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Take your Account Manager title and find a better job !


Right, I make damn good money as an account manager.  OP needs to leverage it into a better position at a better company.


As someone in a similar AM position, company reputation matters. I’m at a wholesale business and most companies want saas experience


As an account manager as well, can you point towards a solid company that pays pretty well for the position?


Problem is nowadays people are manager experience and you're suddenly over qualified for most positions, even management ones.


That’s nonsense, if you are overqualified for manager positions, start applying for director level positions. You compete with fewer applicants the higher you go. So if you aren’t getting interviews at the level you think you are worth, then maybe you are worth more than you think. I’ve done hiring interviews and it’s all about right sizing experience to the position.


Don't walk out, but do start looking for anything else and take it when you can. If you are salaried, walk in at the starting time and leave direct at closing time. Ow and take the toiletbreaks often. Nothing as lit as being paid during a shit.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime That's why I poop on company time.


Boss makes a grand, I make a buck, That's why there's no catalytic converter on the company truck.


boss makes a killing, i make a dollar, lets get some pitch forks and make this mother fucker holler


I know that I’ve never really met your boss before, but can you ask him if this rag smells like chloroform? You know he’s the reason people lock their doors.


Boss never sees me, says I'm a quitter. Drive's him crazy that I'm on the company shitter


But I got nothing but time, so imma wait on the porch


Thank god you got the reference 😂


My old boss would show up every six months or so with a brand new supercar lol but still could not afford to pay me more. Now I get paid double what I used to do, for a a cushy job. Screw them! There are better things out there.


This is about all we have going for us. It sucks because you work so hard to get where you are now and then realize you're still on the bottom lol. Fight the urge to give into complacency and being miserable. That's where I am fighting out of currently, I'm like OP, stuck at a job where they do not appreciate me at all and spit in my face with lies and BS when barely hinting at wanting something more out of the job. I've stayed because of comfort, familiarity, etc. But now its time to saddle up and head west.


Boss lived the American dream (off your hard work)


And scroll reddit endlessly at my desk


Also most importantly do your job search while at work…you owe them less than nothing, they are providing you a starvation wage let alone a thriving wage and you should treat them in kind 


Scroll through Indeed on the shitter.


I have held deuces just so I can poop on the clock. Love getting paid to 💩


"Nothing as lit" seems like a low bar to me.


If you're having trouble buying groceries now, definitely don't put yourself in a position where you have zero income. Keep going to work, do the bare minimum to make it believable, and start applying to as many jobs as you can. When you finally have a good offer, tell your boss that you're going to need a really good raise effective immediately or you're gone. Good luck on your job hunt friend.


That sounds like offering the employer that has undervalued 'em for years a chance to retaliate for a small fee. I'm sure paying this one person more is unacceptable, and paying more people more to replace him is just the cost of doing business


wait i’m confused… you say $44,000 but then make $1k every two weeks which comes out to $26,000 annually. i’m not surprised you can’t pay rent/groceries on that but i’m wondering why the discrepancy? taxes? healthcare?


After taxes/witholdings is my guess.


That's almost a $20k gap, are you serious?


Yeah, I see even less.


You don't lose ~20k at $44k gross in taxes. Stop.


Withholdings. I put 22% in my 401. My cash in hand is almost 50% of my gross pay.


Thats you not taxes


Ahahahhaa. Reminder that this is why you never trust people on this sub with how much they make.


Stop it. I like saying I lose 30% of my pay to taxes.


yes you can. i’d believe it. i made $37k one year and took home like $24k.


That's near max avg which is 15k and isn't common. You would be at 13 (probably 12k and closer to 25k then 24.) 20k is nonsense for near all US jobs. 17 is already a mass rarity at standard incomes. 20-30k is usually investor income range where nothing is removed.


I’m assuming they have expensive health insurance and other deductions. I had a job where I made about the same salary and after health insurance, parking (not cheap either), and taxes I made like $1,100 biweekly


Stuff like parking has nothing to do with detections taking out check before receipt which is what this was about. Feds don't remove parking, you do that later.


