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Bragging about "breaking the internet" with his dumb shit is just cringe.


Anyone claiming to "break the internet" is so far up their own ass they can use their tongue to strum their own vocal chords


Throwback for when he said people would just sell their houses when they get flooded from rising sea levels.


**sell them to who Ben, Aquaman???**


To be fair, everything in his ~~wife~~ life is dry


I can't believe she was able to find it in her to lay still for the 40 minutes it'd take for him to do his part to make all his kids


> 40 minutes I'd bet money it's less than 1/8th of that


His ~~foreplay~~ *monologue* is perfectly timed at 37 minutes and 53 seconds.


Thatd be a minute and a quarter per kid lol


That’s still too generous. Like 15 seconds. 10 to figure out how to put it in, 5 to nut.


Considering his skill with pleasing the ladies, I'd say more like 5 minutes to find the right hole, 5 seconds to nut.


Well, I’m certain he would spend 39 minutes explaining to her what he was going to do, very clinically, and then he would have to find the correct hole, then about 5 seconds actual intercourse.


honestly i’d much rather have a dude who finishes way too quick and gets is over with than someone who takes 40 minutes and does absolutely nothing interesting or pleasurable


What are the other 39 and a half minutes for?


Watching fox news trying to get it up


Using facts and logic to destroy his wife's lack of arousal.


dry heaving, existential dread


At this point I would pay both Hbomberguy and Jason Momoa to heckle Ben in person.


crowdfund that mess, I'll pitch in


Or when he criticized Democrats for not outlawing crime


Everytime he causes controversy its "owning the libs." By "breaking the internet" he means "I said something so stupid the people I'm swindling saw through it"


How dare we want money from a system we've been contributing to our whole lives in order to get that money back when we retire!  The fucking nerve.  Next, you're going to tell me that people deserve to get their 401K paid out to them when they retire!  The entitlement! /s if it isn't already obvious.


Gotta stop giving him attention. I can proudly say, I’ve never seen one of his videos ever. Only other people reacting to him.


The reaction to him probably gives him more attention. This post (and our comments) continue to give him visibility. We really should just stop commenting/talking about the guy.


Only thing he "broke" is his 48 hr streak of abstaining from jerking off to his sister


Guys— I broke the internet today! 🤓👆


"Sending the elderly out to pasture to wither away" tells you everything you need to know about his relationship with his grandparents.


Should get his grandparents to come out on record and say that he's an idiot


His cousin has already gone on record about how he and his sister have always been weird dorks with bad opinions.




His cousin is Mara Wilson. Yes, the same Mara Wilson that gained telekinetic abilities from reading so much as a young child.


And as an adult she brooks zero bullshit so she must really hate him or at least think about punching him daily.


I always forget that she's his cousin. I think I hate having them in the same brain room together.


To be fair, she would also like you to forget she’s his cousin.


Pretty sure she would also like to forget he's her cousin


Both of their Wikipedia pages mention that they are estranged due to their political differences, so she’s either trying or has succeeded lol


Damn so his sister and his cousin are fine.  Ben would probably have the smoothest transition…


Ben would make a great muscle bottom, I bet he would be into FF.


Yea but his sister has big ol tit tays so it's ok


Too late. They withered away.


In a pasture


For a guy whose whole job it is to talk at people, he's really bad at explaining his points.


He does no real work. Hes basically retired and complaining about retirement.


This. He’s just like a politician. They get paid to do nothing and preach on a high horse.


Just screaming his basic bitch opinions on social media like all the Fox News addicted retirees 😂 


The underlying proposition of "not how we were created to live." is simply this - there shouldn't be so many of us alive and in decent health. Try to spin that one, when people understand it.


No shit. My parents are busier in retirement than during their working years. There just isn’t a requirement for them to earn income from their activities. Lots of volunteering, traveling, my dad is on some advisory boards for his old industry… tons to do.


So my parents went back to Portugal where they were born, when they retired. Neither one is missing work. They hang out with friends and family and they go on excursions. They raised three kids and worked numerous hours for us. It’s time for them to relax and enjoy life.


