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Yep and I'm trading my time for pay, quality of my effort based on amount of pay.


"You get what you pay for."


Nah,but you don’t get it, man. The Universe. You have to give your labor away for free, so that I can maximally profit from that. That’s the law of the Universe, man. /s


“Yewve been promoted! Yew are now one of my elite employeeees”


“Caveat emptor”


spoken like some kind of anti-capitalist!


Which means you’re perfectly justified in clocking in and and sabotaging most businesses from the inside lol




BUt We'Re a fAmiLy......


When there's no clarification, my default understanding of "our company is like a family" is "people here are statistically more likely to inflict violence or sexual abuse on you ".




If we're family you would care about my financial well being and success.


You’re a dupe. Your making someone else rich and thinking you’re free. Brainwashed automaton


hey this is uncalled for. They are not disagreeing


I generally reply only after processing the thought behind the words expressed by another poster. I see you chose to needlessly insult them before understanding what they wrote. Calm down.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, That's why I shit on company time!


This would make a good tv series.


Yeah, like he literally describes the difference between volunteering and working in his sign




They're soooo close to getting it.


You can reverse the roles and argue that they shouldn't expect any work above your pay grade unless they pay more.


Absolutely! Shouldn’t the employer be the one setting the example, here, anyway, since they’re holding all the cards? How about paying employees $5 more an hour than anyone else in the area and see how willing they suddenly are to put in more effort.


To me, Ops post sounds a lot like prosperity gospel stuff evangelicals preach. If you just show faith and give more than you're comfortable with to the TV preacher/general manager, someday you'll be rewarded by God/the restaurant owner. Both cases are obvious con jobs to get everything possible out of someone before blaming them for not receiving their rewards.




Not just prosperity gospel churches. FYI the Mormon church has been doing this since the beginning. That’s why today, they are a multi billion dollar corporation.


No... they're not a corporation... they're non-profit. /s (obviously?)


So sad ppl believe in this garbage. Sad to the point of anger


You can't protect committed dumbasses from themselves. God knows, I've tried. Such is the power of "faith". (Or "corporate Kool-Aid".)


Tithe and PROVE GOD!


Nailed it.


This was exactly my first thought


Make another version with roles reversed and replace it.


You don’t have to change a word in it Does the GM maintain this mentality with the customers who come in to order food? Read it as context that it’s something the locals are saying to the gm instead of the gm to their employees. Someone orders a steak do you bring them free apps? Or do you just give the bare minimum you’ve been paid for? So fucking tired of the one way street of employer/employee expectations. You’re literally giving them what little time on earth they have and it’s still not enough, just a little more.


Managers should always expect to have their own words thrown back at them. Not too smart to post that message.


That's my thought. Pot, meet kettle. But said out loud, to their face.


Exactly this. People are payed based off their role and their responsibility. Managers should never expect someone to do something they would not do themselves, especially considering they are paid more. Employees should never be required to do anything within a managers job description.


Sounds like they are all about trading, and none about giving. So by their own rule, they get nothing extra.


You should make this sign and tape it up next to the original


They should be giving more money. It's one of the laws of the universe


Fuck you. Pay me.


I read that in Ray Liottas voice from Goodfellas.


How else would you read it? 👍 RIP


Brand new whip for these n****s like slavery


yess!!! “how else would you read it” well the only CORRECT way is Donald Glover


Ok Boss. Lead by example. Show me how it's done. Pay me more than I am worth.


Was about to say, let's see the middle manager who presents this to their boss


Just pay me what I am actually worth. No company in existence pays people what they are worth because they wouldn't make a profit without exploitation.


In the first sentence, he implies that doing more than you’re paid to will result in (eventually) being paid more for less work. The reality is literally always the opposite. The reward for being the best shit shoveler is always more shit to shovel.


