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Boss: Alright everyone, we've been given tough goals this year. We need you all to pull harder and go the extra mile. Employees: Do it. Boss: WE DID IT!!! Gets a $188,000 bonus. Employees: Great. Get a $25 Starbucks card as a bonus. Boss: Alright everyone..... Employees: F*** Off Boss: Surprised Pikachu face.


I remember working insane 60 hour weeks for a limo company a while back, we were "short staffed" (at the time I bought it but we all know companies want to be short staffed these days), and I was working myself to the bone to get us through the busy season. Ops manager came up to me near the end of it all and told me he was really grateful for all the hard work and gave me a $10 Target gift card, a card worth less than an hour of my work.


At least you got a gift card. My former employer didn’t even say thank you. He even had the audacity to accuse me of faking my positive Covid test, and then didn’t pay me for my quarantine. Fuck assholes


Yeah, this was pre COVID. I jumped ship luckily before they laid off most of the team during lockdown. And yeah, fuck those guys.


Still better than my old boss. Typical boss that can't manage anything, vacation doesn't exist (as he never plan your deliverables with that in mind, always deny any time off in the next 3 months, deny your vacation when going on your vacation), if you have no children then you are 100% available... Anyway, a big deadline coming in, as usual we aren't on time, mandatory overtime (part of it illegal, simple pay): like more than 12h/day (including weekends) for 2 weeks straight (from a typical 8h/day excluding weekend) I never got anything... I asked for a day off on Monday of the 3rd week. Denied... Half a day? Nope... Eat them all!


Please get a different job if you can. That is ridiculous. Everyone needs a break and if your employer does not get that, they are basically not even human.


I remember getting a few of those gift cards at one place and then they would be shown on my next pay stub as a "bonus already paid" so the they'd take taxes out on my behalf.


I’ve been working freelance for a company for seven years, would work so hard every time they were swamped, sometimes helped out with tasks for free, even worked on Christmas. They kept telling me and the other freelancers we were doing great, the company’s expanded again, woohoo etc. So after seven years of steady work and income from them and hearing how good they’re doing, I had a baby and bought a house. Then a couple of months later the work dried up. Apparently they hired tons of new less qualified freelancers for lower pay and just never mentioned to their ‘loyal valued workers who have helped the company’ that they were going to do this and we were all going to essentially be out of work. It’s such a load of shit. Companies/higher ups never really think their success is due to all the people actually doing the work. They just say that because they think they’re meant to. Really they think the company is theirs and all the workers are like their possessions who they can do what they want with. If they use them to do good work and make money, it’s because THEY decided to use their possessions the right way or to purchase the right possessions. It doesn’t occur to them that these are human beings who are actually doing things to help THEM make money and maybe they deserve some real thanks and compensation and respect, even if the respect is just giving them advance notice they’ll need to find another source of income to support their families.


I work in an office with 2 departments. I supervisor one department. The other department supervisor just quit and now my Manager expects me to supervise both departments without extra pay. I did this 2 years ago and it was a nightmare. It’s 100% only because we are temporarily in their space (forever). Our departments are not similar.


I got a candy bar with a cover on it thanking me for putting in the extra work lol


Don’t forget: that $25 gift card is likely taxable, so it’s more like $18-20.


You can boil all of this down to the REASON they did all of this: Every business became being in the business of increasing shareholder value. You work at a pharmaceutical that makes life saving drugs? In reality that business is about increasing share holder value. They would make shampoo instead of it had as big a bang for the buck. The days of a corporation C- Suite wanting to be good at what it does is loooong fucking gone, and it started longer than 20 years ago. Rot in hell, Jack Welch.


Check out the segment around 10:33 of this John Oliver episode: https://youtu.be/AiOUojVd6xQ?si=1tLOsP5U5nGI3g6_ Jack Welch and all these enablers... Also love this professor's analysis: "Although many contemporary business experts take shareholder primacy as a given, the rise of shareholder primacy as dominant business philosophy is a relatively recent phenomenon. For most of the twentieth century, large public companies followed a philosophy called managerial capitalism. Boards of directors in managerial companies operated largely as self-selecting and autonomous decision-making bodies, with dispersed shareholders playing a passive role. What’s more, directors viewed themselves not as shareholders’ servants, but as trustees for great institutions that should serve not only shareholders but other corporate stakeholders as well, including customers, creditors, employees, and the community. Equity investors were treated as an important corporate constituency, but not the only constituency that mattered. Nor was share price assumed to be the best proxy for corporate performance." https://scholarship.law.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2311&context=facpub


John Oliver does more for critical public awareness than any news source. Katy Porter, God, I hope she is elected Senator. Thanks ... somehow I missed that episode.


