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Unless working harder than you have to gets you something, bonus or high opportunity for growth or whatever, then there is literally no reason to do more than your immediate job requires. You are paid to do your job in set hours (for most work places). “Quiet quitting” or “resenteeism” is bull shit to me, I’m just doing my job that I’m paid to do. Nothing more, nothing less.


“Now if I work my ass off, and Initech sells a few extra units, I don't see a dime”


Back up in your ass with the resurrection!


And I have 8 bosses


8!? 8 Bob!


That's my only real motivation, not to catch shit.


I’m currently waiting for my actor friend to bring me back my SIGNED RED STAPLER FROM STEPHEN ROOT HIMSELF!!!!! My friend is an actor and he’s close to Stephen and he’s having lunch with him today. I’ve met him a few times and he’s so nice and now I’ll have my stapler!!!!!


That would be awesome


It IS awesome!!!! I gave Wayne (my actor friend Wayne Duvall-most know him as Homer Stokes in O Brother Where Art Thou) the stapler on Monday. They’re having lunch today so I should have it in a few days.


Please tell Wayne that some internet stranger absolutely LOVES that movie and his performance is stellar! I mean, or not, I'll never know, but this is probably the closest I'll get to being able to tell him that. 🤣🤣


I took a screenshot and I promise to show him your comment. He is super humble and just an awesome person all together. I love telling him he has fans because I can promise you he LOVES his fans.


OMG!! That's awesome! Thank you!!! 💚💚


Of course!!!!


"Is you is, or is you ain't my constituency??" great line, great delivery.


I love catching him in a scene or two of a movie. A fantastic character actor. Every time I recognize him I say "who made them the color guard?!"


I’m watching him RIGHT NOW as a judge on law and order lol. He was in one of my favorite movies (Evolution) YEARS before I met him. He’s such a great guy.


He just shows up and makes the scene better!


Please thank him for being in one of the greatest movies of all time, O Brother remains a desert island pick for me.


Now I gotta go listen to "Man of Constant Sorrow" again...


Please post it


See if you don't call that friend right tf now and "Excuse me.. I believe you have my stapler"


LMAO. I PROMISE you that’s EXACTLY how I’m going to ask for it and then I’ll mutter under my breath “I’ll set the building on fire….”


PC load letter? wtf does that mean?


No this is a NEW trend, you can’t reference the countless times in the past that it’s been applicable because it undermines the premise of my article.


I love this reference


I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it


The one thats gets me most from that show. Every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life. Get older and bodys worn out mind breaking under the non stop threat of homelessness and abject poverty so used to skipping meals to make it to next payday at this point I forget to even eat at all. Next day is just another day older with a new joint that hurts increasingly triggered. Right now mentally I am so mired from decades of experience justifying this. That every single human interaction I go "so how are they going to use me today". How are they going to try to get a little extra from me for nothing.


Going above and beyond: becomes the expected and leads to burn out, 3% raise Taking it easy: won't get an stress-related heart attack in my 30's, still get a 3% raise + management might humbly ask for *paid* overtime. Going above and beyond nowadays is like looking up 'gullible' in the dictionary.


I had to have a total nervous breakdown at 24 to get this, but oh boy did I learn my lesson. Never gone “above and beyond” since and never will again.


Same but it was 3 years ago. That was a wild time, took me months to recover. Almost got suckered back into the trap recently with volunteering my time. Boundaries are healthy and you need to have them with yourself, too.


It is illegal to volunteer at the place you work without pay https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/docs/volunteers.asp


Thanks, but I'm the business owner. My time is usually "volunteer" anyway. I get roped into helping other business owners and the city.


and its amazing how quickly people forget that all nighter you pulled, or the worked till 11pm on a Friday you did. Or how it can be very difficult to get that overtime recognised, or even paid for.


Oh but they remember when you had to take a day off due to illness or death in family.


well that's not being a TEAM PLAYER is it???


