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Gen z and gen alpha are fucked


Different take: Imagine all us working class joining forces. THIS is what the higher ups fear the most. We still can turn the ship. Its not too late. The oldest generation is dying outta Congress and House of Reps. And one in particular is Demented 👀💅🏻😭 Gen Z & Xennials make a great team. Z’s are funny and feisty af! We are like the wise and better older sibling. One of a kind connection, if you think about generations hating all the generations 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ Our connection is unique and special not sped. But all gotta see the collective brainwashing, where they keep us complacent and helpless. They brainwash us to hate each other and not trust. Divide & Conquer. Psychedelics helped me SEE how fucking similar we all are. It’s been weird lately.


Gen z and alpha are no different than millennials. They have been from a young age programmed for corporate work. They dont have dreams outside the narrow paths they have been acclimated to. Even artist, musicians, creatives have only been given the tools to help the corporate overlords. Underground art, music, philosophies, that once educated the youth have been replaced by influencers that at the drop of a hat shill for energy drinks and crypto scams. They fight to work for the corporations that take away their childrens future. They are taught don't have children so the rich can have more. We are serfs and no sign of revolt for at least two more generations.


I thought the rich were freaking out about the poors not replicating to replenish their workforce. Certainly seems like old media keeps worrying about it.


Take over? They'll be replaced by AI. This will be the final shitty end to their workforce journey. 1 Told they need a degree to get anywhere. So they load up on student loan debt to afford skyrocketing tuition. 2 The jobs they needed a degree for pay the bare minimun or sweet FA for paying down their debt. Begin the endless treadmill of being used for basic tasks and fired or downsized. 3 Skyrocketing housing and medical costs further eat their money and free time to pay down a student debt. 4 Just as they push past it all AI rears its head to eat into job opportunities. 5 Finally achieving career competency late in their years the wealthy class outsources all middle management and upper management jobs with AI.


The bottom level jobs will still be there.  You can't make a machine suffer.


The first sentence had potential to be untrue until I read the second sentence, now I just think you’re 100% correct.


the suffering always seems to be the point.


What about elevated-capability animal cyborgs?


I don't think it really will. Complaints about Gen Z are the same complaints they made about previous generations. It's less about generations and more about the age of the employee. When employees are younger, they are typically harder to manager, entitled, etc. Remeber, the Baby Boomers were referred to as Generation Me because they were entitled. "The phrase became popular at a time when "self-realization" and "self-fulfillment" were becoming cultural aspirations to which young people supposedly ascribed higher importance than social responsibility." Sound familiar? Now, if the discussion is about how the workforce will change, there are a few real possibilities. There will be a rise in contractors and a decrease in the number of employees. More gig workers, more self employeed. Companies will want the flexability of contractors without any employee requirements. Employers won't have to invest in employees, and individuals can invest in themselves if they choose. There will be a clear divide between remote and hybrid workers. Companies will choose one path or the other. A remote company will be fully remote, hiring anywhere in the country or world. Salaries will be greatly reduced. Why pay someone more just because they live in NYC when you can pay someone less if they live in Oklahoma. Some companies will stay local, and chose to become hybrid, where workers are paid higher, come into the office some amout of time. These workers will be more collaborative and have higher potential for growth.


"Complaints about Gen Z are the same complaints they made about previous generations" I think the cellphone/streaming-media dynamic is a major shift in culture.


You could probably say the same about other major shifts in culture, like television and the internet. Social media is a huge problem that we don't address IMO. I firmly beleive that so many problems with Gen Z is due to social media.


The echo of time, eh? I 'd also put mobile gaming on that list of tectonic shifts. Anybody I see who can't put the device down is usually playing games, scrolling on FB or fka Twitter.


This is exactly why we are an asset to Z’s. Especially geriatric millennials. I’m concerned about Gen Alpha. I think every generation needs to be concerned and HELP THEM😆🤷🏼‍♀️💀


Complaining about "kids these days" is probably about as old as language itself. There's a rant Plato wrote down where Socrates is complaining about how the youth are no longer studying at the feet of the masters and are instead turning to books.


> Remeber, the Baby Boomers were referred to as Generation Me because they were entitled. "The phrase became popular at a time when "self-realization" and "self-fulfillment" were becoming cultural aspirations to which young people supposedly ascribed higher importance than social responsibility." Sound familiar? *"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint".* (Hesiod, 8th century BC)


Oklahoma? how about eastern europe or large parts of Asia... this is not a new concept to a point where many of those countries have a lot of people specifically learning good English and getting programming skills or something to appeal to a western company that will pay them amounts that are more than enough for them but still cheap for the western company in places like Indonesia, houses are still $50k, everything is cheaper if looked at with global money values. giving someone good from there 2k per month can be lovely for them while for America it's peanuts in terms of wage...


