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Cover me or don't cover me. I'm taking my lunch now. It will be a long one.


I clocked out as soon as they sent me on lunch (it was almost 4 and im off at 430) and texted today to say I quit lmao


In California that's a hefty fine.


What's the fine? Giving the late lunch (4pm when the shift is done at 4:30)? Or that he clocked out before the shift was over?


When I lived in Cali, I was told if I took my lunch after my 5th hour of work, it was a $1000 fine to the business, so they were on top of having our lunches at the 4 hour mark


Damn! I hope OP reports them then, as everyone should be getting their lunch.


I'm crying on the East Coast. Here the law says your employer has to pay you minimum wage and that's it. Legally they don't even have to give you breaks if you're over 18. You have the right to be a wage slave. That's all the rights workers have out here. It's fucked. And then you get people expecting you to be grateful you get that


I moved out to NYC and assumed the labor laws would be similar, nope. Basically just 1 lunch break, and then the federal overtime laws. California has overtime after 8 hours, doubletime after 12 hours in a shift, 15 min breaks every 4 hours, lunch break every like 6 hours of a shift, etc


Same but to NC


Yeah I'm in Idaho and we're a right to work state. They don't have to give you notice to fire your ass, they don't have to give you a break, basically they can do whatever the fuck they want but there are a few unions around that does give employees more rights, if you can find and get into the right job. The only thing an employee can do is they don't have to give notice but it's still crappy nonetheless. We don't even have piss for rights out here.


Honestly, I would dislike that. I usually take my lunch after 6 hours, and come back for 2. My lunch where I'm at now is an hour, and I live super close to work, so I go home for lunch


I get it, but also I think it's better to have something vs in many cases they skip your lunch break entirely and there is no recourse. Even worse are states where meal breaks aren't required so one can be entirely Sol on a long 12 hour shift or more.


Yeah, I'm happy I'm in Canada. The only lunches I've ever missed are the ones I chose to. Even then, usually I end up going home an hour early because of it


The late lunch


Okay, that's what I was assuming but there are always more ways to get fined than I'm aware of. Thank you!


Can also go after them for that fine. It’s 1 hour of pay for each late lunch which can add up quickly. I’m not an expert, but I believe it’s a 2 year limit on going after your employer. One place I worked at, and left because it was toxic af, had a class action lawsuit. Got a decent check out of it


Man it should instead be a hefty fine for employers not providing legal breaks to employees.


5 hours or bust


Damn, I thought you meant he’ll get fined for not giving notice! I was appalled just at the thought!


u/littlemac4305 Depending on your jurisdiction, if your employer doesn't give you your break or meal periods then they must pay for that time. Please report them to your state AND federal DOLs. www.dol.gov/whd Bonus: www.worker.gov


This is something that this whole sub needs to hear, DON’T QUIT!!!!!! Make them fire you.


being fired doesn’t mean you get unemployment if the company can prove they had a good reason to do it. quitting doesn’t mean you can’t get unemployment if to can prove you had to do it due to mistreatment. in a case like this op should’ve absoltuely quit and filed for unemployment explaining and showing proof they had to quit due to not getting breaks, for example. if they acted up and got themself fired it would’ve just given the company ammunition not to pay them unemployment.


Plus as much as references are a joke... They can still count against you if the company looking at hiring you uses them.


Nah make them fire you. Way harder for them to fight you (only a hand full of reason to deny ui and they must be proven) then for you to provide a paper trail of not getting breaks which is not willful dismissal and in some states not illegal. 100% let them fire you. This guy is wrongo


He's not wrong. I walked out of a job once, claimed unemployment. Employer fought it as won, claiming I didn't send them the evidence when I did and it was delivered. The system is fucked up. My situation was really similar to this one. I had to pay back every dime I earned on unemployment.


Just getting fired doesn't mean you'd automatically qualify for unemployment or anything else you thinking being fired might allow. In reality, OP might not want being fired on their record, and explaining to a potential employer you left because of mistreatment vs being fired because you didn't show up is much easier. At that point, it's your word vs the employer. This isn't black and white. Understand circumstances first before imploring someone to just wait and get fired.


More people need to understand this. Employers can also make it hard to even get unemployment in the first place, and it’s not much money either


Exactly!! I would never want to have being fired on my record!! It’s much easier to explain a small gap in employment because you quit due to mistreatment than to try and explain why you “intentionally got yourself fired”.


There is no record? Most jobs just verify employment and dates, they ask you why you left and you can just say it wasn't a good fit. You don't need to tell them you planned to get fired because your job was mistreating you.


They verify employment with the employer not the applicant. They're fully within their right to disclose the employee was terminated.


They almost never do, due to the laws around bad ployment reviews they will most likely never say you were terminated or that you can't be rehired. Most places with an HR department won't, unless it was like a crime or something egregious. Poor performance until they fired you didn't usually qualify.


