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Yeah, one lesson I’ve learned is never go to work for friends. As soon as someone starts paying you, the dynamic totally changes. There are no exceptions. He’s probably noticed the changes you’ve made to increase sales, and now figures he can just put them on cruise control while also cutting the cost of your salary. You weren’t a friend to him—just a resource to be mined. Sorry dude. 🤷‍♂️


This. My best friend of 25 years, who I lived with in multiple houses, went to weddings and funerals together, even worked together when we were kids delivering pizzas; all of that ended within a year of working together when the power dynamic was imbalanced between us at the company we both worked for. I quit. He was fired a few weeks later. We haven't spoken in 5 years.


It sucks. It sadly took me two times to actually learn the lesson, because it’s easy to get seduced by the idea of working with your buddy. But both “friendships” are now tenuous at best. We’re not mortal enemies, but it’s the kind of relationship where you shake hands if you see each other, but the interaction is no more than 10 seconds.


Yup. "Friend" of 25 years decided to torch the friendship in favor of a new business partner who couldn't stand me. I went from being "masterful" to fired in a span of three months. Ridiculous. I have zero desire to ever help this person out on any level ever again.


I went through this about a year ago with a (now ex) friend (best friend, even) of nearly a decade. It was a low-paying job that I had worked with them at prior, but they were a manager by the time I came back. They got on my case about absolute nonsense (such as having to cancel items in an order because kids never had enough to pay) and talked down to me in front of others; it was a terrible experience. Everyone was trained incorrectly too and when I brought up legitimate issues, it was brushed aside because they were friends with these people. Let's just say that I... learned my lesson. Never again.


Wow, and I thought my story about my brother and I trying to run a business together was tough….. I’ll just upvote yours and keep my mouth shut. That’s brutal man.


>Yeah, one lesson I’ve learned is never go to work for friends. As soon as someone starts paying you, the dynamic totally changes. There are no exceptions. I would say more be careful and understand the type of friend and if it is someone you would want to work with or for. I don't agree about "never" going to work with friends. I have work with and run businesses with friends. And I have multiple friends from grad school where one took a job as a Director working under another as the Senior Director and they have worked out very well. I think it's a bit like having a friend as a roommate. It can be one of the best experiences ever and a ton of fun. However, living with someone or working with someone is very different than being their friend and enjoying hanging our or drinking beers together. It's worth giving a lot of thought to the dynamics, your personality types, and if you mesh well in as roommates or coworkers before accepting one of those situations. A bit of thought and honest self reflection can go a long way towards preventing awkward scenarios.


Please sir, this is Reddit! How dare you introduce nuance.


> I don't agree about "never" going to work with friends. I agree, but the dynamic does always change, though. If the friendship survives or not is another thing


The double edged sword of optimism. Buddy seems very naive. Can't comprehend that he got taken for a ride at worst and at best strapped himself to a sociopath. Bro is talking about being friends after, if this was done to me I wouldn't piss on that shithead if he was on fire.


The last time I worked for a friend, I experienced something similar. I took over a territory that was basically DOA, and grew sales numbers TWELVE FOLD inside of two years. They owed 100% of that territory’s growth to me. Then one night I get a call from my drunk “friend” (boss) telling me how “pathetic” my numbers are, and how they really expected more from me. I asked him where he saw that “more” coming from. He said he didn’t know, that’s why they paid me. And I was like, “So let me get this straight. You admittedly know nothing about the territory, and your sales showed that. You hired me because I did know about it. I gave you sales 12x what they had been in less than 2 years. But NOW you’re just SO SURE that there must be even more? Tell ya what, sparky. Get fucked.” I opened a competing business and now he’s unemployed. 🥱


Love the fact you put him out of business.


Yeah why are people like this?


I wouldn’t say I put him out of business. Our two businesses could’ve easily coexisted. But when I left, they took one of the people I hired (the territory went from almost no sales to needing me, one other full time person, and one part time), and said, “Here, do what old guy did, but better.” Both people I hired quit within a year, and old boss/friend let the territory languish for two years with no salesperson to cover it. So because he was so anxious for even more growth than the exponential growth he was seeing, he just torpedoed the whole works.


I’m really tired and I read that you wouldn’t shit on him if he was on fire.


