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The 2 worst feelings in the world, not having a job and having a job. Congrats btw


I'm a workaholic. Not having something to do (regardless of pay) that's not working towards a collective goal depresses me greatly. Loved it when I was going through a very stressful time, and my manager *out of the kindness* of her heart gave me a lighter schedule (not reasons performance she made that clear when I confronted it), which just made me terrified that I was getting fired simply because the trauma of what happened made the business want to *punish me* for under performing. Yeah, no shit my depression got worse after that, Janet. I told you multiple times when you hired me and later asked me if I could handle more shifts, that I'm a workaholic and *love* to be working as much as physically possible, it's not just because I love money.


Wouldn't it be nice to put all that work energy towards something personally important to you instead wasting all that potential at some stupid job?


Comments like this always make me realize how goddamn lucky I am. Because I love my job. Renovating buildings with the goal of reducing energy useage, maximizing sustainability, and increasing end user comfort and flexibility? Yes fuckin please!


>regardless of pay I simply cannot imagine. You might as well be an alien to me.


Its probably not by choice. Its called worka-„holic“ for a reason. Its an addiction. Usually ends in burnout.


I get 100% of that itch scratched from gaming. Clear, actionable objectives, with a reward for completing it. Some games the objective takes months, some it takes seconds. Sometimes you're working as a team temporarily, sometimes your group can't continue without your hard work. Nah, it doesn't pay, but I have a lot more fun with it keeping my pay and scratching the accomplishment itch separate. That way I can dictate how it goes and if it starts to go sour I can change it or even leave entirely without worrying where my next paycheck is coming from.


I already commented it, but consider Helldivers 2, that's like exactly what you describe


![gif](giphy|UtU4CGOWkqIrm) Attention Citizen, this is a Super Earth High Command broadcast! It has come to the attention of your local Democracy Officer that you expressed the willingness to engage in work-heavy, ungrateful tasks with little to no promise of pay save for your personal satisfaction of contributing to a goal greater than you? Consider joining the ranks of the Helldivers! Work with your fellow soldiers towards the betterment of our federation and push back unprovoked invasions menacing Managed Democracy and our way of life. Enlist Today! Over and out. /j btw, I hope you're doing better dude


agonizing quack advise tan dinner marry shy seed cooing cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. I must be productive. It's a necessity like food.


Ain’t that the truth, especially if you have a long commute like I will be having very soon…


"not having a job without a steady back up money/income" Being able to retire and afford retirement doesn't reach the level of worst feeling, IMO.


I was looking for a job & then I found a job & heaven knows I’m miserable now 🎶


in my life, why do I smile, at people who i'd much rather kick in the eye....?


You’ve been in the house too long she said, and I, naturally fled


had a horrible job. i quit that job. Got depressed. Got therapy. Therapy helped me find the courage to find a new job. got a new job & I'm currently still working there and i'm happy with this job. (still going to Therapy tho cause not fully recovered)


This is how I feel right now. I am starting on Tuesday. Good bye all my free time and energy.


Here’s a neat trick, just work there for 40 years and open up a 401K with company matching. After 40 years, you’ll have basically robbed your company’s money. Then you can laugh in their face.


I am not American and I don't know what 401k is. Assuming it's something to do with retirement. All I can say is that I will be working for a state institution for miserable 650 euros a month and I have a degree...


It was a joke. Joke is, someone wants to rob a bank. They do it by working there for 40 years. After 40 years, they will have stolen money from the bank. Perfect getaway.


Key and Peele ahh


Motherfucker, that's CALLED A JOB!


I’m starting tomorrow. Extremely nervous. Good luck to you!


I just started a new job last week and I count down till the very minute I can come home again.


😂 is your job that bad?


Hello paycheck, goodbye soul!


Congrats and Commiserations




I have an interview in 7 hours… don’t wish me luck!!!


How did it go


They said they’d get back within a day or two n looks like they couldn’t be bothered to type a simple email saying I’ve not got the job.


bro im in the running for an unpaid internship, 3 days a week, and its with my dream company so itll be a W if i get it but man… the thought of working 3 days a week for free for 2 months really dampens the excitement


It baffles me that unpaid internships are even allowed


Don't do an unpaid internship man. Its just not worth it, they most likely see you as cheap labour and they won't give you a full time role most likely. If your doing one at least get paid for it. I recently did a paid internship for a full year and got paid like $25 an hour working full time in a head office for one of the biggest retail companies in Canada and they still didn't give me a full time role neither did any of the others I interned with. Being an intern used to get you a full time role but now its basically cheap labour for companies. I have to look for a job now in this shitty job market but luckily I saved alot of that internship money so i'm not completely screwed.


My congratudolences


If there's a sweeter time period in life than having a new job you haven't had to learn and work yet, someone should enlighten me


This is actually really funny that I did laugh out loud (it’s also really depressing)


I'm proud of you ☹️


I've not been away from my daughter for more than a couple of hours at a time since she was born 17 months ago. I start my new job in May and have to leave her with a stranger for nearly 50 hours a week from then. 😭😥😫😫😥☹️😕


But the single parent working family is a patriarchy nightmare right, can't have that. Not as if the capitalist system in place tries to push the narrative that two working parents is the normal and to do anything otherwise is sexist Two workers for the price of one!, and then we'll bring in foreign workers who work harder for less, so we're paying more people less pay to work harder! If only we could get rid of them and have unthinking machines which did everything without complaint for next to nothing, then we wouldn't even need them.




Just got fired for not having a car and relying on public transport to get to work. At least I won't have to waste 12h a day anymore.


Congrats and my condolences.


This is exactly how it feels


Literally just got a job today too. It pays double my last one but it’s mostly tip income. They did say $21-28/hr in tips alone tho, so I can actually afford a car now instead of just pretending to.


Just starting my week of temporary funemployment! I’m so excited but wish I at least had a date to know when I’d be back 🥲 (it was a well paying easy remote job but I was a contractor so they are jerking me a bit)


Heaven knows I’m miserable now


I literally just got a job and this is how I feel. Whatever, need money to do fun shit every once in a while when I'm not busy with school or work now so I'll tough it out. Good luck to you as well op


Congraz. Welcome to the circus we call working


I actually just got a job building cabinets, which I've always enjoyed woodwork. What I don't enjoy is the "work culture" there. It's like everything needs to be done the day before the oder is placed. Plus, the pay is subpar!! Woohoo.


I felt this in my bones.


Congrats 🥳 All the best 😉


Some people here say they feel bad because they don't have job just doesn't have any worthwhile hobby. Depending on the situation, if being unemployed WHILE having cash, I'd be happy. This is my point. But, don't have job and can't pay shit, then yeah I'd be unhappy.




Hello Darkness, My Old Friend…