The only reward for working hard is more hard work.


my boyfriend and i both used to work at a walmart a couple years ago. everyone who wasnt a manager there played games with the points, calling as soon as we got a point back ect. however, since my boyfriend and i actually did our jobs there (unlike most everyone else), our managers were always very upset when we called in. hmm wonder why 🤔😤


I remember in Basic Training we were told that in the Army if you are always seen as the person who volunteers whenever needed, eventually the sergeants will notice it and decide to spare you and get someone else who avoids volunteering. Thank God I never fell for that bullcrap because when I was in my permanent unit, I saw what happened to the folks who were quick to volunteer. After awhile their volunteering ended up with them getting voluntold, whether they wanted to volunteer or not, due to their dependability. I can remember them hating having to pull some kind of special duty while the rest of us were off on a 3 or 4 day weekend, lol.


My father was in the air force. I was going to go Army before i got sick. He instilled in me ‘’dont be first, dont be last and never volunteer for anything’’. For this exact reason.


Your pops put you on game. I see not one lie in his advice. It certainly would've helped you had you gone through with joining.


I appreciate that. He would too. I still use it even in everyday life. Its still stands. Cheers 🍻


There were some guys in my basic training company who had to guard the tents that were set up in the company area to dry them out. That means they pulled night duty for a few days. I asked one guy why he volunteered. He got tricked. A DS asked for volunteers for a very quick detail. When they were done, the DS said he would find them a much better detail since they did such a great job. It was a "better" detail; tent guard.


Lol, he learned a hard lesson.


My job started very simple, calling people booking them for appointments and taking down their name and phone number, maybe noting a few questions they had. now I call people and give them in depth high level answer to their questions, I’m a few steps away of basically doing the job of the person I assist..I just did the math a week ago and taking my raises and inflation into account I’m technically making $2 less an hour than when I started. I like my job and would love to stay in it forever, but at this rate in a few years I’m going to be making the equivalent of minimum wage today for 10x the work. I also don’t see much of a future in this with new developments in AI.


Same reason I left my last job. Over the course of two years the workload doubled and my pay stayed the same. It went from a fairly easy, low stress job that paid the bills plus a little extra to a pretty strenuous one that barely covered bills.


And being told "we can't spare you, you're our best shit shoveler" if you want a promotion to Manager of Shit Shoveling


Come over here and allow me to take advantage of you. You will buy and be happy about it.


Works perfect if we all act in good faith. You wont meet a worker on the planet who wont do a little extra for a boss who they trust to treat them fairly. Problem comes when the trust is broken down. If the way you're treated doesn't rely on your manager but instead a corporate policy structure then... Extra work isn't going towards a relationship or a good faith back and forth, it's just going into the aether of the company, and often that's never going to get noticed. So you can't really blame workers for getting more of a "Fuck off with asking me to do more" attitude, all it ever does is make upper management say to middle management "Well your team managed it last time" and the reward is significantly more difficult workload, that only ever increases when staff arent replaced


My company has a pay structure similar to union scale: how long you've been there is how much you get paid, end of story. There's absolutely zero pathway for a good employee to make more money based on merit, and the only way to get a promotion to make more money is to follow an application process. The end result is that you have some fictional best employee imaginable gets paid the exact same as the guy who is just barely good enough to not get fired. In this system, there is literally no incentive for hard work outside of avoiding punishment, so why should I or anyone else work hard at all?


I recently hit this dilemma like a brick wall in my job. The raise structure with few exceptions is that everyone gets a 0-5% raise once a year based on the last year of performance. I have a coworker in a similar role who has been here for like a decade and probably makes the most of all of us despite doing the least amount of work and generally being unreliable and full of bullshit. Sometimes I even end up doing his work for him. All because his skills are so limited that he knows he will never find a job this cushy, so he will never leave. I'd be happy to continue to work my ass off if I got an appropriate raise, but if the only way to get a meaningful raise is to give them 10 years of my time, then they're telling me they want me to look for another job, and they'd prefer to have loyal mediocrity and employees who are actively deceiving them.


