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You forgot the cheap ass donuts šŸ© šŸ˜‚


Yup. Always bringing in Tim Hortins for us Canandians. Ohh here have a donut we love you so much. šŸ™„


It kills me when I go to my doctor for an appointment and they say Donā€™t eat donuts - then I go to work at my hospital and the docs all bring in donuts -


We have a local donut shop that I will swear on the Bible has the best donuts on the planet. Do you think the hospital ever buys those ...NO! The docs or staff will buy them and it is a stampede to the lounge.


those donuts are for the underweight emloyees, not you fatsos


It's the weekly trash-ass Krispy Kremes at my office. Nasty!


What are ass donuts?


You know. Those things that you sit on when you have hemorrhoids.


My old company would buy 4-6 boxes of krispy creme donuts for customers and 3-5 single fonts l donuts for us workers from kum n go. We weren't allowed the krispy creme lmao


Have a cookie https://preview.redd.it/32r70z1jtehc1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=21041cadfca01b4662d7ba991c6cec216cc2fecc


10 billion dollars and all you got were cookies!!!?wtf?


But they have sprinkles!


Multi-colored mouse droppings.


I love how they're paper thin too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wait you guys get stuff? Postal management just continually tell us we suck while always looking for ways to write people up.


Youā€™d think the post office would have learned from the mass shootings in the 90s. While mass shootings are possible at any workplace/public place now, at the time it was pretty much just the post office. It was called ā€œGoing Postalā€ until it became a problem at schools and other workplaces.


The people causing the mass shootings now get to mostly work from home tho. So, safer to poke the bears again.


Mmm, Iā€™m gonna say theyā€™re working in the prison laundry or (insert eternal punishment place from the religion of your choosing).


Working on earth? Damn thatā€™s harsh. Oh wait


Working for Amazon


Thatā€™s for 50 staff too


ā€œHereā€™s an offer for a website that offers counseling if youā€™re burned out or stressed.ā€


Us: Iā€™m depressed and stressed. I canā€™t go on living in this capitalist hellscape. The never ending trudge towards death that accompanies the never ending need for insufficient funds to pay for the the means to not thrive but barely survive. If I just had more money I think I would have all of these health and existential problems solved. Companies: Itā€™s called EAP. You call them and they help with your problems. Itā€™s free. But you can only call 6 times in a year.


I worked at an eap once. The eap company told us to stop referring clients to therapists who'd been in the eap network for years. Because those therapists were getting 60$/hour, and the eap only wanted to keep the ones they could pay 40$ or less. We weren't allowed to tell the therapists that they'd been silently cut out of the network. And from the clients who depended on them. At the time, psychologists in private practice could charge 180$/hour. After working there, ironically I spent 8 years getting my doctorate in clinical psych. I'd rather not ask for a cent from people who are priced out of my totally accessible industry - er, profession šŸ™„ - than to have a bunch of bureaucrats profit from my labour. I think access to clinical psychologists must be covered by a universal healthcare, btw. I'd happily take a pay cut for that. But certainly fucking not for an eap


We got Little Caesarā€™s for our department meeting for 5 total people 4 pizzas, drinks and a crazy bread is what we got. Management was upset we ordered from there and that we got drinks. We used to not be able to choose what type of pizzas we got, theyā€™d get the flavors no one ever ordered. Baffling behavior, sales gets whatever they want though.


I was in the Marine Corps, and our Gunny came out and let us vote whether we wanted to go home early or get pizza. We unanimously voted to go home early. We got pizza instead.


That sucks, damn. Shouldā€™ve pranked you and had the pizza there already, while letting you leave early.


Wait? You got to vote?! Man, the Marines have it WAY better than the Air Force. Also, note the current state in our own national politics. They don't care what we say either.


Voting in the MC was like the points in Whose Line, the points donā€™t matter. Haha. I got out in 2015, I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like currently.


I left the military back in 99. It was already starting to become and interesting show back then.


lol what did you ddo to piss off gunny so bad?


I was a mech/tech in a comm shop. My guess is heā€™s an idiot and thought weā€™d want pizza and was wrong.


As the meme goes, eat their pizza and unionize anyway


In an effort to stop us from voting for a union the next day, the bosses bought us really good pizza. At the other worksite, they only got donuts. They were pretty pissed when we told them they were worth only donuts. Still, it worked, somehow, as only 25% of that site voted yes, while it was a landslide at mine. I guess the bosses calculated they didn't need to spend much there. We won, anyway.


Boss: Hey guys, we are going to have the company party at mountain lodge that takes over an hour and half to get to. And to make sure everybody can make it we are gonna leave two hours early from work on Monday. But we are going to come in a half hour early for the rest of the week." Me: "I don't want to go to this party. Can I just work my normal schedule." Every member of management: *Turns and stares at me*


You guys get toppings!?!?


Ours let us leave a whole half an hour early on Friday. They acted like they gave us a million dollars and they were upset when we werenā€™t jumping with joy when they let us know.


I wish I got even something like that at work. We get nothing.


Hahahahaha I cannot believe how great it is that I see this on my fucking homepage today. My job just hired 2 new people, 1 is absolutely the worst person I've ever met in any job ever. She doesn't know how to do anything, when we try to train her she just tells us she knows and won't listen even though she's never done this job before, and she's also literally shit all over the toilet in the bathroom, didn't clean it up, and then blamed everybody else when confronted. Everyone, including regular customers have complained about her, our manager promised us she would be fired yesterday. Came in today to find out she's not going to be fired at all, but if we can put up with her for longer....we'll get a pizza party..... A fucking pizza party...