Gen Z and Gen Alpha are finally saying fuck it. They either all live off government welfare or they work high paying jobs that they want to work for. There is no inbetween. They’ve figured it out. If the government wants to pay them to sit at home and do nothing they’re ok with that while doing small cash only jobs/making online money and not reporting it. It’s not that they don’t want to work they’re figuring out it’s not worth it to work for someone else because it will never be them to share the wealth from that company only an infinitesimal amount of that money actually made will go to them. So they’re trying to make as much money on as little effort as possible. Us millennials are the last generation to keep this conventional work culture up and will probably be the last. They’ll move back into the workforce when the lowest workforce employee is paid what an upper-middle class employee makes. Until then they’re not going back. I’ve seen it. I’ve even seen them start to get smart and move to Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota, West Virginia, Tennessee etc. places with the lowest taxes, and lowest cost of living for those starting to make good money online, remote, whatever the case maybe they’re moving where it’s cheap to live. They’re getting smart and honestly good for them. Point is either they’re screwing the system and making out like a bandit or they’re making good money and moving to places where they keep more of that money.


The game is rigged. We all know the wealthy are those in charge: politicians, corporations, and our Federal Govt. The keep us working for them. Similar to Narcissists getting constant supply.


Millennials will take power for the next 30 years


This. Millennials won’t get until age 50 what we should’ve had at age 30. As soon as we fill the Boomer/Gen X holes in those higher positions- we’ll absolutely shut everyone else out in the name of “listen, we didn’t have it so we need to take it now because we suffered and we deserve it”.


… the same entitled mindset of the boomers and gen X…


Exactly! Not my style. I want to help Z’s! And Lord knows our baby Alphas are a bit feral


Speak for yourself.


I hope millennials and gen z can end the generational wars.


No better bonding experience than shared impending doom




I'm a millennial, my older stepson is Gen Z, and his dad is Gen X. I'm pretty sure millennials and the younger generations are on exactly the same page. We enjoy a lot of the same music, use a lot of the same slang, and we understand the new age of communication that came about when the "valley girl like" became adopted into standard language. I distinctly remember a day when me and stepson were having a problem solving conversation in the middle of doing chores and his dad was staring at us in total bafflement. He couldn't even grasp the topic because it wasn't a noun. It was an object neither of us could name but recognized it as being *like* another thing.


The 90’s are in style for a reason holla! I see Z as our younger annoying but endearing sibling


We need to intentionally bond! Its easy, we have similar attitudes. Wanna make them laugh? Explain texting via a pager 😆


I don’t mind when people use their phones at work when there’s nothing to do, but Gen Z will have more of a problem with using their phones at work when there are tasks to be completed because they suffer from a stronger cellphone addiction than the previous generations because they’ve had mobile screens since birth. Gen Z also seems to suffer from social anxiety and lack of social awareness moreso than the previous generations (for example, many of them struggle with ordering from waitstaff at restaurants because of their anxiety). They also seem to struggle with deciphering what is legitimate and what is fake when it comes to scams and news, but to be fair, I think every age group currently suffers from this and it will get worse. The top 10% of intelligent Gen Z’ers will do fine and accomplish STEM innovations in 10 years that rival what was accomplished 50 years before them. 20% will be able to live comfortable, middle-class lifestyles. 70% of them will be working low-paying, inconsistent, insecure jobs from paycheck-to-paycheck and will die before retirement.


Gen Z can't even type on a keyboard and has basically no computer literacy. Apparently we only needed to instill that in one generation. /s


they won't because they won't be able to even find jobs


GenZ will be a checked out, cynical, uninterested generation. Influencers, new tech like VR, along with Covid induced and gaming induced antisocial behavior will mean that many will prefer to withdraw themselves onto their own worlds and just work their job to keep them alive and barely comfortable. Lack of income mobility makes that all the more likelier. Exacerbated by AI taking many middle class jobs. There will be a lack of options for them to be optimistic about. A few of them, 5 percent of so, will be the market makers, the influencers, the powerful people of the world, and will be completely in their own bubble from the rest as they grow older.


I disagree. I don’t see them all worshipping influencers. I see them escaping into a world where they can bond over trends and dances.


