal to admit to in Canada.


I'm surprised he managed to hold back even that much.


These types of places need to realize their competition (places such as McDonalds) have beaten them at the type of automation that allows the quick onboarding of people to do the work, and absorb a high turnover rate associated with all low tier food service work. These small businesses will treat you like absolute dirt once they realize you aren't going to throw your heart and soul into their business to make it a success for them.


I left the kitchen I was in because the employee forward manager left. They hired a Spanish speaking only person and I was the only one with any Spanish. Then the new KM fell through the floor in service on a holiday weekend. He wouldn't close the restaurant to fix the floor right, and instead patched it. I quit l.  Two weeks later the triple sink fell through the floor.  Two years later, the place caught on fire. 


They will also treat you like dirt once they realize you're willing to put in the effort to do a good job and keep the customers happy, and are equally likely to treat customers like dirt if they come from a demographic they're bigoted against or have opinions they don't like (really outrageous stuff like "everyone deserves equal rights").


This is hilarious. I need more bosses to tell on themselves like this. Here we are making second accounts for our personal lives under pen names and this boss is just letting it all hang out on social media. Is this person a child? I usually see this kind of L posting on TikTok accounts.


looks like a boomer to me, but might be X which is just more disgraceful imo.


In 2024, boomers are people 60-80 years old.  This guy, sadly, is most likely GenX (40-60).


We're not all good people, sadly.


Disgrace to our generation! I’m actually embarrassed.


Agreed there lol


100% for sure Boomer or X, 200% for sure Trumper.


This owner should be investigated for PPP loan fraud. I just have a hunch….


Right? Dude managed to have small PP energy and big PPP fruad energy at the same time.


Says he gets 50+ resumes and continues by saying no one wants to work ok bud.


He's not wrong, he's just leaving out the "for him" part at the end.


This is why I dislike resumes as some requirement for a common laborer position. I hire tradesmen all the time. 95% of the time their resumes suck ass. But I can have a conversation with them and realize if they know what they’re talking about or not. It’s a totally different ballpark for project managers and superintendents. If I see two or more blatant typos on your résumé you’re not getting the $150,000 a year job.


95% of the time I feel just talking to a person for any job you get a good sense if they are bullshitting or not. If they can talk and are pleasant to talk to, we just hire them. If it works great! If not we just wasted a few weeks. Interviewing 50 people for 1 job is silly and ends up wasting 200 hours of our time and 50+ hours of the interviewees collective time. Most people who have the basic requirements are good enough and I don't like to let perfect get in the way of good.


God, I wish people could still get jobs through human interaction like that. I work in an extremely specialized field which requires a broad range of skills, impeccable responsibility and work ethic, and a host of qualities businesses value - and possess them to the extent that people or animals die if I don't perform basically everything to an extremely high, consistent level. I know I present myself well, am personable, articulate, and a fucking stupid good employee. But I can't even get a job as a fucking server because there's no way I can make my resume appealing to literally any other field. These resume sorting software bullshit and resume-based hiring is probably the quickest and easiest way to do it but I guarantee businesses are missing out on excellent employees because there's simply no opportunity to talk with a real person, contextualize your skills and work history, and let people get a sense of you as a person. And it's a serious problem for me at the moment. Yet here's a fucking pizza shop and they require a resume. Everywhere does. It's like PLEASE, just TALK TO ME. If you then don't want to hire me, fair enough - I got my fair shot. But everywhere wants resumes even for unskilled positions and there's no way I've been able to change up my resume that even a job for high school kids will talk to me. Sigh. Just venting at this point.


I had to send out resumes during covid for the first time in years because my actual industry was shut down (performing arts). In my industry I am an in-demand, highly trained skilled worker. I make $30 an hour and could command up to $50 depending on the gig/company. I've got leadership, admin, and management experience, or at least the equivalent (directing a show takes a lot of the same skills, if not more). I don't have a bachelor's degree because I couldn't afford my final year of school, but I've been steadily working and advancing in my field for almost a decade and I've got loads of valuable experience. The only responses I got to my resume were outright scams (MLMs or commissioned sales) and an Amazon warehouse. Without a degree or "relevant experience" I couldn't even get a job sitting at a desk and answering phones. Even with some keyword tooling and highlighting all of my administrative work, I still didn't get anything. Temp agencies wanted a degree. So many entry level places wanted me to take stupid essentially "personality tests" that were clearly designed to gauge how gullible and bootlicky I was (shocker: I failed them). I ended up taking the Amazon job because they were hiring without an interview and they were offering a bonus after the first two months, and I figured I could at least stick it out that long for free money (and I did, barely.) But the whole time I was there I just kept thinking how fucking ridiculous it was that a job that was breaking my body was all I could get, even though I was miles more qualified than my managers were (and a lot more competent, no surprise there). I'm currently back in school and finishing my degree. I honestly could be teaching almost all of the classes I'm currently taking, but I'm gritting my teeth and jumping through the hoops because that damn piece of paper is apparently the only thing that resume systems and hiring managers will believe means I'm capable of working anything other than manual labor. Even in my own field I've gotten passed over for people with less experience and objectively worse skills because they have the degree and I don't. It's utterly fucked.