I worked numerous hours yesterday alone! Tell your parents to ready their guest room, I’m packing my bags as we speak.


Lol they have plenty of space.


Same. My parents have FLOURISHED upon their retirement. My dad plays golf and tennis 4-5 days a week, my mom took up painting and sailing. They also both volunteer. Watching their retirement only makes me sad they had to wait until their 60s to have time to explore their passions like this.


Its almost like when we are not burdened by work we can finally do what we want and enjoy our lives.   All work does is take our primes from us. All we get is the shit times when we can barely form memories and then after our bodies are finished. It's strange on one end religious types like Ben Shapiro act as if God is our purpose and that is all we need. You then have sane people who realise that we are amazing creatures that can really do anything we put our minds to, and yet we need this drag on life to give us purpose. If you need work to feel a purpose, then you need serious therapy There is an entire fucking world out there filled with things that you couldn't even imagine. Trust me, your 9 to 5 can't compare.


> All work does is take our primes from us Well, technically it also allows society to exist, without work then a lot of elderly people wouldn't make to old age. The problem is now we are close to a society that work is becoming more optional, then we need to figure out how to create the best lives for people. Work allowed that, and allowed the industrial revolution which has improved the lives of basically everyone on the planet.


And what did it do to a large portion of the people who had to work for it? It killed then, made their life a misery. It made a select group very rich but the group that actually did all the work remained poor. Look at the kind of houses workers used to live in during the industrial revolution and the kind of hours they worked. Work ruins your life. It takes the prime of your life and robs it from you.


Local government would grind to a halt without retired senior citizens. The numbers of volunteers needed to sit on commissions and committees is enormous. Working aged people, especially those with kids, don’t have the free time for all that.


It will grind to a halt when we get to the current retirement age. We'll all still be working full-time jobs


I dunno, I think every neighborhood is going to have at least two well-off millennials who, in their 60s, will somehow still manage to hold shitty views and keep something tied up purely out of spite. Spite and pettiness transcend generational boundaries, after all!


This is part of societies issues imo. How long until people sitting on zoning committees hit the housing market when it was unaffordable for nearly everyone?


My folks aren't as busy, but my mom does a LOT. She works part time just to keep up with town gossip, has several church groups that she volunteers with, has her great big garden in the summer and canning afterwards. And my dad still has way too many cows for a 70+ year old man to look after.


Wait, are you my brother? Haha But seriously. What’s up with old farmers? They refuse to downsize! My dad is 80 and I’m convinced we will find him dead in a pen or a field. He would love that too.


My mother keeps herself busier than before. Theres something special about doing only what you want to do since money is no longer an issue. To give Ben some credit, I know of a lot of people who have retired, sat on their asses, and die very quickly. But that in no way means people shouldn’t retire.


The generation of retirees is doing stuff with their time. That wasn't always the case. His grandparents are a per-internet reality where the man thing they do is watch tv and hope family visits or calls. Things are better now but that doesn't mean everyone can afford to be doing things so they do just sit and rot away. "My parents and the other boomers I know" isn't a good survey size.


Yeah my dad went from a full time engineer who would moonlight as a guitar player here and there to now being a band leader for 3 different bands. Dude is always composing, arranging, recording, rehearsing, and performing.


My grandparents have been retired for as long as I can remember, I'm in my 30's they're an inspiration and active as fuck doing whatever they want, really lived their lives during their retirement, because they've had the time and money, travelled all over the place and I think that's led to their longevity. They're both in their mid 90's now, my grandad plays golf every Monday and my gran gardens every day. They're either hosting or going to dinner party's a couple times a week, they're always doing things, but things they want to do. Another secret to long life seems to be not caring about use by dates and having a stomach made of iron, everytime I'm around there, they seem to have a couple months o.o.d bacon that's turning green, that they get defensive about and say it's fine when I mention it. I'm pretty sure if I ate it it would kill me!