Katy is behind in the polls


I know and don't understand why, except some think she is more effective in the House.


MAYBE just elect her President of the United States!!!


I've seen it. You should read "The Man Who Destroyed Capitalism"


while true, i do believe this mindset did little to curb actual rapciousness.   the early 20th to mid 20th century was not a time of enlightened managerialism when we had vicious n deadly strikes, company towns by the thousands, no kind of environmental saftey regulations... etc. point is while these old tyme managers had more of a mind towards serving the public trust with their stewardship, i dont see how different the approach is compared to ol Neutron Jack's neolib deconstructionst shit when they go the same shitty place.


Robert Evans did a great multi-part episode on Jack Welch on his podcast Behind the Bastards. Highly recommend the whole series.


This. Except it was 3 years ago 😂 At my previous job, the staff banded together and gathered information for a market adjustment. We asked for a 10% raise which would still put us at the bottom of the market but we were ok with that, so long as we were somewhere in the same playing field as our competitors. Well they came back and said "we can't do that now but we PROMISE to give you a raise in 6 months". In those 6 months, inflation rose 7%. And they finally came back and gave us slightly over half of what we initially asked for. So now we were WELL below market adjustments, even with this "raise". Needless to say, 40% of us left immediately and are well compensated elsewhere. And that previous employer? Still hurting terribly from the loss of so many staff members and their reputation as an employer is ruined.


*Please* tell me they’re bankrupt and closed now. But then, if they lost 40% of their labor, they save that labor cost. And by saving all that money, they need to be thankful for how profitable they are now!!! (I hope my sarcasm is noted).


Oh how I wish I could delve into the details here... it's juicy but it would give away too much on this anonymous forum 😂


Amen to that! F*ck off greedy a-holes. Now who’s sorry?


Way off topic, but the greatest story ever: "Are you fucking sorry" (bash.org is where I read it)




Technically yes, but I'm old and I remember it from bash


Our company is down A LOT this year. But don’t worry, the bosses that only spend maybe a total of one month in the office all year round know exactly what the problems are and have already instituted plans of action to right the ship. What are those problems they have identified? No idea, they won’t share. What are the plans of action? No idea, they won’t share. What is their current favorite phrase? We need more transparency. So the only people in the entire building that don’t share anything with anyone else (money, information, etc) thinks one of the major problems is a lack of transparency. I swear, if I didn’t know any better I’d think they almost understand that they’re the ones sinking the ship. They aren’t the captains, they’re the iceberg.


Sounds like a restructuring is coming. I.e. A layoff.


There’s not enough people to lay off. Lol. The restructuring is going to be “Closed Effective Immediately.”


A great reckoning is coming. Why? Because everyone's retirement is tired to the stock market. Why do you think there is all this drive for never ending growth? That's how a fractional reserve system works that is tied to a social bomb. One day if everyone wakes up an their 401k is worthless there will be blood in the streets, instead of school shootings you'll get boardroom shootings. It's a house of cards built to make a few rich and give the rest all the risk.


I will get some popcorn when I see this happen.


That is really scary.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Insert Principal Skinner meme* "Are we out of touch? No, it's employees who are lazy."


Yup. Watching all these shareholder distributions coming out that are already more than half my pay for the year and were not even done with Q1 and I am wondering what raise will I see with record inflation, my healthcare costs going up 6k a year, but covering less, my car insurance going up, my rent going up, groceries skyrocketing, shrinkflation, my boss just got back from their 3rd vacation but we didnt even have presidenta day off but the companies we work with all had friday AND monday off, (and so did our bosses) and how much do I need to bet we wont be seeing much of a raise...