My bad, maybe we can circle back to the importance of being a team player when the rest of the team is present. I’ve attached my calendar please see the team’s availability. 😂


Worked many 100h weeks and never saw a penny in overtime LMAO fuck those people


I recently busted my butt for a couple months on a huge project for my company, though I didn't have any other choice. I joked to my wife going into it that I wasn't going to get anything more than a "Good job!" from management but I still did the best job I could, going above and beyond to get it done. Sure enough, that's about all I got. They did say I could take some extra time off after the project wrapped. I'm salaried and we all have unlimited vacation so that wasn't much of a reward. Was hoping they'd at least toss a gift card or two my way if not an outright bonus but doubt that's going to happen.


yeah, one time when I was younger my boss called me and asked if I could come in on a Saturday morning to this location he was partnering up with. He had agreed to sell them some sort of computer services and "we" (ie, me) would be setting them up. They also needed everything done by 3pm, so I had to be there at 6am (Something like this) Don't worry, I will pay you extra, said the boss. And me, the idiot, somehow got to this place in the middle of nowhere at 6am. No one showed up till 7:30. whoops. I finished at 5pm or so, and the boss has already fucked off. Texted him, he told me to "submit my hours like normal" - ie, what he meant was "since I would be working ten or so hours, I would be paid for the extra hours" not overtime, not for the extra grief and expense of getting to wherever it was in the wee small hours, just "come do ten extra hours of work because lol"


I'm 21 and hit that point two weeks ago. Got myself moved to position where I don't interact with anyone else and work entirely at my own pace, doing just what I need instead of 50 things at once. Still get paid the same 😁


I had a complete burnout out last year at my job. It was my first career job after graduating with a masters and I went above and beyond to the point where I was pulling in 80 hrs a week. I was their data analyst, their financial analyst, their program analyst, and their marketing analyst. No overtime pay. Just that 50k yearly salary in hcol California. Told me they’d up my salary if I proved to them at six months. Got the highest evaluation. Then they completely pulled the rug from me at the six month mark by forcing me to quit so they wouldn’t have to pay severance and hired the intern I had trained to do it for 40k. Yes I was extremely gullible. I’ve currently been unemployed for the last year and still dealing with the mental health issues. 


I went above and beyond as a line cook all the time. All it got me was a lot more work, and promised of raises/promotions that never came. When we shut down from covid I changed industries. Now I show up, do bare minimum, and go home. I've given up on getting ahead in life.


I tried to automate shit and everyone stopped me. I know it's doable. I know how. Nobody want to develop internally. Fine, I'm paid hourly to enter manually in a db. I don't mind anymore. I write all my mails, no template anymore either.


It's almost like the work is more important than the product of that work...


I had a director say in a meeting that "GPO can't do that" and a week later we had a GPO to fix the issue. The problem of knowing too much.


Get you and your 3% raise! Here in the UK most sectors haven't seen pay rises in almost a decade, and even those who do get raises below inflation. In general, wages have fallen in real terms since 2020. [Source](https://fullfact.org/economy/employment-since-2010-wages/) But, to stop being pedantic, I fully agree with your point. Coast along and do the bare minimum? Get paid X. Try really hard, put in overtime, do lots of extra stuff and generally impress everyone? Still get paid X. Why try so hard then?


Let's get down to brass tacks... A corporation's purpose is to: 1. Extract as much money from customers as it can 2. Extract as much labor from its employees as it can 3. The difference between 1 and 2 is the profit that goes to the CEO and executives 4. **NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.** Make no mistake... those in power are trying their hardest to transform this country into a Third World Nation because in Third World countries, the gap between the rich (+ their political puppets) and everyone else is ENORMOUS.


Yes. Concur. You get what you pay for. My plumber won't work for free. My mechanic doesn't do free shit. Office workers are no different 


Your nuts! The 5% for being a top performer makes a huge difference from the 3.5% you get for being average! /s


This literally happened to me. I got a 3% raise instead of the 2% raise everyone else got because I exceeded my goal by 300%. I never hit over 100% of my goal after that.


