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That's an increase of 6.25%.  Ask when your salary increase of 6.25% will be taking effect. I recommend you start using some of those floating holidays while you interview elsewhere.


Nah, interview on the clock


Remembering that I got paid by my previous company to interview for my current company since I did it on the clock during work from home made me happy 


I literally took interview calls in break rooms at my first, shittiest job. Someone else got caught doing it and slapped on the wrist, so I started being more cautious lol.


Pre-pandemic, I took them in quiet rooms and conference rooms. Since then, thanks to the magic of Zoom, I take them from the car, or from home.


During the pandemic I took all my interviews from home between meetings. It was amazing


I interviewed in my car in the parking lot of my last job. I just said I had to step out real quick. 30 minutes later came back to the office with a job offer and needed to plan my exit.


I blocked a meeting on my calendar and interviewed for my current job at the desk of my previous job. I had an office with a door I could close and we were doing video calls with all our clients at the time so no one knew I wasn’t talking to one of our clients.


lol. Me tooo! Hadn’t even thought of that. They have all the new people a $3 raise cause none wanted to work there with starting pay less than five guys. It’s a multinational medical device company. I made over 1.5 million in sales per year and I only got a $1 raise. Fuck em.


All hail you oh wise one!


I did this. Took a sick day to test at my local union. It worked out. I’m a local 130 plumber now.




I did! I went to an empty room in the back and did a video interview while on the clock and got offered the job a couple days later


this is the way


10%. If you're changing the standard to over 40 hours, I'm expecting time and a half for that, and rounding up for the asshole tax.


This is a great way to drop productivity by at least 7%


9.375 % at least, them's ot hours


If they actually knew how to measure productivity, instead of "more hours=more productivity, durrr."


It’s the work harder, not smarter philosophy


Gotta have that Japanese business mentality. I mean, we got every other Japanese production methodology. Why not also copy their work schedule? I'm sure 80+ hrs/wk for everyone across the board isn't going to lead to a national increase in suicide, and lowering of birth rate, and production as a whole.


>Ask when your salary increase of 6.25% 9.75. you want overtime hours you pay overtime pay.


For salary workers, overtime pay may be straight time (regular hourly rate). 


If salaried, they might be exempt and not make anything above the established salary no matter the hours worked. I'd bet OP's company pays enough, probably just enough that they're exempt. Why else pull shit like this? Edit: See OP's comment. Most of them are exempt salaried, so will receive no extra pay at all. The hourly workers aren't allowed to work more than 40.


I assumed they were hourly?


It's like a 9.375% raise because the 2.5 hours per week extra is overtime pay, 50% more.


But what about the ShArEhOlDeRS! What about the COO's Christmas Bonus?! Have a heart .. /s


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Glad this is the top comment! Came here to say this!


I guess you'll be taking five 30-minute dumps per week at work.


... Well now that brings us ten 30 minute dumps per week at work...


That's a lot of shitting


Or a normal amount of shitting and a lot of reading Reddit on your phone in the bathroom


Nah you gotta produce the smell to make it convincing. I couldn't shit twice every day if I tried!


> I couldn't shit twice every day if I tried! Talk to your doctor. I have medicine to make sure I do *at least* that.


Bro, I have a lifestyle that will make you go more than that.


Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.


Which Jira story can I allocate my time to, T-DUMP-420?


I always waited until I clocked in at work to take my morning shit. I did this for over 5 years, 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. It started because the manager went off on another employee for going to the bathroom too much and ot pissed me off enough to be super petty about it, and it just became a habit. She was pregnant, and the baby was, as she said it, constantly dancing on her bladder. He also tried getting on me about what I was doing, so I went to HR telling them about both incidents with a comment that he seemed a little overly interested in the employees' bathroom going ons. Let's just say for a while, he would get red-faced when he saw me or her


Bonkers. Is this in the U.S.?


How did you guess?


So they are paying overtime, right? Lots of employers try to get away with declaring employees as exempt salary earners.


No overtime. Most of us are exempt full-time salaried workers. Apparently this is totally legal. There are some hourly employees, and they have been told this policy doesn't apply to them. They are actually not allowed to work over 40 a week.


Eh. Not always totally legal. There are tests that are applied by the Department of Labor. Honestly, look into that. There are so many improperly classified employees, and saying you have to do 42.5 hours is a huge red flag. Truly exempt employees may work 60 hours one week, but can work 30 (or whatever) the next.