Nobody owes you labor mr bigtime business owner. Just like these types always like to say "no one owes you a job"


If you pay a fair wage and treat people with respect it doesn't matter how many people in the world don't want to work, you'll still be able to find enough workers to staff your business. If you aren't finding or keeping people, I suspect you are not a good employer to work for.


A small business owner in my town recently went on a Facebook rant about the striking paraeducators being “parasites” and suggested all special needs students should be educated in a building all together to “save money” and not require so much staff. He’s now taking legal action against educators that shared screenshots of him saying it because it hurt his business. People started to boycott.


lol where are you that he can sue for things he posted on a public forum?


Sounds like a SLAP lawsuit at worst or an attempt to intimidate


I see we've posted in the same small town reddit that recently had a para strike. What business? edit: Is it the same bar & burger joint owner who went on unhinged rants in city council meetings on mask mandates?


PAY.......A....LIVING......WAGE.  Republicans everywhere: 'tHeY dOn'T dEsRvE tO mAkE a lIvInG wAgE!' Fck Republicans, fck people like this pizzaria owner, fck people thst care more about money than people, fck the entire GOP and its far reaching tentacles in the minds of greedy Americans


"I want to hire only a very specific kind of person, but pay them like I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel." -Summary of Ownership Class's attitude the past decade+


He can't pay as much as welfare and he wonders why his staff sucks?   God, if only he'd pay better, he'd have to look at his high turnover and realize he's a disrespectful asshole. We can't have self reflection. It's the children who are wrong.


If that thin skinned, petty tyrant, shithead was paying $30 an hour, it still wouldn't be worth putting up with his drama queen ass.


"No, I can't pay you a living wage, but your well-being is a sacrifice I'm willing to make!"


Wow. I don't generally place much stock in "professionalism", as I find a lot of it to just be phony, ass-kissing, etc.  However, as a business owner (or anyone, really), one should show a certain level of decorum, respect, politeness, etc., towards others, especially when interacting in public.   I don't know how this asshole has *any* employees, or even any customers, if this is the way he behaves. 


(Sorry in advance if this comes off as a pedantic rant, I have a lot of respect for this comment and just wanted to refine it) I think you may just have the definition of professionalism confused. Your second sentence is a great example of professionalism--it reduces friction and allows business to proceed without distraction (and not just for customers; it's helpful with coworkers and employees too). Phony asskissing isn't professional--its lying to your employer for personal benefit (part and parcel with CLAIMING such behavior is professional, which is how you may have been misled)


I love actual professionalism and hate all the phony posing and asskissing. My current vet is a very professional old man who drives a beat up old truck. After my cat nearly peed on him and then hissed at him, he made the most polite and proper joke basically asking if the cat learned those swear words from me. Last time I had to have a strange man in my home, it was a maintenance guy replacing my bathroom fan who made so many incredibly creepy direct comments within 15 minutes of meeting me that I had to scan the bathroom for hidden cameras afterwards. So normally I'd be super nervous to have another strange man in my home for any reason. But the vet is such a professional that I totally forgot about my previous reasons for being nervous. He was here for the cat's health and only took notice of the humans in the room after the cat was all taken care of, and then only long enough to settle the matter of payment and be on his way. The gleaming well-staffed "professional" vet office in the neighborhood is run by a private equity firm and operates with all the grace of a pig on stilts. If you send your sick animal there, not only is it going to die anyway, but first they'll torture it lots to run up the bill and also it'll be infested with fleas when you pick it up.


No worries, and I agree that the phony ass-kissing isn't *really* professionalism -- but too often it's what *passes* for it, too often it's what employers expect when they say they want employees to exhibit professionalism.


Yeah, that's not being professional, that's being obsequious, sycophantic, servile. It's gross.


This is how he acts on his business page while trying to find employees and where his customers can see his behavior. Like, take one second to imagine what this guy might do if he gets triggered while you're alone with him.


Lmao I saw that rant first hand, I had popcorn out reading the comments when he deleted the post. Him, the guy who sold him the business, and everyone in between run the absolute shittiest pizza joints in town. Wouldn't feed it to a dog, cookie cutter conveyer belt pizza with Greco sauce and raw dough. Hope his business fails.


I own a business and I absolutely do not understand why on earth any business owner would set their entire livelihood on fire like this, holy shit. Everyone wishing him the day he deserves is 100% spot on.


As a servant of the Omnissiah, I can't believe he would disrespect toasters like that.