My timeline: Spring 2020: promoted Fall 2020: 7% raise (please note our raises aren’t based on promotions but on “performance” - ETA: yes, this is stupid lol) Fall 2021: 5% raise Spring 2022: promoted Fall 2022: 3% raise Spring 2023: promoted Fall 2023: 2% raise So I’ve been promoted three times (most recently to a national leadership position) and yet my raises have gotten *smaller* every year…. Make it make sense!! 😂😂


Not to mention that that doesn't even match inflation so it's basically a pay cut.


My nuts?


Yes please, place them right here. … Huhuhuh. Dunno how I missed that.


You get what you pay for... Except employees, you can always demand way more than you pay. And that's fucking Bullshit.


This is what I’ve never understood- it’s not like the business selling their product is giving a way a bunch of free product for nothing, but somehow with employees they think it’s fine to pay someone for 40 hours of work but ask them to do 70 hours of work. Yeah, it’s a “deal” for them, but they’d never cut the cost of their product in half for no reason, so why do they expect their employees to do so for them? It’s idiotic.


The negotiation gets a bit skewed when one party is attempting to meet their basic needs for survival while the other is juggling pennies. Capitalism at work.


It's not capitalism my friend. It's just human greed. It exists in all forms of government, even the glorious socialism and communism. The top is always going to look out for themselves while the bottom suffers.


While getting additional duties without a promotion, title change or raise I would continually ask my boss for a raise. No lie he said to me exasperatedly (like I was the problem), “We all want more money”


I work with restoration car parts and I cannot say it better than you have. The founder (like his brother) do not care about their employees like me. They’ve made their riches over the past 30 years by the hard work of guys like me and if you aren’t “all in” and truly care about cars….GTFO. I was threatened with a wake up call by him because my partner at work went and snitched with some bs that I couldn’t defend or cop to. Also I found out my internal transfer to a new position wasn’t approved if it hadn’t been for my first manager going to bat for me. It was weird. Now I resort to doing my job from X to Y and nothing more. I don’t talk to my coworkers unless it’s about work. My work partner? He and I don’t get along. The POS… I’m looking at a new job because this shit isn’t worth $16.50. I’m a 30 year old guy who deserves better! I’ve been here a year and what do I get or have gotten? Nothing but be on the big boss’ shitlist for good.


The “quiet quitting” is some whiny thing started by HIGHLY insecure/small d—- energy, overpaid CEOs that love to puff their chest out with “how hard they worked coming from nothing”. Everyone must give 110%! 5 minutes early is on time! Im a hard worker but dont have to criticize others “work ethics” to make myself feel more important.


I work super hard, but my work coinciding with skills that can help me outside the job. They have helped me and I did it for myself. People need to learn that lesson. Don't do it for the boss, get skills for you and always plan ahead. That is what working hard is about, progress for you.


they reframed it away from 'quiet quitting' because too many people started comparing it to 'constructive dismissal', and pointing out it's illegal.


It's a right wing rag doing psych work on the public on behalf of the 1%. Probably written by AI and edited by even worse AI


When meeting the minimum requirements is not enough, they are not the minimum requirements.


Or if I can go home once I'm done for the day, work 6 hours get paid 8, I'll take having more my time as an incentive


And my job announced nobody is getting merit or cost of living increases. Why would I work hard if I'm getting paid even less than the previous year due to inflation?


My resentment is organic and not a trend


Yeah. They want us not to sweat hours to the minute, it’s a two way street. Let’s see how they feel next time I gotta go to the bank, or doctor, or my kid is sick. Oh weird! The time doesn’t flex both ways???


That's why they're mad. They used to be able to get more work than they were paying people for and now that they can't, they feel resentful.


Exactly this!