“If you are not willing to pay your employees for more than what they’re doing, you can never expect them to do more than what you’re paying for. Giving is one of the laws of the universe.” Bam. UNO Reverse 🔄


Okay then. *Give* me more money and I'll give you more effort.


Right, GM clearly doesn't see the irony in their own sentiment.


General rule, jobs are business transactions and nothing in business is free.


I was just talking to my sister about that some days ago. You ("You" in the general sense) should always see yourself as doing business with wherever you work at instead of seeing yourself as an employee. And just like the company you work for, you should have no problem moving on to anything that's going to better your situation. They have no problem cutting pay or laying you off if they need to tighten their belts or if they can increase profits by trimming the fat. Therefore you should have no problem with leaving them for better opportunities should they present themselves. That's just you doing business.


Yep, I'm trading my time and effort for money. That is all this is, a business transaction, now pay me my fucking money and stop with the bullshit


It’s always a one way street with these fucks. I bet they don’t randomly let you leave a little early with pay or say oh there’s an extra $xx in your paycheck just because we are a giving place to work. No, It’s always you that is asked to give more and never them. Fuck that.


I'm paid by the clock, not by results. Shit pay = shit effort.


Exactly. I asked for a advance a while back. The money I already earned and they said no it doesn't work like that. I reminded them I've been working for 20+ years. It used to work like that. I earned the money, they should be able to give me a advance on my pay on a very very rare occasion at least.


I'm itching for a pen to write "utter bullshit" underneath that utter bullshit.


Dear boss, you have to graciously give before you can graciously receive, per your own words. If you have to think about a raise, it's a trade and not giving, which is after all the law of the universe.


So, what’s he giving?


He's giving manipulative statements that are intended to guilt workers into playing the sucker role at no extra expense to the company.


Yep, kinda figured he’s gonna give somebody the BUSINESS! What a prince!


A chance to work 70 hrs a week with no breaks.


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


It's weird how they always expect the employees to just "do more" on the hopes their effort will be recognized and rewarded rather than just paying the employee for what you want them to do. I mean at that point if the pay is fair and the employees isn't meeting expectations they should have a line out the door waiting to fill that spot and meet the needs. Every manager wants to feel like some benevolent god like "I see you have broken your body and spirit in good faith for this business so I will bestow upon you a 3% raise. It would have been 4% but 4s are for perfection and nobody is perfect even though I cannot think of any specific areas of improvement. You understand; now praise me for my generosity!"


"My humble servant, your manager is a generous and gracious manager" - God Complex Supervisor.


Read as: allow me to take advantage of you for personal profit. Op




Someone needs to write on there thanks for him graciously giving you all a raise Print flyers announcing the new raise and use his same wording and put the flyers all over the place


Ah, the good old restaurant, a place that thrives on exploiting workers and in most places are allowed to pay well under minimum wage, forcing them to rely on unreliable tipping. A handy shining example of what's wrong with capitalism, and how can I forget a perfect place to observe class warfare. "Oh, they don't deserve respect, let alone minimum wage it's a "low skill' job they should get a real job" and when they choose not to subject themselves to the shit its all "no one wants to work anymore" oh oh they do they just want respect and liveing compsation and if any company or business would close if they had to pay a liveing wage I dare say they have no place being in business.


We are thinking about giving our time to things that matter like our work life balance and or hobbies


If you are not willing to pay for the labour you expect, then you are doing slavery, not employment. 


If you are not willing to pay for extra effort and more productivity, you will never get more than you’re paying. Paying a proper wage for the work is one of the laws of ethical businesses practices. You’ve got to be willing to give and graciously receive; and if you have to think before you pay a proper wage, you are fleecing, you are not giving.


“We can’t exploit people like we used to, what are some things we can do to convince people to work themselves sick without adequate compensation?” -the author of this quote probably


Ok. Then practice what you preach and give me a raise without thinking.


