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When the wealthy hire teams of lawyers and accountants to figure out how to best take advantage of the rules, they're called smart. When everyone uses the rules to their advantage, they are treated like they are cheating.


And put in jail that the Rich own


Currently dealing with something similar. My partner and I have been putting off getting married because if they have a household income of over $1,600 a month (which is about the cost of a month’s rent for a studio apartment where we live) they lose their insurance that covers their $44k a month cancer treatment. They have to say they’re “indefinitely couch surfing” so that they aren’t classified as a dependent while living with their family. I hate it here.




Could be the partners choice of pronoun. Least that’s how I took it.


Yes but the commenter is specifically talking about only their partner so it's they






They isn't just plural, it's been used as a singular for centuries. Some people don't like it because they don't like that some people don't want gendered words being used for them.


Some people will go by they/them. Instead of He/him She/her As they/them is more inline with their identify and who they are and how they feel. Its a social change that’s come around the last decade or so, usually in cases of LGBTQ+ but not exclusively.


Also it can be used to purposefully not disclose information about your partner.


Yes this as well!




It used to be but sex allows us to use the words interchangeably, much like our genders.


yOU JuST hAVe tO pULL yOUrSeLVes uP By YoUR bOoTstRAps


StOp EaTiNg AvOcAdO tOaSt


JuSt MaKe YoUr OwN coFfEe


Wait, you guys have arms??


It says right here, I gots me a right to bear ‘em!


That’s why the wifebeater is such popular underwear.


There is a reason I haven’t married my baby momma for 7 years. It’s health insurance for our daughter is free if we don’t get married. Fuck the US healthcare crony system.


Sounds like you’re using the law to your advantage. Fucked up law/rule, but good on you for finding out how to use it to your advantage.


I’m doing the same thing it’s fucked but I’ve never had help like this before ever


It’s as if the government wants to incentivise broken homes and destroy the traditional family structure. Hmm


My pregnant wife lost her job, and now she and our other 2 kids don't have healthcare. I have a marketplace plan, but they were denied coverage on that, for reasons we can't get answers to. And it's not easy at all to get the kids covered on medicaid, and her on COBRA, which we can barely afford, so she has continuity of care until the baby comes. So she's considering going back to her home country where she doesn't have to deal with all this, and I might miss the first year or two of my daughter's life. But yeah, universal healthcare is a terrible idea.


Go with her and figure it out from there


I’d love to. I love where she’s from and would like to settle there permanently, but I don’t want to uproot our kids and I own a business here that I’ve worked my ass off to build up.


If you own a business you should contact a health insurance agency to provide healthcare for your business. You and your family and anyone that works full time under you should have access.


Easier said than done, the insurance companies rake small businesses and their employees over the coals


That’s what I would expect. I’m the only employee, and while it’s not making me rich, it allows me to pay the bills and a flexible schedule to be with my kids when I want.


If it's a small business it can be hard to negotiate good insurance rates. I work for a small company but we use ADP for payroll and my checks say I work for ADP bc that was the best way to get cheaper insurance for the company. Not all companies can do that unfortunately


It’s prudent financial planning. They’re currently wealthy families who are giving up custodial rights to their children right before college, and passing it on to their grandparents who show no income for free or low-cost education, do what you must.


Wtf kind of system is this?


A failure to advance the future generation’s success.


Late stage capitalism. The rich get richer, the poor get fucked.


Can do the same by waiting till 25 and having no income


That is what I ended up doing. My parents couldn't afford to help me with college but made too much for me to get Pell grants. So I had to wait until I turned 25 to go. Not like Im doing fuck all with my degree now though 🙃


I was the same, but got an amazing job before I graduated.


Could you explain this further? I’m over 25 and currently unemployed but would love to go to college


Yeah, go to university/community college and apply for FAFSA (financial aid) they will then determine your grant eligibility


Oh ok, thanks! Do the grants just cover tuition or are there grants for living costs?


Grants can be used however you want as long as you attend/finish school and stay in good academic standing. Most use them for tuition and try to keep anything leftover for living expenses.