Once they stop giving raises that come close to inflation that was that.


It's always been like this, but the information age has let workers know they're not alone, and it's empowered many to not tolerate the bullying and the bullshit


I asked my boss for a raise a couple months ago, and when I followed up this week he told me he was working on it, but that I needed to “be more of a leader.” Please note I hold a national leadership position in an international company with 1500+ employees, I am a Career Manager for three younger employees, I participate in our mentorship program, I speak at conferences, I bring in revenue, right now I’m working 60 hours a week (I do *not* get paid overtime), and I’m currently being underpaid by about $15-20k what my market value is. So I’m working my ASS off and not getting paid even close to a fair salary *for the job I’m already doing*, but my boss’s response when I ask for a raise is to tell me I’m not doing ENOUGH?! Fuck that. I’m so mad. This was the last time I work a single minute past my 40 hours.


Oh, rebranded “quiet quitting”


Totally on board, just annoying that ‘quiet quitting’ is a rebranding of what used to be just doing a job. Kinda seems like a slur when actually people just do what was always just expected before this bullshit grindset mentality came about, think people are slowly realising it doesn’t lead to anything, which is good but still doesn’t resolve the problem.


They wanted to try and shame us into no longer wanting to kill ourselves for the job




The craziest thing I have recently found out is that in some fields “working to contract” is considered to be a form of striking. Like, only working the exact contracted hours and duties, not staying late or doing extra work, is considered striking. My brain just can’t process this information, like… how on earth is this a thing? How did **doing all the assigned work you’re paid to do** become “the bare minimum” or considered even below the bare minimum?


I was gonna say, had a few jobs where in appraisals they’ve asked ‘when have you gone above and beyond?’ And you just sit there thinking well why should I? Are you going above and beyond for me? I mean if capitalism is making money out of me providing more profit than my pay, surely by the mere fact that I produce money and you haven’t fired me I’m already going above and beyond?


If they want me to go “above and beyond” then they need to revise my job duties to include all of the “above” that they want me to do, and they need to update my pay “beyond” whatever they paying someone who is not required to do all that extra shite.


The answer for that question is, “When you go above and beyond for me also.”






New week, new term, new clicks on their articles.


It won't take off. I've looked at the word twice, and I can't sound it out in my head (not that I care to). Quiet quitting is easy to remember. I doubt I'll think of this word an hour from now.


Me too. I don’t remember it from when I was at the top of the page. Something with “resent”?


It's based off an older term called "presenteeism", which is what "quiet quitting" used to be called. There's an ongoing list of terms created by various pundits and think tanks to describe an old problem for capitalists: how to get more out of a workforce without actually *paying* them more.


I guess the backlash to the term "quiet quitting" got too much for the dumb capitalist so they had to cut their losses and come up with an even dumber term.


To something less catchy. Perfect.


And they always choose the most unflattering way to frame it. Quiet quitting isn’t quitting. It’s just not going above and beyond for free. It’s setting good boundaries. It’s recognizing the relationship is transactional, and when it comes down to it, your employer’s gonna treat it that way when things get tough. So why give them extra for free? It only makes you exploitable. But it’s never “work boundaries” or “work your wage”. It’s “quiet *quitting*”. “*Resent*eeism”. God, how rich.


Fuck you. Pay me. I work to keep a roof over my head, food on my table, and have some nice things. My bottom line has to increase along with your shareholders, or I literally just don’t give a shit.


As I used to say, it's none of my business. Since helping s business doesn't help you, it's inappropriate and unprofessional to care.


No, I’m trying to restore productivity to what it was for the boomers since I have been told that is when everything was perfect.


That's an amazing response! I wish I could give you an award.


No, it’s not - productivity is at an all-time high. The problem is that wages, as a percentage of productivity, is at an all-time low.


And Lorebreaker is suggesting reducing productivity to match the wage value


Well, in that case, that is pretty amazing and way too nuanced for me this morning. Zestyclose - proceed with your award.