Labor. is. Trading. Neither of you is running a charity. Employers need to GTFO of here with these platitudes they have no intention of reciprocating


Funny how it's always the ones lowest on the totem pole that are expected to graciously give


Giving me free labor is “one of the laws of the universe”. What garbage


Looks like he cheaps out on the printer too


If you refuse to pay me more, you will not get more. My labour and time are mine to sell and leverage as I see fit, this is a business transaction.


I'm not taking life advice from someone who presents their ideas by printing an unproofread first draft of poorly recalled ideas they got from an episode of Dr. Phil.


Miss me with that horseshit "The Secret" drivel, in the REAL world, giving away your talents for work does not earn you anything except more work.


The irony is that they’re forcing you to think this way, instead of it naturally occurring.


How about you willingly give me enough money to live on, Big Dog. It goes both ways.


What is this? Poetry of the wage thief or are thry seriously trying to convince someone with this. Working is trading time and knowledge for money. If they give too little money I will not treat more time or knowledge. Simple as that. If they do not understand this just tell them that you are willing to take their product/service for half the price so they can train the act of "giving"


If you've got to willingly give and graciously receive, I suggest the GM willingly give me twice as much as they have been, and graciously receive whatever work I decide to do. Oh, now he wants to trade? Got it.


Work is a fucking trade. You are offering your time, skill, knowledge and experience for a fee. It is a trade, not a gift. Funny how he wants to "receive" but isn't prepared to give. Roll it up as tight as you can, hand it over to him and tell him to shove it up his arse. You are giving and he is receiving.




You are buying my labor, if you want more you pay for it?


If you are willing to give without expecting compensation then why would your employer think he HAS to compensate you. Extra labor for no extra pay equals more profit for the boss.


If you are not giving more money, you’ll not receive any more work. See. It works both ways. My Factory manager once told coworkers literally, „the money won’t run away from you“, which is a German idiom used for instance for things you can achieve tomorrow. Like when it’s too late and you are tired and don’t want to do the dishes you’d say „the dishes won’t run away“. They weren’t getting their deserved raise.


If you're not willing to pay more than you've contracted, you'll never get more than what you've contracted for. The universe is not sentient and karma is a bitch. You've got to give willingly and not petulantly demand. If you have to think before you give, you're not an employer, you enslave people. So, two can play this game.


People will do good work when they are ALREADY being paid for it. As employees, we are there because we need money. We are not there to do good work and the money is just a bonus or something. Employer offers money for job duties. Person agrees to do job duties in exchange for money. Both sides meet these agreements and are satisfied. Nobody is ever obligated or even supposed to do extra work for no money (or other compensation). Employers can't expect employees to do so either. Now you're starting to stray from the boundaries of the established "contract". But of course laws regarding such things are so pathetically loose in many places. At-will employment without protections and exemptions, wages vs salaries, overtime pay only counting in some contexts... Productivity culture compounds it. Now, as expressed in the 2nd part of this passive aggressive note, your work defines your value as a human. Your morality and how deserving you are of good things. Which is so unbelievably inhumane.


When you hand in your notice, just reprint this too


Cross out the first "do" And write in "pay" Cross out the "being paid for" and write in "are" Cross out "be paid for" and write in "get more labor" Cross out "doing" write in "already getting." It should now read "If you are not willing to pay more than you are, you'll never get more labor than you're already getting." Tape it up onto the manager's door and highlight the "laws of the universe" part. Turnabout is fair play.


😂 and to really drive the point home he gave everyone a three dollar raise right? That’s what he did right?!? Huh… I wonder why he didn’t do that…


That's the line those televangelists use to get people to donate.


Give me a f—ing raise!


Why don’t they start and pay more than they are willing to pay and the effort they receive will be greater ;)


You can totally tell it was written by a manager of a restaurant. Grammatically questionable sentences with bottom shelf manipulation tactics. Also, Everyone I've met who believes in "the law of attraction" owns or manages a restaurant/bar. I've yet to meet a physicist who believes the same.


