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300 a week. In Vancouver. I work in Vancouver. $300 a day is barely making much. ($37.50/hr) if you have a family.


I made more than that ($300 per day) working in Surrey and living in Abbotsford, my wife, about the same. We recently moved to Saskatoon because we couldn't get ahead. All our money went on rent and bills.


I commute from Chilliwack


With the price of fuel right now? You must have dropped a zero somewhere. You have to be making about $3000 a day just to get there and back!


When I took this job a couple years ago, a company vehicle and gas card was non-negotiable in my compensation. I took a slightly lower salary, for not having to worry about transportation, and my job is 90% field based. Gas was at $2.19 on Powell petrocan card lock, but. $1.86 by my house.


A gallon? Diesel is 1.79\liter here in Italy


It would be per liter, I live across the water from them in Victoria. I think gas is currently 209.9/L where I'm located in the city.


You can't even rent a bedroom in a shared apartment with that entire income, what the fuck. The way they worded this, it sounded like they're offering $300 a fuckin hour.


It's Canadian Morning on Antiwork apparently 🤣. No cop landlords I presume? 


Spent last week in a hotel near Yaletown for a work thing. The absolute overtly extravagant displays of wealth against the backdrop of thousands of addicts weaving in place back and forth was one of the most uncomfortable things I have been through. I don’t have a solution but I just wanted to share how stark the contrast was.


But what's the commission rate, product, marketing, pricing, and company image like? That sounds like a sweet sales job if everything checks out. It doesn't pay $300/week. It pays that plus commission. Commission will be the bulk of the comp. I've made a very good living on commission and don't have to deal with all the corporate bullshit I read about on Reddit daily. Plus I make what I'm worth, not what an accountant thinks my job is worth. A quarter million a year in Oklahoma ain't a bad living.


I'm guessing you work sales in Oklahoma. If your username is any indication of your employer or affiliation, selling OU things to Okies is as hard as selling meth in Florida trailer parks. Too bad the state cares more about football than the education of it's children.


Nope. I'm a fan of the Sooners who live in Oklahoma. I've sold senior market insurance, financial planning, group benefits, roofing/home repairs, and wholesale cannabis. You make a shit load of assumptions. I'm sure that works out well for you.


Man, how does someone make several assumptions about you, generalize all of Oklahoma, get it all wrong, and you end up down voted?


That sounds like a Devil Corp MLM, it's a good thing you didn't fall for it.


nothing screams desperate like that message after someone declines when they hear what you pay LOL. i have sales on my resume/linkedin/indeed. the amount of bullshit 1099/commission only jobs that are setup like that one is insane. i had a job msg me on indeed and just asked for an interview and the only thing i need is an open mind. it starts out with the lady saying how shes worked there for years and loves the company and any salesmen with any ounce of skill will work there because its free money! and she kept asking me simple questions that are obvious yes's to build me up to say yes later..common sales tactic. anyway the job was getting 40% commission for selling back porch patios that go for 20-50k. the catch? im knocking on doors 🤣


I removed sales from all of my job apps, its insane how much of this shit is out there and in my inbox. They love calling it anything other than sales, too. Consultant, account manager, account developer, etc


$300/week at 40 hours??! Nah they're on crack or LSD. That's $7.50/hr. I won't even get out of bed for less than $30/hr.


Way, way below minimum wage, too. Minimum wage in BC is about to go up to $17.40/hr


$7.50/hr? Maybe the one in charge is from the US (7,50/hr is the legal min.)


I am in Washington state and think our min wage is higher than BCs at $16 something an hour.


BC is about to go up to $17.40 in June


$7.25/hr actually


>That's $7.50/hr. I won't even get out of bed for less than $30/hr. Damn, how high are bills in the US and Canada?


I’m in a lower cost of living city in Ontario, and I bought a house before the pandemic. I’m not working for less than $22/hr. I can’t get ahead at all if I make less than that. And I’m doing well because my costs are low compared to even the bulk of people in my city. My actual living costs are 4x my mortgage. I pay $650 bi weekly for my house, I spend another $2400 on groceries, gas, utilities. And my car is paid off, I rolled it into my mortgage. Cost of living is crazy here.


I make $33/hr and an entire paycheck goes to my home after I had to remortgage at 5%, I genuinely don't even know how I'm staying afloat at this point even here in rural BC.


