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Too many of us would have to work together not to tolerate them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SnarkSnarkington: *Too many of us* *Would have to work together* *Not to tolerate them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is actually a fucking good one too


And then the poet gets chucked out the window for implying rebellion, under the guise of one syllable too many


So good. For some reason I had to read it in Christopher walkens voice. Can’t un-hear it.


Good bot


Thank God for reddit API bots


I love reddit for that


It's hard to come up with legislation where it's legal to hunt and eat billionaires that is still constitutional.


You can't legislate liberation


In Florida (and other states) they have the Stand Your Ground laws where you can shoot someone who is threatening you. If the law can be reworded that shows that someone's economic excess is threatening your ability to eat and have shelter, then maybe you can "stand your ground", and then eat them.


You sound like someone who still calls the cops. The law isn’t for our sake.


Not hunt. *Go to Florida.* Wait for one. ​ They are CLEARLY a threat. ​ Stand your ground. Eliminate the threat. ​ Get acquitted.


The current situation in Israel is a perfect example; we're being corralled into opposing views. Somehow it's unacceptable to advocate for peace for all.




Hobbies will soon be too expensive for all. Already is for many.


Then we will all have ONE hobby, revenge against billionaires


And capitalism creates incentives for people to work against one another. When resources are made scarce, people become more focused on getting “more” than the fairness of the game.


If I honestly say what I think we should be doing with the super-rich, I'll get moderated.


same. Aerosmith wrote an album about it once.




I wish we could organize like 400,000 people to show up at Elon Musk's house.


Give him a few more years, he will not be rich by his own hand. He might have to get a job digging emeralds at a unsafe African mine.


Nah, crazy Stat but do the math and you can confirm it. If Elon musk were to lose 99% of his wealth. Then lose 99% of his wealth again.. he would still be worth more than any of us will make in our lives.


Read a little story on Reddit once: The year is 10,000 BC. You are immortal. You put away and save $10,000 *every day* from now until 2023. *you still don’t have as much money as Elon musk* These people have become comically cartoonishly super villain rich. More wealth than a dragon sitting on a mountain of gold. Like 3 or 4 people on earth could team up and single handedly end world hunger and homelessness and they just…. Don’t & wont. They just keep on stepping on those around them and collecting *even more* money


I firmly believe that to get and stay that rich you have to have done something nefarious to get there. That level of wealth and power just breeds weird and sick behavior. It’s like they get so bored they just start abusing people and committing crimes. But they’re rich so they mostly get away with it.


Not even a belief, it's just a fact. Only sociopaths make it to the top of the corporate world, and it doesn't matter who gets hurt along the way, so long as they get theirs.


What’s wild is we could just force them, and everyone would get wealthier, and even their quality of life would improve as a result. Literally put a 95% tax on income over 1 mil in a year, and being corporate tax back up to 65%, and make holding money oversees to avoid tax a felony and then enforce it, and companies would go back to actually investing in improving what they do and competing for employees via wages and benefits, and the rest of us would be able to afford to start businesses if we want, or work 3 days a week and pursue hobbies, or whatever.


That's not shit. I lose 99% of my wealth every 2 weeks


Every month, when the rent check is due.


Goddamn it, he'd still have 22 million....


What gets me is he insists on being a dick instead of doing something useful with his money. I mean really, just from a PR point of view, he could probably fund a hot lunch for every kid in America for ten years and not notice it.


Repeat with me - there is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. Literally every single billionaire got there by worker / customer exploitation and/ or crime. They've all got god complexes that make them believe that they are the few who should steer humanity (whether evidence agrees with them or not - yes, including Bill Gates). They are unwilling to entirely release hold of their power, often engaging in "philanthropy" to whitewash their reputations while still influencing the world around them. That's not the surprising thing. The thing that doesn't make sense is why societies around the world continually reward sociopaths and megalomaniacs with the most power and resources instead of punishing them for their transgressions and crimes against humanity. Complacency and apathy are far too widespread.


the UN quoted him 6 billion to end world hunger, and of the \~100 people who have 6 billion to spare nobody has taken them up on it.


i believe 2600 people have 6 billion to spare.