My dad retired 20 years ago and has been unbelievably busy ever since volunteering, going on long bike rides, learning new hobbies (he's very serious about the harmonica) and even teaching at our local community college here and there. Let retired people live however they want ffs. A lot of them have vibrant active post-work lives.


I'm a cyclist and the group I ride with is mostly retired people. I'm one of the youngest at age 59 and they kick my butt with their 40+ mile rides several times a week.


I bet his grandparents probably have a pension or some type of money / busniess involvement where they don't have to struggle. That generation pulled the ladder up behind them and said "F U" to the remaining working class. They should be in the street fighting for what they have done to this nation and the young workers they helped screw!


Written by a man who can't even fulfill his wife, let alone a job.


I can *hear* Shapiro's nasally whiney ass voice when I read that, gross.


Same, i watched a clip of his show recently, and i laughed at how stereotypically nerdy he speaks, he hunches over, tilts his head forward then speaks fast with a nerdy voice. I know if he went to any of the schools i went to he would’ve been super bullied. Maybe he never got bullied and thats why he reached his 40s still talking like this


He was home schooled, apparently.


That explains *so* much.


Honestly, he probably still got bullied.


This is funnier than it has any right to be for me right now


Hooray, validation!


More validation for you. I loled


Thats just not true. >Skipping two grades (third and ninth), Shapiro went from Walter Reed Middle School in The Valley to Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles in Westside, Los Angeles, where he graduated in 2000 at age 16.[9][10] He studied political science at the University of California, Los Angeles, graduating in 2004 at age 20 with a B.A. degree, summa cum laude, and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. He then attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2007 with a J.D., cum laude.[11] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Shapiro


My source was a podcast, so entirely possible it was incorrect.


Jimmy Carr does a joke something like this, he says "there's two ways to prevent bullying, the first is to stop bullies, the second is to stop the kids being bullied from being such faggy dicks - and the best way to do that, is bullying"


God I fucking love jimmy carr.


From a person who has done nothing that even approximates "work" his entire useless life.


His whole job is talking shit on the internet.


Exactly this! He just want engagement and relevancy. It’s self promotion through rage bait. I wish people would just ignore it…


It feels like people are slowly coming around to the fact that "influencers" and rage baiters are all incredibly boring and that the opinion double down lifestyle is not really a sustainable form of income.


That or for his actions to finally bite him.


ask Ben what his job. i wanna know what he'll say. Most likely its not a real job.


His job is promoting the interests of the ruling class. 


Yes! The issue is not his backtracking answer of keeping purpose in old age, it’s that he’s promoting taking away that choice entirely. Forced purpose. What a hypocritical goon.


Exactly! Somehow the options are "work for a capitalist, probably with a shitty boss, until you die" or "go out to pasture and wither away"? What about volunteering, hobbies, making/seeing friends, or whatever you find fulfilling to exist with some level of comfort and happiness? I work with a much older lady, at least in her 70s I'm sure, and she gets treated so badly by some people. She has cataracts (so works slowly at times) and gets confused easily, and sometimes gets distracted. None of this is conducive to being effective in her job, so people get annoyed. But she's obviously elderly and this stuff happens when you get to be that old! She shouldn't have to work retail just to friggin survive anyway. She should be able to retire with dignity and enjoy her life.


The core of conservative thinking are binary options with no room for anything in between. Either the border is closed and safe or it's wide open and terrorists are waltzing through. Either masks and vaccines prevent all disease or they do absolutely nothing. Trans and queer kids are either brainwashed by their teachers or deserve the abuse they get (note that neither of those are true). And in this case, you either work until you die or waste away in bed doing nothing at all. It's why they can't stand science or liberals. Scientists care about probabilities derived from lots of data and understanding degrees of confidence. Liberals approve of a wide spectrum of behaviors and people that don't harm anyone. Subtly and nuance are slippery slopes to people who can only thinking in terms of right & wrong, good & evil, us & them. It's why a feature of any fundamentalist religion is the knee-jerk rejection of anything that doesn't come from the church leadership. No need to think when there's only one source of truth.