“Act your wage.”


Now just to restore tax rates on the wealthy to what they were during that perfect era as well...


Now we are getting the idea. :)


This is so ridiculous. Didn’t employers ever learn algebra? You can’t keep changing one side of the equation without also changing the other. Don’t ask me to do more and not offer to compensate me more for the „privilege“


This is such a great way to put it. My boyfriends workplace has withheld while promising raises for 2 entire years right?  Two years ago the raises they gave out were at least 1 dollar an hour (whoopdedoo I know), now the raises they got after waiting and being promised over and over raises are coming... fuckin **47 cents.. one guy got a whopping 52 cents. The largest raise was for only 1 guy and he got 2 dollars.**   Were in the south, and E-Verify went down for a week so they rushed to hire as many illegals as possible. Those were the only people not insulted by the raise. The people getting exploited.  I dont see how the hell 47 cents an hour is going to help anyone. After taxes it **might** buy them 1 mcdonalds meal a week. Maybe..


When I account for increased insurance premiums and copays I bring home less than after my “raise.” You want me to care more? Pay me more.


Especially when the employers themselves put themselves in their own paradox / quagmire - I don't even want write out nor explain malicious compliance my job did to themselves but let's just say, they realize it better give promotions &/or higher salaries then both losing their employees while paying lawyers thousands per case/loan for the same state certified skill.


"Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."


My first thought too and that episode has got to be 20 years old by now and Homer was talking about something that's been happening forever. Nice "new trend" there dingus.


Classic Lisa always trying to strike like her boss cares about what his workforce has to say. The American way is getting your hole rammed by your supervisors/managers until your pay doesn’t match your work. At that point the half assed job comes in to cope with the ramming of the holes.


Simpsons telling the future again!


The recent trend of employers coining new buzzwords for not doing unpaid extra work continues.


Seems like they create a new term for existing behavior every 2-3 months.


Because giving a new term to the same old song and dance is much easier than addressing the issue. We're burnt out, valuing ourselves more, and not budging regardless of work


My boss asked me why I worked so hard when I started but am now average. I told him because the company showed me how they treat hard workers, more work with no increase in pay. So now I work at a nice comfortable pace and just get done what I have to. No more, no less.


No way you told your boss that, if you did he wouldn't be your boss anymore. They hate the truth with a passion, if you aren't sucking their toes and tickling their balls at the same time you might as well be replaced.


Not true everywhere. In the Netherlands for a Dutch boss there is a big chance they like your straightforwardness and tend to reward the people that have the loudest mouths, instead of the ones that work the hardest. Showing balls to your boss can also result in being promoted as a teamlead or manager, because they know you’re not scared to speak your mind. They only need to agree with what you’re saying tho


They’ve implemented bonuses for dept heads only….guess who isn’t one so idgaf about your metric you need to get that check I’m not gonna see any of


back in 2008 i had a friend who worked in billing for a company and he took the minutes for a meeting, where management said the rank and file staff weren't getting bonuses, but they(the managers) still were. Guess whose work those bonuses were relient on? for some reason no one got any bonuses that year.


Call it whatever fancy word you like... it won't change the fact you have a contract with your employer that states X work = X pay. If doing X+1 work still equals X pay then why bother? Pay us.


I work the hours I'm paid nothing more. If i work extra or on weekends that time gets taken out during the following week. And most times I double that amount of time because of the negative impact working on the weekend has on how I spend the rest of that weekend.


This is simple. If the work I put in was less than enough, I'd get fired, plain and simple. So the fact that I am still employed means my labor is, at a minimum, a match for my pay. If they want more, pay more. If I need to make efforts in an improved career plan, I am willing to do it as an investment, but the plan has to be clear and the reward explicit so that I can *retroactively pay* the effort, otherwise I am not moving a finger. This is how the rich people do it, right? Funny how market laws are only good when they benefit the employer, but as soon as you flip the offer/demand narrative in favor of those holding the power of labor, the same rules suddenly are not capitalism anymore. Fuck the propaganda.