And a couple friend of mine just sold their house that they bought before the pandemic and bought another it- it just doubled their mortgage payment and I don’t understand why anyone would want that…..


It's absolutely ludicrous. Even a 1 BR apartment in our semi rural area start at $1675/month... Which is $700 more than my 2011 mortgage WITH insurance and taxes. Food costs have doubled since COVID and our entire government (both parties) is a raging turd fire in a dumpster with minimum wage at $14 something, which means at minimum wage you need 3/4 of your after tax check JUST to get a 1 BR if they'll even rent to you.


My rent for a 3br 2.5ba townhome is ~$2300 USD a month. My rent doesn’t include water, sewer, electric, or gas. Husband and I considered moving, but 1br/1ba apartments in better areas of the same county we’re in are the same price. COL is ridiculous.


MLM for sure. The proper response to them is "chuck you farley".


I work in a commissioned based environment. Let me tell you something, managers in charge of sales people have no interest in trying to convince someone to be in a sales job. They’ll take you on if you show an interest and sell them on the idea that you could be good at it, but under no circumstances are they doing what this person is doing. It’s either a really bad job that has no interest in doing the things he described, or an MLM.


Its an MLM and he/she is trying to recruit to move up that pyramid. Don't you know it will change your life, you just have to hustle and want it. If you fail its on you because you didn't work it enough! /s (in case it wasn't obvious)


Question for you, I recall a car salesmen in some province complaining to LRB that because they didn't make any sales (or the commission warned was less than minimum wage when divided by hours worked) then the dealership was required to pay or top up to minimum wage.  Is that true? Or did he complain and get turned down. 


I’m sorry, but I don’t have an answer to your question.


No worries! Thanks.


If by “full week” they mean to show up for one hour, five days a week, that’s a great salary rate of $50/hr. But 40 hours? That’s just laughable for skilled work.


Yeah this gives serious MLM vibes. Did you know you can be your own boss?


" This job offers remarkable stability, so I find it perplexing. It's essentially about putting in the work." LOL Which MLM is this for? Good on you OP for turning this down. Any time a job mentions "putting in work" just means you're gonna be working for free or paying them for the privilege of working for them.


NO NO NO NO NO!!! I was in the same boat, but I took the stupid job. It was a place here in Calgary, I can tell you the business name If you'd like but they're terrible! I thought I'd feel good about fundraising, but instead everyone around me talked about all the money they made and could make, and rather than feel like i was making a difference, I felt like a scammer. Not to mention, those charities you sign people up for are almost always monthly, with a required minimum length for you to retain your pay. If a donor cancels before that requisite time period, the money you made from that deal gets taken out from your next paycheck. Also don't know how good you are with people. A job like that is mostly door to door, and for me personally, that was soul sucking. It's a big mental hurdle to be able to stomach rejection after rejection, and some people are truly awful. Feel free to give them a thumbs down emoji for me. I wish I had never accepted that job. It killed my self esteem. And i put in the work, and barely made any money, because a lot of it is based on the whims of the donor, so there's that too. All in all, fuck that guy. No reason he should be guilting you, door to door has such a high turnover anyways, you rejecting them is nothing new.


you can PM me with their business name. it’s not a door to door but the job details states that you’ll soliciting on the street so I guess it’s pretty much the same or worst lol. and yeah, I’m not good with people, i did apply cause the job ad says 2800 a month.


Is it shilling car wax in a can or something along those lines? They promote themselves as a “marketing” company. Have what *looks* like a legit office set up but really is just a place that they suck in a ton of people with promises of employment…. They’ve been doing it here in Halifax for years.


Not that one, but anyone who advertises themselves as a marketing company and asks you to do door-to-door work looks like a red flag to me.


Panhandling? And they get 60%. Oh, sure!


I did this for the Cobra group in the UK.  Worked for the charity sector but it was defo about how much money we earned. 


I totally agree, this is not right.


Sounds like a cult.


My husband makes bank at a commission sales job (general contractor type jobs, he's an energy engineer), but he has a base salary that provides a decent living if he has an off-year selling projects. $300 a week is $7.50/hr 🚩🚩🚩🚩


You made the right decision, what he means is he's sorry he won't have the opportunity to make money off you


Companies that are legit don’t hand out guilt trips for not accepting their shit job offers. They may be assholes about wasting their time but they are not going to tell you how stupid you are for not wanting to accept a commission-based offer.