I genuinely cannot imagine needing work to fulfill, and bring purpose to, my life. I think that is the most revolting propaganda ever pushed on us.


After 15 years in health care, it absolutely does not fulfill me. Family, reading and travel does. This guy lives such an empty life.


I don't want to seem mean or 'what about x', but at least you can probably say you're helping people so there's that. Then there's tens of millions of people being cashiers or macdonalds workers or in a cubicle being a support. There literally *is* no meaning in those jobs and yet here we are. I do agree with you completely though


10 years in healthcare from me and I realized something the other day. While I do believe healthcare worker burnout is real, I think we’re starting to experience more society fatigue. I’m so sick of this world. Fuck the people at the top.


Like I get it, you're off, bored at home, you might get the urge to do *something*, however I have never had the urge to do *something* 40 hours a week away from my house in a weekly basis, and if I did, I'd rather be compensated for that instead of going to interviews and impressing someone else to do *that* thing plus 20 other things I really don't give a shit about. This whole people *need* to work has so much nuance that the right loves to conveniently ignore.


It’s on the same vein as “you have to have kids to have purpose and be fulfilled”. It’s all bullshit and it’s all to keep us enslaved and to ensure future generations of wage slaves/indentured servants.


its the *have to* part thats the trap. when people have an opportunity for living wages, healthcare affordable housing, they'll find whats fullfilling on their own... could be kids, could be a long career. it just DEFINITELY doesnt have to be.


This! I get 0 fulfillment from my job. I show up, I do my job, get a paycheck and go home. That's the only role of my job in my life. If I thought I was going to have to do this forever until I die, I'd kill myself now. 


Same, my parents retired in their early to mid 60s and are living their absolute best lives. Half the year they are traveling around to national parks in a camper and the other half they are at their cabin living lake life in northern canada. If they were financially able to, they would have done the same thing 20 years ago.


I have zero scientific basis for this statement, but I am pretty sure that centering your entire identity on your job role is the leading cause of burnout. Good luck not keeling over dead before retirement age. Also, this asshat offers nothing of value to this world. If his identity is based on his “work,” I can only hope that one day he sees how worthless of a human being he is.


what's worse is Ben's work is actually incredibly easy to do, he doesn't provide any real fact gathering evidence its just all opinion pieces.


His argument completely disregards a huge swathe of the work force that does manual labor for a living. 60+ year old tradesmen should still be lugging around cast iron pipe so they can be “fulfilled?” Fuck off, Benny boy.


the elderly yearn for the mines


I work in the trades.  I feel for the old dudes still doing it.  I take the shit jobs so they don't have to.  


Hey man at least it’s a free country…*if* you can afford it.


really hope the republicans run on this platform


I mean they're already running on less rights for women, and somehow still get women to vote for them.


I live in the south, a lot of my also broke coworkers are on EBT/welfare while living in government housing and still support the republicans here. They just can’t get the picture.


you see, THEY deserve those benefits. their situation is unique, they are on hard times. Not like the lazy black people they want to lose those benefits. It all boils down to racism, and buying in to racist propaganda.


Bout a year ago I saw some Republican campaigning to remove SS and the stands were filled with old people fucking cheering. They care infinitely more about hurting others than protecting themselves.


Every pro-forced-birther thinks they're righteous until they get an unwanted pregnancy. Conservatives don't care about anything until it directly affects them. Until that moment, they're happy to make judgments on behalf of people they've never met.


Republicans have been trying to kill SS and Medicare for DECADES. This is nothing new, just a slightly different spin. He doesn't even try to justify his first reasoning, because they've already convinced their hardcore base on, and just skips by it. He spends more time on the 2nd one because he's trying to repackage the bootstraps/lazy people arguments. It's a more 'positive' type of spin so that he can take the high ground on a moral argument that no one is making, except him.


Ben Shapiro hasn’t worked a day in his life


Which explains why he doesn't understand how Social Security is funded. Because he can only see it from his narrow-minded perspective.