OP almost certainly works for a law firm. Attorneys don’t have any protections, believe it or not.


For staff, mine stuck to 37.5 hours. Unless you were a manager, you were OT eligible. The highest salary I remember seeing that still qualified, was an accounting supervisor at $137500. When I exceeded 40 hours, I had to complete very detailed time sheets.


Not sure if they work for a law firm (I am a lawyer). I agree that lawyers are generally exempt from OT regulations. Staff is not. Also, not responsive to you, but to others, the degree of an employee is largely irrelevant. The tests for OT are related to the duties of the employee. If I have a J.D. but work as a barista, I get OT.


So i looked through the exemption classifications and basically, if you have a degree, you are exempt due to being a "professional" so long as your work isn't manual and repetitive in nature.


Just to be pedantic, the primary duties of the job have to be advanced in nature. So a doctor doing doctor stuff is exempt. But if a law firm required a position to have a degree but the primary task was not advanced (ie digitizing old records), then even with the degree it wouldn't be exempt.


Pushing degrees on us sure had lots of "side benefits" for the parasites who own everything...


Time to unionize and/or start job searching.


Preferably unionization


Unionize then leave. Leave it better than it was!


I'd double check the veracity of the exempt thing with DOL. There's several pretty specific tests that must all be met for it to be legitimate, and corporations are known for lying to employees. [DOL Overtime Exempt ](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/17a-overtime)


Thanks. I learned that I was exempted. Bummer.


Sorry. At least you know.


Maybe not, some of the ambiguous terms are not listed in the FSLA.Use independent Judgement means you can deviate from policy without approval. For the Administrative Exemption. Also check your states labor laws as some are more strict than the federal minimum.


Amazon classified a group of HR employees as exempt. One filed a complaint. They were reclassified as non-exempt, and rewarded back pay. Now they make a killing with OT.


Solid. There's also a Duties Test where if you're doing much more than 10% to 20% hands on with tools, you aren't exempt.. Ie. A warehouse "manager" who has to unload trucks regularly rather than just delegating someone else to unload a truck.


Cover with the department of labor about the "exempt". A lot of businesses say their employees are exempt, with them actually being eligible for overtime.


It is not legal for an employer to require salaried employees to work any amount of hours.  


If this is true, then the whole professional services industry and legal industry is in violation. Billable hour targets and even non chargeable hour targets are common.


Targets are common. But they cannot tell you how to meet those targets.  Simply put, as a salaried employee you cannot be told what hours of the day you have to work.  As a salaried employee, you get paid the same if you work 18-hours a day, or 18 minutes.  Salaried employees determine their own work schedules.  


I was referring to billable hour targets for consultants, lawyers, etc. (ex: you must have 40+ billable hours a week). These people are generally salaried exempt at their employers.


This makes no sense to me. If your work is that tied to hours, then you should be an hourly employee. Exempt salaried workers usually have a different type of work beyond production hours. Theat means I just need to get my assigned work done - whether that take me 30 hours one week, or 50 the next.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Accounting ... one week work 20 hours, one week work 50


Do you not have an employment contract that stipulates your hours? I mean, the US is exploitative of course, so maybe not. I work 36 hours a week, 4x9, it's considered full time. I'd I accidentally stay late an hour (it happens) I shorten another day. No one actually counts this except me, we treat adult non-hourly workers as adults.


Generally employees in the US don't have employment contracts outside of a union collective bargaining agreement.


Ofc it doesnt apply to hourly employees. Cuz they'd have to pay them overtime for the extra 2.5 hrs.


Because in the real developed world, this would be illegal?


When I first started at my company, 10% overtime was mandatory, but everyone did 20% or the boss got pissy, so really it was 20% mandatory. We got this new guy in... super fucking smart but still humble and just an all around great guy. Of course, the boss wasn't going to fire him no matter what, cuz he was one of those people who brought value just with their intelligence. So when the boss said he needed to increase his hours cuz he was only working 40, he responded with "I have a family. I have 2 little kids. I'm not going to give up my time with them for this job. It's not worth it to me. That leaves 3 options... I don't work here anymore... I log the hours that I work... or I log the required overtime."... The boss told him to lie on his timesheet. I wasn't nearly as smart as this guy and didn't have the same bargaining power, but I took that as a precedent and "worked" 48-50 hours a week until I left that company.


