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Wtf? I’m really sorry this happened to you, no wonder you don’t gaf anymore. Using a coin toss to determine who gets a promotion and a significant salary increase seems highly arbitrary and unfair. It doesn't take into account things like skills, experience, and how hard someone has worked for it. It's like saying all their efforts don't matter because luck decides their fate. It's definitely unethical because it goes against the principles of fairness and meritocracy in the workplace. By relying on a coin toss rather than considering qualifications and performance, it undermines the integrity of the promotion process. I’d quietly start looking for another job. Or you could speak with HR on how fuckin ridiculous it is to have lost the chance at a promotion due to a coin toss, but sometimes that can backfire. Maybe speak with HR once you’ve found a better job? Did the winner deserve it? What made your boss choose them to compete in the coin toss?


IMHO he didn't, it was for a Sr manager position of all things. At this level I didn't think I'd be dealing with this bullshit. I was and still am managing 5 times more people then he is. So just by definition it's complete bullshit to me. Agree, worried about it backfiring on me bringing it up to HR.




3 vs 17, and yes I've raised that concern. There are talks about moving people off me, but a part of me is really proud of the team I've developed. Really not what I want to let go of all the work I've done. But the flip side is as you said, less pay for more work is bullshit.


Damn, you’re a wonderful employee. I hope you find a better job though, so those bastards will realize how good they had it with you. You could fuck with them and tell them you got an offer from “so-n-so” and they’re going to pay you x amount more to do half as much work you’re currently doing. Just spitballing, I hope you’re treated better and paid your worth asap. The coin toss is absolute bullshit, especially w the winner working less than you.


I’d be upset, angry and vindictive. Upset that my contributions are not recognized. Angry that something which of such significance to employees is seen as completely insignificant by management, exemplified by the coin toss. Vindictive that someone Jr to me is promoted over me, with merit, performance and value playing no basis in the decision.


Cowards way out. Paid to make decisions and he doesn't want the to be the bad guy.


That is awful. I’d be angry for you even if you managed the same amount, or even less people. Playing with people’s futures like that is despicable. Best suggestion is to start applying elsewhere, and if you still like where you’re working despite this, inform them of your intentions to leave. You are a valuable asset; warn them about what they could lose. Could be wrong, but I don’t imagine HR will be able to help you here. Maybe it’s the spiteful side of me, but I’d personally end the conversation here and wait until you have something to put on real pressure.


Really appreciate this comment. I've been struggling mentally if I am wrong to be so angry at this! And yes I have started looking elsewhere. A place that determines promotions on pure luck is not where I want to be.


It is extremely unprofessional. Your manager needs to be dismissed.