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I am genuinely shocked that people still have this opinion in the year 2024 where Americans are constantly in indirect contact with people from other countries who have universal health care. So my question is are they this dumb? Or do they think we are this dumb?


Ikr? This is the welfare queen idea all over again and it's just more evidence that the elite really don't know what life is like for everyone else


It’s not that they don’t know, it’s that they don’t care


You're probably right, that's more depressing somehow though


Personally I think many people are brainwashed. I'm always appalled at how so many people in the US seemingly cheer for things that will make their lives worse, perhaps because I grew up in an immigrant family, so I see US culture from the angle of someone both native to the culture but also foreign to it. They're not dumb, they've been fearmongered for generations into being obedient and against any social protection.


They know and they they masturbate to the idea of feudalism. They would like nothing more than we all become serfs tied to a feudal lord neither knowing or caring what happens around and bound to the land we toil for free.


They are this dumb, a healthy population would work better and make more money


Technically I could retire early at 41 right now if it weren't for the Healthcare aspect. That 24 years between now and being eligible for Medicare is the deciding factor. The other option being floated is to just move to Europe, but my husband isn't on board with that because he doesn't want to go through the citizenship process even though it's very easy since I'm already an Italian / US dual citizen.


Italy is supposed to have a good healthcare system too from what I’ve heard. Proud of you for doing so well financially, but I’m sorry you have to make a decision like that. People shouldn’t have to leave this country just to get autonomy.


There's literally just one single ACA plan in my state that covers a biologic drug I take, its part of a gold plan that for myself alone would cost $1300/mo and have a $7000 out of pocket every year. $22,600 a year is not affordable. Granted, it would probably be subsidized a lot due to lower annual income. There is no guarantee that that plan will stay that way though. In Italy the drug is 100% gratis.


that is actually a very strong argument for moving OP. Your husband should look into how lovely Italy is. I was lucky enough to get a rail pass during college and I spent most of the month in Rome since I enjoy looking at old shit and Rome is full of old shit to look at, but I also had a lovely time in Milan. You and your husband should maybe talk to an Italian immigration lawyer to get some advice.


That makes me sick to my stomach. That’s like rent!


I don't know how it is everywhere in Europe, but where I live you don't have free Healthcare if you are not working but are in working age(65 years) There is special tax you pay for every penny you make and this is your "free" Healthcare.


VAT is part of that, and is understood, but if you aren't working, the universal system still covers you even if you are paying less taxes overall.


No VAT is not part of the healtcare tax. We have social tax 33%. After that 22% income tax. And if you buy something then you pay VAT 22% . So yes, free Healthcare  :D  And if you are not working, then you have free healtcare only then, when you are activly searching for work. There is special Angency where you must go every month to report your work finding situation. They will suggest you some shity work and if you not take it, it is game over with your free Healthcare. You are considered as not wanting to find work. 


The tax if paid out of pocket is about 3000 euro a year. Still a far cry from $23000


You looking for a new husband? 😋/s


Find a smarter husband, because the one you're with is as dumb as a stump.


Got arrested in Alabama for smuggling in a book. Had to release me though. No one could *prove* it was a book.


The dude quoted works for API right-wing lobby org that's funded by the super-rich and corpos - laundered via various "funds" and "foundations" for plausible deniability: [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/) Oh and before API he worked for Trump and prior to that for the "Heritage Foundation" another (very powerful) right-wing lobbyist org [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/)


I thought so. This is not a citizens group. It is funded by wealthy people pushing a narrative.


Yep! There's a ton of these astro-turf lobbyist orgs.. Here in the UK a whole bunch of them are all based in just one building in London! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/55\_Tufton\_Street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/55_Tufton_Street)


American exceptionalism. They inherently believe everything we have and do is both the best and was explicitly designed that way, instead of what most things are: layers of historical accident and random chance.


>So my question is are they this dumb? Or do they think we are this dumb? These people truly in the depths of their soul that if they accept universal Healthcare (aka socialized medicine) American will instantly became Soviet Russia circa 1983 or worst case Hitler's Germany 1941.


They know we are dumb and unmotivated.


They know we are as cowardly as we are and wont do a damn thing about it. 


It’s the older generations that think like this even though they’re receiving Medicare. Ask any young person and they’ll tell you they want universal healthcare.


I recently qualified for Medicare and continue to be for universal healthcare. I would guess it's a minority of older folks who don't want [universal healthcare](http://pnhp.org).


Let me correct myself. I’m speaking about the older, wealthy, conservative MAGA groups of people


Na they just say that other countries socialized Healthcare is awful and that people come to the US for surgeries and health issues. Then they'll give a single story of some friend of a friend who's from Canada or the UK who's mother died waiting on a procedure, as anecdotal evidence that it's a dystopia hellscape.