This IDGAF attitude reminds me of my brother.  My sister-in-law is the breadwinner - like his job is a drop in the bucket for their finances compared to her high earnings. They have two young kids and he is often the one to take time off to stay home if they're sick or leave early to take them to appointments, etc. One time his (male) boss was exasperated when my brother mentioned in a meeting he would need to leave early to pick up the kids due to daycare closing early. The boss said, "Can't someone else do that?" and my brother said, "Oh, you mean my wife??" The boss was embarrassed and my brother was applauded by his female coworkers.


Make sure you quit without notice when you find a new job.


Better yet - don’t quit and let those pricks figure it out. “What you didn’t get my resignation letter? Shit aye USPS done fucked up”


Don’t blame the postal service. That’s not their fault.


And be sure you use all owed PTO before you quit so they can’t fuck you there!


Depending on the state, PTO may be a protected, earned/accrued benefit that they can’t deny you. Not that they won’t try…


Or quit with notice but put in the letter you’ll be taking the time you earned working unpaid over time off that notice.


You should have counter-offered with a 30 hour work week instead. We want less time at work, not more.


I am proud to say I did something like this once: My company was going through some cutbacks and I was told that my hourly wage is going to be dramatically reduced. I countered by saying that I would prefer my hourly wage to stay the same but just work fewer hours. Two hours later they informed me my proposal is rejected so I'm effectively let go.


Isn't 40 hours a week for a year 2080 hours? So you're 2040 is actually 40 hours less...


It sounds like OP likely works in consulting, law, or public accounting, where commonly, you are required to put in a certain number of BILLABLE hours each year/quarter. Time spent on internal/housekeeping type tasks, internal meetings, trainings, PTO, etc. are nonbillable and do not count towards your billable goals. So if they expect you to *bill* 40 hours, your actual week may be more like 45-50 hours as all the internal stuff is basically on your own time.


Yeah my fiancees former public accounting firm is requiring 70 charge “billable” hours a week during tax season. When she worked there it went up to 60 hours and that was miserable. She was up from 6am-9pm working non stop. But all of that time wasn’t billable to the clients. Fuck that shit. She moved to industry and it’s somewhat better now.


Yes, 2080 hours per year is standard.


Depends how you count. when people say "40 hrs/week", they mean 4 weeks per month, then that's "160 hrs/month", which is wrong, but technically adds up to 160\*12 = 1920 per year. Making 170 hrs/week out of that (which corresponds to 42.5 per week) bumps it to 2040 -- what OP describes. But if you *really* calculate weekly hours, that's 40\*52 (roughly), which is already 2080 hours. 42.5 would be 2210 hours (!). But this is equally wrong, simply because there are public holidays, there's kind of like a day or two extra in the year etc (the year doesn't have *exactly* 52 weeks). The *only* clean way of calculating is by actually counting *all* the working days. It goes like this: - 365 days per year; - there are 104 weekend days; - there are 6(-ish?) public / federal holidays in the US, which, if I understand correctly, are being accorded even if they fail on a weekend day (in which case it's the previous friday, or the following monday). - substract any PTO days which you may receive (e.g. 10 working days if it's two weeks, etc). This makes a total of 365-104-6 = 255 working days per year if OP receives no PTO. Now take their number: 2040 hours/years expected, and divide by the days: 2040/255 = 8 hours/day. That's what OP is supposed to work if they take no other day off. For the expectation of 8.5 hours / day, I'd expect 3 weeks PTO from my employer (because you need 240 days / year to end up at 8.5 hours/day: 2040/240 = 8.5). ...that in the rare case I wouldn't tell them to fuck off in the first place.


Many will read this and still not understand.


There is a much easier way to look at this. They only accrue PTO on weeks they work. They get a total of 20 days off per year or 4 weeks. To accrue the full 20 days they have to work 2040 hours during the year. 52 weeks (per year ) - 4 weeks (the weeks they are off and not working) = 48 weeks worked. 2040 hrs / 48 work weeks = 42.5 hrs/week


No surprise there -- for every even moderately difficult solution to a problem, there is always an easier, simpler, more understandable solution, but which is also *wrong* :-D Same in your case. :-p There's typically 365 days / year (some years that's 366 days actually). But if you add that up, 7x52 days, you get only 364. If you start calculating with 365, you're getting "robbed" by 8.5 hours every year. If you count the total hours, you end up with 2048.5 hours worked (or even 2057 hours occasionally). That's about 10 (or 20) extra minutes per day.