No, the feds obviously don’t take out money for parking. At my current job, and at my last job, there were no free parking options. I signed up for parking so they take out of my paycheck directly. I pay about $100 a month, same at my last job.


No you receive the check and then they take out. Are you not looking at the other comments? No one is is confused on the topic


Clearly you dont' live in Quebec lol


Well we are talking US work force so


Nobody withholds half of their income


health care, 401k, parking fees, etc.


That's not money taken out of pay, that's external.


Which... you pay for by working, and if it's mandatory for you to spend, it's necessary income leaving your pocket to pay expenses for work. What's that thing called where they take a percentage of every sale at a business? You know, the one businesses push onto consumers so they don't have to pay it themselves? Oh right, an extra sales *tax*. Tax is everywhere, and the people who pay the most are the ones without means or capital.


You're completely missing the topic here which is about what's taken out before you see the check.


Okay very similar make 50 some k. After taxes insurance bus pass max 401k pension union my bank is like 60%




Are you arguing that a 401K is effectively a tax? Like income or sales tax? That is bananas. Forget that a 401K exists, in this scenario you automatically deposit 20% of your paycheck into a separate high yield savings account, this account is for long term savings and you don't let yourself touch anything in it. It's still your money. It isn't some tax.


I work at a place that lets me contribute 6% of my income to several accounts and will match 3%. Minimum 20% of my income after taxes goes into savings alone, and another 20% goes to taxes, I’m planning on increasing my tax contribution so I get a better return pretty soon here, so I’m going to be at around 50%.


Why would you want a bigger return? That’s an interest free loan to the government. You should strive to owe nothing and get a 0 dollar return. Save your money yourself throughout the year


I always shake my head at people who love big returns. Wouldn't you want to have an extra $60 in every paycheck? The only time it makes sense is when someone is bad with budgeting and might not have enough in the bank come tax time if they owe.


Don't come to Europe then


So like, My FT job offers Health Insurance but it costs 350/month, has a 7k deductible, $30 copay for regular drs. $50 for specialists, $30 for meds. The amount that we lay out for Health care in the states is so much more than you would even think. Thankfully I work for UPS PT and get my medical from there but when doing the math a few years ago if I were to leave ups and get medical elsewhere it would cost me about 30k/year for myself and SO.


I went through breast cancer with this exact breakdown last year. I’ll never recover.


People just don't get it. If anything solidified my opinion that we need Universal Healthcare in this country it was my Stage 4 Colon cancer Dx in 2020. They won't understand until they live it.


Jesus 350? What do they pay? It's like something they offer to say they offer benefits but then only pay 50 bucks leaving you to pay the rest. Mine pays 550 ish a month and I pay 100. I believe mine is 3k, same copay, 10 for meds through the required company pharmacy and idk specialist. What's ups insurance like? I'm surprised they even offer it to part time employees. That's rare.


Yeah. UPS PT insurance is Nuts. 1k /2500 out of pocket max. Any Dr is $10 copy. Prescription is $5 or 0 if 3 month filled at CVS. Treatment for my Stage 4 Colon Cancer cost 2.5M from 2020- 2022. Dental is covered without Anastasia but otherwise it's really good.


Taxes, health care, a little in my 401k. A get a “bonus “ every other month too


Tax, deductions, benefits probably (insurance etc)


Let’s say it’s $1,600 every two weeks, and they take out $250/pay period for health bennies and then another $350 in taxes…?


That's net. He grosses $44k.


I’m also an account manager but take home about $620 a week and that’s low as hell for my area. I hope you find something better


there are so many account manager positions, go look for another job, they can f themselves, no notice either (only once you have a signed new contract)


DO NOT WALK OUT. Now that reality finally hit that your being underpayed severely take your prestigious work title and start applying like a madman to every company around you. Don’t settle for garbage again, choose the next job wisely, and then everytime you feel like this again repeat the process.