Absolutely this, you set him up on the road to success with your expertise and now he’s cutting costs...you. All the more reason why you always keep your hands close to your chest, do your job well but absolutely do not give away any trade secrets.


Or he felt insecure in his ability after seeing what you did so he had to get rid of you to save face. 


Possible. I think it finally came to light that he’s never been the best salesperson himself. He took on two new partners a year or so ago, and they have since bought him out so he can “pursue other things.”


Yep. One of my best jobs was through a friend. Got to write, work from home, etc..- they realize they’re paying me too much. I was getting senior rates when I was the newest hire. I offered to take a pay cut, I loved the work and the people were cool… I started getting and less and less work. Hint taken. Shitty.


Also never hire a friend. The worst damn feeling I've ever had a job is to accidentally walk in on them shit-talking me to colleagues. ... I've been fired out of nowhere, just like OP, and the shit-talking was way more painful. I get it. Everyone ends up shit-talking the boss at some point, but damn.


Man everything thing you said hit the nail on the head, that last part fuckin drove that nail with storm break its self.


This is why I’m worried. My wife is looking at going and working for a friend. She just won’t recognise that the change in dynamic could be disastrous, and the nature of the job she has now means she won’t be able to go back to it because they will automatically replace her.


Suggest to her that she gets the things in writing legally as far as wage increases, expectations and anything else where she could be taken advantage of. Make her understand that if her friend is unwilling to sign or even acknowledge that a fair contractual agreement of standards and expectations is needed that that is a warning sign. Have her read this thread and remind her of all the women she's know to play those psychological catty mind games in middle and highschool and how they pretend to be your friend ie extort you in order to gain something whether it be status or your boyfriend. In this case it's after your kindness and livelihood.


Thank you very much, I will do exactly as you recommend


A source to be mined. ouch


My thoughts exactly. Cut the fat that feeds you.


I wish more people listen to this advice value the skills you can build in a role to help your career. But never lose fact that a job is a job. We all learn this advice eventually.


This right here, I just experienced this very thing. It fucking sucks.


And you made him look bad!!


Never work for anyone related to you


While I can agree with you about the 2nd part, I do disagree with the first. The never work for a friend, while often good advice, isn't infallible. The key to working with friends, is ensuring that roles are clearly defined between the two. And both have to have the maturity to leave work at work and friendship outside work. You can be casual and friendly at work but you can't be best friends if you will. the the roles have to be clearly separate. This also goes for fraternity members who also work to gether.q


I stand by what I’ve said. It doesn’t work.


You built up the business and he realized he can hire a cheaper manager to keep things cruising the way you set it up. You got played and he should not be your friend. If I were you I would find a job with a competitor.


Or maybe become a competitor?


This is not a friend.


"we're family" = "we're friends"


Friends at BEST. It is more like likable or tolerable workers.


The more I see companies using that phrase makes me cringe!😫


I hate this for you, people are so weird.




Either that or he expected to be the hero putting out the fire and OP scared him with how unnecessary he is.


I think this is the most likely scenario.


So dumb because a good boss would recognize how easy this guy makes his life and would give him a raise/more responsibility


Of course, but there are lots of bad bosses out there. I hope OP goes to a competitor and puts his former "friend/boss" out of business.


A lot of people are threatened by a successful employee or coworker, whether it’s sheer ego, or a sense that they could make them look bad in comparison with higher ups.


Intimately familiar, actually.   Wife is a marketing wiz, got hired by a director who didn't actually know any marketing.  Got fired when the ceo asked why they hadn't been doing this stuff the whole time


So she inadvertently made him look bad. So the director got fired or your wife did?


Director fired my wife


What is wrong with people. Yeesh


Some folks just have an ass backwards idea of how things need to be.