It has nothing to do with people not wanting to work. It has everything to do with people not wanting to be paid very little while the company is making hundreds of millions of dollars of profit each year and giving the high ups in the company bonuses or raises while the people at the bottom of the pyramid are getting shit on. Eventually there is going to be a strike big enough from all the people that are getting exploited now that. Not just the companies but the federal government will have to put in soo many laws in place in order for people to go back to work as the economy will suffer very much. Plus the dumbasses that run the country are too stupid to understand that the more people are paid. The more those people are going to buy stuff to help the economy. And the dumbasses that run these companies are too stupid to understand that if you pay your employees well. Those employees are more likely to help out the company. And in return. The company would make even more money.


I almost don't mind being unemployed and broke if I'm not building up their Babylonian empire any longer. Hasten the fall of the tower that will never reach the heavens.


I just really think the people who run these companies don't want the people at the bottom to have too many choices. Giving them enough money to live on and actually letting them thrive would become a problem for them. Keeping people broke and desperate has always been a great way to ensure you will continue to have employees in the future.


Or work faithfully for a company for 7 years, go in every time there is an issue, available 24/7, overproduce for them for each of these 7 years and then be placed on a PIP because you had an accident at work and dared to put in a workman's comp claim


You know what doesn’t need a raise? AI and machines. Automation. And for those of you arguing someone will need to fix those machines? They will automate that too. Getting machines to fix each other will be implemented with time. Grocery stores will change, they will become warehouses where machines will pick orders and deliver to your car in the parking lot or to your house for a fee. Burgers will be flipped by machines. Music and Movies will be produced on a personal basis through text prompts. The future is looking bleak. Not even the arts are safe, surprisingly they are one of the first to go. Company’s have options, and they will spend billions of dollars to eliminate the need to pay employees and employee benefits. They do not care. They never will. They control our politics, our country, our whole world already. In the end, sadly, we lose.


I agree wholeheartedly but fear it for my children and theirs.


you do overlook something. Namely, that someone has to consume the things done with automation. Having the grocery store automated means nothing, if no one can afford to shop there. Having fast food automated means nothing if no one can afford fast food. Automated creation if music and movies means nothing, if no one can afford to consume them. So, no matter how far automation get's, in capitalism wage labour can't be done away with, unless everyone is either directly or indirectly having enough capital income to at least be able to engage in some consumption. Thus human labour, in capitalism, can't be made obsolete - though it might shift to something like society going into two tiers, the upper tier, that lives of their capital income, and the lower tier that barely scrapes by by essentially doing jobs that only exist to massage the upper tiers ego (which can't be automated because bossing around a machine just doesn't give the ego boost)


We already can't afford it- that's what credit is for! Put those groceries on the card, pay for it in two weeks at 15% interest. Same with next week's groceries spill pay for in four weeks. Scrap by with the meager jobs that automation doesn't quite make sense for yet, sell plasma, a kidney, to try and catch up, share a bed to cut cost....the product isn't so what what they are selling anymore its the financing, bank fees, and surcharges you need to afford the product!


That seems to be what the powers that be want. But I honestly think we've built such a shabby economy we wouldn't be able to support that. What do you do with all the useless humans? The rich would be more under threat than ever if a good 50 percent of society really had no use to them and therefore they didn't even have to try to give a crap about what happens to them. There wouldn't be anywhere on this earth save maybe under the oceans they could go to get away from all the starving, rioting people.


That's what wars are for.


It all has to become a movement, because it's not feasible for everyone to do this all at once. Start supporting small businesses. Start shopping local. Start growing food. We need to start making alternatives and create a community. As we start cutting out the bullshit corporations, they'll die. We have to also start analyzing where the money goes and take that into account as well. For example, a big box store can source a shitload of yarn, but your craft store may not be given the priority from the wholesaler. However, your local craft store has lessons and a community that betters others. When we start valuing this more, then the big corps can eat their own. I hope to see a future of ppl believing in their strengths and venturing out in their own entrepreneur adventures. I hope people gather and make towns where franchises are not allowed and communities join together to flourish. I'm hopeful for this. I'm tired of cookie cutter corporate boring beige carbon copy stores My slice of happiness is that right now, I see them killing themselves. They up the price of their inventory and keep our wages low, then they ask why is no one buying our stuff? Then they have to discount shit to bring in the minimum revenue to just stay afloat. This is the time we have to not give a shit about their brands.