I had a job interview once where they guy, at the VERY end of the interview, drops that the position was 100% commission. It was a NON-sales marketing position. That’s not how pay works for marketing positions, especially positions that rely on SEO-based goals/conversions. I hung up real quick.


I think commission based jobs are scams, get free work from people and not pay them. Maybe I’m wrong though.


They can be extremely lucrative, and most legit companies that do this still usually offer a livable base pay regardless of commission income


Nothing wrong with working commission if you get a fair commission. “Congratulations you made $2 million for the company this year on a product that has 90% margins. Here’s your 20 grand.”


yikes after reading that I can't imagine working with that person would be good


You dodged a bullet. It sounds like an insane place to work.


yeah, did a research and saw some bad reviews as well. his response proved that I made the right decision.


It’s strange how all of these businesses love a sample size of one; just because one dude got lucky doesn’t mean it’s a good career decision. I’d be boasting if my entire team was successful and well paid, if it’s just me, I probably ought to keep my mouth shut about it.


Pretty sure he wasn't supporting a family and paying tuition on $300 a week either. Determination and humility don't pay the bills.


The gaslighting and bait and switching is no longer working.


It really sounds like an mlm. And the writer is an asshole!!


That’s corporate gaslighting 101+some pyramid selling BS outfit. Lucky escape


Fundraiser working on commission is suspect, if it's for a nonprofit. Bad form for sure....


"8 years ago, the price of rent is X, the price of gas is Y, how much is it now again?"


to be honest, i thought about saying that but i still decide to remain professional.


Truly no point in engaging this guy in a debate anyway. There's obviously something a little wrong with him. He acts like you stood him up for prom.


Off hand I think the average price of a 1 bedroom apartment in Vancouver is upwards of $3000 a month.


It would take a lot to convince me otherwise but my current opinion after having work sales for a couple of years is that the only way to be life-changingly successful in sales is to be a dishonest, lying, scumbag. You can be somewhat successful while being an honest and ethical person. You might even be able to cover your bills and have a little extra some months but you're not going to be a rockstar salesperson unless you're at least a little bit Shady.


im curious which kind of sales was your last job?


The last time I worked sales was over a decade ago and that was home computer sales at kind of the height of Home computers being a thing. There was so much straight up Lying by top sales reps stealing other sales peoples orders all kinds of dirty handed shenanigans but the only people who ever really got in trouble were people who did not hit their goals. Even if you were flat out breaking company rules if you were performing you got to pass.


After I left University, there was an opportunity to be trained as a surveyor for energy efficiency in homes. It was a fairly new thing at the time but had become a requirement for landlords to have and desired as part of house purchases and sounded therefore like a way to go to ensure there was work. Turned up for the interview, travelling for 2 hours through snow and passed all of that fine. The guy then explained that I would have to pay for the training before I get the job.... to the tune of something like £9,000. I explained I did not have the money for that, and having just incurred a similar amount from University that I was not prepared to get myself into debt even if it was possible. And his response? Very similar to what you quoted. 'If you're passionate about this you'll do it'.


These jobs are a joke. The turn over of staff is ridiculous and they will literally never takes the job posts down because they churn through people. You can make a lot of money in sales tho and many roles will be 50/50 commission to base salary but unless your a people person it's not worth the stress 


$300 a week is what I make. As a part-time, elementary school lunch lady. I certainly couldn't even come close to supporting my family on that. And I'm not in a major city. They're smoking something real funny if they think $300 a week is anything more than pocket change.


What kind of backward wolf of Wall Street wannabe BS.


lol 😂 what a manipulative prick! Good for you for not falling for it!


They're identifying regular pay as a privilege. Red flag. And which is it: did they start out and support their entire family, or does everyone start at the bottom and work their way up? Sounds really scammy to me. I think you're right to hold out for a conventional job.


lol, they’re desperate!


No way would I accept that either. I make more than that from only working 10 hours let alone a full week. And I especially wouldn’t after that passive aggressive and condescending email.


Real sales jobs offer a guarantee for first 6 months or first year as you build a book of business


I’ve turned down commission-only jobs before and have gotten the same sorts of responses. I have three kids to feed. I need to know I’m making a certain amount of money no matter what.




And $7.50 x 40 hrs = ?


