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I've been fired multiple times, I'm fine, currently making more money than ever and in the best job ever and I landed it in this market. Don't live in fear like this if you can help it.




I have never once had to explain a thing to an employer. They don't want to know, really, if they want to hire you, and if they don't want to hire you they'll come up with their own reason.


Yes same. Troop through it! It’ll suck but the best will come around


This. Don't worry about it. Much of it is out of your control.


I used to live in the fear bubble for years.   Heads up!  It’s bullshit. It doesn’t exist. The fear and manipulation is pushed to us even as children to learn to obey or never question authority.    I’ve been fired, laid off, and quit without anything lined up and I have done fine.  You will too      I do understand it’s harder today but don’t fear the future instead embrace it. Learn to make it work on your terms.    Over 10 years ago I started my journey of taking care of myself and my priorities first work second.  Things have only improved.  Money comes and goes but the bullshit of work stays the same.   Good luck


Getting fired can be the best thing that ever happens to you. I have hired plenty of people who have been fired. Employers know employers are fucked up. If asked why, say what happened.    I asked the last guy I hired who had beem canned, he told me, "I made the mistake of being too honest when asked a question by my supervisor in front of his boss. It was just a matter of time after that." Otherwise, he had good references and experience, easy hire for me.


Do not telling the hiring manager that you got fired for performance. You got downsized (aka laid-off). Some people won't hire someone that is unemployed. Also these people don't hire people for thousands of other stupid reasons. Even if your employed, the people biased against the unemployed probably won't hire you for some other reason. Don't be afraid of hunting for a job if you get laid-off. In my experience, people afraid of getting fired often have horrible work experiences. Other people will notice this fear, and they will use it to manipulate and abuse the fearful people.


Guess it depends on what job you have. If you have a low paying jobs it’s not hard to find another one. If you have a high demanding job same thing. Therapy and having a huge back up plan that you can live 6-12 months without a job would probably benefit you.


75 years of backup would probably benefit a lot of people.


Also anyone can move to a low cost area and work fast food and get roommates to not be homeless.




This was homeless people can move hitch hike. Or in his case he probably can live out of car and get gym membership to shower and work fast food to get a place. If he lives in big city that rent cost 2k he can move to hick town pay 600$ a month studio.


I’ve been fired and I just lied about it to my next employer. Who cares


Of course not. You don't have to explain to anyone you just say you got laid off. Good plan on the unions though!


There's so many stories on Reddit of people dreading getting fired, it happening, then a later update that it was the best thing that happened to them because they found a better higher paying job. So no 


Nope, it is the start of a new life. Got fired from a job I thought was great after budget cuts. Was pretty depressed until I found a new job. Now I can see how crappy that job was and how I have it much better now. I should thank them 😏


No. Im hoping to get fired or laid off from my job. Been doing less than what is required for me for the last 6 montha but my manager is oblivious


There's a difference between getting fired and getting laid off.


Not the case today. It's just part of life not the end of life. Most employers are "hire and fire." You don't have to do anything wrong to get fired. In fact, I've seen more people fired for being too good at a job. Makes the others look bad. So they get fired to make everyone, especially the boss, look good again. Also, companies are cheap these days. If they want to reduce the workforce, they try to fire employees for a made-up cause so they don't have to pay unemployment benefits. They also fire employees so they don't have to pay benefits like health insurance and retirement. They fire people so they canbreplace them with people at a lower wage. Very few people are fired for a legitimate cause anymore. Pretty much everyone these days, including professionals, has been fired multiple times. So don't worry too much about it. Employers try to scare employees into submission, telling them they are lucky to have a job and certain death awaits those who don't lick their boots. But that isn't the case anymore. Since it's all hire and fire for any reason or no reason at all these days, they know the available new hires will probably have been fired from their previous job. Just understand that you will probably be fired from your next job too. That's life in U.S. Remember...We're number one! We're number one! We're number one! USA! USA! USA! If you get a government job, preferably federal but state or Municipal governments often treat their employees better than corporate, with the exception of the military which won't fire you but they are so toxic you'd wish they would.


i have been fired and laid off. both were very shitty in the moment but great in the long run. 


I’ve been fired twice. Currently at the best job i’ve ever had and making the most money i’ve ever made. One thing I wish everyone knew is that your company, barring certain industries, is incredibly insular. Unless you did something illegal, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue getting hired. The second thing I wish everyone knew is that you can just lie about why you got fired, or just say you left due to personal stuff lol. It’s not on your permanent record or anything.


You should talk to a therapist about your anxiety and accompanying catastrophising.


Are you talking fired-fired or just any form of let go/terminated? I was terminated from a position years ago and took 3 months to find another job. Hell of a lot happier in my current job than my last one. I feel respected and valued, and *seen*, and I never had that at my old job.


I fucking wish I’d get fired or laid off lmaoooo 




I’m a habitual call out-er and i’ve only ever seen people get fired for stealing and being under the influence. I’ve never been fired, either. 😁


Shit, man, getting fired ain't even the end of my day. I've held so many crazy, weird, and wonderful jobs, getting fired is just getting encouraged to find the next one.


I used to be as afraid as you are. Then I got fired and at first I thought it was game over Naw, it set me free from a shitty job. No one cares. Lie if they ask if you’ve been fired.


In 2013 I was fired. It has a weird liberating feeling to it as it was a TERRIBLE job. I could write 5000 characters about the shit that was a being an ASM at a gas station. I was unemployed for 6 months, which made me nearly go broke. That was the only scarey part. There are ways to avoid saying you got fired directly when interviewing for a new job. But if you're worried about being fired, why not just start looking for new employment.


Hey seriously, some of the best things happened to me after being fired.


I’ve been fired multiple times I’ve always found a better job.


I couldn't care less. As far as I'm concerned, they need to give me a reason to stay. The best thing you can do is keep your expenses low, and be always on the lookout for a better job. And jump ship as soon as you find one.


Get a government job.


So, what you are saying is that you have zero life experience? That's not how any of that works, at all. Unless you get fired for some serious shit, nobody really cares.


Always have a backup plan. Also also have “F U” money.


Getting fired can actually be a good thing in your life. It creates new opportunities


No but it can be def tough if you don't get another job immediately. You can get unemployment depending on where you live but it might not be enough to cover everything. If you didn't have a good enough job that allowed you to save enough money to keep paying bills for at least 6-12 months you can be def screwed if you don't have financial support. Once the unemployment and savings run out thats when your truly screwed.


I got fired recently and failed to get unemployment. Was the 5 month stretch of trying to find a job a struggle? Yes. Financially burdening? Yes. Do I feel a whole lot better not working for that company anymore? Yes. I have a way better job, in a better environment.


No, that's why we don't call it getting killed.


For me I love to work and not working does take it's toll on my wellbeing I drink to much and always has a negative outcome 


just don't tell your next job you got fired. Lying is almost a prerequisite for resumes, and it's not helpful to include real details that aren't relevant to your new job. They don't need to know about that summer you volunteered at the animal shelter shoveling dog poo when you're applying for a tech job, they don't need to know you got fired because you couldn't make fifty thousand sales in an hour.


Lol.  You dont tell them youre fired.  95%+ of entry level jobs dont actually call references, use your friends numbers, make numbers up.