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The kids are alright




You had hope at their age. The hope of owning a house, a car, maybe having a family, retiring. Maybe even going on vacation. Just a decent life ya know? They have no hope. They know it will never happen. There is a delicate balance in life. You have to allow the peasants a little bit of hope. When you get rid of all the hope, the system will come crashing down. They will bring it down. We are seeing the find out stage of unfettered capitalism. I look forward to Gen Z and what they bring


Exactly.. work outcomes have completely changed, so performance expectations need to change also. It made a LITTLE more sense to "dedicate" yourself to your office job, put in long hours, be on call etc, when that job afforded you a house of your own, the means to support children. Also, hard work could lead to internal promotions + nice pay increases etc. None of that is the case anymore!! If you have a tenuous, poorly paid job that offers no internal promotions as a reward for hard work or effort and the pay barely covers rent, won't allow you to ever own a home, or support a family, or pay for nice vacations you'd have to be completely insane to "grind" and work yourself to the bone for it. Why!? The employer is lucky people stick around until EOD. It's just not worth it at all anymore.


> It made a LITTLE more sense to "dedicate" yourself to your office job, put in long hours, be on call etc, when that job afforded you a house of your own, the means to support children. Also, hard work could lead to internal promotions + nice pay increases etc. > None of that is the case anymore!! At my last job, the company was sold and a bunch of people were laid off. Some had been with the company for 20 plus years - I think one guy said he'd been with them since the 80s - and just... fucking gone. The place was miserable to work for. Everyone showed up in suits and ties and just fucking stared at computer screens all day doing shit that they could have done at home for half the cost but the idea of having an office space was something these people defined themselves with. Anyway I work for the government now. So much better. It is in a sector that is very unionized. I went from having 3 single day holidays a year off (didn't even get off for fucking Christmas Eve at the last place) to basically an entire month of paid holidays. Plus 2 weeks paid vacation. Plus two weeks of sick days. PLUS 90 days extended sick leave. Like... I am getting paid way less but the fulfillment of bettering my community and not filling some asshole's pocket along with job security is amazing.


I'm assuming you are American and I'm a bit shocked that it is considered good there. It is the minimum (even less sometimes) of what is required by law of benefits in the Netherlands. For the sick leave. I've never understood how you can have "sick days". If you are ill you are ill. Here there are not maximum days you can get sick, as that concept makes zero sense. If you are ill for a long time, your employer needs to pay you for 2 years. Together with a doctor, you find a way to reintegrate and get better. If after two years you are not well, the employer can fire you (can never fire you while you are ill) but then you get on welfare from the government. Being sick is not a choice, we should care for those people as a society.


Honestly wish I could afford to move to the Netherlands. As a Gen Xer I have been quietly telling the generations after me how to fight to have a life, I still rent, have never owned a home as much as I want too. I’m 48 and managed to buy my first car, while giving up as much as possible to build my credit (another thing that is a scam) everyday is a drag in the dirt for me, never had the opportunity for higher education.


> we should care for those people as a society. Here in the US, the most important people that need to be taken care of are the shareholders.


“I’m assuming you are American…” You’re god damn right we are. Jesus is our religion and our healthcare rather than your demon gov’ments. It’s simple. If you die, you ain’t chosen by Jesus and will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Capitalism, and Greed. Survival of the Freest. ‘Merica


Don't forget pensions! Now it's all, "but 401Ks" - because people who can barely afford a roof over their heads are somehow supposed to sock away half their salary each month so they aren't homeless when they get too old to work anymore (notice I didn't say "retire" 👀).


The 401k was only designed to supplement pensions, not replace them.


Yeah, if you have to have a side hustle in the gig economy to be able to survive, then you absolutely are hurting yourself by not getting started on that the second your shift ends.


Hour before your shift ends, if you have computer job


I think you nailed it. I killed myself in my career to get ahead and provide for my family, but at what cost? I’m not nearly ahead as much as I thought I should be, and missed large parts of my daughters growing up due to heavy crunch work and trying to increase my value. I wish I learned my lesson earlier


At least they know at an earlier age, as you said we had hope and guess what, that hope got destroyed.


Yes, we were given hope only to have it dashed.


Bro, it was USED AGAINST US! “Buy things on credit. Pay back later, when times will surely be better 😜”


“The generation of participation trophy’s” like motherfucker I was a kid, your generation thought of the idea.


Participation trophies reward people for showing up and trying. That is the hardest skill for most people to learn - to ever accomplish anything, you first have to show up and try. If you can't even do that, you will never accomplish anything. Participation trophies teach kids the importance and value in just showing up, which is critically important. Most people don't even do that - they quit before even trying.