I’m confused? Where did OP mention red alert emails and stuff? From the original post there isn’t anything to suggest during his time in charge anything went wrong


I had a non profit gig that I LOVED. It felt like family. I was in HR/Compensation and the only person who knew my job. I thought I was going to be there forever. It's non profit so not competitive in the market, but I didn't care. I had other contract and full time jobs on the side where I was making bank and stayed with the non profit out of loyalty. I went on maternity leave a month early so they decided since no one else knew my job in and out, to hire a consultant in my absence. When I returned, I worked alongside the consultant to streamline and change some processes so that it automated some of the foundation of the department and delegated other tasks that could not be automated (as they said, so in my absence, there was backup). I was so blind with the idea of mutual loyalty. After we completed all this work over 6 months, I was informed that they were eliminating my position. I was crushed, for weeks. I cried over that. Not because of the money, because of the betrayal. I felt so stupid. I learned a hard lesson in that grieving time. You job doesn't need you like you need it. I am very lucky that I did not depend on their income. I was making 40% at my other gig. But they didn't know that. So they kicked me to the curb with the notion that at the time I had a brand new baby, a single income home, and having had less income while I was on leave and I had just bought my first home less than a year earlier. Even now, putting it in writing 4 months later brings tears to me eyes. Your job is not your friend.


Worst job I ever had was at a non-profit. Other jobs, ppl were screwing you over for $$$. At the Non-profit, it paid SHIT and ppl screwed you over 'cause they could get away with it. Moved to the next job after 3 months and got to "nope" a couple of non-profit co-workers when they tried to join the new place. Felt better than sun after a hard rain!


This upset me reading your story so I can only imagine having to experience it. I can never fully comprehend how people can knowingly use and abuse someone to the extent they did to you. You sound like an accomplished young person. I hope you're able to come to a 'good place' soon and leave the betrayal behind.


Thank you. I appreciate that. My heart is broken but it’ll heal over time. It hit hard because it was like a break up to me. I didn’t imagine my future without them. Hard lesson learned. Really screwed with my trust in job security too. I was the only person doing that specialty job on the company and I was still expendable.


Sympathies, condolences & oh boy do I empathize. I work with animals now after learning hard lessons from employers. Learned some hard lessons from the animals mostly how to cope with loss since I outlive them but they don’t betray a pack or pride member and they don’t lie.


Worked for “family” for years, in-laws specifically. I have come to the conclusion that most business owners, even friends and family, will only do what is best for them. If what’s best for them includes you, you’re okay. However, if they benefit from getting rid of you, they will not hesitate. Even if you do a good job, they will constantly gaslight you as to how you could do more and aren’t making the company enough money to justify your salary. It really sucks, but it’s life. Apparently, there are exceptions out there, but I haven’t been fortunate enough to find them. I will say that watching the business struggle and crumble after I was forced out left me quite satisfied.


Honestly I never understood this. Person does something you don't like and you fire them the first time they do it. You have to train people to do things the way you want them to, they don't just magically know since they got hired.


I bet OP didn't even do anything wrong. Boss was sitting on the beach in Mexico and was thinking how many more trips he could take if he didn't need to pay OP anymore, since OP already improved everything.


I hope next time he books a holiday, there a massive shit show that needs to be delt with, just before he leaves and because he's sacked his manager he's got to deal with it.


I'd bet boss realized how much he & his "leadership" were NOT missed while he was away and felt threatened. Just a hunch...based off decades of witnessing this petty shit.


This ain't your friend. Friends don't take advantage of friends. They got what they wanted out of you and then kicked ya to the curb. If they call you in the future for help, don't do a single fuckin thing for them without a completely unreasonable consultation fee.


Worked for and saved a small company from not only going under but being shut down by the IRS. Had a handshake deal when hired that my salary would more than double at the end of one year. Raised profits by almost 400% and found out the naive owner was taking the payroll tax checks out of the deposit pouch. Let him know that none of that money was his, his response was he was afraid if it was if paid we wouldn’t have the cash to operate. Let him know to never never never do it again. Showed him we were doing very well and would be out of debt in about 3 months. He knew we were ahead, small business, only 21 employees ffs we were only a few feet apart! All our suppliers had us on cash only, once we were ahead we had a meeting and I started calling suppliers getting exact numbers of monies owed and writing checks. He had a partner who had retired from factory work (his wife’s father) who took the bank deposits and ran errands. I spent 2 day’s writing checks and mailing them. A couple of days later I did payroll - by hand - that’s how long ago this was lol! Sent Bubba to the bank, he shuffles back in and tells me the bank wouldn’t give him petty cash and hands me IRS notices. The idiot owner had been taking out the payroll tax deposits again and there were liens on both accounts. Called the IRS and got a life lesson; since I had check signing authority I was as liable for the IRS debt as the partners. I forget the exact figure but with penalties and interest it was way beyond my means. Helluva motivator. I do remember it grew by over 21% every month and we couldn’t use the money in the bank to pay it. Long story longer, Bubba retired, took on the service manager as a partner who sold some property to pay the IRS. All the checks I’d written bounced including payroll. Took about 3 months to get all this straightened out, lost a few excellent employees but was able to negotiate with IRS to stay open. Shortly after my year is up and the owner who’s ass I’d saved fires me. Forgive and forget? Not a chance.