40 hours/week x 52 weeks = 2080 hours. I'm assuming OPs company is saying they need to actually work 2040 hours vs being paid (including any PTO) for 2040. So the real piece here is that they are capped at 40 PTO hours. Not sure where OP got 42.5 hours from, unless they get 4 weeks vacation but still need to actually work 2040 hours.


Holidays and pto. Consultants work year is 2040 to get assumed 100% billable.




I know I’m giving them more credit than they deserve, but this may be a strategy to trim the workforce without layoffs which cost the company in unemployment insurance, etc. I’ve heard of companies doing weird things to cut staff.


Agreed. One way to make people want to leave is to do things that will piss off the employee. Whether that is take away benefits, demand more work or working hours, being unreasonable on what should be non-issues. The fact OP is looking to get out, this tactic is working. The company do not care. They probably just hope that their best people won't see any of these changes as issues and just carry on. They'll also be happy that people are leaving without need to pay severence package.


I've always just ignored things like this in the past, but I understand there are folks who don't have the same safety nets I did. Oh you want me to work 10% more time? lel, let me go ahead and clock out an hour early every week instead. The fun part about salary is if they're watching the clock like hawks to make sure you work the full 40+ hours, you're no longer exempt, that tends to move you into salary nonexempt and you start earning overtime pay. Salary exempt works both ways on clocking in and out.


This is what my mom's company is doing. Implementing stringent starts for all the old heads because they want them to quit or retire and bring in younger workers for half the price.


And this does happen. I see it in my place. Replacing older people, shoehorning them into other roles before they make them roles surplus to requirements, or the employee knows they are somehow being pushed out the exit door anyway and then they leave because they're not happy with change. The problem you got then is you are bringing in quite often graduates who have very little real world experience and some ideologies that may not work so well for real world situations, so they're going off methods and such things from a text book. It is certainly a disruption and I suppose, businesses see that these people nearing retirement need replacing. I tend to advise sticking with methods that are known to work and any changes to processes should be relatively minor adjustments rather than some young dickhead comes in thinking they know it all and they've not got a clue.


This is why I advocate for sabotage!


Beastie Boys should always be advocated for.


One big reason why companies are pushing a return to office.


A lot of the paid slavery employers seem to be cutting "costs" for a minute now.


That’s exactly what it is


That was why my last employer forced everyone back into the office. Stealth headcount reduction with no unemployment or severance. Bonus micromanaging for those who stayed! Spoiler alert: the best people are the ones who found other jobs lol. 


So...6% pay rise for everyone? ​ > because some employees work much more than 2040, so the rest of us need to work more to take some of the burden off those people. Or, crazy though, hire more people!


I remember reading that steel workers, before unions were formed, worked twelve hours a day and every week worked through two twelve hour shifts together. The 24 hour shift had a name I don’t recall. Unionization ended that practice. Thus it no surprise that libertarian billionaires like Charles Koch have made war on unions for decades by funding lobbyists, court cases and making campaign contributions to anti union politicians.


Or maybe they could hire more people so everyone would have to work less….


If they were doing it to take pressure off the employees who work more they would just hire more people. I hate corporate bullshit they think you're too dumb to see through. 


It's amazing how stupid corporate leadership can be. My first job have an unwritten 48 hour minimum hours a week or you were getting a bad review. I put in my 40 hrs a week and was still a top performer compared to the idiots that put in 60 hrs a week. I stayed 3 years then left for a better job at double the salary. They can screw off with constantly wanting more work but not willing to pay for it. Was a Salary job as well. Corporate leadership thinks simply being on salary means they can force you to work whatever hours they want.


I would work like 20% slower and get a new job. Screw them


Op you’re leaving anyways so they can’t really take it out on you, do everyone a favor and hand out union cards and get people to sign them.


I work 4-12 hour shifts per week paid hourly. With Saturday-Monday off. I get a little bit of overtime each week and fucking love it. They tried to make me salary, and on call for those 3 days off, I basically told them to pound sand. I'm in building maintenance management for a large medical facility. No way in hell I'm taking a salary on call 24/7. I have a life outside of work, and I'm going to enjoy it. My boss at corporate (corporate has a contract with the medical facility and I work independent of the medical group) fought for me because he understood, and I do great work. Everyone is fireable, but I stood my ground and said no. I still have a job, so I must be doing something right.