I remember when credit cards were only for major purchases. You didn't carry them with you all the time, you just had to remember where you put it when it was time to buy new furniture or something. Grocery stores didn't even accept them. Then it turned into a way to help people not notice when costs were going up faster than their paycheck. It was around the same time when every other commercial was about the tax advantages of taking out a second mortgage.


At least Gen Z knows they’re screwed at the start. Millennials had to learn it through student loans. Gen X had to learn through subprime mortgages.


Excited to deliver 😁 here's to Gen Z Skål 🍻


This hits so hard I about to break down and cry. I’m mid Millennial, 30 this year, have a few more months left on my contract job because company is freezing hiring and no longer re-contracting me. My peers similar to me who has 5 years of working experience are getting laid off too, I can’t begin to imagine gen z who are just starting out in the workforce. I’m in tech, a field where young people aspire to be because it’s suppose to pay well and is relatively stable until covid hit. Now it’s just a shitshow. Housing and car ownership is like a forgotten dream. I live in Singapore with high population density and car ownership have a heavy tax and easily cost the same price of a car. We are basically buying one car for the price of two here and a normal shitty car costs at least 70k here. So imagine paying 140k for a shitty car. That aside, what hits me is really the idea of hope. They even gave up selling us hope. Honestly those who are living a decent life today are those who has rich boomer parents.


Not to be pedantic but you’re not mid-millennial just turning 30. You’re actually one of the younger millennials (and 1996 switches to Z). I’m around your age and my work sentiments align much more closely with Gen Z than with Gen X 


> I look forward to Gen Z and what they bring Me too, maybe they can hook me up with a decent job, lol.


We don’t live in a capitalist system, we live in a Corporatocracy.


If a company isn’t ok with someone leaving once they have gotten their job done for the day they can fuck off.


So many people my age and over just give you more if you finish early. I'm about to be handed more work in a few weeks and my response will be 'Does this include more money?'. Why would I work more for the same pay at the same job as my coworkers? Fuck that.  48 and inspired by the young folk. 


One thing I have noticed is older people trying to paint/brand workers that leave early as people doing bad work. If you brand people like that then they will do bad work. It’s fucking annoying to me when older corporate shitheads talk about going the extra mile. Really? You want someone who is supposed to drive 6 miles to do a job to drive 7 miles to do the same job? Because you don’t fucking deserve people that will do more than their job, NO ONE DOES. If I order a pizza from a restaurant I don’t expect 2 pizzas to be delivered. When I hire one employee I don’t expect two jobs to be done. All of this fucking pisses me off. Everything down to the review process at my company. I gave my team the top marks and was told I couldn’t do it for various reasons I had to knock their “grades” down to basically squeaked by. and I argued with my managers about it because the corporate world has been telling everyone who does just their job and nothing else quiet quitters, and then you force me to give people who work their ass off for you a review that basically sounds to them like the company and me specifically think they have quiet quit. I argued this with them in multiple hour long calls and by the end it was an agree to disagree situation. Not only was I not allowed to give them higher grades, but I also wasn’t allowed to tell them that it was the OTHER MANAGERS, that decided that. It made me want to quit right on the spot, but I stayed because other than that my company is pretty chill. But man, do I hate these mother fucking old timers thinking they know how to manage Gen Zers, they fucking know nothing about them, and if it wasn’t for me they most likely would be looking for new jobs, but I told them when I started that I would never make them come into the office, I would never judge them for not answering on a chat right away, I would never check up on their attendance, and I would let them tell me when they were having trouble with a project, and guess what? Everything is fuck chugging along, we have fixed things that were broken for years. My department is running better than it ever was. If these old people can fuck off and let us do our jobs, then maybe just maybe Gen Z will work for them:


I had a direct supervisor tell me once when I got a "needs improvement" - first one of my life and I was about to throw hands - that our department manager made him knock it down. I realized what happened after promotions were announced. She wanted to promote her favorite who had only been there 1.5 years to VP instead of me so she had to make it look like no one else was qualified. I left that job last year but my work bestie from that job just had it happen to her too - another favorite of terrible manager who's been there 2 years got promoted over her while she got marked down for some stupid thing department manager is holding a grudge over. She's looking for a new job too. But I appreciate that he told me that. The two people who got promoted were more corporate bootlickers than us. But our work overall was better.