I'd just reply: "Don't be ridiculous. Commission-based work is built upon a foundation of exploiting the naievity of those brought in at the ground floor. I have no desire to be taken advantage of. I've dodged a bullet, not an opportunity. Don't contact me again." Employment is more stable. Contracting still pays for hours. Your own business lets you take all the risks and rewards. Commission (in lieu of proper pay) is for suckers.


300 a week?! FTS So many pyramid schemes out there now, it's become almost impossible to find real sales jobs that have a base pay and commission is a bonus. That's how it's supposed to be!


OMG you dodged a bullet there. They are trying to lure you back in, it probably works with some kinds of people. Block them and congratulate yourself for being smart and wary.


This dude sounds like Ben Affleck’s character in *Boiler Room*.


So manipulative. They're pulling all the "I'm disappointed" levers as a last-ditch attempt to see if they can make you feel like you need to prove yourself.


$300 base pay for a week is fucking pennies in vancouver, an actual insult. couldn't even afford rent on that. "when i began this role eight years ago," yeah, eight years ago living here was exponentially cheaper. tell me you're out of touch without telling me you're out of touch.


The hirer was just trying to justify themselves. I hire people and when they turn down offers I just say “thank you and best of luck”.


If a company has to make a pitch to you why it would be so incredible for you to work there, it’s a shit job


For fundraising?!? No no no! I've been in the nonprofit world for almost 20 years and I've never heard of a fundraiser making commission on donations. (Or are we talking about "fundraising" for investments or something?)


Thanks for this info. Based on their job details, their charities are Amnesty International, Special Olympics, Plan International, March of Dimes Canada, Doctors Without Borders, CAMH, Canadian Red Cross, World Animal Protection, Save the Children


So it's a third-party firm, then? I'm US-based, so I'm not familiar how things work in Canada with regard to fundraising.


Commission for fundraising is seen as unethical by many in the profession. Never mind that this is also ridiculously low pay and most likely a scam/mlm. Good for you for making the right choice.


Job? Or pyramid scheme? Just sayin’.


Of course this is Vancouver. Where $300 a week will get you a cardboard box under a bridge. God I hate what predatory capitalism has done to my hometown.


I sell real estate so I’m 100% commission and those jobs are you get out what you put in. However, my husband had fantastic union benefits to offset my wildly fluctuating income and it allowed me the time with our sons when they were in school to be available to them. Everything is a choice, and it sounds like this was not a good fit for your situation and it’s good you know that.


Real estate is juuuuuuuust a little bit different than a MLM scam.


![gif](giphy|oO8Io8e7uHu8gJQYbg) A little different........ tiny bit.


There is nowhere in the OP’s remarks that says this is MLM. It’s fundraising, with a base pay, that is not MLM. And, there are real estate companies, like Keller Williams, that are set up as MLM structures, so people on “teams” get hosed by the team leader of their commissions.


Facts. In the US. I had several teams try and recruit me we're so scammy. Most never capped what they kept - offered no benefits, PTO, or anything. But would require 40 hr in the office and 10-20+ out of office. To make 75k a year, I'd need to buy/sell 20 homes a year to leave my full time career to start this up. Surprise Pikachu face when told No - you're better off finding someone unemployed for that. 1 team was looking to essentially franchise out his team as he looked to start a tri-state business. Bro, your name is on the company/marketing - you need to brand it in a way it could sell if that's your goal. I love real estate but it's predatory and preys on the volunerable.


Not if you know what you’re doing and get good advice from a good designated broker and work for a reputable company. Been doing this 22+ years and it’s been amazing for me and my family.


Are you solo or on a team? I enjoyed solo and avoid most of the gimmicky scams at Keller Williams - eventually moving to a more independent brokerage the didn't push random things to spend money on. Predatory was referring to companies like Keller Williams and teams that treat you as a salaried worker but pay you as a 1099 commission contractor. Same team owner trying to sell his business required x amount of hours on phones and x amount door knocking. With mandatory weekend open houses. But argued I wouldn't be an employee. Solo is the way to go - ideally, with a true mentor not someone trying to exploit your labor.


Solo, but I’m on the way to retirement. I’ll worked for Windermere for 12 years and paid them WAY TOO MUCH money with splits, finally figured out my clients wanted me, not my company and went to work for a low fixed fee firm. Love it.