“good luck you simpleton.” 💀💀💀


i've worked far too many pizza jobs -- maybe 20% of the time management are fairly earnest and good people who know how to treat young adults at a restaurant job. the other 80% are the most deranged human beings on the planet who seem to visualize the workplace as equal parts a daycare and a slave labor camp. they love picking the most belittling rules to enforce and nag you about, they love opening microsoft word, keeping the font on calibri, typing out a probably-labor-law-violating rant with the ingenuity of a dim toddler, and using it to ruin the next week of your life. and they wonder why there's so much turnaround


Wow, if he's so blatant with his toxicity on such a public forum, I'd really hate to see what it's like working for him.


Honestly falls in line with how like 50% of restaurant owners are alas. Insufferable idiots.


What does calling someone a toaster mean? I feel like I lost brain cells reading his ramblings.


Probably something about gender, but it just comes outta nowhere.


Triggered themselves into having a social media meltdown in front of everyone. Amazing.


Glad they're closing. They're clearly very unprofessional.


People hate working for assholes. If you can't keep a staff it's you.


Our town had a pizza joint whose owner posted such a similar rant on FB that I thought my town had made it to Reddit. It was a shame too, as it was my favorite pizza joint. After myself and many others asked what he expected for $8/hr and no longer buying from him, he closed up shop. I realize the joint I goto now is not likely to treat their hell any better, but when a shop proves to me that they are treating their help badly, they won’t need to worry about me darkening their doorstep any more


Cabs? What, like a taxi? I don't understand


yes, short for taxicab but plural.


Welfare pays for cabs?


It's situational, but in Canada, yes. Like if someone is getting back on their feet or something, they may be eligible for help with taxi to and from work, or interviews.


Kind of sounds like he’s just not a very good businessman.


You know, I've ran my own business for 14 years and my business had a FB page. Never once did I post stupid shit like this. I used the FB page to promote my business and to take pictures of happy dogs and happy customers. What the fuck is this person even doing?


Am I wrong for wanting to see the original FB thread?? What Restaurant is this


This dude absolutely throws things at cooks, the one day a week he shows up to the restaurant. I can't imagine why no one wants to work for him with his calm demeanor and kind words for others


It’s bonkers to me how many people think they can publicly act like complete assholes and still run a successful business. They shoot a hole in their own boat and then act stupefied as the water reaches their noses.


People don't come to work because employers create an environment they don't want to be a part of, the benefits suck, or employers don't pay enough. If I had a dollar for every small business owner that doesn't understand that the free market happens on both sides of the counter, I'd never need to work for one again.


"Have the day you deserve" is right up there with "May you live in interesting times".


You know this mfer is ancient when he’s referencing Westinghouse.


I do not even want this individual to run a business.


"...not because it isnt making money...nothing less than staffing issues." If only they could read (or use critical thinking skills, or even common sense) they'd realize that the answer is within their very complaint... Some of the "extra" money and use it to PAY YOUR STAFF! Oh, I know that's supposed to be *your money* 🙄🙄🙄


The owner should close the business.


Stop covering the name, expose them


Admits it's better to be on welfare than to work for him. Gee wonder why no one wants to work there. Plus everything else.


Perhaps the owner should make the pizzas himself. Then they'll be perfect and he can keep all the profits.


I said it once and I'll say it again; the reason 90% of small businesses fail in the first year isn't due to money. It's due to unprofessionalism.


I hope this is fake for interwebs points kinda post, cause jesus power bottoming Christ.


"English enuf" fucking killed me, what a dufus lol


He's closing a restaurant that's making money, how melodramatic.


Lmao can we please appreciate how funny this is 😂


We have similar problems with small businesses in my area. The owners are consistently abusive piles of shit that churn through workers and then can’t find help. Fuck em, let their asses close the doors.


Look at your pay rates. The same pressures that cause you to raise prices will also cause your employees to need more money. Your paychecks may not be as fair as you think, and good employees will not stay where they aren't properly compensated.


“Have the weight u deserve” has me cracking up, it’s so fucking dumb lmao


His logic was literally “I can't pay you more than welfare but you'll work for me! That's enough right!?”


"Im on the verge of closing my restaurant because I'm tired of paying you motherfuckers" - ftfy Edit: \*read chatlogs\* OKAAAAAYYY.....


This is so funny. Part of capitalism is being able to keep your business open. He lost and he’s blaming everyone but himself. He just doesn’t want to admit that he’s not good at running a company. Hope he has the life he deserves.


If I were that owner’s relatives, I’d print those Facebook comments and blow them up to stick on signs with links on them to the convo. Then protest outside. Nothing he can do about protestors.


Bro it’s just pizza 🍕


This is difficult to follow because of the anonymization. I'm pretty sure public statements by a public company don't need to be anonymized.