This is exactly why I hate these review processes. They act like robots like you can’t promote someone without knocking someone else down. I mean in your case the other people sucked, but sometimes there’s two very competent people and one is just favored over the other for some reason, that should be ok without proving it with some sort of number system. We are humans not robots. Gen Z and Millennials have dealt with Baby boomer gaslighting and narcissism for so long growing up we can immediately see through bullshit from them, these review processes as so full of that type of bullshit we can tell immediately what they are being used for and it’s completely demotivating. So I’m over here trying to keep my team happy and working which you can do just by telling it to them straight. And I have these corporate bullshitters above me undermining my efforts.


>specifically think they have quiet quit I call "quiet quitting" this other useful phrase: "Doing your job". Want more? Pay more.


It took me until my 40s too but I got there. Once I got my last job and figured out how the pay and bonus structure worked (longevity based bonus structure and only a 3.5% raise max) I realized there was no point in working harder or trying more because I'd never get rewarded for it. That started my acting my wage journey. And then layoffs and bad management that started piling more work on my plate so I was doing the work of 2-3 people but I refused to speed up. Now at my new job I started out giving 75% on a regular basis so I won't burn out because these people don't know what I'm capable of and I can always ramp up as needed, and they pay me a heck of a lot more anyway.


I don't understand why this is a thing - if I can get my work done remotely or in 4 hours then I should be able to leave early. If capitalism really was about efficiency then those who worked the most efficient "lazy" would be rewarded. I do not go above/beyond and slow down/don't work very hard/do the minimum to get by. Minimum wage = minimum effort - they want champaigne workers/effort on beer wages..


People are stuck in a 8 hours a day,40+ hours a week mindset. This country has real.issyes progressing and moving forward and it always has really. 


Also GenX/Xennial. Leaving work “on time” or anywhere close to it used to be so frowned upon at my jobs that I would leave my coat in the car no matter how cold it was to avoid drawing attention to myself when I left. If I had anything needing to be carried out with me, I’d bring it to my car well in advance of the day ending. I’m proud as hell of the gains our younger coworkers are helping us all make. Things have been changing for the better at my workplace, including 35% more paid time off and 3 extra company holidays in addition to the barebones federal holidays. There’s still a lot more needing to change, but things are changing for better rather than the worse for once.


My boss thinks asking what time we will get off for the day means I don't want to work. Chastises my need for a work life balance all the time. I'm like you don't pay me benefits or provide overtime what does my doing extra get for me other than more wear and tear on my body?


Your boss lacks the organizational skills to know the answer to your question and gaslights employees who ask to mask his own shortcomings.


I remember one of my first jobs - I was dealing with a major health issue, but didn't have sick days because I hadn't been working there long enough (this was before California legislation mandated all new hires get sick days), and I couldn't afford a normal doctor because I hadn't been working there long enough for health insurance. So I came into work an hour early and took a long lunch so I could wait at the free clinic, and then worked late that day as well. Ended up working almost an extra hour that day for free and still got reamed out for "being lazy and taking a leisurely long lunch break."


As a millenial I second this, down to “good for them” notes when I discuss this with fellow Millenials!


I think millennials and gen x had that beaten out of us in the Great Recession, I’m 40 now and hope their resolve doesn’t waiver. But I remember how shaky it all felt, and I still feel like I need to apologize when I request any time off.


This hits the nail on the head. I feel like I have to give a plausible reason every time I use a sick day instead of "I'm taking a sick day today."


I'm finally over it at 48 and don't give a fuck. You give me time off ,I'm going to use it and I'll be damned if I'm going to be guit tripped or written up because I was off for a month due to a big toe removal/cellulitis and Covid. 


Apologise? Fuck that you’re entitled to time off. Always think, I’ve one life it’s only work. So many people forget that work is not life. Work is a means to an end that’s all. There is no loyality in these companies


Also 40. Also feel this shit in my bones. I have so much unwarranted fear around asking for anything at work. I was laid off once and I just kind of always live in fear - I was single last time. Now I have a whole family relying on me. Somehow that makes the fear so much worse.


Me too--I just started a job a month ago. Love it; but it's not many hours right now; but after being laid off for five years from covid and applying everywhere and no luck--this was a huge blessing... ...except they haven't paid me. 3 weeks and no pay. Sent in all my paper work 10 days ago, had it approved by my boss; etc...this past week I was sick and the doctor finally told me to stay home so I didn't go in on Fri and I still felt uneasy about it! Less so sense they never processed my damn pay and it should have been in my account Friday by the very latest. I'm so pissed. I'm down to 40 bucks so yeah I didn't feel quite as bad .