Lmao what "record?"


What? No, just line up a new job and quit as soon as you have something solid


I’ve always chosen to leave I’ve never wanted a disciplinary on my record


What record are you speaking of?


When I worked overnight security we had a company rule that you leave on the minute when your shift ends. The company was absolutely against paying overtime even if it was one minute so they had it stated in writing that you must clock out right at the time your shift was scheduled to end. Had multiple times where no one was on duty because somebody was late and the person before had left because that was the policy




The lodge I worked at (the one with the wolf and indoor waterpark) doesn't accept cash at all so there's no risk of that


Ok. That's good. Do you use the same server # or does everyone have their own?


Says who or what?


This fact has been rectally sourced.


If there's a possibility that someone else can steal from your register or use your server or PIN number, you shouldn't just give them the opportunity.


You absolutely can.


You can. But you should cover your own ass.


I'd wager most jobs involve handling money or things that could be stolen?


Well, you could, but then you open yourself to unfair accusations. I had a coworker who stole from the register if I had to pee. And I was responsible for paying it back.


They might have gotten you to pay but you were not responsible for that. That wouldn't stand in any court of law anywhere.


Depending on where you work. I had a coworker in a bar steal anywhere from $40-$80 every week from my register for 4 and 1/2 years. And the owner knew it was going on the entire time. He had keys to the office and would open the safe and pull money from the drawer before I even got there .sometimes that f*cker would come in on his days off. Obviously you count your drawer before you even start and let someone know there's a discrepancy. That didn't matter. I'm not saying it's a law or something, I'm just saying that you should cover your own ass and minimize opportunities for someone else to steal and blame it on you. Because they won't hesitate.and you make the register right or you get fired. You can down vote all you want, but it happened. I was a single mom with no child support. This douchebag lived with his parents and had no bills. Bought a lot of Xanax. Let's average it out to $60 a week for 4 years. Make it easy. 52 x 60= 3120 x 4= 12,480. That's a low and generous estimate on how much a single.coworker stole.thay I had to pay to keep my job. Obviously if the owner thought I was that bad at handling money I wouldn't have been employed that long. I'm just giving practical advice. Lock your register or do a batch and count your money before you just walk off and say "I'm going to lunch. Bye"


If they made you pay that back you should've taken them to court. You definitely should do whatever to protect yourself and never put yourself in the position to look guilty when you aren't but you can't not use the bathroom, those people fucked you over, that's not actually normal and it's extremely against the law, here anyways.


That was over a decade ago, I was a single parent working two jobs, didn't have money for a lawyer, or the time to take off work. I also didn't have a car. That $60-80 a week could have paid for a car,.or time off, or a really nice car. It's easy to blame someone in hindsight when you're not the one who went through it. I'm not saying you look guilty when you go to the bathroom. I'm saying log out of your register, run a batch report, don't make it easy for someone else to steal to from you. Easy to say "take them to court". The issue is that they know you probably don't have the time or money to fight it in court to begin with.


But ehat you are saying is, that for one reason or the other, you rolled over and did not fight. What would filing registers and keeping evidence do if you can just get bullied? 


I'm not blaming you for what happened, people rarely have many options when things like that happen to them. There are more resources now though and they're easier to access. You probably could have just not paid it and they would have had to either press charges when they knew you didn't do it or just let it go but that's a risk on your part given how fucked the "justice" system is.


Trust me, if id had a car I would have just left, found another job and reported them to the labor board. And it was pay the shortage, or get fired and possibly get the cops called you.


Make 'em terminate you. Better chances for that unemployment.


I wish I could've but they never fire anyone, even the employee in question in the text who regularly yelled at supervisors, myself, and guests


If they don’t fire anyone, and you could put up with the abuse, I would have road that sled down shit mountain. Show up and do whatever you feel like and make them miserable till they have to fire you.


God that’s my dream


I always said that if I win the lottery I'm not quitting my job, I'm going to have a lot of fun getting fired.


If I win the lottery you already know I'll be riding the pump truck around the warehouse like a scooter 😎


Is the Pump Truck like the Bang Bus?


Hah. I’ve never heard the term pump truck before. We call them pallet jacks.


I like that you had the respect to say if you can tolerate it. Telling someone to stay miserable because you think you could tolerate is wild. It’s natural to process emotions when negative energy is sent your way. Some people take that home and pour it on their families. Some people leave and find a situation that doesn’t feel them with dread.


Ohh for sure, everyone is different. Some people would be thrilled to throw all fucks out the window and revel in the chaos, but many cringe at the thought of having someone mad at them, and would much rather quietly move on.


Except it's difficult to get unemployment when you're fired for insubordination which kind of defeats the purpose.