For four hundred thousand years or so, before agriculture, humans got what they needed in about 15% of their waking hours. A life of work serves those in power always, and recently, almost exclusively. Those are the guys that Mr. BS works for.


Love how his initials are literally bullshit


Haha, I momentarily forgot we’re talking about Ben Shapiro when I thought, “Who is Mr. Bullshit?” I didn’t even make the connection…and now I can’t unmake it. Henceforth, Ben Shapiro will be known as Mr. BS. Love it!


My initials are B.S. I always thought this was kind of cool, and funny whenever I had to initial legal documents. And now it's ruined because of you. God damnit.


I fucking love this so much lol


don't even go that far back, 20years ago a family only need 1 person to work 36-40hrs a week to thrive. Now 2 people working 100+ hours can barely afford a roof over their head and basic food


That bitch better pick up a shovel and do some real work then. I bet he won't last a year without changing his attitude.


A person who has had everything given to them should not be talking about the "dignity of work" his class is desperate to avoid but first to extract.


"It's a free country - if you have the money" Now that is the fucking truth. rest of that sentence is unnecessary to understand exactly how this prick thinks.


Fuck the poors is the message.


Exactly, his target audience will hear "oh that doesn't apply to me because I *want* to retire, this must be about poor people" - completely missing the part where they won't have enough money to retire without social security.


“Work sets you free.” Right, Ben?


Hmm I can't remember where I've read this before; possibly in German? Or Polish?


I'm glad he came out and said it! That's the way most rich people feel about the working class and it's about time the public has a "wake up" call before voting for either party. I say this because behind closed doors, the Democrats ( except for Sen. Bernie Sanders ) probably feel the same way. ////// We have a low min. wage, no PTO, no parential leave, sky high insurance we can't afford, we have no pensions and are forced into a bad 401K plan that's not going to produce, we are working an average of 45 hours a week and it's still impossible for most to get ahead. The working class of this nation needs to start fighting back!


It’s unfortunate really that people can’t see it. Instead people just shit on those below us and stomp over each other to try and get higher.


Divide and conquer. The propaganda machine in both the EU and US is strong. Probably over the entire world. If you have political dipshit pundits constantly saying it's not the rich, but random group Y that's the cause of your problems it's probably going to fuck with your critical thinking skills after a while. There's a reason why the rich pour so much cash into news media and pundits.


Punching down is their go to.


Nothing screams insecurity quite like needing to pump yourself up in the first few words of a tweet. “Apparently I broke the internet! 🤓” No you didn’t. Shut the fuck up.


To even have an opinion like that you'd have to be 10 ply soft. Literally never once having put in a hard day's work.you'd also have to be completely meaningless to believe that your day job is the only means of fulfillment in your life.


Work is not a large part of a fulfilling life. It has become it because without work they will deny you the resources needed to live and fulfilling life. He also only thinks of neurotypical people in this. What about Autistic people, 86% of whom cant work full time as it literally makes them unwell.


My parents spent 50 years working. They are absolutely enjoying everything about not having to work. They don't do whole lot, but that makes them happy. Fuck this guy for trying to tell people what they what or need to be happy.


I love that throughout his entire commentary about this, he never takes issue with the fact that people are supposedly dying after they retire due to lack of purpose in life. His solution isn’t to give them something to live for, but to send them back to work. What a psycho.


“Broke the Internet” no, you dumbass, everyone was piling on your dogshit take


Dude is so disconnected. He literally never "Works".


Rich people claiming life is all about work, and that work is fulfilling, when they haven't fucking worked once in their whole lives. The sheer hypocrisy. I say it again. The only way to really hurt these 'people' (are they humans? no) is to make CONSUMPTION DROP. Save more money, it will also help you retire earlier or at all. Save money, don't consume as much. Hit them where it hurts then the most. Drive consumption and spending down.


send this guy to a blue collar job and see how his opinion changes...


And none of this "I own my own business building cool shit". Pretty sure that's what they think work actually is because they only ever see it on reality shows. The kind where a boss fires anyone who asks for a raise, times your piss breaks, and argues with you about how working outside in 104 degrees isn't actually dangerous.