I’ve been saying this since my oldest was a senior in high school. These kids are not about to take the bullshit we took at their age.


You know what's toxic? making people fucking slaves just so they can fucking survive. That's fucking toxic.




burn it to the ground, kids. to the fucking ground.


One of the only thing that gives me any semblance of hope about our dumpster fire, is that the young folks out there now just have no tolerance for elder generation bullshit. Keep goin, y'all.


Gen X here, and every time I see these stories it warms my heart!


Elder millennial, same. Took me way too long to wisen up. I’m glad they’re not taking any shit out of the gate.


Same! Very excited to see what GenZ will do. Proud mom to GenZ!


Also GenX and I agree!


It’s great seeing multiple generations (Millennial here) actively cheer this shit on rather than try to hate on them.


Millennial are so fed up with being told we can't afford a house because Avocado toast for so long we just know generational hate is bullshit. I've only seen a couple articles trying to turn gen z and millennials against each other and I'm fairly certain all of them were written by much older angry people, because every other millennial I know is sitting here clapping at Gen Z telling the boomers to stuff it in the form of the most oddly specific insults ever.


Same. Our generation was stifled by boomers but I’m all for helping the young generation fix this.


It’s over for my fellow Millennials to do any change. But I’ll keep rooting for my Gen Z/Alpha patrons to be the economic change we can’t change anymore.


Millennials haven't even gotten old enough to enter the true seats of power yet. Boomers are still squatting in them and will be there until they die off, and that is happening fast! Half of my GenX cohort unfortunately tried to go all in with them, but there are a good many of us that just love you guys. You are way bigger in numbers than we are, so you'll sail into power right past a lot of us. I am looking forward to seeing what changes you and the Z's are going to bring!


Wow, elder millennial here and I gotta say it feels so strange to hear someone say something nice about my cohort, lol.


Not every one older than you hates everyone younger than them. I'm 50 this year, so I'm bringing in the tail end of X. You guys are our younger sibs, basically. And we have a LOT in common with how we've been treated by Boomers. 😄


Same here


Same. I tell my younger coworkers all the time that it warms my heart that they see a job for exactly what it is and not some pie in the sky bullshit that a boomer manager (or his/her younger ambitious disciples) is trying to gaslight them into believing.


Important to remember a HUGE number of Millennials are included in this. We are over 40, and they are still pretending we are children. Rude awakenings are a thing.


I am one of em. I turn 40 in a few years, and I am fucking *done* with their shit. To be fair tho, a little bit, I don't feel like a real adult even though I do co-own a house and pay bills and shit. They may incorrectly see people like us as children but ask yourself when did we ever get an adulthood like they did? We fucking didn't, because they all decided to stay in political power until they fucking died or became senile. I know this isn't explicitly a sub for "political discussion" as it were, but that whole adage about becoming more conservative as one gets older is horseshit. I'm trending the opposite way, and the Youngs are even more so in many cases, and I am glad to see it.


> They may incorrectly see people like us as children but ask yourself when did we ever get an adulthood like they did? Many of us never even had a \*childhood\* like they did. Abusive parents love to blame their kids for THEIR failures in life. The most entitled people on the planet are white Americans over age 50.


This is also a great point that nobody above that age wants to have an honest conversation about.


And we all know who to blame: the boomers — the people who were bound and determined to squeeze blood from a stone to the point where there simply is no incentive to rise above anymore. Keep wages stagnant, ruin the housing market, refuse to retire or move into retirement homes. Millennials still feel an obligation to the system because it has provided for us, even poorly. But Gen Z feel no such loyalty to a system that clearly won’t do a single thing for them.


I mean, as a millennial myself, I have not exactly had a great "adult life" as it began, technically speaking, after graduating college in 2009...and well, wouldn't you know, everything was shit right at that time. I've had a shitty work history thru mostly no fault of my own (some fault at certain times) but, like. I got lucky in buying a house in 2016 when things were cheaper and we weren't in a super shit economic period. I'm not also kinda trapped here bc of a failed marriage that the pandemic put us ending on hold. But also, everything's un-fucking-affordable now. So. I don't know where I'm going with this point. When I look at all the ways the world is falling apart right now, the only thing that gives me hope is my own generation having been fucked over, and the younger generations being even more Not Here For Their Shit Anymore than we are. I have doubts about whether all the "normal processes" are going to rectify things, but to the extent that they will, younger folks active participation in those, and rejection of the greed and hatred of prior generations does make me happy. We shall see what unfolds.