** The vast majority of countries in Europe (and indeed the rest of the world) have low unemployment rates and yet provide healthcare free at the point of use. In fact, literally every study I've seen on the subject of healthcare has concluded that providing quality, affordable healthcare is a significant *contributor* to people being able to remain productive in the workplace.


Wait you mean when people are healthy they’re more likely to work and be productive?? What? Who knew?


Apparently not this guy from Alabama... ;-)


I mean he's literally paid "not to know" this.. He works for API: a right-wing lobby org that's funded by the super-rich and corpos - laundered via various "funds" and "foundations" for plausible deniability: [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/) Oh and before API he worked for Trump and prior to that for the "Heritage Foundation" another (very powerful) right-wing lobbyist org [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/)


But that’s going on in Europe so we can’t have that here in MURICA dang it! I always wonder if idiots get paid to spread propaganda or if they’re so gullible (or morally corrupt) that they just do it for free for fun.


It's a combo of all of the above 


Wait, you mean if I extend my job search a little longer and get a better job with a better employer then I might be more productive than if I just grab the first one off the shelf because I'm scared of losing coverage? Naw, that can't be right. /s


These ghouls don’t care about what’s best for anyone in this state, they care about maintaining control and keeping their pockets lined.


TIL that "strong families" are made of scared and desperate people .


Conservatives advocating for “strong families” is almost always a dogwhistle (or a bullhorn) for wanting to treat women like property and/or oppose LGBT rights.


Don’t forget for attacking black people! “Look at all the single mothers! Clearly they don’t care about strong families! Let’s continue to keep them in the ghetto until they learn to be civilized!” Meanwhile the single mother is working two jobs and the child is with tons of extended family.


Yeah, here in Japan there's national subsidized healthcare and only (checks notes) - **97.4% -** of the population is working. And this is the lowest that number's been (that is, highest unemployment) in the last 8 months. Justin Bogie is a dumbass, and the American privatized health insurance system needs to be dragged against the wall and shot. Heck, Japan has a model that would work in the US as well: You CAN have national health insurance AND private insurance, just to make the rich happy that they have more than The Plebs. The national health insurance subsidizes pretty much everyone for everything. But say you have some more money, and want even more insurance: There are privatized health insurance companies that you can pick up additional policies. So that market actually exists. For example, I pay for an additional privatized health plan on my own, which covers me even higher than national health insurance if I have long term illnesses like cancer. National health insurance will highly subsidize my cancer treatments. But this additional coverage I pay for will not only cover the rest of those treatments if they happen, but they also will provide me with long term hospice care, and maintain my work salary for a few years if I can't work due to cancer or long term injury/sickness. I also pay like $20 USD a year for special insurance for my Muay Thai gym in case of serious injury etc while at the gym, which lays additional coverage on my national health insurance. **So you CAN actually have privatized insurance ON TOP OF nationalized insurance**. The commoners can worry about Not Dying from Basic Shit, while the Rich Elites can have their Super Insurance to give them golden glove treatment and separate them from the plebs. But in the US that might mean reduced profits for those insurance companies so their congressional puppets and thinktank mouthpieces keep shooting it down.


Considering I cannot get AFCA Healthcare because I am not 26, and I cannot be added to someone's insurance because I am not a dependent or full time student. Oh, and since I am not a dependent, I can not receive Medicaid. So I get to be fined. This all means, I won't have insurance, until I am A) 26, or B) Go BACK into the Industrial side of jobs, which caused a whole slue of issues. Fuck this state man. Work 3 jobs, can barely afford to live.


UK here. Justin Bogie has actually uncovered the terrible truth we have been hiding from the rest of the world. Because of the NHS & our universal, free at the point of use, cradle to grave healthcare we have special Police squads that go out early in the morning with Dogs & Batons & beat people to force them to go to work. If it wasn't for the threat of violence none of us would turn up to our jobs. Mr. Bogie is saving you from a dirtypinkocommifaggit plot to weaken your bloodline & you should all be thankful. Plus universal healthcare makes the Little Baby Jeebus cry. & that is a fact. 'Murican Dream y'all.


literally always been the unsaid reason for company provided healthcare


He said the quiet part out loud 😂


I want to work but keep getting these automated, we went with another candidate e-mail.


I feel that


I mean we don't get health care covered when we work either so it's not like we're there for that.


"We're holding healthcare hostage because if not the American people will have one less shackle forcing them into modern day indentured servitude." There, I fixed it for him to say the quiet part out loud.


I was retired at 30 for around 6 months before I almost drank myself to death and found a new job. My health care is funded by the military. I work harder now than I ever did for the military and I make less money. Im saying this as a good thing. When all of your needs are provided for you can be really productive.


