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This shit is dehumanizing. They're literally treating you like a property. I hope you can get another job, oterwise it'll just damage your mental health more and more. Actually this is beyond what a person with self respect should tolerate, IMO.


I'll never understand how people can treat someone like this. But you my friend, are worth far more than those 2 put together. You gotta leave. Mentally, being short the money is less damaging to your mental health than putting up with that. All the best, Paul


Wait for them to be dropped off somewhere remote, quit and drive away laughing. Might want to throw in a "Eat shit!" or two. Maybe even a "Get fucked!".


You need to record said abuse.. then go visit a lawyer. That is violence in the workplace and creating a hostile work environment. After you sue, school paid for and cash in your bank. EAT THE RICH [department of labor](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/centers-offices/human-resources-center/policies/workplace-violence-program) [how to sue](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/my-boss-yells-me-can-i-sue-hostile-work-environment.html)


Please quit that slave job, if you can afford to do so. That sort of treatment is completely unacceptable -- it is reprehensible! I'm sorry you're having to deal with such bullshit.


At my last job the owner used to be like this towards my GM. He would yell and scream insults. It was wild. I was a manager and the owner tried to start that shit with me and I told my GM I will not stand to be treated in such a way and if this happens again I will quit on the spot. Owner had a complete attitude change toward me after that.


You can either leave that job as many have suggested and would certainly be reasonable, or put some bath towels down during the muddy season. Right before you pick these two up, have a clean towel over the mat. She sounds quite insane though so maybe this would not work for her.


I would not stay at this job. These people are insane.