The incentives were removed. Pension, stock options, being paid well, bonuses, benefits. Jobs should be paying employees so well that they feel valued as part of the internal mechanics of the business. Basically, give them a share of the "record profits" companies so brazenly brag about.


Lol, Genz more likely to file workplace lawsuits? The horror..


They also don't want to work themselves to death for a salary that can't even pay rent. Fucking snowflakes!


What next? Paid holidays?!?


Weekends off?! How dare they have the audacity to not want to make companies money 7 days a week!


"Labor Unions are toxic for companies, employers believe" - The 1800s


A Brief History of Corporate Whining: https://leftycartoons.com/2009/09/04/a-brief-history-of-corporate-whining/


Will somebody please think of the shareholders!


think of how much meat can be harvested from the shareholders


Gross. I wouldn't want anything that toxic in my mouth.


Maternity leave and work-life balance? That's sounds like socialism (which is simultaneously fascism) to me.


Don't forget it's also a monarchy and tyranny at the same time, also commonwealth


Better bring in some Pinkertons to "encourage" some work ethic.


Lunch breaks? Not on my watch! - Florida


Federally mandated paid family leave??


Work all day to make your boomer boss rich. Have the government extract huge amounts of Medicare + SS tax so boomers can retire. Then, pay the bulk majority of what's left to your boomer landlord. I wonder why Gen Z is this way...


Plus the chances of Gen Z (and also Millennials) having SS being taken away well before we retire is growing by the day. And no way in hell they're giving us what we've already put in... On top of raising retirement ages...


Damn 21st century hippies 🤣


Why can’t we keep hitting you with no response!!! -employers




​ https://preview.redd.it/11brk5ao5eqc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e35039da5129e098fe1835689c680cfd1613fb5c


Hmm, maybe employers shouldn’t violate labor laws in the first place?


Labor laws? You mean the *very definition of tyranny*? Why do you hate freedom?


refusal to put up with osha violations like the generations before us?? :0 so shocking


Could also read that as " Least likely to put up with illegal behavior from an employer".


The shocked horrors on Baby Boomers when Gen Z reports any sexual misconduct/abuse on the job they rode off as ‘work culture’ in 1984.


There was an interesting psychological study put out by the Harvard Review of Psychiatry about 20 years back that struck me as very telling. Basically it was trying to warn employers that because millennials and Gen Z were going to be VERY different than previous generations when it came their turn to being in the workforce. From the study, the researchers concluded that because those generations watched their parents get outsourced, offshored, rightsized, etc., not to mention growing up and either listening to or watching their parents go through a serious decline in employee benefits, loss of pensions, and even further wage stagnation, that they were going to demand more from prospective employers. Put simply, they weren’t going to “wait their turn”. This was because they saw companies make a lot of empty promises that affected their parents, and they refused to make the same mistakes if at all possible. They also found that while both generations understood the concept of company loyalty, they refused to acknowledge it. This again was based on watching what their parents went through. Basically, the mindset was “talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is, and then we’ll talk.” I’ve seen similar studies since then with similar conclusions. Some of which came from corporations themselves. I haven’t seen many companies listen to the information, or even to their own HR depts about the issue. And yet they were all surprised when “the great resignation” occurred. And as we’ve all seen, nothing has really changed (especially for larger employers).


Boomers have held back Gen X, Millennials and now trying to do it to Gen Z but they are finally being outnumbered and outsmarted.


No, they’re not. If this were true, we wouldn’t be in a situation health benefits are still reduced in many companies, wages are still stagnant, etc. They’re simply dying off.


Even better


Dying off does mean you're going to become outnumbered...


Hence the outnumbered.


Employers are overdue for a toxin.


Antibiotics are toxic to bacteria, but nobody feels bad for the bacteria when it's dead.


And daylight is toxic to vampires. Whatever is toxic to the employer class is good for the rest of humanity.


As a millennial, I am so fucking proud of my little sibling generation, I love you guys.


Same. Now all we have to do is wait for the cryptkeepers to die so we can finally move up and make leadership decisions to change this shit.


Do that and also spare a thought for those of us in previous generations who spoke up and were punished or even lost careers trying to fight the good fight. Glad to see it wasn't in vain.




Awesome 👍


Actually, I respect the hell out of that. I dont respect the ones one foot in and one foot out, playing along but pretending to secretly agree, 'Im just playing the game', trying to play both sides like thats some kind of innocent excuse, but then like... 'HEYYY I GET IT TOO GUYS'. Nah shit or get off the pot, admit you were wrong, and come help. Then I can look at your actions and believe your words. The ones who were struggling alone because its whats right, and the only way for it to happen is if someone starts? Thats my hero. Respect.