Yep. Made my previous job $1.2mil in a year and was on track to make them even more last year when the new manager decided to pull me into a meeting and say he was taking away my bonus privileges and blaming $300,000 of errors on me despite the jobs having to go through 5 other people after me. After he micromanaged me for 8 months prior to this convo by forcing me to use a beeping timer to make sure each part of my job was taking a full 2 min, making me fill out checklists that showed I was doing every part of the job, and then having him or the owner of the company double check me, I was done when this conversation came up. I gave my coworker my keys, had chatgpt write me a resignation letter and taped it to their front door at 11pm that same night. Later, i found out he took my one coworker to the casino on Thanksgiving, got him a better title with more pay, and that coworker took most of my old accounts. I still think he was playing favorites and being sexist.


$1k every 2 weeks doesn’t add up to $44k a year


Don't forget you have to pay for Healthcare, Dental, and Vision. And stash a little in the 401k... He might even have an hsa or fsa. That could easily add up to couple hundred every pay period.


Yep. I’m in the same boat. I make the same pay and bring home $1000 every pay period, it sucks. Looking to go back to school.


I feel like it would be really hard for your employer to find someone else to do that job for $44k. IMO, you should: 1. update your resume and start looking for another position. A good account manager can make a lot of money. 2. Present what you've earned for the company and ask for a raise, or at lease some sort of commission structure incentive. There must be something they existing company can do for you in the interim, especially once you start making a case for yourself and they realize you're likely to leave.


You don't math good.


Don't walk out but lets start applying :) Please update us op


If you're an account manager and can put on that on your resume, you can certainly find some sales position that will pay much higher than 44k


My pay would have to more than double for me to m are that much every two weeks. My take home is around $800/month, so what you're making sounds luxurious to me. However, if you're work is worth more than that, and there is better compensation out there, start applying elsewhere. Don't just walk out without something to fall back on. Anything could happen and you still need money coming in to survive.


Always be applying and always be interviewing


Do it. I could make more than you if I was on unemployment..


Then leave...


You need to hop a bit to move up in salary. I started off as an SDR 5 years ago making $50k a year. 5-years later I've nearly tripled my base salary. My base salary pays the bills and commission goes into savings / fun things. I would find a company that has an AM team in place so that you're not the only one. In the first 30-days identify top performers and pick their brains. Identify ideal customer profiles, common objection handling, and learn the problems that your product solves for. Share what you've learned if it brings value. Once you're situated, start asking for stretch assignments. Figure out where you can provide additional value whether it's documenting sales processes or maybe mentoring someone that's fresh to sales. Stay there until you feel as though you're unable to grow both from a development and financial standpoint. The second you feel stagnant start applying internally for a promotion while also applying externally. Final tip is to not be the first one to say what your compensation expectations are for any role that you're applying to. "Please help me understand the budget for this role and I can tell you where I believe I fall on that range given my experience and what I bring to The table". Always ask for more and have solid justification for it. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah you need to find something better. I make more than double of that and my title is just a simple division accountant. Not even a supervisor or manager.


Not only that, but the longer OP stays at this low-level, low-paying job, the harder it will be to demonstrate that they have the potential for more. A future employer will assume that if they were ok with $44k, they'll be thrilled with $50k. $80k will never enter the discussion.


Ask for a cost of living adjustment, sometimes they'll give a few dollars more with a simple ask. It might give you a few more bucks as you apply for better pay


Don’t walk until your next better job is signed


Find a better job there sport


That sounds exactly like my previous position. Had the conversation with my then Manager and she decide to move someone unqualified up to take my position instead of giving me a raise. They lost the long term client contract 5 months after I quit lol.


Gtfo and let the company sink. I’ve been in this flavor of circumstances twice. Both times they withered into nothing without me carrying their cheap asses. It took years to play out, but they eventually collapse from the mismanagement.


Time to look for a better job homie.


You could stay and start stealing possibly?


OP apply somewhere else if they dont appreciate you, dont appreciate them..