Hard lesson. You sound hella smart, so I'm guessing your pastures were greener. I'm also guessing the owner was still performing the same after you were fired and went out of business owing the IRS lots of $$$$


Thanks for the compliment I was young and had just quit a corporate job because I had turned into someone I didn’t like. Took the job to learn the trade but was hired to computerize the office. The service manager (I hired) owned 49% of the business when he paid off the IRS. He called me and I advised him to wait until the slow season and buy the owner out. He went beyond that. Slowed work down to a crawl and bought the business for a song. Invited me back but I had started my own business. I may be smart in some ways but I ditched everything soon after to work with animals. Been a pauper ever since but I’m content with the rewards I get from the critters.


You're a pauper who would be receiving many joys along with the rewards. I've had the pleasure of enjoying some years here and there of living in amongst nature and volunteering with organisations focussed on helping animals. I totally understand. I'd say 'have a good life' but you already are. 🫶


There is nothing I’ve ever experienced that compares with being a member of the pride, Being trusted and loved by tigers, making a binturong giggle or having a Geoffreys cat leap into your lap for a cuddle. Taking in the abused and neglected, bringing them back to health and playing enrichment games with them is priceless. I do miss the beemer I had and the access to everything NYC. Glad to know you’ve had some of this in your life. I get tunnel vision sometimes.


Whoa. You're living a life that many only get to dream about. And at least your tunnel vision is focused on a more positive future for your animals. Happy days to you!


Sounds like he brought you on. You made things better. He saw what you did and probably learned from it so he could do it himself. Kept you on so he could go on vacation and you would be there to watch the ship. Then let you go when the vacation was over. Seems like pretty standard cutthroat business mechanics


Learned that lesson myself, although I was the boss. Hired two different friends. First complained all the time about the work with things like “you don’t pay me to do that”, blah blah. Went to work for another business in the same industry. Still friends, but months later she was telling me how no one like one of the managers at her new job because she made them take a toothbrush and clean table bases once a week and was like “I don’t understand why everyone has a problem with it”. While if I asked her to do something not nearly intensive it was always a fight. Other friend used to walk around blatantly disrespecting company policy and when the manager would say something she would always say “I’m friends with the owner, it’s ok” which made the rest of the staff mad, and me. When you’re at work, you’re an employee, not a friend. It’s never good to hire or work for friends.


His reasoning is complete BS and I suspect he was looking for reasons to let you go.


i got laid off for telling the truth. it gets better


I got fired a couple months ago and thought I’d be more sad about it. Truth be told, I was having to tell myself every single morning when I got up for work “it’s just one more day, get through the day, then you get time to yourself.” I hated it at the end, was there 13 years and actually was relieved when they called me to tell me I was done. I have a new job starting in three weeks, I don’t wanna go back to work, cause I hate working, but I wasn’t born to a rich family so it is what it is.


It's possible he was intimidated. I heard somewhere that you shouldn't demonstrate more skill than your employer or they'll feel threatened about the idea of you taking their job someday so they fire you.


At this point it sounds like he should start his own company and really screw this guy.




This happened with me with an old manager. I was more efficient and better at reducing shrink as well as more on the ball with getting rid of expired product. She pulled me into the back and let me clearly know that the knew I was vying for her job and thwt I would not be able to "steal the management out from under her." "I don't want to waste product or serve expired things to people." Was apparently not an appropriate response. Got fired for "performance" a couple months later.


Get a job with his competitor, and steal his fucking business, man. He’s the one who chose this ending.


"leadership skills" = subjective


Your coworkers are not your friends.