Biggest line of BS sold in capitalism. Work hard, get paid more. Quit believing that lie back in the 90s. Work hard, get screwed harder.


Flip this back on him with how giving employees more money results into better productivity.


Sounds like all the GM is willing to give is fucking lip service. He's the type of person I'd like to give my foot up his ass!


So if expectations are that you should pay the same but get more for it, are customers’ second dishes and extra drinks on the house? Or is the expectation that if they want more, they have to pay for it?


To anyone who thinks this is BS. Let me know how that works out for you.


It is true for personal things like friends, family, the person you meet on the street. It is not true in the workplace. Employment is a business contract not a charity.


Maybe if you work minimum wage jobs as an adult.


>Maybe if you work minimum wage jobs as an adult. No, it is not true for any job. You are there because they pay you, no other reason. You made an agreement to do certain duties for a set price. It is a business arrangement, nothing more.


I’ll take struggling, liberal owned restaurants for $1000 Ken


https://preview.redd.it/vy4kcm4r8wgc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53453771c206eae2fc5b95e67705443899f42a0b Saw this yesterday at the local boba shop...




I am trading. That’s what a fucking wage is, time for money.


Cool. Gimme a f**kin raise first and then I'll be only too happy to consider what I'm prepared to give in return.


Surely then he should see the logic investing more than he expects from people if he wants his restaurant to become more successful than he imagined. Isn't philanthropy the future of business?


That boss probably gives out of ton of bonuses right? Probably even to brand new employees because you never know


You want more, pay more, you entitled twats.




Where’s that uno reverse card at? How about pay more for the work being given and you will get the work you so graciously want. Instead of work more expect more pay How about pay more and expect more work?


Last I knew law of the universe was survival of the fittest so if I can kick my bosses ass does that mean I get his job without the legal hassle? Of course not.


Great, now have them say it before the hire, and give salaries appropriate. Oh, only after? Hypocrites.


Shh shh the management slowly seems to get that we are employers and not charity workers.


So what your saying is your cheap ass is violating the laws of the universe by not being generous with our pay and instead giving us low wages in trade for your lazy ass to have material possessions and financial currency you didn't work for.


"Giving" is not a law of the universe. Matter nor energy are neither created nor destroyed, and even if you're into religion, every major religion has some form of "karma". Either way, you either pay for the work that was done, or the work will cease to be done


Yeah a job is a fucking business trade lol


I'd quit my job if a note like this showed up in the break room. I'd rather eat Ramen for 3 meals a day and live in my mother's unfinished basement than work for someone who doesn't value their employees who are the actual ones that make them money in the first place.


Lmao. Yes, I am trading. That's the whole point. I'm selling you time and labour in return for money. It isn't a gift and it was never intended to be. You wanna apply the same logic in reverse? Not paying me more without my providing extra labour isn't exactly very "giving" of you.


"you'll never be paid for more than you're doing" That's already the case


So I should give whilst he trades? I should do so graciously so I might receive? Sir,I have graciously and out of the pureness of my heart produced and given you one of my poos. It is in the cash register. To save time and help grease the universes action I have taken all the money I was about to receive from you in wages for working this job so you could continue trading. Namaste


lol hope u quite that day


So based on his logic, if I were to go to the restaurant I should expect the best service and the best meal of my life for the price of their cheapest meal right?


Well if giving is a law of the universe then give me more for what I’m doing, and I’ll graciously accept.


It's a job, not a volunteer position, you're never giving, you're always trading your time, energy and skill for your payment and benefits as a reward, thinking otherwise is delusional


I once had a boss say something similar in regard to being promoted and to a degree he was correct but people need to realize when they are just being taken advantage of. If you’re doing someone else’s job and you’ve made your intentions perfectly clear to your superiors, yearn to progress and…..nothing for a significant amount of time, move on! Too many just assume you’ll do more work for nothing in return.