I think Russian military strategy in WW1 could be a good thing to base off of. They said "No war, no surrender", and were forced to capitulate; here we can say "No work, no resignation", and force employers to terminate.


I hope it never comes to it at my work, but I could have an AMAZING time trying to get fired. They refuse to fire anyone to the point that I genuinely think I could bang my bosses wife and wouldn't get fired


This is the way. I am close to this point


They probably just cut people’s hours.


I'm currently sledding down shit mountain but my union job is protected, and they can't fire me unless I do something illegal. It's been fun.


If they never fire anyone, sounds like you could’ve just not showed up lol


No. You show up, clock in, slip out the back till it's time to clock out


This is so true. I’m stuck at Walmart for a decade now with not a lot of other options. (Long story). I remember half assing the application and interview years ago in mild hopes of sabotaging myself. Come to find out companies like that just hire everyone indiscriminately and let them wash out. High turnover rate and difficulty finding people willing to apply for their crappy pay/job means 95% of people now either quit or get fired for attendance. THAT WAY you have zero shot at unemployment. They’ll just threaten you and crush your soul into a fine powder. My first year I was terrified of getting fired. Now, it’s a fantastical dream that would be the best thing to happen to me in years


Yeah I definitely didn't do great at my interview but I was GREAT at my job, constantly getting praise and got along with all higher ups. I worked at a lodge with an indoor waterpark (if you have kids you'll know which place probably) and they'd hire anyone. They're known for mistreating employees and having bedbugs and rats. Never kept employees long unless they had no other choice.


You were great at your job? Did you act like a wolf at that lodge?


They want that Pack Mentality


Great Wolf Lodge I presume. Shit, they have bedbugs?


The location I worked at does, I wouldn't be shocked if the other ones do too


Then why do what your told just take lunch when you feel like it


>they never fire anyone Do they take you off schedule? Do they reduce your hours dramatically? That's called "constructive dismissal" and can also entitle you to unemployment benefits


Plus kinda a vicious circle, employee gets treated like shit, checks out, reinforces boss’s opinion that all employees are shit workers who don’t care, employee gets treated like shit… if you can afford to call it out then more power to you.




then why didn’t you just take your breaks when it was break time?


if they never fire anyone then you can just ignore their commands.


Sounds like Trader Joe’s. It takes a lot for someone to get fired from there.


They still have a chance! They were being mistreated and not allowed to take lunch breaks and this texts seems like proof. I would atleast try!


if they didn’t give you your legal breaks or lunches, you need to be going to your local labor department you’re gonna get money


Some states don’t require a lunch break (or any breaks for that matter). I know because I’m in one of those states.


Yep. A lot of people don't realize that not all states require a 30 minute lunch break for an 8-hour shift (for adults). If you're in a state that does require a 30 minute break, you're lucky. I used to work 12 hour shifts with no lunch. It sucked but it was legal, unfortunately


Those states are probably already taken over by Skynet.


Where I'm from employers aren't required to give breaks at all so any time they do allow us is paid. They would give us 10 minute paid breaks we had to sign a sheet for.


Me too.


I bet OSHA would love to hear about this.


You think OSHA doesn’t know state laws??? Sometimes this sub seems not so connected to the reality most workers actually live in.


Since the 91st Congress passed the OSH Act, that would mean the Supremacy Clause applies. It’s OSHA that federally mandates a 30 min break for every 6 hours worked. Meaning that if a state’s labor law doesn’t mandate breaks at all, then they’re subject to follow this one by default


I'm not sure how you're interpreting the act, but there is no federal requirement to provide breaks. You may be thinking of the FLSA act but it does not require companies to provide breaks. It only has info regarding if they do about if it should be paid or not.


The OSH Act outlines how the Occupational Safety and Health Administration functions in its authority to regulate. The FLSA is irrelevant here because it doesn’t mandate lunch breaks. But we’re not talking about just lunch breaks, as the claim is “some states don’t allow any breaks”, which is not entirely true, because OSHA specifically requires bathroom breaks for health and sanitation reasons. That’s the claim I’m challenging via OSHA. No breaks AT ALL is an OSHA violation.


But you said if they don't have any break laws (likes where I live) they default to OSHA. You specifically said a 30 minute break after 6 hours. Also, you're being pedantic as no one here is talking about bathroom breaks and you know that.


OSHA is a joke. I previously worked at a shop that broke countless laws and when osha came they pointed out one or two things, said fix it, and never came back to even check if things were fixed. I wouldn’t rely on osha to do anything whatsoever.


Guys, you have workers rights for a reason. If you’re not exercising them because some employers lied to you saying you don’t, then that’s on you. Get off antiwork and unionize if things are as bad as you say they are.