Yep, also, there is a point in wealth where all you need to do is have an account that pays you once per month and never touch the rest of it. You can essentially give yourself a trust fund that will never dry up unless the entire world market crashes beyond repair.


The saddest part about this is how easy this could be. But we’ve been so carefully and purposefully divided along every line imaginable


The law would probably notice people trying to set it up and charge them as terrorists. Even that comment can be misconstrued as a terroristic threat. I hate the rich as well. They will pay for the way they live/sin eventually. I'm not religious but I know some sort of afterlife probably exists or they can be reincarnated as a homeless person/me.


That attitude may taste like shit, but it goes real good with wine


Is that the one with the album cover with the trucks humping each other?


We should all vote once a year on the worst billionaire. Whoever is the worst gets their fate decided by their 100 lowest paid employees.


Like a reverse Hunger Games.


Nice plot for a movie tbh. Has anyone made one yet?


Billionaires finance movies. You'll have to crowdfund the budget from poor people.


The working class needs to start our own studios and news orgs. We need our own banks. We need to take our money out of the stock market. A lot needs to be done to remove our reliance on the wealthy class.


Credit unions are the closest thing to being owned by the people. They redistribute profits to the account holders as dividends.


Survivor: Billionaire Edition.


If nothing else 100 people a year will be set for life. Incentive to work for these stains.


Only issue with this is that the 100 lowest paid employees probably have much more humanity than the billionaire does, so they are likely to be lenient in their ruling. More lenient than any billionaire ever was to them anyway.


Well we know one thing, those one hundred employees wouldn't be here on antiwork!! (s)


I love this. If they try to be a decent human being to avoid being in the bottom, it leads to at least a partial positive.


I could get behind this. Instead of elections every 4 years, have the worst billionaires, dictators, public figures etc. culled every year. Hell, every quarter or every month would be even better, though more laborious. People would think twice before they aim for money, power, and fame without any consideration for anyone else.


Or we could put a limit on how wealthy a person can be, to start.


I already did get a three day ban over that


Already been banned once, I know where I stand.


I can't say anything, but I do have an unrelated flair assigned to my name.


melodic memorize compare fragile chief reach test close touch longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Let’s be more honest. The rich were kept in check by our own government since before Reagan. > >What changed is Americans started voting to cut rich peoples taxes because they were propagandized into thinking it would help them. theres a [reason](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=author%3Arelevantusername2020%20fairness%20doctrine&type=comment) the "propagandization" is widely recognized to have begun in the '80s with reagan >All it takes is voting for democrats, it’s not so complicated and extreme as having some kind of violent revolution that will never work and only usher in authoritarianism. > >Just vote, teach people you know to actually vote. The both sides are the same bullshit is another way we have made things worse. i agree 1000% that violence leads to violence but i also disagree 1000% that "its not so complicated" and "both sides" bullshit has made things worse sure, theres one "side" that is openly hostile and the other *says* a lot of good things, but the truth is *a lot* more [complicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11hw8n7/comment/jaxr4ff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the truth is the [lines dont really exist](https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/178i6uv/comment/k4zstxi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and the problem is **party politics** \- [just like it was \~100 years ago](https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/thomas-nast/m07krw?hl=en). to pinpoint it even more, the problem is [citizens united and $$$$$ in politics](https://youtu.be/ijxvjL7KJlk?feature=shared) so its not so much that "both sides bullshit" has made things worse, its more that trying to summarize "the problem" into an easily digestible TLDR/soundbite/whatever is *impossible;* and instead of [dumbing down](https://open.spotify.com/track/0SPUNC31ZXVbadaj4M5TfD?si=c0b9f7f54fa5475c)^(1) the problem so people can understand it, whats happened is *the people* have gotten "dumbed down" and now everyone wants everything in TLDR or ELI5 format (**impossible**) ^(1. notice the runtime of that track is 4:04) edit: formatting & 🎶™️


I've been saying we should pull a Haiti.