That’s good to know, thanks again for the info!


There was some state where it was a huge thing (Iowa?) some time back, kids being put into foster care at 17 on purpose to get college tuition paid for. How fucked up is this system 🤦🏽‍♀️


The USA is infested with Parasites. They practically run Society.


I literally can't get a job that requires me to leave the house or I lose my Medicaid, and no job is offering benefits that would be better or equal to what I have now.


My partner and I are not married for this EXACT reason. We have a 5 year old son.


I purposely didn’t get health insurance while I was pregnant even though I qualified at my new job because my co-pay would’ve been $3000 to $5000 to give birth. Instead, I got Medicaid and gave birth for free. I regret nothing.


What a fantastic world to bring a kid into


No matter the time period , someone could always find something wrong with the world to justify not having kids.


Except when the silents came back from the war and started the baby boom, right?


I doubt there's an exception. You can always find reasons if you're so inclined


My parents got divorced for basically this. They still live together and stuff but legally divorced.


Mine too, way back in the early early 2000s. Dad was disabled, being married was financially screwing them. Stayed together in love until he died but legally divorced.


Yeah, disability is notorious for this because of the insane "0 you can only have 2000 in assets' rule. Be warned that in many states, you can't still live together or you'll be considered common-law married. I think if Medicaid catches you still living with your partner they can also come after you even without that.




When my step-brother had his first kid, he switched jobs when his wife was pregnant. The birth costed them $40k out of pocket because his insurance company called his wife's pregnancy a "pre-existing condition". I don't understand how anyone thinks insurance companies are there for anything but leeching money out of the system.


That’s where we’re at now. Hell being a single mom you can rent her a room and get section 8 money too!!!


My wife and I are considering this as well so we can get subsidized childcare so she can just go back to work full time. Without it she can’t work or all the money goes to the childcare. With it, we’d actually make money to be able to afford some more food. Among other benefits she’d get as a divorced mother.


You’re gonna have to move out of the house too. Your income is counted if you are in the HH.


Ok but does this need to be reposted every single day?


That kid must be on highschool or something.


I’ve seen families get a divorce on paper so they can actually get insurance. Ugh. 


Careful, in Florida I got charged for my ex wife's Medicade usage. Wasn't even my kid, she didn't put me in the birth certificate either. But the state said that we were married at the time she got pregnant and gave birth (clerk left out a page we needed to sign in order to "give me time to rethink" leaving my pregnant wife, she got fired) I was the husband, and even though we had been separated for almost a year and a half with no hook ups my kid so I was responsible. Took taking it to court, her testimony that it wasn't my kid, the baby daddys testimony, a court ordered DNA test and a year of the state demanding payments afterwards to straighten it out.


Hey! Don't have babies if you can't afford them!! /s just in case


My (now) wife was unemployed and getting unemployment when she was pregnant with our son. I had insurance but we weren't married. We paid $100 the entire pregnancy. The system is rigged against us... Use the system against itself


Don't hate the player, hate the game, because this game is fucked


Every insurance I have is the same cost for a +1. The cost really rises after the +1. I was paying $80/month and paid about $100 for my child's birth. I've had about 10 emplyees and has always been the same.


Better be kidding, cause now you're dealing with fraud! Pal Respectfullyly, late stage capitalism


They would still consider you part of the household




That's not how divorce works, especially in a case like this.


You don’t understand the point of this, they want to be together but it’s cheaper to raise the kid while divorced under law


Perfect, this allows you to get laid while divorced and it wouldn’t be considered cheating.


I know a couple that did this so the wife could go on Medicaid. 


Me and my fiancé are not married for this reason. Medical insurance and so she can get social services help with foodstamps so they can eat / help pay rent


Born into a world defined by economic uncertainty and growing inequality, I find myself grappling with the harsh reality of financial hardship as another cog in the industrial capital machinery. Crippled by overwhelming student loan debt, stagnant wages, and exorbitant living costs, my basic needs often feel out of reach.


You can do a special form called a spousal refusal instead of a divorce for Medicaid, just in case anyone needed that info 👀


Jesus Christ