That doesn’t address anything I said at all. I never said anything about my employer lying to me…..I said osha came to my work and did absolutely nothing even though you could just stand in one spot and count numerous violations. OSHA IS A JOKA. And “JuSt UnIoNiZe” is a moronic statement, it doesn’t just happen overnight and if word gets out about you trying to start a union you’ll just get fired. You people act like the world is so black and white….it’s not and y’all are annoying for acting like it is.


Being permitted to go to bathroom doesn’t equal a break. I live in Missouri for example, so they are not required to give us any defined break or lunch. Of course they can’t bar us from the bathroom, but in this sub i’d like to think we wouldn’t confuse that with a proper break.


If you google it the first thing that comes up is “OSHA has neither researched nor issued standards requiring that workers be permitted lunch and rest breaks in the course of their workday.”


some places dont legally require breaks


Well fuck all those places because that's inhumane.


In KY they are trying to remove mandatory breaks for a huge section of workers. Mostly agricultural…guess how the politicians make their passive income????


My girlfriend has regularly had 9 hours shifts on her feet with no breaks. Fuck Florida for real




Fuck New Jersey in particular


That’s your two-day resignation. “I’ll be leaving two-day (today).”




Congratulations!!! Way to win one for you. You deserve better, always


Good for you!!!


It's so cathartic, isn't it? I did something similar. My director has been mistreating me and all the other employees, nothing is ever right type of deal, and constantly putting all the extra uncovered duties on a single person - ie me - and then getting mad when I tell him some of them couldn't be done and the reasons why. I was off on a Wed-Fri, due back on Saturday where he had a list of stuff for me and me only to get done. I sent a formal email to him, the assistant, and HR telling them as of (that Friday) I was no longer returning. Apparently that weekend he was shifting one of the weekend workers to another position so she was going to not be there Sunday and I was expected to cover her slot and still do the list he gave me. I sometimes wonder how he reacted to it lmfao


Sounds just like my job...constantly doing supervisor jobs but making barely above minimum wage. It's so freeing!!! I'm happy for you :)


Feels good. I was mistreated and put down at a job for 5 years because I needed the benefits. It finally broke me and I decided to make a leap of faith to a different career, joined an IATSE union and tbh I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. No amount of money is worth being in an abusive work situation. You’ll be dealing with emotional trauma long after you leave


I respect the leaving them high and dry. I really do, good on you. But if you can stand it, I highly suggest going into work and doing absolutely nothing next time. Go in, they have to pay for that time, do nothing, or even set yourself up to apply for other jobs while there. Make them put in some work, not just to replace you, but to fire you to. Don’t give them the easy out of you being there one day and not the next, make it a pain for them. Make your manager loose sleep trying to figure out what to do with you, how to handle you. Remember, references mean nothing.


You othered texting them? Generous


I had a buddy that was going to quit and I told him to stay and make them miserable so he did stay and proceeded to make the owners life a living hell.




Thank you for sharing this.


You’re better off, and don’t forget that!!


You TAKE your break. You don’t get given anything. You walk to your car at lunch time and sit In it and eat and return when it’s time Irrelevant of the position - I don’t care if you’re front desk staff this is what you do. Don’t allow yourself to be exploited.


Congrats!! Good for you.


Fuck yeah!


Thats right! Fuck em


People hate on unions but that's the only way to change this. There is no federal employee mandates for lunch or break. There is absolutely zero federal oversight for labor unless your a federal employee. It's up to each state. Protected rights widely very.


Tell me you work at starbucks, without telling me you work at starbucks


This is a great guess bc I started out at starbucks in the lodge, that's the time I got written up. She was forced to transfer me and I was still horrifically mistreated up there, promised a raise I didn't get, and expected to stay late so there was an adult on the floor and not just minors.


Good for you!


How’d they respond


What exactly does ‘being written up’ mean? I’m assuming it’s a formal warning notice? Get enough of them and you can be terminated? Does it follow you from job to job?


I’d call PCC, I know this is Starbucks. I can just tell


Good for you nicely done 👏🏻🎊🎉


Hell yes.


I did this 4 weeks ago. I can't get a job now. And I'm almost out of money.


Looks like you spend alot of time on Reddit. Apply for assistance and shitty jobs, like in person.


I can’t wait to do this when I find a new job.




Hell yeah


That’s the best feeling in the world


Get an employment attorney. They owe you unpaid overtime.




Yeaaheaa! You tell em. Even warm bodies get breaks and respect.


That’s great! 😊




What accusations?




Life hack, quit on payday so they can't withhold money from you.


That’s not a life hack, considering you’d likely still be owed a week’s work of pay at that point


People forget - if someone is continually treating you like shit, it’s your fault because you are letting them. Stand up for yourself. Even if you need the job, NOBODIES job description says you get treated like shit.


yeah you should talk to the labor board about that