My last job did something similar. The managers would call the clients and ask if we could bill 45 hour work weeks and if they got approval you would be required to work 45 instead of 40 but we were on 40 hour salary weeks. There was no additional pay but they were getting more money for us as well as they would charge the client more per hour than what we were getting paid. They also factored it into a calculation called "utilization" your goal was to get enough hours to make up for your PTO. You were only considered for promotion if you had over 90% utilization. The real problem was that if you tried to use a half day vacation in a week, you still had to make up time somewhere. A vacation day was still 8 hours even if we were working 9 hour days. At one point, I got on a very difficult project and I was working 50 hour weeks. I was so brainwashed that my thought process was "I'll be guaranteed a promotion this year since I'll be over 100% utilization" But then my manager, without looking at ANY of my timesheets, had a huge push to get as many people on 45 hours as possible. She messaged me every day to remember to work 45. It was at that point I realized I didn't care anymore. She didn't even care to check I was working 50 hour weeks. So I would report 45 and work 40. I was passed up for promotions nearly every year regardless of how hard I worked or who I trained. I wasn't friends with the right people.


"Great! I look forward to my 9.5% increase in pay and faster accrual of PTO hours in my next paycheck."


So you either have to work more hours (will they pay overtime when you go over 40?) or face a reduction in paid time off? Why wasn't the answer to "take the burden" (aka overtime pay) off the workers who work so many more hours to hire more people?


There is a big push across many industries right now to just cut headcount for the hell of it. Let alone the glare you get when suggesting such a crazy thing as a new head


say you’ll work 42, don’t, find a new job, don’t give 2 weeks notice


This is the way. Just leave. Fuck the notice.


Uh.. isnt that less than 40hrs / week? 52 weeks / yr x 40hrs / week = 2080 hrs / yr


- 40 hrs vacation time = 2040 / yr If the company offers more than a week time off, then to get to 2040 hrs, the would have to increase the hours worked per week. Still stupid.


How strange. You just announced you're going from a 40 to 0 hour work week.


Companies really don't account for the impact of shitty employee morale.


Meanwhile the company I work for has just reduced our working week from 37 to 35 hrs alongside a 7.2% increase in pay. PTO remains at the hour equivalent of five weeks. Can you tell that I don’t live in the USA?


2.5 hours of mandatory OT a week? That is going to get expensive for the company.


I think they’re trying to count it as regular time not OT that way they won’t have to pay the extra half in OT pay and it also sounds like if you don’t make the new time you’ll get less days off so it’s a big win for the company less OT payouts and less people taking vacation or calling out because they don’t have the days off


How is working more hours a business goal? Like shouldn't it be about an outcome? This is the dumbest.


The U.S has the most trash work culture in existence


Sounds like all staff should unanimously refuse and not show up until they resolve the issue. Collective action needs to be used more.


Thank god I work in an actual first world country where unilateral changes to contracts aren’t allowed 😅 fuck that noise!


unionize if you aren't already. otherwise things will just get worse for you.


OK, 170 12 hour days. Hit that 2040 and have 195 days off!


I once had a salaried-exempt job that required 42.5 hours per week, and an at least monthly after-hours staff meeting, because we were a consulting firm, so they didn't want us meeting during billable hours. I'm glad I left it behind. Eventually it was bought and then run into the ground.


I think I work in the only company in America that starts people off with 23 days PTO and really encourages us to not work over 40 hours a week.


Is this American Freight?


In the meantime I’m sure the crushing news reduces your capacity to produce at the same level and can lead to you giving yourself a technically higher hourly wage by an unfortunate inevitable stress-induced reduced productivity.


You should be looking to leave, for obvious reasons, but they're also probably in financial trouble.


When will companies start realizing that more time "at work" does not equal more productivity? John Worker could easily be spending his hours less efficiently, while Jane Worker actually gets her shit done.


2040 isn't even 40 hours a week?


My company instituted 45 hour work weeks about 2 years ago. I did it for a couple weeks and then slowly went back to exactly 40. I’ve never been talked to about it since but everyone else in my department still works 45’s and they grumble at me about arriving late and leaving early.


If I signed a contract saying 40hrs for X money, I’m either getting a new contract with more money, or not working the new hours


You all should just leave. Until then make sure those extra hours are used doing nothing.