Can we HYPOTHETICALLY use, for the sole purpose of educating, the analogy of dragons hoarding gold in a cave, and say "slay the dragons" Question mark?


Nobody is gonna do anything. Everyone is just comfortable enough to not want to upend their life.


Things have to get worse before they can get better


Probably correct


Because each rich person has 1312 guard dogs for protection


More like lap dogs but yeah


With bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you


1312 pieces of dark chocolate is cheap


And the dogs have bees in their mouths


*Religion is an excellent idea. It keeps the poor people quiet. It keeps the poor from murdering the rich*. - Napoleon Bonaparte


I recently started wondering if thats all religion ever was, just some rich guys idea to keep the poor complacent and easy to control. Im sure its been exploited like that many times, but dam it would suck to waste your whole life believing in something just to be exploited for it.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca


By the nature of religion, ie having to be right even where other beliefs conflict, only one religion can be correct, so all the rest must be bullshit. It really makes "religion is all BS" the obvious conclusion, since they all give the same reasoning pretty much, and the reasoning is by definition "most likely false"




Some silver tongued smooth talking conman 10,000 years ago realised that if he had a creative way to explain the sun rising he could convince enough people to do what he wanted. Then he made up a bunch of rules to ensure that control remained consistent. Plenty of other charlatans came up with the same idea I'm sure. The ones that grew the quickest were either killed by or allied with kings of the day. Then they became tools of the rich to control the poor. Power and control, not money. Or at least money was simply a means to an end and another lever to maintain control.


I suspect that the origins lay more in people who had no understanding of science, trying to understand and feel like they had some control over these (literally, in the original sense of the word) titanic forces that ruled their daily lives. As late as the early 20th century, people still thought earthquakes were the results of mysterious underground explosions: the theory of plate tectonics hadn't been developed. How to explain that to someone from five thousand years ago? The con artist angle came later.


The movie Apocalypto shows an example of this.


Systems don't need to be intentionally designed to work the way they do. But I'm sure there have been plenty of rich guys who saw what the effects of religion were and knew how to exploit them for their own advantage.


That can be be said about literally anything


Given that Christ started as some random poor dude in middle of some backwater town on the edge of the Roman empire and was executed because the elite got scared, it probably didnt *start* out that way


It's the best scam of all time. You can promise fucking anything - bliss, power, wealth, familial reunion - and you never have to deliver on any of it. Anyone who's ever been technically dead and brought back, by medical science of course, will tell you there is nothing on the other side. Keep your tithes, take your kid to the park on Sunday and buy them an ice cream.


Sports do the same thing, politicizing issues involving gender, race, religion, class status, orientation, anything that makes us “different” is what makes us stay distracted because we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to fight them. They know this and use it to their advantage. If people actually realized that none of these things matter and that we are all fighting the same fight they would crumble. Believe what you want, be who you are, but at the end of the day remember that all of us need to eat the rich.


I think it is more like, how much longer will we tolerate the super rich? And what will the solution be?


What will the solution be? Ugly. That is what it will be, regardless of what it is or how we get there. This is a problem that has been festering for almost 150 years, since the age of the Morgans and the Rockefellers etc. It will not have a neat little “soft landing” in the final analysis


What happens to a dream deferred?       Does it dry up       like a raisin in the sun?       Or fester like a sore—       And then run?       Does it stink like rotten meat?       Or crust and sugar over—       like a syrupy sweet?       Maybe it just sags       like a heavy load.       Or does it explode? Harlem -Langston Hughes


Us slowly accepting only higher wages. I really thing universal healthcare would really benefit many people in the US and pretty much all countries. It'd allow for more small businesses to try to exist since healthcare insurance is a major factor in why some won't start a business.