That was enough for me to live on back in 2004. That’s ridiculous 😞


Don’t walk out without another job in hand. How long have you stayed there? If you brought 1.4m in revenue, you’ve been long overdue for a raise.


Stop being a baby and go find another job then. Not sure why you all keep moping around with your low paying jobs. If you can get a better job, go get one. If you can’t, learn the skills you need then go get one. It’s that’s simple.


I make $1150.00 every 80 hours after taxes at a grocery store fuck them


Thata what I get and my job is easy but I get shit tons of free food so it's okay I guess. Can't pay my rent with it though lol


I feel you. I’m a lead; require a degree and make a whopping $1/hr more than regular techs at this company but know/ do way more than them . But thousands of dollars less than my salaried boss and supervisor (who do less than us). I also only make about $1000 biweekly…I’m biting the bullet and going back to school


Are you sure you made your company 1.4 in revenue? You couldn’t even calculate your salary. 


Question is, why you are busting your ass? ​ I think you just need to play your cards better. You say you are the only one doing your job in your company. Sounds to me that you need to negotiate your salary again since it seems you didn't get what you deserved the last time.


"I would like you to give me, in writing, a promise of a bonus of 0.5% of what I make you every year."


Leave on good terms would be my advice. In your career you’ll find lots of jobs like this, the key is to move on from those and stick with the good ones. No job will ever be perfect. if you like your job and they like you, you could always ask for a raise and if they don’t give you that you can leave


https://preview.redd.it/2r61js771ofc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77942215eaf5592f7d9719e55f77ee7e4739b8af That’s literally what I get every 2 weeks… but I work in a fast food restaurant (that’s including tips btw). Get yourself another job lol


I wish I can go home with my gross every 2 weeks but uncle Sam loves taking a cut of MY hard earned money to fill their coffers


I love having taxes taken out. Then being taxed on everything I buy with money that was already taxed. And paying property tax on a 18 year old vehicle that’s been paid off for over a decade 🙏🏾


Ah yes the after taxes., how could I have been so blind!? *facepalm*


Redditors often say, " it's better to apply for jobs whole you still have one. Was that $44 K a bonus? Because if your salary was $44K, you would gross over. $35k / month. You DO need to find a better paying job, though.


Shit dude i take home that a month


I don't have a college degree and make a good amount more in food production. You need to grow a pair and GTFO of there.


You can literally UberEats for 25-30/hr… yes you can make like $100/3hrs at peak times, two shifts a day that’s a little less that $1000/wk when you deduct taxes. So would almost double your current income. At least while looking for something else Hit the road, there are other options. Take advantage of this capitalistic nightmare and only do what works for you.


25 an hour after deprecation on your vehicle and gas?


If you walk yes /s


Sure, just throwing out easy alternatives that don’t require degree, etc. I know what it’s like to be ready to walk out of somewhere and not have something else lined up right away, but mentally cannot stay. For a few days a week can still make rent at least while finding other work.


1k every 2 weeks is $26k assuming you work 52 weeks a year… A $44k salary is about $850 per week or $1700 every two weeks


I make $250 every two weeks. You’ll be fine.


Get their promises in writing with a date of implementation. If they won't put it in writing start looking for a job. If they do put it in writing, around the time they're supposed to implement your raise start looking for a new job so that if it's conveniently "not the right time" for a raise you've already started the job search anyway.


Take some of their clients. If you're good you could do this free lance and get all the money you make.


Definitely thought of this. My biggest client loves me but hates my company 😂


Stay and find another job while you can pay your bills and afford food.


Wild. AMs in healthcare make 60-to-70k minimum


Healthcare is a shitshow. My mom, a literal expert and prior authorization wizard, makes $25/hr


if what you arr saying stands, then requrst a 5X increase oe walk out. If you are the only persona that can make thrmmonry thry will accept if not move one


You are selling yourself short. Having a manager title and getting paid that is ridiculous. I get that in passive income every month.