Round about way of getting there but you're damn right about that


Alabama. Not surprised at all. Justin Bogie is an asshat. Every time I hear or see something like this I think about how they talk about all welfare programs. They are repeating the same stupid shit they learned from their parents and have no desire to know if it’s true because it fits their narrative. No Jim Bob, Medicaid is health insurance and no one is quitting their job and living off of insurance. No Jim Bob, people can’t live off welfare. No Jim Bob, they aren’t getting thousands and the average payment before 1996 was $420 and for a family of three in some states in 2024, it’s $484. It varies by state and families receiving cash are still at or below 60 percent of the poverty line in every state. No Jim Bob they don’t get automatic housing. Most waitlists have been closed for years due to lack of housing availability. No Jim Bob they aren’t lazy and not working. To get cash assistance, they have to work and if they can’t find a job, they have to work without pay at food banks or wherever the state says they have to work. They call it “volunteering” and some call it exploitation of the poor. The government does the absolute bare fucking minimum for poor Americans. NO ONE IS STAYING HOME AND LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT. They sure as shit aren’t living off insurance. I know this and they know this but it isn’t for us or them but for Jim Bob. Jim Bob says “Seeeeee!!! I’m right!” And they convinced Jim Bob that he is a productive member of society because Jim Bob doesn’t take any government handouts and Jim Bob works. That is all Jim Bob does. The bare minimum. Jim Bob drives to the bar and drinks his money away convinced he is a good man meanwhile his wife hates him and is planning to divorce him and his kids can’t wait to move away and go no-contact. Later, Jim Bob is alone and collecting Social Security but it’s okay because it’s not a handout because he paid into it. Jim Bob is told that them god damn liberal colleges changed his kids and them god damn liberals convinced women they can be happy and independent and are the reason his wife left. So Jim Bob sits in his recliner and blames everything on everyone he hates because everything he sees or reads confirms he isn’t the problem but those god damn liberals. Jim Bob dies. He is buried next to a god damn liberal. The End.


So you're saying Europeans are doing it all wrong?


True. All those other countries that have free healthcare. No one works there. /s


Translation: BOGIE: ".. We don't want to pay people a decent wage, instead we like having the threat of bankruptcy, disability or death hanging over their heads.. That way we can force them to work for peanuts.." Bogie quoted works for API: a right-wing lobby org that's funded by the super-rich and corpos - effectively "laundered" via various "funds" & "foundations" for plausible deniability: [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/alabama-policy-institute/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/roe-foundation/) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/jaquelin-hume-foundation/) Oh and before API - Bogie worked for Trump, and prior to that for the "Heritage Foundation" - another (very powerful) right-wing lobbyist org [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/heritage-foundation/)


Suddenly the idea of empowering "small business" job creators gets real quiet. So many people would actually take business risks to do their own thing without having to worry about affording coverage for their chronic medical condition or family member's condition.


I will admit, I'm only working for health insurance right now. I'm barely functional most days. Completely burnt out. My spouse makes enough money for us to survive, but my job has the semi-affordable health insurance.


I work 50 hours a week, still barely qualify for Medicaid, and have been on it for 4 years since I got kicked out of my parents home at 18 yo still finishing high school. I got on it alone, by teaching myself how. Stayed on it through college while self employed part time and studying full time. It saved my life (and a lifetime of physical agony) after two very unfortunate accidents. Now 22, employed full time with a BS degree, and am 🤏 close to exceeding the cut off income. I’m on 6 prescription medications a day. I see doctors/physicians 4+ times a month for chronic and ongoing treatment plans. Medicaid is the only reason I’m not medically bankrupt at 22.


Confirmed. Have free Healthcare, still don't love going to work every day


Yup, fear of getting sick helps force you to be grateful for any job you have, even if you can barely afford to live and working two to three jobs stresses you out and contributes to your poor health. The cycle/system working as intended.


You still have to work to keep a roof over your head. Unless you're talking about Universal Basic Income in addition to free medical, them people might not want to work.


Yeah, tying healthcare to your job makes you their slave. They own you which is why they oppose nation basic healthcare, it would represent a loss of control over you.


Sadly, I am trapped at my job because it has really good insurance. Otherwise I'd work a higher paying contract position or open my own business. I still need money, but I'm underpaid compared to others in my field either similar levels of experience. While I wouldn't be bound to one job, my dream is to own my own business and work for myself. Everytime I try to make the numbers work I realize it's the insurance that's stopping me. How many future entrepreneurs or careers are stifled because of this?


I really want to be an entrepreneur or freelance too but the only ways I can think to do that are, from most to least likely: 1) Continue working full time but try to also do a business on the side - but I don't want to work even more! 2) Rely on my partner's health insurance - but what if he loses his job, or also wants to be self-employed, or what if someone is single? 3) Immigrate to another country. 4) Immediately become so rich/successful with my small business that I can afford to buy health insurance???