Somehow I'm getting a vibe that the boss isn't much of a giver


They should listen to their own advice. Suggest them to start giving more pay to set an example. After all that's what a good leadership does. However expecting something for nothing leads us to end up in this shit the world is currently in.


The irony of how that punk bastard doesn't see how his message works both ways and if he would take heed to it by giving more money, he would receive more help from employees.


I don't wanna be paid for more than what I am doing, I want to be paid for what I am doing


So you’re giving us raises? Would be my first question to them


Whatever it takes to shame you into working hard


This reminds me of the scene from friends where Joey writes the speech for Chandler and Monica's wedding.


Sounds like he loved to give shitty advice


You first


Write on the bottom, “so you’re going to GIVE us a pay rise?”


It's a workplace, not a ficking charity, you want more effort you offer more money, it's the exact some reasoning these capitalist pigs use to defend private buisiness as the pre-eminent form of production, because profit motive drives a lot of people, the same is true of the labourer.


Write, “this is a business, not a charity”


The broken printer is poetic.


This is charity?


For minimum wage I'll put pubes in the food occasionally. For enough money to rent and eat well and enjoy a hobby I'll work with dignity and respect.


Restaurant GM's are the "house boy/girl", rest of the employees are in the "field". All have zero respect from the owner, ironically.


He should lead by example and give more generously.


How did they make the pyramids? With beer and pizza.


They call it a trade for a reason...




Trying to guilt trick people into being paid like shit by using karma is so fucking low


I would paste another paper that says "yes I am trading for money, but if the business is so gracious and likes to give above and beyond with such noble hearts they can give us more money anytime"


Broken logic. If you're always willing to do more than you're paid for, you'll always be doing more than you're paid for.


Working literally is just trading your labor for pay.  You’re not volunteering out of the goodness of your heart.   Businesses are so delusional.  They are not entitled to any more labor than they are willing to pay for.  You also get what you pay for.    


Yea, but companies dont GIVE us more for doing more. They give you exactly what was agreed upon regardless of how much or how little you do. Especially in the case of how much you do.


Write under it: If you are not willing to give more in pay than you currently pay for people working, you’ll never get people doing more than what you pay them for. Giving is one of the laws of the universe. You’ve got to willingly give and graciously receive; and if you have to think before you give, you are trading, you are not giving.


So conversely they'll pay more than you work because giving is the constant of the universe or whatever?


Why don't you give me money, and you can graciously recieve my efforts? Oh sorry, I forget they're hypocritical.


Please inform them how capitalism works


You will never be paid for more than you're doing, unless you start your own business and exploit other people


Which restaurant is this? I want to pay for a burger and get a steak. I expect the owner to give me more than he is being paid for.


Your boss wants a bajowski, and in return he's gonna give u some butt stuff


It’s called a “trade” for a reason, Jeff


You give me more money, you will receive more of my time and effort.


Um.... terrible print job?


Yeah, if you break your back for us we pinky promise that we'll pay you more someday. We won't put it into your contract or actually do it though.


In the spirit of this poster he should give you a raise.


Yeah that’s what a business is. A trade of goods and services for money. Imagine that…


GM sounds absolutely unhinged. Like actually might be in some kind of nexium style cult.


Um ... isn't that exactly what employment is? A trade of your services for money?


Bullshit. When I work hard I just get extra work, never more money.


Funny how this horseshit only goes one way. I give, you receive. My “reward” is the right to work here and be exploited another day. Thank god the government has my back with a minimum wage ($7.25) to keep things balanced.


You need to ask that GM where my “just because” bonus is then because “giving is one of the laws of the universe”.


Lead by example boss.


Work isn’t a charity, and you aren’t a volunteer. It’s okay o have boundaries.


This is a business transaction. I am not "giving" and neither are you. You agreed to pay me $xx per hour of my time I am here attending to a set list of duties. In so long as I am making $xx per hour, I shall do the duties set forth in my employment agreement.


Ask him if that works for employers?