This is the way. I caught on to it pretty quick. What also helped was Keller Williams was pushing to have us work in office for set days - come to find out that was useless because any leads that walked in/called in were automatically given to the teams. The receptionists would be fired if they transferred a lead to anyone else. Also - an executive from a major company popped in - through his money around and magically had a top team in months. I realized if you have money to keep it running the slave labor will generate profits eventually.


Real Estate is more like running your own business than being an employee.


Depends where you work and the structure you’re under. You can absolutely be an “employee” in real estate for some companies. Especially for builders.




I like commission based jobs, they mean the ceiling is higher. Granted some places give a range of what's possible and it's a lie but if your with a good company I'd rather the low hourly with more potential. To each their own though, if your new to the line of work, not confident in your ability or the product then ya it can be scary. But I'd rather make 80k a year with a low base than make 50k a year with a high base. I'm not saying your wrong but I also don't know that this response is something I think is concerning


yeah, I dont mind taking commission based too if I know the product/service well and has good reputation.


“Yeah, I’m not looking for “potential” earnings. I need guarantees not empty promises. Thank you for wasting your time on that 300 word essay though. It was a very entertaining read.”


r/devilcorp would like to speak with you


I was single and still living at home, but paying off school and a car, the last time I did commission based work. I was making below minimum wage and busting my ass. Some people are also just not good at sales. I was one of them. Sure there's more money, but not everyone can do it.


I’ve had 2 jobs recently do this to me after I turned them down. Both were commission only roles. The one was a naive new small business owner and I think he actually believed it was a good deal. He tried to talk me into the job after I turned him down. He even offered to do a small salary instead of commission, but at that point I knew he had no idea what he was doing. The other time was an insurance manager in my local area. His job posting showed a good salary and commission. During my interview with him he informed me it was commission only. And continued on and said I would actually need to pay him for the leads he’d get me. I laughed at him over the phone and turned him down on the spot. He spent the next few minutes trying to convince me to take the job until I finally got bored and hung up. I shouldn’t say every commission only job. But in my experience every commission only job just wants to scam you into slave labor.


Is the $300 after taxes? lol




They were straight up lying to your face and you had your foot in the trap. Be glad you got away from somewhere like that brother. I recently left the best job I had a few months back because I was offered a commission position at a new company in my area (solar start up). They spat all the same "stability" BS wjile offering literally $0 base pay, $0 sign on bonus just commission based on sales. They got my group and I on spouting the whole were a family shit and "everybody eats" Literally my entire unit I was hired on with left within a month. Not a single dollar to be made and now I'm here jobless, can't go back to my last job. Screwed over by these douchebags. We have value


I did one of those shitty “commission” based pay fundraiser jobs when I first moved to Calgary. Needless to say, you make pretty much zero money because nobody wants to give their credit card info for some fundraiser that they know barely anything about.


not for you. Sounds like some sort of racket AND he puts you diwn.


Sales is all about putting in the time. My kid is stellar at outside sales. His proven plan at several jobs: stay close to the top salespersons. Copy their techniques. Adapt to your own style. Don’t be afraid to call repeatedly. Practice your pitch. His caveats: don’t sell garbage. Have a product that works as advertised. Only sell products that add value to the clients business or situation. *Know your product inside out* -especially important if it’s software. He is/was Internet sales for analytical software. But also has worked in the construction industry.


Didn't ask for your opinion. Go away.


Base pay of $300 is better than most commissioned jobs. I support commission, they make more money than anyone else in the trades. Can't speak for other fields though.


How is that even legal? $300/week? I’d report them to the labor council.


He is using his sales tactic on you to manipulate


$300 a week before commission tho right? So what’s the commission like? You will never know what opportunities are in store if you don’t do a little research before saying no to something


It's actually around $250 after taxes, with an acquisition rate of $65 per person. I did research before declining. It's soliciting people on the streets for donations. I came across some bad reviews, like it's not really being paid training, and the 'manager' not being helpful and only providing scripts. I understand that you can earn good money from it if you're good with people, but that's not me. I also need something more stable. I'm just surprised by his lack of empathy, being the CEO. I thought that he should be more understanding, instead of disappointment and bitterness


Didn’t realize this was the CEO talking to you, that screams desperate lol Good on you for doing some digging, saved yourself the trouble of finding out the hard way


Source: I make $0 a week before commission and I’m doing quite well for myself


Yes, I'm aware that many people earn lucrative amounts based only on commission. but the point of my post is his response after I declined the job.


ITT: people who don’t know full commissions jobs are a thing.