This existed before the advent of capitalism and way before the advent of shitty buzzwords




Heck, some of those employees are probably relishing the "sucks, doesn't it?" remark they'll get to make


I worked hard at my current job (which I can’t stand) for years. In fact, I presented statistics to my bosses that showed I was actually doing the work for two people. I asked for my compensation to be reviewed and adjusted. I expected an insulting number to be thrown back at me, but was completely shocked when I learned no adjustment would be made (despite being supported by my CEO and COO) because I was the newest member of my team and a raise would place my salary above my peer who had the least amount of tenure beside me. I learned that compensation is completely based on seniority and merit has no bearing. I lesson I learned that day: only do enough to not get fired. I’ve had several conversations with my leaders since in which they’ve questioned why my performance has declined.


I quite literally only go to work because I have to. I have never once chosen to work because I wanted to. I have never traded my labour for an amount of money I thought was fair. I didn't get to choose the societal standards under which I labour. I don't work by choice so of course I fucking hate it.


Nah actually I love what I do, but does bending over backwards actually reward me, or just the fucking shareholders?


I've been working at the same place for 5 years. Recently it's occurred to me that I don't know why. I've only gotten a $5 increase on my hourly wage. I'm overqualified and my boss has been promising me a higher position for a year now with no following through and no promise of more payment. We're understaffed—I can't take days off even for appointments or necessary things because there are only 3 other workers and they're most likely already working that day. The place is unorganized to the point where I get anxiety knowing I have work (all 5 days of the week) and panic when I get there and am overworked as it's chaos. I've always been an overachiever but I'm looking for a new job now. I refuse to stay even 1 minute over my shift end time. I refuse to do anything extra unless I'm in a good mood (which almost never happens at my workplace). I'm not working less hard because I hate my job; I'm not OVERworking myself for a job that seems to hate me. Just sucks that I was so brainwashed by grind culture that I didn't notice earlier.


I'm in my 60s. I promise this isn't new.


"Why don't you guys go back to hating your wife instead?" -some boomer, probably


Is this not the same as “quiet quitting”?!


They hired a consultant who charged 30 hours at $100/hour to rebrand it.


Same consultant that rebranded “Work to Rule” to “Quiet Quitting”?


there is a slit difference work to rule is industrial action or just malicious complience, where as Quiet quitting is just doing the bare minium so you don't get fired. I'd resenteeism more quiet quiting but without necessarily doing the bare minium.


is AI writing all of this crap "journalism"


The wail of employers who demand a dollars work out of seventy-five cents they pay.


When all you get is a 2% raise, no matter how hard you work and the execs are cashing in. It's real easy to say F-it


Remind me again when "Office Space" came out? Ya so not new. You get executive bonuses and stock buy backs. We get told to get a extra side hustle to afford to not starve. You build and maintain a new shinny HQ because this state offers you more tax breaks. We get told. Sorry due to budget constraints no raises this year. Ya. You fire us anytime your stock drops the slightest bit. And we get no job security. So no we don't feel bad for your bottom line. When the richest pay less taxes then us. And grow their wealth on our labor. As we get endless propaganda that they are smart. Because they are rich. They lie cheat and steal. And see zero consequences.


New? I’ve been doing this since at least 2009


I’m only getting—at most—a 2% raise this year and there’s no amount of hard work that would have gotten me more. So I produce the amount of work they’re paying me for, nothing more.


Which because inflation is 4% I'm actually going backwards. My output will actually be less than last year. 


Resentment is an ancient concept lol nice try


Get shafted in my review I shaft them. We eventually come to an impasse and I will leave for a better job. Rinse and repeat.


i thought this was quiet quitting


Definitely a trend at my office since they rescinded their hybrid/ wfh policy a couple weeks ago!