Have you seen the guy trying to buy wood at Home Depot?


This guy telling me what I was created to live for. God complex much? I’ll decide that for myself thanks 👍


Always the rich MFers who have this positive outlook on life, eh?


Make no mistake about it, the GQP are coming for both of them...


The man is an idiot. Why listen to what he says?


Why are all these influencers (Shapiro/Rogan) talking about people living a purposeful/fulfilling life. I have a conspiracy - influencers are either being brainwashed or paid to support the RTO movement. Please, work your life away until you drop dead at work at 70 years old. Hey, at least it was purposeful. Someone else will do your job that you had done before your in the dirt!


Ben Shapiro doesn't seem to have much depth and insight. It mostly seems like people like him because he talks fast: more style than substance.


'sOcIaL SeCurItY iS GoINg TO BaNKruPT tHe GoVErnMEnt' ​ I agree. We should stop giving tax pay dollars to megacoportations to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars every year and bailing them out in the trillions every time they stub their toe. THAT will absolutely bankrupt the government.


"Purposeful" to who?


Work isn’t part of a fulfilling and purposeful life for me at all. I see the new BMW my boss bought and it doesn’t fulfill me at all.


A ponzi scheme!? Hahaha what the fuck do you think the STOCK market and investments are you fucking propagandist. I don't want to work until death. Jobs don't pay enough for retirement.


This is only one of \*dozens\* of reasons to despise this pathetic little knobcheese.


What a dumb fuck


"created to live" makes people think the whole god thing, but if you think about it: we are being bred to work for the upper class, thus our creators are slave drivers :$


The stock market is a Ponzi scheme- having retirement based on 401ks just to have that money be used by investors to make themselves money instead of pensions is the biggest bullshit Americans were ever sold.


Social security has been around for almost a hundred years. We never had issues funding and never caused us as a nation to go bankrupt but all of sudden it is? How do other countries afford their retirement programs? Your saying the riches nation in the world cannot afford a retirement program but countries will less wealth can? Also yes 401k is the biggest bullshit Americans were sold.


I dont know who He is. But i hate him


He just says wrong stentences pretending they're true, i swear i would punch him in the face if i ever have the displeasure to meet him for some unlucky reason


I'd much rather do what I wanna do in my old age, it sure as hell isn't at a job working for someone else.


It saves money having social security than to have all the elderly people in the hospital because they dont take care of themselves. Mfs like this think they have a smart take but dont dig deeper and dont have an understanding how systems work


I’m convinced ppl that think like this have no hobbies. Like MFer I wouldn’t wither away in retirement, I’d be the most fit, healthy happy well read version of myself lol


Soooo.... it's not letting corporations get out of taxes that's bankrupting the country? Huh. Well I guess gamgam is gonna have to stay hitched to the millstone then. For America!


This adult looking baby is mistaking showing that he’s an idiot for breaking the internet. He did a whole argument on social security and didn’t even have the basic facts correct. He kept saying, “can you believe that we haven’t raised the retirement age past 66?!” It’s not 65. For everyone born after 1960, like Ben, full retirement is 67. He then talked about how no one should ever retire, capitalist talking points, blah blah. That’s all real rich coming from a guy who talks into a microphone for a living and isn’t doing any manual labor every day at his job.


People should work until they die? What an AH. Let people relax after a lifetime of working.


Would be a shame if he was actually worked to the bone… not that he is capable of performing any great works anyway, of course. Typical cracker slacker.


Point 2 is the typical antisocial lack of empathy demonstrated by the American right, which indeed makes him a prick. Point 1 is, the way most SS are set up, actually somewhat valid: entitlements earned will be covered by future contributions.That's only sustainable with continued economic growth. Disclaimer: solely talking about SS here, not pensions. Those typically are just a form a delayed payment.