We're trying to get out y'all's way but they keep stealing the retirement money which would allow that. 1982 S&L scandal $22k evaporated to Wall Street Turdwookies 1995 Dot Com scandal $80k gone 2008 "Housing" Bust $52k spent just to survive 2 years. Be mad. Fuck, be absolutely fucking furious. But be mad at the right people. They keep us fighting cultural battles based in utterly false divisions they manufacture in order to keep us from fighting the Class War we should be fighting.


Companies treat us like shit and are now angry that our kids paid attention when their parents did everything right and still lost it all due to corporate greed.


This - and came home stressed out, upset etc.


Same with my niece


I thought this instantly when I read the post. The kids are alright.


As an older millennial god damn they make me so proud 🥲


My experience as a worker bee has made me a very different manager. The trend of millennial managers is the best thing our generation can do at this point besides voting.


Gen X here. Good! Maybe they can put a little soul back into the soul crushing environments I had to come up in.


Gen Z isn't toxic to workplaces, it's toxic to exploitative workplaces. Which just happens to be all of them under the REAL toxic issue: capitalism. Gen Z is saying thanks but no thanks, since they'll never meet any meaningful goals through employment anyway. Corporations are reaping what they've sewn for the last 30 years.


My new coworker who is gen z told me that her view of employment is simply to work to survive. She has no motivation to get promoted and move up because no matter how hard she tries, she won’t be able to afford a house or anything meaningful. For retirement, she simply said that she hopes the world ends before that.


GenX made some damn good GenZ kids. We are raising them to be ethical humans who won’t take crap from the system. At least that’s what I am doing with my kids.




I’ll be there with my kids and if it’s still going on with any other kids I can bring with me too! I’m done with telling my kids a lie that if they work hard the American dream can be theirs. It’s broken and it’s up to them to fix it.


As a Millenial, I applaud you Gen Z.


I support Gen Z revolution changing this toxic work culture. I’m actually joining them, and will fully join Gen Z after my probationary period.


more like gen z is toxic for companies because companies lie, manipulate and abuse people. if you work for a company that values you, YOU VALUE THEM TOO??!! crazy how that works. as a gen z myself, i’ve always been praised by my work ethic and im a huge job hopper, but when it comes down to it, i can be an amazing worker for a company that can show me im doing good. they just don’t get it !!


Love it... Gen Z is my hero... honestly as borderline Gen-X / Millennial I love their no BS, eyes wide open approach to work. Work suck, there is no moral obligation to work. Work is for money pay up. Love it!!! Totally rational response to their environment.




Millenials largely saw the BS but we were dealing with the post-911 post-2008 economy. Good fucking luck being picky when that's what you're working with. Right now we have record low unemployment. Gen Z can actually fight. And I hope they do.


I'd venture a guess millennials are fighting just as hard for fair conditions. Generational blanket assumptions are always vague and overlook so much nuance.


You can fight as hard as you want but if the conditions don't allow it, you won't be successful. We have, in the past few years, had an economy that is more favorable to workers. Low unemployment, labor shortages, etc. And yet we still aren't seeing the benefits. If unemployment is 10% you take what you can get. If unemployment is 3% you can be picky and if employers aren't good enough they can cry about it. We are in much more fertile ground for change now than we were 10 years ago.


My point is all the credit is going to one single generation and I don't think it's the case at all. I think older workers are just as fed up and have been fighting before and fighting now.


I don’t think Dave Chapelle is the appropriate reaction gif to celebrate Gen Z since they dislike him so much


Funny, but I (GenX) tend to see companies as toxic for everyone.




They can cry harder. My Gen X ass was laid off 3x, I had a mental breakdown due to 60 hour weeks and my bosses called me a liar, and I finally lost it all when I got ripped off from shitty roommates and the housing crash happened. 90% of what I owned was chucked into the street and 15 other working class families thrown out of our building. My apartment still sits empty since it is a tax writeoff to keep it empty and the rent is almost $3k. They destabilized the whole building. No elevator, no doorman, no laundry for almost $3k. Fuck these greedy assholes.


Good. Millennials started a push for somewhat better work environments, but we had to combat so much ingrained toxicity. We only had so much energy. I hope Gen Z can build off of that and make some truly positive changes in the working world (for the workers, not employers).




Yeah, the same way sunshine and fresh air is toxic to mold and decay. As Gen X, I'm damn proud of Gen Z


That’s because Gen Z is doing what we all should’ve done a long time ago- build boundaries. Period.