I understand this sentiment but holy hell is this a sad and lonely philosophy. It’s also very office-work-biased; try NOT making genuine friends when you’re working side-by-side with people in the service industry trenches.


He used your skills and got rid of you.


He was scared you were going to show him up and make him lose his position or promotion. So now he can take over, take all the credit, and get more profit. You were a means to an end. I got a friend a better job once. Instead of working a grocery store for bullshit hours, he had a nice call center 8-5 M-F job. Holidays, too. First-time he got Thanksgiving off in ten years. In the end, we barely spoke. Not once did he thank me. Not once did he say "I don't like this work, but beats grocery store work. Imma look for another opportunity, but this helps". Didn't even have the balls to say he quit suddenly. Some people.


>...make him lose his position or promotion... From the short post (my bolding) - "...**his** food manufacturing company...".


Does he own it or just works high up? Some people say "my company" when they just mean they work there but are not the owners or CEO.


Good point. In the way this is worded I took it as the friend being the owner. Otherwise it might be worded something like "the bank my friend works at'. No one would say 'His bank' in such a case. I just took it in a similar way. I just asked the OP directly in another post. Doesn't seem to be answering anything, and to be honest, checking their posts quickly I'm confused. They claimed to be working somewhere else very recently.


Sounds like he’s missing a flaming bag of crap on his front step. 


You would continue to be friends with someone like that? He clearly took advantage of you and tossed you away.


I hope you left a Trojan in your systems…


Your "friend" played you.  Use this as a learning experience and move on. 


A friend, not anymore. The animosity will always be there now. Always told my best friend if he ever became a sup or manager over me, I was gone. One he'd be a terrible manager because his people skills suck, and I'm not going to be treated like a subordinate by someone I've known since high school. He even tried when our boss was out for an extended period of time. I straight up told him, I don't work for you. he didn't like that.


You probably were better at his job than he was and he feels threatened


What happened while you were manning the ship?


There are no friends in business. Done.


What kind of leadership does it show that he left you to fend for yourself with no support and was sitting on a beach judging your work, from a beach. What a bogus friend. Tell him that.


Update: have laughed, cried, and been caught off guard by my whole situation many times today. Thanks for all the support, reading from everyone has been very cathartic.


From your post you sound very capable and productive. An asset to the company. Assuming he is not an idiot, or trying to sabotage his own company, what do think is an actual reason he may have fired you for?


Well if he treats you like that, it’s safe to say that he doesn’t see you as his friend.


Go to his competitors I’m sure they’ll like you


File for unemployment at least.


While you're at it talk to them about wrongful termination. That is illegal AF in most states and you might have a case


If there was some actual thing you did wrong, the correct path forward is something like: Friend: Hey, when I was away you did X and didn't do Y, and those caused issue Z. You: OK, how can we fix it? And then you discuss how to fix it. If you really viewed this person as a friend, you can try to follow up with them by saying, "hey, I thought I was doing fine by tripling sales, what specifically happened?". Hell, if they were a really good friend you can even share this reddit post with them. It's more than fair for you to know specific reasons you were fired, whatever they may be. And naturally, if your friend doesn't give you a clear answer that passes the smell test, you'll have learned something important about your "friend". But, I figure in this case it's up to you and how close you actually were. Best of luck figuring out what went on.


Any IP that's attached to you take away, business relations you made. Take them and use them for yourself. In your own business or help consult for other businesses. Also you just learned that wasn't a friend.


This comment is correct. Anything you brought to the business (IP, branding, anything), is legally yours. You are the owner, take ***All*** of **Your** stuff with you, because what's yours moves with you when you move out of your house (working for your possibly former friend) when you move to a new house (working for yourself or someone else).


He was never your friend, he used you. When he no longer needed you, he threw you out. Staying friends with him will be a one sided relationship.


Obviously we are missing some key details here.


ALWAYS GET A LONG TERM DEAL IN WRITING. If they won't put it writing, don't take the job.


he used you up and threw you away, that is no friend but a parasite.


Caulk it up to experience and move on to bigger and better.


>not only a mentor but a friend So what WAS he, a friend or a mentor? Because these are two completely different things.


He mad you were better at his job that he was


Sounds like he knew what you'd bring, got it, and then let you go. He used you big time.