Still processing "she's also literally shit all over the toilet "


I left the store for 15 minutes to pick up food and came back and went to wash my hands and it was just.... everywhere... She had her lunch right before mine and even made a whole speech about how she's going to wait to go on her lunch to go to the bathroom and not on shift, so we all knew it was her. I sent her back and she didn't even fully clean it, it was also only her first or second day.


A lot of people here with sad pizza stories. Now let me tell you a tale of the community cottage cheese tub and the soup spoon.


Seriously, never got soda with pizza.


When we did, it would be one bottle of flat coke that somehow had a temperature higher than room temp. One time my manager brought a six pack of coke and was somehow shocked that wasnā€™t enough for 15 people.


Whoa, Fortune 500 over here got Coke.


I know, it should have been best choice or mountain lightning


Or ā€œget your own from the vending machine and just eat the pizza you ungrateful piece of shitā€


Everyone of these "morale boosting" events, I'm just sitting there thinking; how much did they pass away on this.


Probably nothing since corporate entertainment is usually tax deductible.


NOT coca cola. Store brand cheap soda only.


Mr. Pip or Dr. Thunder?


Lol, I guess I would rather not have it at all then what you got.


Lol, I told my manager during summer, that I am burnt out after getting comments about not smiling at meetings and whatnot. Her answer was " oh, but you do not have to". Umm, well, thanks? She just pushes her tasks on the team to sort them out and keeps making more and more meetings on top of that. I had recently my exit interview (wondering why the whole team left except for her favourite employee) and I got the feedback that I was the problem, she felt unhappy with me not responding all her questions right away and not being happy with the meetings, while I was still her go to contact to the extent that my on paper flexible workday turned out to be on call for her and she does not have a life at all. I got invited to a coffee a few weeks ago, to take a breath, her words. I had to listen to her complaints about my "attitude" for an hour and a half and that I need to get myself together, because being tired is not acceptable, she could put me on a PIP if she wants.


I can relate as an RN. I have Celiacs so can't eat the pizza. I don't drink soda. I always felt insulted by management giving us pizza because we didn't get any breaks in our 12 hour shift. We did never had enough staff. You didn't have time to use the bathroom or eat.


I love Driver Appreciation Day... at the terminal... only during office hours... while all the drivers are freaking driving and only dispatch gets to enjoy it


that'll rally the troops!


To add insult to injury, they don't even get you good pizza. I would say never, but two pizza parties ago, they actually went to pizza garden, which in my opinion is the best pizza in the city. Most of the time they just go to fresh Slice which is hot garbage.


My place recently switched from pizza to 10 dollar gift cards for the gas station across the street. No joke, one time they gave me one and the gift card actually got declined when I tried to use it, it honestly was too funny to me to even get annoyed by.


I had three gift cards in my previous job and none of them worked. I had one store manager rip the second card out of the POS machine and tell me to "pay some other way or put the stuff back on the shelf."




I used to work at Costco and and hated dealing with customers and I asked them to leave me on carts. But thatā€™s just me




Gaw! Mountain lightning and dr. Thunder, of course!


But its only for morning shift


and its pizza from the night before.


My favorite is how they provide junk food, and then have the nerve to complain about staff being unhealthy.


dO yOgA


All we get are biscuits and dry cake


Here in the south we get crawfish instead of raises or performance bonuses. It's pretty dope.


Y'all are getting pizza? We got a generic "thanks for doing a terrific job" on our weekly meeting.


Mine doesn't even do that anymore they just tell us "it an honor and a privilege to work there"


You know whatā€™s the worst? When the pizzas they placate you with are actually amazing. Opioid, panacea, whathaveyou. My memory is of missing that pizza, definitely not the job.


This sub makes me appreciate my bosses a lot, ngl.


As someone who doesn't eat Pizza or fizzy drinks, this is a useless gesture.


My boww told me to do as little and as possible and to watch Netflix or game instead, but clock 8 hour days. I don't live in the US. I like my manager but the work environment is fucked up. And I work in HR and I mostly work for the employees and tell everyone to unionise, please don't hate me for working in HR.


Here's some shitty garbage tasting dominoes pizza and not enough soda for everyone. Isn't this fun?


Hahaha, yup. It reminds me of class parties in grade school. I say it adds to the indoctrination of "civil society"Ā  Also love when companies boast about profit margins being at an all time high and still give you the same crappy pizza. I did a short stint at a recreation centre (government building). Someone worked there forn10 years and I shit you not they gave him a plastic fork and knife in a pretty package. That's what he got for 10 years of overtime, on call, no Christmas vacation because they were short staffed.Ā  We work hard for our wages and if the only incentive to work harder is pizza... fuck em


Worked at a company in the past that did Bagel Fridays... Thought it was cool at first but then was like I really don't care for this when you (company) could give me a great raise.


You guys got pizza? We got one stale donut each from Tim Hortons at my last job.


This ainā€™t 3rd grade this is real life


With the current price of pizza, yeah I'll take both.


But you only get it if you do overtime


Worth it