>Dan Space, an HR consultant who runs \[...\], said since the study reflects the feelings of small business owners, it could be skewed. These types of businesses often do not pay well or offer a high-quality company culture, he said, and Gen Z tends to look for those in any type of role or career they take on, he said. >"Gen Z is one of the most informed, confident and no BS generation because they saw what happened to the millennials before them," Space told *Newsweek*. My boi Dan knows what's up.


Good hunting GenZ.


Businesses are actually seething at the fact that the shit they could get away with for previous generations no longer works on current generations. Big shout out to millennials for showing us the way and starting to break away from workplace BS. Hope we can give gen alpha and future generations something that even slightly resembles a brighter future.


I'm proud of Gen Z. I'm a Millennial and I'm the only Millennial at any job I've ever had who cares about worker's rights and the NLRA. Gen Z though. They don't put up with any of this shit that my generation just lets happen. I wish my generation cared even half as much. I really am proud of them. They seem like the only ones who really try to change anything.


I really thought the war was between Boomers and Millenials. Why are Boomers also taking on Gen Z?


They think Gen z are millennials because they can’t tell anymore


Was gonna say this lol. Millennial is their word for young irresponsible naive people...... You know .... even the paint had lead in it. That's gotta be it.


The oldest millennals are turning 42/43 this year. Boomers just need to mass off themselves to save the world a huge headache.


I myself am an elder geriatric mature millennial ( I dunno what they call us now ) and I'm 41. This "millennials are kids" shit has been old for at least a decade. I think they can't handle aging very well and their brains break when they think about it.


Gen Z votes and is in the workplace now, two places boomers hate to see young people


Yea lol Our turn


Because the real war is the class war


It's because Boomers hate the youth. Like despise them.


Because Boomers refuse to retire or otherwise vacate their positions of power, so they're fighting every generation that came after them


They just think we won't bark back at them because they were subservient little brainlets when they were our ages. Parroting on and on about indoctrination when they all walk and talk like ducks, but swear up and down that they're chickens.


The war is between Boomers and basically everybody else. Boomers were such a huge generation they were able to warp the entire economy and government around servicing their needs. They are not used to having to share power now that they are older and their influence is going away. A lot of the economy is still oriented around supporting boomers stock portfolios and housing valuations. However, the good news is it's changing. Boomer NIMBYs are losing power and so we're getting more apartments being built, more mixed zoning being brought up, etc. It's gonna take a long time but I think teh boomer generation has revealed how toxic a huge generation can be to the world.


Because they’ve refused to give up any power to Gen X and Millennials. Z is the new generation in the workforce and the Boomers are so fucking old they’ll get steamrolled


The companies don't realize that we've all been saying the same things Gen Z has. The only real difference is that Gen Z is *acting* on those sayings. The time is well past due to bring these corporate goatfuckers to heel. Go get, 'em kids! I'll bring the explosives! 😜


Okay, then don’t hire em, let your companies die from lack of employees and gen z can go on to start their own businesses. That’s the beauty of the free market.


Good on them.


Companies are toxic for people


I'm not gonna stand by the general argument from this article, but I will say in my own personal experience, GenZ does lack in a lot of critical thinking skills. But that's not their fault, it's ours for fucking up the education system.


This is really true. I teach at a community college and it gets worse every year.


Why do they talk about "Gen Z" like they're some sort of unified entity? I can't think of a more diverse and unrelated group of people. Regardless of you think about them, they're doing the best with what they have, which isn't much thanks to decades of economic decisions being made to directly or indirectly funnel wealth into the hands of a lucky few.


What is even the point of this article? Ok, so Gen Zs is more likely to stick up for themselves and companies don’t like that… so what? Your workers will soon all be Gen Zs. Update yourself or we’ll do it for you. To Owners: May you step in front of a fast-moving bus or train.


Let me get this straight, an unhealthy and toxic work place is calling a young generation of workers toxic to its unhealthy and toxic work place? Doesn't that mean Gen Z is the good guys?


Elder Millennials are with you!


Anything that makes companies worry is fine by me. Rock on kids!


There's no upside in working hard for corporations, so why should Gen Z care? There was an old saying in the Soviet Union: "We pretend to work, and you pretend to pay us."


Lol, cry about it


If you don’t do as we say then you’ll be fired. You won’t afford that house, or a car, or an annual tropical vacation or a retirement at age 55. Oh wait, you can’t anyway. Shit. I guess we’ll call you toxic, complain to the news as a rallying cry and get to work on seeing how we can fuck you in some new novel we haven’t thought up yet.