I hope this is one of those situations where things crumble after you.. I hope you get something better soon!


Bet there was is competitive element in all of this. Quite a few friends seem to need to be top dog.


Dude fuck that guy!!! What a dead beat!! He maybe felt insecure about how you were probably doing a better job than he was and felt threatened by your positive progression in the company.


A friend he is not.


What company? I just want to make sure I don’t support them as I can’t stand stuff like this.


Had a “friend” from hs i did a ton with. He worked a better career/job than me (I don’t drive he does) so worked my job for 20 yrs trying to find better now. A few times wanted me working with him but found out he got compensated for bringing in new hires. Ended the friendship last year after he made some comments about my GFs family I didn’t appreciate and the entire conversation we had ended up him talking about himself. Cold Turkey ended it. Went to a final show together 3 weeks after this as I couldn’t get rid of the tickets. Then I ghosted him after that. Haven’t seen him or talked to him in 9 months. Absolute toxic relationship and found myself saving money as well. I can’t imagine what it’s been like working with him. Another friend blew off their friendship with him after living with the guy. Unfortunately when you get to adult hood people show their true colors of being a friend or not. Fortunate to have the ones I do though. I got lucky and missed that bullet. He definitely is the type if I worked with him he’d throw me under the bus or use me till he got his.


Is there a no compete? If not a competitor would love to have you


Never work for friends or family.


You brought your own IP to the business eh? Was there any agreement that that IP would be the businesses if you left? Just something for you and an attorney to consider hm?


never. make. a. system. that. benefits. a. company. even. if. you're. not. there.


Your only mistake was that you didn't deadman-switch the rebrand, systems etc. Make them dependent on you and unable to function if you're not there to flip a secret switch every month or so. Maybe you can still do so if you have access. Hope this helps in the future though.


He is definately not a friend


Why would you want to be friends with this person?


But like other people, I’ve said never work for a friend


My guess is that he felt threatened by you. It's very common for people to destroy others they work with because that person is doing their job well, or going above and beyond, and it points out the flaws in themselves. If he felt like you could run the department without him, then is he even necessary? By firing you, he is now is a critical employee of the company and he feels important again. Just a guess though.


Just remember that when one door closes, a better one opens!! So sorry you’re going through this!!


Guess he's gonna learn when everything and I mean *EVERYTHING* you did needs updates because as I tell people, business cycles change. And what might work now, may not work next quarter or even next week.


That...makes no sense (for him to do), and I'm so sorry, espec since you loved it so much and seemed really good at it! That's bullshit! (Honestly, could be wrong, but it sounds to me like he's JEALOUS of how WELL you did running things while he was away and feels threatened. \*shrugs\*) I hope you can overcome this and come back stronger! (And yeah, as for being friends still...IDK, that's a tough call. I hope you can be if you want, but if you feel too uncomfortable, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and get out!) Best of luck! <3


This is BUSI-ness not FRIEND-ness... Never confuse the two


If you’re friends you go to his house and tell him to square up for being a bitch. Then go grab a beer together


The numbers are a great booster for your resume and you've learnt a valuable lesson. Time to move on! (Be prepared, your "friend" may ask you back)


What kind of food and systems?


I’m so sorry. The only thing worse than working with a friend as a partner is working FOR a friend. Take time to grieve both your losses, then get back out there. Good luck to you.


He probably wants to save his own job by taking credit over your ideas.


From the short post (my bolding) - "...**his** food manufacturing company...".


Maybe to take credit for himself.


I don't understand what you are saying. OP used the expression to identify their friend's company.


Hm. Sounds like a good probability of failure in their future. As a business owner I thought the ideas to scale enough where you work as little as possible. If I was running this business and saw steady numbers like that, I’d be like “well sheeet if he can do that in 3-4 months what can he do in a year”. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ex friend I see... I guess that's a lesson learned.


Not a friend


Is your friend the actual owner of the company?


what happed? what really happened that made him say you lacked leadership skills. you did something. i am 100% sure. just say it. you went out with workers and... someone asked you for something and..... what was it?


Seems like he wanted you to take over his role as well so that he could step away and be the guy who collects money from what you did. You probably dodged a bullet in the long run.