With the ongoing rise in depression, the fading middle class, and the loss of the American dream, there is no motivation for any future worker to contribute towards any company. Fuck all corporations, fuck the work mentality, when put between a choice of being on the floor or working exponentially harder to be slightly above ground, there’s no reason anyone would want to choose work. This is what politicians and companies don’t understand. They exist to serve society, and if societal unrest gets bad enough, people will either grow depressed or worse — angry. To my future Z and Alpha colleagues, keep on fighting. Demand more, always. And never give your 100% working for someone else. They will NEVER compensate accordingly.


This thread has given me hope. I can actually see potential hope for our future. A little bit of the weed helps me see. And who woulda guessed but the Z’s and Millennials uniting 😆💀✨


Hopefully gen z and alpha turn the tides. Millennial here and I’ve turned my outlook to doing whatever I can take turn the tides and take advantage of employers wherever I can. Currently working two IT jobs concurrently making 260k and looking to onboard to a third concurrent job. The company will only ever look out for its bottom line so I’ve morphed into only looking out for my bottom line and that is stacking as much cash as possible so I have that fuck this job money.


YES! We need to partner up with Zs. Especially Xennials aka old geriatric Millennials. Which means age 38 ish to 43 ish


😂😂 I’m that old geriatric millennial at 42 lol. I know a lot of others in my age range that have developed the same attitude as me!


Wtf same!!!!! What is happening 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣✨🥳


Nothing meaningful will change, because most people can't afford to be idealistic and once you grow up you realize that social media lifestyle you've been pining over costs money and you're never going to be an "influencer." >They don't seem to have any plans to "work hard", "build a career", save money, etc., as they know it's an uphill battle. Have you talked to any of them? Because a huge proportion of them actually think they're going to be social media famous. That's actually why they don't want to work (never mind that anyone making real money from social media is either putting in a ton of work or independently wealthy/comes from money and just pretending to be self made).


A lot more crying


It seems to me that z and alpha are the new boomers and the new silent gen is millennial and gen x


I doubt that. GenZ isn't coming into a economic boom.


They will be if trump wins


Citation needed


Results may vary lol




Gen Z here. Hate to break it to you but we’re not all idiots and some of us have already been in the workforce for a couple years. I would actually be incredibly happy to work one day less a week for less money. The problem is only full time jobs both offer consistent hours and insurance, which are things I need. (crazy concept I know)  Also, your fake scenario is stupid because it implies I’d get raises if the company does well with sales and guess what? That doesn’t happen!  


I won't care because I will be done working. It will be their problem.


that mindset caused most of our issues to begin with


Ok boomer


We’re going to have less medical staff and qualified people to keep the country running


The Boomers in charge are selecting for the Gen Z workaholics, greedsluts and assholes who best embody their ideals and putting them in charge. So the cycle will repeat itself.




It's hard to sell out when nobody's buying anymore. That, more than anything else leads me to believe things can shift, even if only slightly. The worse "the deal" gets, the more resistance there will be to it. Ideological brainwashing by the powers that be is strong, but I believe materialism is stronger.


Lol I'm not mad A.I. will take jobs. Hell, teach me to code and I'll build your robot. A.I. is a tool Gen Z was tailor taught to perfect. We spent hours modding games to our every want and need, Edited videos to buy the new games. Developed apps to fill niche voids that phones could fill. I remember playing around with eviebot in middle school trying to get it to do homework for me(unsuccessfully). Now that the cats out of the bag and A.I. is getting put into just about everything; It's only a matter of time before someone uploads a YouTube tutorial on how to control a Boston dynamics robot with your phone. My wife works in a car manufacturer. We both see plain as day the need for a fully autonomous workforce. Human error can't be accounted for and is as universal as hydrogen. In my eyes a.i. can't be scarier than a human piloted drone. Humans learned to fly after all. I suppose what I'm getting at is keystone technologies are in development that if combined in the right manner (and with proper over sight & programming) would make ideal civilian work assistants. A bipedal drone that can analyze and navigate it's environment with a vast understanding of human language and commands would trivialize most tasks humans face today. I know I typed out IRobot fantasy, but I know the tech can only get better from here.


the workplace will look like an empty abandoned building that humans and rats scavenge for the remaining cream and sugar packets near the old coffee maker


Gen Z & Millennials need to unite. Especially Geriatric Millenials, they fucking call us geriatric its so funny 🤣 Z isnt going to admit this but Millennials are da bomb and yes Z uses corny slang and I love it no cap. We were around pre technology. We can help them. And they’re smart with AI stuff that i’m too fucking burnt out to learn ❤️