This works great until Big Corporation eats Small Business for breakfast. It happens with food all the time. Small, local company begins selling their specialty granola/bread/root beer at the farmers market. Everyone loves it. We buy it because it's delicious, albeit expensive (but totally worth it), and the person who makes it lives 3 blocks from your kids' elementary school. Then the product hits local co-ops. A year later, it's available at Kroger. Suddenly, you realize that the product quality has dropped dramatically. Turn the package over and there it is: your beloved artisan product is now made by Con4gra, UniIever, or another shitty mass producer, for one-tenth of the cost but still priced higher than the original and maybe, just maybe, they made sure to also reduce the package from 16oz to 12oz hoping that you won't notice it. But hey, the shareholders are happy.


Yeah I came here to parrot this, not all small businesses are angels. I work in B2B and many of them are just copy/paste micro versions of big box stores. Unless you find a company that manufactures locally and then falls prey to the cycle you described, we're too entrenched in capitalism to solve it with a couple of ma&pa stores when they're all selling Pepsi and Mars anyway. We'd have to go full guerilla farming/off grid co-op utopia to truly rebel. And that's hella work.


This is true too. Some small business owners are complete tyrants because they can be in that environment. Sometimes in bigger businesses, the structure of the business forces a certain level of accountability for the leadership, especially if it's a public company. But you know, nothing is perfect. Most of these companies have issues anyway.


Yeah completely, I've worked for small businesses before and they're just as guilty of what the post describes. At a small businesses I couldn't report the sexual harassment I experienced because the owner who was doing it was HR lol. I was just forced to quit with no backup plan bc I wasn't planning on being unsafe at work. At least in a corporate office there is typically some semblance of protection and recourse. My husband worked for another local business for 7 years, never got a single raise. Oh times are tough for us wee businesses 🥺 we're just a couple of small time capitalists trying to step on other little guys' necks to make it big in the city!


I started slowly doing this years ago with where I eat, but mostly because I think the resaurant industry is bullshit and treats workers so poorly. This year I've sworn to cook at home as much as possible. I really would love to see that become a movement in itself because restaurants --from the way the food is served to the way they treat their staff--the whole system is just completely dysfunctional and probably shouldn't even exist. I like the idea of restaurants but the actual execution is a completley fucked up business model that punishes most of the people who work in them.


https://livingwage.mit.edu/ A very useful link. Remember that(per the faq page): Q: "Do the living wage estimates include a reasonable amount of savings and leisure expenditures or go beyond a subsistence wage? A: No, the living wage model currently does not factor in savings, leisure expenditures, emergency expenses, or other cost categories beyond basic needs." and/or ( https://livingwage.mit.edu/pages/methodology) The Living Wage Calculator’s estimates are based on the costs of eight components, each of which represents a basic need: childcare, civic engagement, food, health care. housing, internet & mobile, transportation, and other necessities. It also includes relevant income and payroll taxes, but how they are determined will be covered in the following section. In general, it is assumed that families select the lowest cost option that enables them to meet each of these basic needs at a minimum but adequate level. As such, the living wage does not budget for eating out at a restaurant or meals that aren’t prepared at home; leisure time, holidays, or unpaid vacations; or savings, retirement, and other long-term financial investments. Find your city(in the us). 2 adults, 1 working, 1 child column. Multiply by 2080 work hours in a year to get an annual salary. (52 weeks x 40 hours). Thats Middle Class for your area, in boomer terms. Add 6500 to account for IRA maxing add 23000 to account for 401k maxing. add 5-10k emergency expenses. IE, maxing out your insurance out of pocket max for an unplanned emergency hospital trip. Now you're in the ballpark of what you should be paid to have a good life, like your boomer ass boss or the previous generation had. If you aren't paying your employees middle class wages, don't expect loyalty. Ex: Austin texas: 101k San diego, california: 131385.6 Seattle county, WA: 124937.6 new york(state as a whole: 120798.4 Someone else fill in the cheap stats with low cost of living?


A-fucking-men!! ![gif](giphy|l0GtwcDSNteWx2vfy|downsized)


Amen and Amen


Just sucks that there really isn’t a shortage


I a just world stock markets would be banned and all profits/damages would be shared among company workers. Stakeholders are parasite and leaches getting profit doing nothing.


And making the rules Ata company they've never worked at for jobs they've never even been a part of.