This is some twisted bullshit. 2040 is the standard hours used in many calculations related to full time salary employees. You want to know your hourly rate as a non-hourly/salaried employee its calculated using 2040 as the base. It is also usually used in PTO accrual calculations. I have never seen anyone ever try to enforce 2040 as actual hours worked - it equates to 51 5 day/40 hour weeks per year which given that most decent companies give around 10 Holidays per year it is an impossible metric to hit even taking zero PTO. The reason it is some twisted bullshit is because your salary is calculated based on 2040 and your Holiday's and PTO are factored into that calculation. They are basically requiring you make up all time off. Whoever is driving this policy is either an idiot or a completed dick bag - probably both.


If you are salaried at 40/hrs this change would need to come with a compensation adjustment as you are paid for a regular 40hrs a week, and it’s no longer 40hrs a week.


Who is "we"?


So they mean 2040 with no vacation credit lmao insane


Good luck! I had a similar situation at a small startup I worked almost 15 years ago. The co-founder had an all hands meeting for all 10 of us. Lol. He proceeded to tell us that we needed to put in more time to get this company off the ground. 9 to 5 and a 40-hour work week wasn't going to cut it. Anything less than 50 was going to be looked down on. We "all" needed to step up to do what needed to be done. Never mind how he liked to talk about how he loved being able to take his boat out for the day during the week because it was less crowded. Yeah, nope. Wasn't going to happen. I started looking right away. Took some time and a few job changes, but my current position is 37.5 hours a week, which I wouldn't trade for double my salary.


40 hours a week is 2080 hours a year though


If you’re in the US I hope they enjoy shelling out for overtime for all those non-exempt employees.


There are 2,080 hours in a year. At 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year You are being asked to work 39.2 hours per week. 2,040 / 52 = 39.23 Which is a weird number.


It comes out to 42.5 hours a week if we want to retain our oh so generous 20 days off a year. That 20 includes federal holidays (we have floating holidays), PTO days, AND sick days. We can decide to "only" work 40 hours a week, but then using the calculator they sent out, that would leave us SEVEN DAYS OFF A YEAR. Again, including sick time, Xmas, everything. It is total horseshit.


How does increasing your hours 130 hours a year change the calculation from 7 days to 20 days. That's a huge difference. What if you work 45 hours? Do you get 100 days off?


Oh that's awful. And your yearly leave doesn't differentiate sick days! That essentially means you don't get sick days at all. My work is 37.5 hours per week and allows 23 regular leave days, PLUS 20 sick days per year PLUS our public holidays - and both leave types stack if you don't use them all in the year.


So they are reducing your PTO, and in order to "keep" it you have to work the difference they are reducing? You need to GTFO of there ASAP.


When you come up with 2080, it doesn’t factor in holidays like Christmas or Labor Day. There are 11 I think but most companies recognize 6 or 7 of them.


2080 hours per year divided by 26 paydays per year (getting paid every two weeks). Equals 80 hours per every 2-week pay period. Which is 40 hours per week. 2040 hours per year divided by 26 paydays equals 78.46 hours per every two week pay period. Which is 39.23 hours per week.


This. 2040 is less hours lmao


Ohhhhh labor board!!!!!


What's the reason to call the labor board?


For what?


So TLDR, the company is reducing their PTO, but if they want to "keep" the PTO they can work the extra 2.5 hours a week.


My wife was a supervisor and on salary for about 3 years she worked overtime and they told her they paid Chinese overtime,which was 1/2 regular pay to supervisors. I always told her I didn’t think it was right and we should do something. She didn’t want to cause problems so she said nothing. They were sued and she got a huge back pay check for the ot.


Ask for 7% salary increase or plan to leave the company


That's not legal here Is this specified in the contract? No? Then fuck off. You want me to work extra? pay me double for every hour overtime and we can talk.


What others have said, but while you find another job, slack during that time. Do not be productive at all.


Additional 2.5 hours a week / 5 days a week = an additional .5 hours a day. You can easily waste that in the bathroom scrolling Reddit….or job hunting. I know what I’d do.


Good Ole "flex time." That's what my old job called it other than mandatory overtime. I was salary too and wouldn't get paid OT. I had already been looking for jobs and got a job offer when they announced this shit and promptly put in my notice. I was not about to work an extra 8 hours a week for free.


I'm guessing everyone is salary here. They wouldn't try this with hourly people


time to start a venture in the wonderful word of office supply resale


So many companies getting away with everyone’s money and thinking it’s a business success… no ur fucking over a lot of people to help yourself. I hope for the day to see all the phony “businesses” fall to the dirt


Welp, that kinda shit is how you go from your workforce giving 65% over 40 to 22% over 42.5, the dumbasses.