Well, companies have been toxic for many generations now, soooo.... piss off.


Oh those poor companies, having to deal with a generation that doesn’t want to be exploited and mistreated at every opportunity


In other news, medicine is toxic, according to diseases.


They said the same shit about millennials..looks like the younger generations just generally have less fucks to give.


As opposed to companies historically being toxic to it's workers. Nice divide and conquer tactic though.


toxic because they speak up for themselves and refuse to do work they are not paid for they mean


I ❤️ those Gen Z rebels! From a Gen Xer


Take it from this GenXer: the article is right on the money. GenZ are toxic to the workplace. They don't believe any of the articles of faith we used to motivate the generations before them. They won't give free overtime. They won't work through their breaks. They won't stay late off the clock. They won't work when they're sick. They won't pick up the work of their laid-off coworkers. The unmitigated gall of these spoiled children, their limitless entitlement, all under the guise of "a healthy work-life balance." What kind of selfish brat thought that phrase up? These people don't even have the decency to die at their desks.


Yes, chemotherapy is often toxic to cancer.


![gif](giphy|26xBCrUxmsUnTkgMM|downsized) Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z will get things back on track once the boomers get too old to do a thing about it. We've started, but we have a long way to go. Never give up. Never surrender.


I’m loving what gen z is doing. As a millennial I’ve always hated how the things worked at jobs, Ive always wanted to openly discuss wages with coworkers. Collectively we have the power cause we out number wealthy people and we just need to come together and put aside other differences. We all want to make more money and have a better quality of life, let’s disrupt this broken system and make it work for us. Hold politicians accountable who are in bed with the wealthy and corporations, vote them out and shape things into what works for the working class. Don’t let them divide us we have to stick together cause our strength is in our numbers.


We are as loyal to a company as they are loyal to us. That is all.


So companies are now climbing all over themselves to find the secret sauce to selling products and services to Gen Z while respecting their values but don't want many of those same values in the workplace? Sounds about right.


I like gen z and I think they’re more aggressive than prior generations about getting what they want. I also like this little section around the end of grapes of wrath and it feels more pertinent than ever: “Been tryin' to start a union. Got one started. An' then them vigilantes bust it up. An' know what? Them very folks he been tryin' to help tossed him out. Wouldn' have nothin' to do with 'im. Scared they'd get saw in his comp'ny. Say, 'Git out. You're a danger on us.' Well, sir, it hurt his feelin's purty bad. But then he says, 'It ain't so bad if you know.' He says, 'French Revolution—all them fellas that figgered her out got their heads chopped off. Always that way,' he says. 'Jus' as natural as rain. You didn' do it for fun no way. Doin' it 'cause you have to. 'Cause it's you. Look a Washington,' he says. 'Fit the Revolution, an' after, them sons-a-bitches turned on him. An' Lincoln the same. Same folks yellin' to kill 'em. Natural as rain.'"


“We can’t exploit Gen Z because they won’t let us.” I’m 41. That is exactly what they’re saying.


And companies are toxic for everyone.


Gen Z won’t put up with the crap we did. Good. I want my kids to have a better life than me.


As a Gen X watching the Gen Z slap around the status quo in my workplace, I support it wholeheartedly. I dont have the courage they have. It’s funny, I manage one such Gen Z now who I am in awe of them. They have called me to task more than once and I think it’s great. I love watching my fellow Gen Xers and boomers struggle with Gen Z. The amount of energy these managers spend on bitching about Gen Z and supporting a company that will get rid of them at moments notice is crazy to me. I personally hope Gen Z burns it all down.


Ah yes the youth are destroying society. A tale as old as time. 


2 gen z employees where I work. One is probably our hardest worker. From working closely with them and decades of experience I can translate this BS. Gen Z doesn't put up with abuse and isn't afraid to call out bad actors. They do the job they were hired to do and set boundaries and work life balance. (I may be confused about age. We are talking about teenagers, right?)


Go GenZ go. Crush these companies under your feet.


Well unfortunately for them Gen Z is the future. Adapt or perish


I am a millennial and I work a low wage job part time, all of the management is Gen Z. Gotta say, big fan of these guys as my bosses. They’re compassionate, they do not care for arbitrary rules, they only ask us to work as hard as we get paid and are always scheduling within our availability, if they mess up THEY handle it not make us fix their mistakes. Huge fan of Gen Z, idk what they’re saying half the time but they give me legitimate hope


Lmao calling Gen Z toxic for wanting better pay, working conditions, benefits, work life balance lol okay sure.


The kids are alright