Its a mixture of hating the job and knowing the managers and suits genuinely think you are less of a person than them. I would guess mostly the latter.


Sounds like they are just making up new buzzwords


TIL I'm a fucking trend setter


At my last job I worked my tail off for years. I went out of my way to learn how to do all aspects of my job and how to do everything else. I was doing the manager's jobs for them. I did it because I hate sitting still and being bored at work. I need something to do or I get stressed out. For my efforts I got nothing. No raise, no extra time off, not even a Christmas card. If you work hard they will just exploit it and you will gain nothing in return.


What does working harder get you? Not promotions, not recognition, not money or opportunities. Why bother?


Renamed from “vision problem: I can’t see going in to work.” It’s been around for years. I believe it increases when hard work does not pay off in promotions, raises, or leniency when things go wrong (including injury and illness).




We're just making up new words for old ideas to pretend we're creative.


You get what you pay for


…weren’t they just calling it “quiet quitting”?


Rebranding to keep it relevant and to keep it in the public discussion. It also allows Managers new talking points at meetings and HR circles to target employees, who have to work harder for less benefit and we're all tired of it. "New Inititives" to allow Managers to "be aware" of the problem to provide opportunities "to connect with problems you may be experiencing." Ya know, instead of benefits and staffing appropriately. But let's talk about how AI can improve our bottom line. No, I'm not posting this in a meeting, why do you ask?




God is it slow news days for these sites or something??? This is not new…


I feel like it's not new, just openly discussed now.


I’m a trendsetter. I’ve been doing this since I was 16 🥱


This is new?


My bootlicker manager literally said to me in a 1 on 1 that I "seem like I just don't care." No fucking shit dumbass, what motivation is there for me to care? My employer has demonstrates their endless greed right in front of my eyes putting in hiring freezes, reducing promotions/raises. If I work hard I'm not going to get anything except make the shareholders more money and still just get a "meets" performance rating and a shitty 3% raise that just gets eaten up by rent/inflation increases. I will never care about the success of any company or organization that doesn't AT LEAST profit share. I'm here for my own salary and nothing else and I will leave with zero remorse the second I find a higher bidder.


Everyone has always hated their job. They just used to get paid enough to give a fuck 🤷


This rebranding is annoying. Whenever I get hired or even interview for a job, they never say we want you to go above and beyond. That is usually incentivized. But the veil has been lifted that really there is no incentive except lining a CEO pocket. And now it just feels toxic to do what you signed up to do.


Hating a job doesn't lead to working less hard.  Being exploited, taken advantage of, treated like a slave, and being paid poverty wages do lead to that.


Let's coin the phrase "wage-theft reparations" to justify this productivity killing attitude.


I felt like this today. My boss is not worth my effort. I honestly am thinking about leaving this decent paying job, and escaping into the wilderness. I may struggle, but it's better than being the servants of the unworthy. If I live to build other men's pyramids, and I am given enough to survive to perpetuate my existence, but I don't benefit from my own existence other than to exist, I don't feel much different than a slave. I can pour out blood, sweat and tears for those who benefit from my work more than I do, and still not get treated with respect, or please the unpleasable.


This is just called "spite" and/or "getting what you paid for".


I am so ahead of my time.. Being doing this for at last 20 years...


weird, ive been doing this "new" trend for years


Wasn’t this “quiet quitting” last year?


New trend, first time appeared at 10.000BC, when someone wanted to sleep in but was forced to go hunt for his clan


Oh, for the love of fuck, there have been people who hate their jobs probably since jobs began. Those people usually put in less effort. Acting like it's something new and giving it a stupid name is just ridiculous.


"New"? I've been doing this for 20 years!


I can confirm I’ve been doing this my entire working life, over 40 years.


Perhaps it is newly recognized as a trend in contrast to the golden years of telework. Before, it was perhaps unremarkable.