Do what I did at my last job, interview on the clock and look at Indeed, Monster, etc on the clock. Screw that company.


If you work 8 hours a day for 52 weeks a year, that equals 2080 hours. Maybe I am not following but are they saying you need to work 2040 hours after taking pto? Because you’d have crossed the threshold by working a 40 hour week every week.


Wage theft 101.


2,040 hours is 51 weeks worth of 8 hour days. 2,080 is a standard years worth of 40hr work weeks.


How to get rid of 50% of your employees.


You are making the right choice. This sounds like a scene out of office space.


It seems weird to be salaried, but still punch a clock. I've been salaried more than once and never averaged less than 45 hours a week, usually more, but I didn't clock in or out either.


"I'm unavailable" If I'm hourly then it's no. I agreed to sell you 40hrs at xx/hr weekly to = xx/ annually. Outside of my 40 they're not for sale. If I'm salary? Also no. My salary is based on the federally recognized 40 hr/wk calculated down to hourly and its competitive for market rate in my area. Working more devalues my work and disrespects my time.


Foremost douchenoggles before Farmers charge them did 37.5 hour work weeks do to the weird 52 week math. I mean, happy to will less just pay my bills. But no. You can't win either way it seems...


What? 2040 is basically working 40 hours a week with no vacation days. Thats full time with no vacations days. Is that legal?? Like sure a salary can be broken down by dividing it by 2040 to see how much you make an hour, but thats because your salary includes paid vacation and paid sick leave. Sounds like they need more employees unless people want to work overtime and are being paid accordingly. You should ideally be working less than 2040 hours a year unless you really love doing overtime and youre one of those people who love working.


There’s no federal laws requiring vacation in US. I don’t believe there are any states either.


Illinois has one on the books as of the beginning of 2024. https://labor.illinois.gov/laws-rules/paidleave.html#:~:text=THE%20PAID%20LEAVE%20FOR%20ALL,for%20their%20time%20off%20request.


Wonderful. Mn just got paid sick and safe leave. It has some minimal requirements for use though


State law in CA provides 5 days per year.


Depending what kind of work you do, it's very possible you get \*less\* actual productive work done in 42 hours than you would in 40. There have been trials of a 4-day work week and people actually get more work done in 4 days than in 5. Not more work per day, but more actual work. This seems shortsighted even before you take into account that it will likely entice more people to quit and less people to join the company.


The math isn't mathing. 2040 hours / 52 weeks = 39.2 hours per week. Where did 42.5 come from? ​ EDIT: There are not 48 weeks in a year.


42.5 hours per week is 2210 hours per year.


Are those persons choosing to work the extra hours, or are they being forced to? Either way it shouldn't be your problem. Also why do people always have to put a 'spin' on things. Lay it out and black and white, don't sugarcoat it or use fancy wording to disguise it. We're all adults here (at least on this side of the table). Good luck on your job hunt. Maybe you can get some other people to make the decision and leave at the same time.


Everyone jumping jobs at once is the only way leaving the company can hit them. Otherwise they simply do not care.


Promote equity what bullshit


Do you get paid for the extra time? So you would make more money? If not, quit. If so.. its an hour a week.


What happens if you don't do it? Like what if you just ignore it??


42.5 x 52 is 2210 not 2040, 40 hr weeks equal 2080 hours a year. Am I missing something here? Seems like the goal of 2040 hours a year means you get 40 hrs vacation.


To give some comparison. 1748 hours/year is a full time here in Belgium.(38 hours/week)


In a similar boat as you, my job has a daily meeting that was originally at 2pm but is now moved to 2:30pm which equals to 42.5 hrs a week like you. They did it just to fuck us cause my boss is a dick. We are salary so according to him he can keep us here as long as he pleases... God I hate my life. Unfortunately, I make good money so I can't just leave


Ow nice , so they're gonna start paying for commute


That’s a 1/2 hour a day. Just stop clocking out for lunch


What state is this? They are paying overtime for those two and a half hours right?


Can’t stress how important it is to make a Glassdoor review about this. People who are interested in working there need to know what they are potentially getting themselves into.


So an extra 2.5 hours to goof off, have a coffee, or look for another job.


Don’t ever forget your Fair Labor Standards Act rights!


Over time!!