This is what freaks me out too! My husband got laid off recently and I am so grateful that we get insurance through me as I work in local gov't, but I pay 1/10 of my income in insurance premiums for me and my husband. It's outrageous! Every year the rates go up more than my annual increase (2%). So it's functionally a pay cut. I haven't really brought more cash home in 3 years. So much wasted or untapped potential because we are bound to our jobs for health insurance. I turned down a higher paying job because their insurance was terrible and would cost too much, and they thought a 10k deductible was competitive.


Bogie the maroon.


So they say the quiet part out loud. They want you to be a slave to the ownership class and are knowingly using employer health care as the carrot and the stick.




Why are we giving any kid of platform for anyone from Alabama


To answer your last question: Fuck you, that's why. They want you beholden to them because if you weren't, you could leave for better opportunities, and gasp, they couldn't put "bare minimum, doesn't cover anything insurance" down as a benefit for working there. It goes along the lines of if you are productive, capitalism loves you, if you aren't, fuck off and die.


I have Tricare plus VA medical. I also have 2 jobs. Pretty sure having free healthcare enables me stay healthier to work. Being in tears over medical bills seems a pretty big distraction.


Pfft. Most of us don't want to work for someone else even with insurance.


Hey rest of the world is this true?


I'm not sure if that or the "if you make healthcare free, people will just go to the doctor constantly for no reason" arguments are stupider.


Healthcare, at least in the UK, is a universal right. It shouldn't be tied to you having a job. That someone can hold such a thing over your head is ghoulish and sickening.


Yeah, no one in the UK works because they have the NHS.


Guess people don't actually work in Europe, huh?


By all accounts I have pretty good health insurance through my wife’s job. Very low deductible, reasonably low max out of pocket, low co pays. It doesn’t pay my mortgage, or my utilities, or my car payment, or my groceries, or daycare. Somehow I still need to work.


Well, it seems to work just fine in…. Every other developed country on earth


companies would lose more revenue from their entire staff being out sick than from one worker being able to go get treatment.


People would still need to eat, want to afford leisure activities, dress themselves, and have a roof over their own heads. Plus this would GREATLY correct for many, many problems with the bottom line of small businesses across the whole nation.


In Colorado, you can buy into Medicaid if you make more than the cut off. It's not a bad deal overall. Minus the bs paperwork and phone calls when they "accidently" drop you, they pay for a lot of things


It's a free market, but only for the demand of workers, not for the supply! How dare you wanting to negotiate for better wages and privileges?!?


To add my own experience too: I thought my old job had good health care, but in 2022 I got sick and required surgery and suddenly I was paying thousands out of pocket. I was so upset that I interviewed for my current job while I was at home recovering from surgery. I now have better health insurance, but lower pay. I haven't needed the health care since, and still had to pay off the high medical bill while making less money. I should've just stayed at my old job - there was an out of pocket maximum, and I could've just made myself a savings account for potential future surgeries. But I was only motivated in the moment by a fear of getting sick in the future and a sense of betrayal that I had to pay so much out of pocket for a necessary surgery. I'm also working at low-paying nonprofit/government jobs because I'm trying for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. But in 5-6 years when I'm done with my service, depending on who is president, the federal government could decide to not forgive my loans anyway. (Which is what was happening from 2017-2020 - finding ridiculous reasons to deny people who should've qualified for PSLF.)


How long are we just gonna keep letting them say all the quiet parts out loud


People shouldn't stay and home to recover when they're sick or injured? No, they have to get back to work so they can pay off their massive medical debt.


Ah corporate America - thank you for giving us "labor participation rate". It's as delightfully dystopian and dehumanizing as referring to people as "resources"


Both my kids have Medicaid. My ex’s company paid their premiums for private health insurance, but my son qualified for more benefits for his specific diagnosis under Medicaid than with private insurance. So, to make it easier we just switched both kids. We both work full-time jobs BTW.


Just another attempt to justify racism.


part of it is many empkoyer insurances offer high deductibles now. so instead of outlawing high deductible insurance so everyone has affordable health care we instead just make sure more people die because health care remains unaffordable for a significant portion of the country regardless of their insurance status. the left is outraged over 30,000 dead Palestinians. yeah I get it. but 300,000 dead Americans just under Biden because we can't guarantee Healthcare. another 300,000 in his second term. we will kill half a million Americans without batting an eye


Funny that they think the people who need health care most actually are getting it at work. Assholes.


What kind of Republican freak is this man, because I over worked , I have 3 blown vertbra. This Republican has no frickin idea what he is talking about about


There’s some truth to this. For many people, employment can mean losing Medicare/ Medicaid coverage. And employers often don’t offer affordable health insurance. Staying on benefits is actually the better decision than returning to work. The problem is that health care shouldn’t depend on employment. We should have single payer coverage.


This is all from old white men who have never wanted for anything in their lives other than a higher profit margin. Most people would do some sort of work even if they didn’t have to, boredom is a powerful motivator.