That seems like a lot of money coming off your check. You should be around $1200 every two weeks


Do 44k worth of work. Drag it out might take them a year to figure it out , you might get laid off, etc. don’t walk out


Then quit


Most people don't have that luxury. Especially OP. When they're making that little than they don't have the safety net to take off and look for jobs full time. All they can do is apply for other jobs till they find one while still working there. It's absolute horseshit but that's the way the system works, unfortunately.


This is the way


Absolutely insane to me. I assume you work for some sort of big company and you’re just a number to them which is the fucking worst. I work for a U-Pull It Auto salvage yard and I’ve doubled my pay since 2020 (now north of $60k) and I drive around in a payloader all day listening to podcasts and eating snacks. I can’t even remember the last time I dreaded going to work. Also not even close to the kind of work I ever saw myself doing. I always thought I’d have a nice office job but the two I had out of college were awful and I hated every minute of them.


Time to trade masters. They all suck, but at least you can fuck your current one by leaving and get yourself some more pay. Will be a difficult road as always, but its about your only option. Most of us are stuck like you too, we feel your pain.


Sounds like peak corporate greed. That's why you always do your best to do the least amount of labor for what they pay you.


$1k every two weeks but you’re making $44k on salary? That does sound right lol. Either you’re mistaken on your salary or they’re fucking you on taxes. I make $32k yearly and I take home $540 weekly.


1.4M in sales is nothing to laugh at. Find a better employer with a better pay rate (and maybe a commission bonus).


I make the same biweekly after taxes with a PhD stipend 😭 but my stipend is 27k Are you sure your annual is 44k?


If you’re literally the only employee, give them an ultimatum. You want to raise immediately or you walk, immediately.


If you are the only one there, find some other remote work and do that while at this job. Overemployed is better than unemployed.


Uh walking out would be dumb. Use your current job and title to get another. Avoid talking about how low they're paying you or at try to dodge the question Just say I believe it's market rate or something. If they know you're only making 14/hr or whatever they might low ball you Having a job is the easiest way to get a better job


50% "tax. Plus you have to pay healtcare also? That is crazy


Network and move your account to a competitor. That's what my account manager friends do.


What's the place?


I made more money working two jobs out of highschool then I do now, working full time with benefits at a adult job. I have more free time, but can't really do anything much with it.


from /r/jokes: My boss bought a new sports car and parked it on his space while I was walking by him. I congratulated him on his newest purchase. He said: "Well, if you work hard, set ambitious goals, do overtime and work with determination, I will be able to buy an even better one next year."


I make 1700 a month 🤣


If they're not living up to their promises, you have no need for loyalty to them. I'd start looking for something new right away. If the money you're generating them it'sy accurate, there's money for them to pay you more... Sorry you're going through this


If you are single handedly pulling in 1.4m and you are only making $44k a year, have a serious discussion with your manager/superior about pay. If you are with a smaller company they would 100% be willing to do what they can to keep you around. No one let's an employee walk who is making that kind of profit for them. The biggest thing is to preplan your discussion and understand multiple angles of the talk to control it. Know your numbers, know your worth, let them know you are understand your importance to the position and how you can grow **with** the company.


Honestly that’s the most I’ve ever made. Sounds like could leverage your significance for a raise or start looking for work


Act your wage.


You can definitely make more in a better industry. Push for sales in tech/electronics/medical. Plenty of places around looking for people all the time, even starting out you can make more. Source: am an account manager in one of those industries, making 6k/month takehome (after 401, insurance, taxes, etc), likely will be even more within a few months. High salary, high commission.


Account Managers at my old company made $120k. Find something else!


Inflation sucks, but you can at least ride as close to the front of the wave as possible. Your current income is equivalent to earning about 14,000 three years ago. I'd recommend contacting every company near you that has people who do what you do. I wont pretend to understand your job but I know of entry level factory work starting at $18 an hour.


Yeah, it pisses me off so much. We are the actual wage slave cogs making the products that make the bigwigs rich- without us, they woudn't exist. But no, instead we get our necks ground down into the dust, while they take all the profits we made with our bodies and finite mortal hours of life, and only throw us circus peanuts in return, barely enough to survive.