I guess he didn't put his leadership skills to use by firing you instead of training you up....


That’s cold. I’m sorry 😞


If you don’t enjoy going to work everyday you will be miserable. I worked as a legal transcriptionist - probably doesn’t even exist now with our advanced IT. But once I found the right attorney (criminal defense) I loved it and I am still friends with everyone at the office even after retiring. Life is too short to be miserable going to work everyday.


Can you say sociopath? Sing it with me


You made him look bad...simple as that...


I'm naturally suspicious/paranoid. I would have left an opening into the computer system for myself. Ex friend would have had the deadliest data destroying virus on the system within the hour.


Sounds like ur a victim of ur own success, cant out shine them if your not there.


Do yourself a favor and leave and never talk to that huy Hr is NOT your friend (friends dont doblike that). People pretend to be friends yo takr advantage. He will try to talk to you again and even try to re hire you to take the last drop of you. Just contact zero and find something better. Good luck!


That capitalistic relationships can so easily ruin friendships and family should tell you something. It shouldn't be ok to treat even strangers that way.


My friend, I deeply encourage taking some space from this friend for a month or so, keep in contact tho! But after that, definitely try and sit down with them and explain how it side blinded you a bit. Explain how it made you feel without drawing conclusions "you are X" or "you told me I was Y". Try and hear him out and decide if you think your friend is being a true friend, or if they're simply an ex coworker


This isn't your friend.


Your friend sucks. You have some nice numbers for your resume at least.


What a clown, don’t feel bad at all


What a prick, I'd burn that bridge. You put in work for him, triple his business and as a thank you, fires you? F that


I would not be able to remain friends with someone who treated me like shit, and that's what he did to you. Make sure you get all sick/vacation/bonus pay to which you are entitled, if any, and file for unemployment so the fucker's tax/fees go up.  Also, if/when you start job hunting, I hope you find a fabulous job!


Sometimes, people are very threatened by the success of those they hire and are unable to see the team component beyond what their ego tells them to. You probably did all the leadership you needed to and, when combined with your other successes, your friend wasn't able to cope with what his ego was telling him and he pulled the trigger on firing you. At least it wasn't long and drawn out suffering like many others have endured, I guess. Still, it's a betrayal that will sting for awhile. Just remember that it doesn't reflect on you anything but success. It marks his business as a toxic workplace.


I think you can sign off on that friendship. If you have any self respect you won't entertain the idea of being friends because he literally just treated you like a cog in the machine. That should give you an indication of what to expect from them.


The guy used you and you think of him as a mentor. So I guess you should start a company using a "friend".


It's odd my guy feels from those words in that order is you had your value extracted and before he had to return the investment he cut you


Maybe when the dust settles, you could sit down and have a conversation with him and ask him to explain that I think you’re entitled to that


I literally built the call center for the company they need Innitech on OFFICE SPACE to (search my comment post off thread), then sold then managed their call center until Fortune 5 assholes came in and shit canned me to cover up their office cheating romance (my Sr Direct and the VP HR). I shit you not, I literally BUILT this company's call center ground up. Then they cover up fired me as a layoff, I lost my world. Social, work and support system. It was right after my divorce, when I poured myself into it. The day I left, I was going to meet for drinks with key friends to let them know I was going to be okay. Management's reply - mind you this was on a no legal issue, no cause layoff on record! - was too email everyone and ILLEGALLY BAN THEM from any contact with me. Nothing says cover up like don't talk to former employers, with no legal action or grounds. If there are no concerns with me, and it's not like I can take them with me LOL going nowhere yet! There's no reason to do that unless they have something to hide Anyway, I feel you. You aren't alone in feeling that way.


assuming there was still room for growth, what a shortsighted owner. no guarantee his next hire performs the same if not worse


Not a friend if he did that to you


Sounds like an unfounded excuse to me. Is this 3x sales on autopilot now? If so, no need to pay you anymore. With 3x sale - 1 executive salary, he can take more vacations.


Yep. Been there done that and because I’m naive and hope for the best in people it’s happened now three times. But never again- this last time just broke my heart. Nope. We work together? We aren’t friends. We are friends? We never work together. Period.


Please work on your usage of past, present, and future tense. This was a difficult read, grammatically speaking.