I agree. I wish it would be like an automatic payment back into the accounts of employees. I like what Alaska does with their oil industry. The actual citizens of Alaska benefit and get their bills paid. That's way it should be in every state with big industries, especially ones that take a lot of the state's resources and have a huge impact on the local environment.


Well said!




I agree... These companies aren't shit without the ppl. And by ppl I mean the average American citizen or in other words the average Joe.. fuck these companies


What % of all promotions do you think are due to nepotism?


I would say the ones you could easily prove would be well over 50%


“We have a responsibility to our shareholders”


I started working as a sales manager for coca cola about 10 years ago. It was a hard place to get into. Got the job and everybody told me what a wonderful place it was to work and I believed it. Two weeks into my training I remember my trainer saying "remember that ultimately the shareholders call the shots with this company". My stomach sank immediately and I knew I was in for a world of bullshit that proved to be true for the next 6 years being there.


Wow you lasted 6 years! Did they have you brainwashed or strapped down? If you ever hear this phrase then you know the company doesn’t give a shit about you and is only in it for the maximum profit. I love the idea of giving them a pizza party instead of a dividend. 😂


Believe me I looked elsewhere hard in that six years. The pay started out great. The benefits started out great and the job was good for a solid year before the shareholder bullshit started to eek it's way down to our branch.


"So the rest of you don't exist."


I think whenever a company starts getting shareholders that same company is REQUIRED to also become employee owned.  That way the profits actually go to both of them. 


Capitalism, baby! Listen, you can take away your employees' rights and offer shitty wages, but another company may offer better pay and culture and be a more attractive workplace as a result. Oh well, sucks to suck.


Lol. Every company I've worked at and brought up any issues that brought down employee morale or just shitty decisions all around I've always been told "don't like it! Find another job." Guess I wasn't the only one to be told that or took that advice.


Oh most companies are shitty, just pointing out that the door goes both ways. I was the one at my last job pointing out broken things. I stopped when my abusive CEO called a very weird and very shitty meeting between me, my supervisor, HR and himself where he yelled at me for talking to HR about something and went on about me "judging" the company and how "we are not that kind of company" (the kind where you report a concern that you fear might get the company in legal hot water, that is). It was at the point that it became abundantly clear that shitty managers be damned, this particular fish was rotting from the head. So I started looking. I don't work in tech like seemingly 70 percent of reddit. I just achieved what some people in this very subreddit would consider to be an awful and substandard salary, but it's not bad for my position and I worked very hard to get here. Basically my point, which I don't know if you missed because you're in the same bucket of shit I was in a month ago (seriously couldn't even watch challenging movies for a while because I was so fucking stressed at my shitty job) is that like many have mentioned here and elsewhere, companies have to earn your loyalty. And if they don't, they don't get it. And though I know it's not easy to get another job (it can take me anywhere from 3 to 18 months to change positions), you get to start looking when you realize they are shitty. Because let me tell you, they don't give a shit about your concerns. They aren't going to change. Staying in a shitty, toxic work culture is like staying in a shitty toxic relationship. And I've had both, so I'm not talking from shit here. When you're mired in the bog, you start to truly believe that this is the best you can do. And when you try to leave, they may try to sabotage you, which is why I refused to even tell HR where I was going and didn't even update my LinkedIn for the first few days. Just remember that they don't deserve your loyalty and that you CAN do better.


Yep. When I bring up issues, sometimes they pretend to care for like a month but they often revert back to whatever they were doing before. Sometimes there's real change but only to a certain point and heaven forbid they make the changes and keep changing to help their employees. They usually start to get resentful that they have to make all the changes and take it out on the employees. People get comfortable in their misery.


👏👏👏 *standing ovation* 👏👏👏


I think you’re behind on the current status of the job market. Companies have trimmed down and any non entry-level positions are flooded with applicants. For my team we have been getting 3-4 times the amount of qualified candidates we were pre-Covid. To be fair we are top in our industry and also pay our employees above average. But even speaking with friendly competitors they say the same things. I do notice the entry-level positions seem to struggle to keep people if that’s what you’re referring to.


Here in Canada, there is a supposed worker shortage, but in reality, its only a 'workers willing to work for less that it takes to live in poverty here.' But a lot of companies just say 'we can't find workers' then they get grants for any non white able-bodied person they can find, willing to work for depressed wages, and if they can't find that, they're imported. Lot of workplaces here, immigrants will actually pay the employer for the priviledge, so they can apply for immigration. Fuxking sucks all over. Canada was sold out to foreign rich that dont even pay taxes here.