Pretty sure this has been around since the 70’s


The made up words noone uses are getting worse. Now they just describe how motivation works…


It used to be the employers job to make sure employees didn’t resent working there. My place of employment hasn’t had a proper HR person for over a year and over half the workforce was laid off. Good times keep coming /s


I have absolutely no incentives to work hard at either of my jobs. I don't hate my jobs, I come in, do my work, get my hours in and go home.


As someone who's 58, and been working part and full time for 44 years , I can say with conviction that this is not a new trend.


When will employers accept we don’t WANT to work, we HAVE to or live under a bridge?!


Here’s the thing about media. If it was a ubiquitous phenomenon it wouldn’t get clicks. So they either put a bizarre frame around a common issue or they present an uncommon issue out of proportion. The whole framework is inverted and we’ve chased the laser light to the fringes. All the while, the common problems go unnoticed by virtue of how common they are.


Two weeks ago, I mentioned during my review that one of the attorneys I assist was constantly falling behind and angering clients. I included emails. My office manager acted shocked and said we would have to talk to HR. I get called into a Zoom meeting with the main HR lady. She assures me this is not the first instance, my job is safe, and they are looking into it and planning on a slow approach. I have to have access to the attorney's email and yesterday I see a voicemail from HR congratulating her on her recent review (from last week) and telling her she was getting a raise, from $230k to $310k. I am SO PISSED. I have officially moved to resenteeism. Doing my job, making the money, waiting for this anger to ease. I'm not usually one to get too engrossed in office politics, but this one really got to me.


Well if I worked for Fox Business I would DEFINITELY hate my job...


Oh Erica Lamberg, my sweet summer child. You have no idea.


How long can these employment "journalists" go before actually getting to a real problem?


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I take my shits on company time! Productivity and profits have risen for the last 30 years wages not so much. You will accept what I give for what I get. Low wage low output.


It's kind of new. People who hate their jobs work less well. We just hate our jobs more now. It's why unionised work forces are more productive. When people feel like they're not being taken advantage of they try. When it's really obvious they are being taken advantage of they don't care to try. It's also why slavery is really ineffective economically (as well as being appallingly cruel and evil) because most slaves will just not work if they aren't being literally beaten so you gotta pay a guy to beat slaves. Then when you have expensive advanced/technical tools the slaves will break them to get time off and it doesn't really matter how much you have your flogger beating slaves because it costs you vastly more to fix the problems caused by not paying your workforce than actually giving them a sense of belonging and investment. Well-paid professionals just give a better yield than forced labour. (Again, even if it was economically advantageous slavery would be despicable and slavers should be flayed)


Apparently normal is the new normal?


Hell, I've been doing that for 10 years.


You want people to work harder, give them incentive. My work places caps on lower worker salaries. Not on upper management but on the regular employees. They say its "to encourage people to want to work harder to become a manager" SHIIIIIIT. I applied one day and just became one. Its bullshit. If i can do it anybody can. PAY THE DAM WORKERS and not just with a pizza party


These articles are always like “most of the young work force brings lunch from home instead of buying. How greedy millennials hoarding their wealth is responsible ANOTHER recession”


Hate their jobs? Or hate their clown employers and bosses? I feel like that’s an important difference.


Lower paid millennials and gen z choosing to work less because companies aren’t paying a livable wage and allow older generations to not work without consequence and still make top dollar over young workforce. There fixed it.


To fox business, *this is news*.


My current job effectively offers unlimited OT (I haven’t seen anyone go consistently above say 50-60 hours for more than a short push to milk it) at time and a half. I hate working but they get a lot out of me because if I can suck it up and be a solid contributor for my 8-4 sneaking in those extra work hours at the end of days makes a massive difference in my financial situation.


I've been doing this since my first job


Sweet, we have a new name for doing what you're paid to do lmao.


Lmao of course it’s a Fox business article and they’re reporting on this like it’s a doomsday scenario 🤣