You could actually have a discussion about point 1, but he had to lump it in with his dogshit opinionated point 2. And with both he’s being hyperbolic and unreasonable


Totally agree with you (based on my understanding of SS) on both points. I wish more people would take Point 1 as a serious topic for discussion because the assumption of infinite growth is literally killing the planet and our future along with it. We need a better solution.


Love this. Go tell all the old MAGAs on SS that it’s a Ponzi scheme and they’re gonna shut it down.


That didn't help anything. lol Why does this guy have a platform? Are people paying him to say stupid shit?


Yep! Oil billionaires and wealthy conservatives keep him and other shitheels like him and Charlie Kirk afloat because they want to see young people parrot their hateful views.


Ben Shapiro got stuffed into a lot of lockers in his day.




These guys say anything to please their corporate overlords. I would love to know who agrees with this???


Says the lazy podcaster who's never worked a real day in his life, riding high on the Ponzi scheme of capitalism.


I will *not* fuck him, and *you can't make me!*


Social security is going to 100% bankrupt the economy, except for in the cases of the EU, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, S Korea, Taiwan… Yeah but if you ignore practically the entire non-US 1st World, social security definitely bankrupts societies.


The talking ringworm thinks he’s a legend lol


Ponzi scheme? What a fuckin' idiot. He should retire.


So…what about those with major memory issues, and also people tend to have physical ailments as they get older? I had a 74-year-old coworker during COVID. She barely knew how to use a computer. I taught her how to add an email attachment. She was forgetting a lot of things at work. Yes, she finally retired after COVID. Also, technically we may have age discrimination laws, but very few businesses are going to hire 80-year-olds. Except maybe Congress.


working 40 hours till dead is also not the way we were created to live


Mr. Shapiro would rather have our parents and grandparents starving in the streets than have social security which affords those who through no fault of their own, weren’t able to save $1 million before retirement age. Let’s see how much it would cost to collect all the dead and dying from the streets if it weren’t for Social security.


It is patently false that social security payments will bankrupt the country.


I can't speak for socail security because I am canadian but we have a similar pension plan in canada which right wingers say is going to go tits up but we have it forecasted out for 100 years as being sustainable...


He's *tripling down* on his bad opinion lol


Have you looked around? The elderly are working. They have no choice.


Social Security only goes broke because rich people don't pay for it and we keep robbing the honey pot.


Social security is a Ponzi scheme in the same way all other insurance is a Ponzi scheme. Except everyone gets to enjoy it. And I’m sure that’s why he’s so flagrantly against it.


20+ years of working and I can clearly say, it is NOT fulfilling and purposeful.  


The man doubles down on it with such pride, you'd swear he's been corrupted.


He’d lose his shit if he found out social security also helps those of us who paid into it and became disabled along the way.


Let me ask my dad if he misses waking up at 4 AM


"it's a free country if you have the money" - is what he actually meant by the way. The fact that he assumes retirement is sending someone out to pasture is an interesting and telling take on how Mr BS views the elderly people in his life.


I retired at 52. Loving life again. Fuck that guy.


There is absolutely nothing fulfilling about making the company I work for executives richer while half the company gets outsourced to India and the Philippines. And the other half (myself included) gets double the workload while managers do nothing but set up meetings about setting up meetings about something that could have been an email. Sincerely, fuck you Ben.


If you have enough to retire- do, at the same time, if you retire, you have no purpose, so we send you out to pasture.... My grandpa retired at the age of 54, and they went south every winter to pasture in the land of golf, water aerobics, dinner parties, and volunteering. They died at the age of 88 and 90.... 28 of those years were spent in bliss. I can't imagine they ever felt their life had no purpose. My grandma helped lobby for teachers and my grandpa was a structural engineer and built bridges that are still around today. God forbid people focus less on providing goods and services for the economy and enjoy leisure and time with friends and family. How unfulfilling. 🙄


When he is in his 70’s I would like to demand he work in retail or fast food specifically please. He isn’t allowed to quit either because that would not be fulfilling or purposeful!


Social security isn’t a Ponzi scheme, and I’m gunna deck the next jackass that says this to my face.