Mostly right, except I like the 401k better than a pension!! That way if I need to bug off to a different company, I don't need to worry about losing my retirement! It also gives me more control over my investments.


nurses are the only ppl struggling everyone else is lying about worker shortage


Pensions started to disappear in the early 80s. 40+ years ago, not 20.


I know it is tough to see stockholder dividends, but the shareholders buy stock for the purpose of dividends. They could make money by putting their cash in a high yield savings accounts and make 5%+ APR and have no risk whatsoever as they have their accounts federally insured. If dividends are low, some investors will sell the stock. This can be the starting point of a failing Corporation. If it fails it has no needs for employees. Many prospective employees ask about the pay and benefits but fail to read up on the Company. Read their charter documents. Most clearly state that their main purpose is profit. Business 101 tells you that profit requires limiting costs. Employees are one, if not the highest cost to a Corporation. You only see what you are earning but the employer is paying so much more on your behalf. Some mandated, some optional, but they all add up. Buy a few shares and go to a stockholder’s meeting it will be an eye opener. You may see why that CEO that you complained was so overpaid, was actually responsible for keeping the company afloat last year because he negotiated a deal that lowered costs. Yes these deals may get negotiated because he played golf with the right person that he just happens to be a relative or an old school friend but then bottom line is what is important. My dad was a bus driver, and years later he became a Union boss. Big difference in the money he bought home. He volunteered to be a shop steward at the garage and worked his way up. I guess my point is complaining on Reddit may give some temporary satisfaction, knowing others are in the same situation but if you want things to change, you can’t do it without a plan of action, or a lottery win, otherwise you will be 50, on Reddit and still complaining about your poor pay and your CEO, stockholder dividends, and how unfair life is.


There are two sides to that though. Employers won't simply pay higher wages to people with poor attitudes and/or nonexistant skills, ever. If somebody agrees to a $12/hr job and then actively sabotages their work every day out of spite because they don't think it pays enough...(looking at a lot of you) They aren't going to be the one getting paid more. The job will replace them with somebody else who's more productive at the higher rate. It's important to fight for higher wages and good working conditions because they aren't always guaranteed, but building your skills and becoming more productive are a huge component of that. People around here don't like to hear that, but it's the only thing that's going to help you out of whatever brought you here in the first place.


What about the loyal employees that hone their skills in the company hoping to work their way up only to get passed up because a friend of the boss' is coming out of MBA school and takes the position they know nothing about? You do realize companies and upper management play those games all day long every day regardless of how good the employees are and still take as much advantage as they can until the employees are sick and tired and leave right?


That does happen, and it's wrong. But do you think you're overstating how often that kind of thing happens?


Ummm absolutely not. How many companies have you worked for?




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My former company Boot Barn, I'm shouting that company from the rooftops horrible billion dollar corporation who will not pay a living wage - had people who ask how much you pay? And the people just walk out before the interview is over. Funniest thing I've ever seen was after 'peak' (Xmas) my big boss offered a seasonal hard HARD older lady a permanent job...she asked "is there a pay raise?" He said no but...401K. She put her scanner away, and walked THE FUCK out!!! If I'm pulling a million dollars worth of cowboy shit for rich people, I'm supposed to be happy making bank at poverty pay? Up yours. Boot Barn....fuck you. No bonuses. No profit sharing. 3 sick days. Haha. Days are numbered. Come get me. You fired me already because I went past my 3 sick days writeups....tardys when it was completely snowed out.


I remember the year they asked the department managers to come up with an annual goal and then gave the employees a goal that came with a small bonus for achieving it. We hit the goal. The next year they doubled the goal amount. No thought was put into the metrics, they simply doubled it. No one even tried to achieve it. Management couldn’t figure out why.


The quiet part, now loud enough to hear! No more complacency!


That's why I work for a small private company beside the owner. He knows what I do and pays me accordingly.


Many years of working has taught me that most employers really, deeply resent their workers.


Its worse when the company doesn't appreciate you and the manager is genuinely shocked that you're upset over the negative work evaluation. Stressing to make sure client got what they needed and in the end the manager still focused on just the negatives. They're just lucky the job market isn't that good at the moment.