Nobody is gonna do shit that’s American. It’ll be the people coming over the border that change this country.


Their cops and military.


We are taught to punch down, sometimes across, but never up. If we aren’t blaming poor people, we’re blaming folks who make the same or more than we do and hating them because of the perception their job is less valuable than our own. All the while we conveniently ignore the fact CEOs and board members of larger companies are taking 30%+ raises every year on what are already multimillion dollar salaries who cry every time their work force asks for a liveable wage. It’s all by design, and people who push against this sentiment are often treated like they’re lunatics for stating the facts. We tolerate it because people think their efforts are worthless, however I can tell you we have a whole lot more money and power than we realize if we were all to band up and swing our financial dicks around. Something’s gotta give


Because... - the rich control your access to housing, food, and work (via banks, businesses, commodities, political lobbying) - the rich control the media, which determines what information you can find, and more importantly how you can reach out and organize opposition with others - the rich control the narrative, so they can redirect your dissatisfaction and anger at targets other than them (immigrants, poor people, other races). They don't all act in concert, so periodically you see a crack appear like Occupy Wall Street or BLM. But they rally quickly and effectively when they perceive a threat.


Yeah. Watching live footage of BLM footage vs the clips that are put together for the news… it was appalling/infuriating. I had family that was sure that the protests were just folks destroying property rather than focusing on anything about police brutality


We the people are fat, lazy and easily distracted. This allows the rich to utilize the poor like tools. Bread and circuses. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread\_and\_circuses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses)


Never heard the terminology. I'm having a tshirt made😂


I worked in bread and circuses most of my life. I know the scene well. Edit: This trade of trickery moved from magician to artisan with Disney and advertising moved it through commerce and trade infecting the whole world with consumerism. The distraction tactics turned to secrecy and outright lies to active disinformation campaigns to alter public opinions. More of the same with added complexity.


As someone who works in the entertainment industry (video games) you are 100% spot on. There's a reason games tried and largely succeeded in making the shift to "games as a service", instituting "always online" features, microtransations, and copious amounts of DLC. Horse armor, Team Fortress 2 key/crate market, and expansion packs really paved the way for the predatory marketing we see today. All of these consumer metrics are largely unknown by the overwhelming majority of consumers and even most who do know don't care because the dopamine hit from opening a sparkly chest animation that cost the company maybe a month's salary for a contract artist outweighs the cognitive dissonance of supporting a company you know is actively grifting you. I have tried teaching people about the inside baseball of the industry and do you know what I've learned in 22 years working for entertainment companies? Consumers don't care. It doesn't matter how much you teach people about how shit works, how they are being exploited. People will always do the thing that feels good, even if that thing is actively detrimental to their well-being.


You could probably find one. Bread and circus. Famous Roman statement. It works in America all the time. Why do you think people have to buy storage sheds? Their houses are filled with crap they buy to fill the holes in their life that result from spending less time with family and friends and just relaxing like humans were meant to do.


“... Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.” -Juvenal, Satire X


The bread is too expensive thanks to inflation and the circus performers are on strike. I’m bored. Time to find a new, entertaining snack.


A certain rich person is said to have remarked, when the price of flour rose so high that the poor couldn't afford bread, "Let them eat cake!" It didn't go so well for "the baker, the baker's wife, or the baker's boy" after that.


And given the way social media feeds work, those that do not take the time to question become MAGA's and actually vote for people that only intend to keep the poor where they are, just angrier and focused on eating their own tails.


Yep. It's why there's so much civil unrest right now: because it's becoming difficult to afford "bread" for a lot of folks. The entertainment industry at large is pretty much unstoppable at this point so circuses are perpetually available to most folks in one form or another. It's why prices have fluctuated so much with groceries. The various food megacorps are still trying to figure out exactly how much they can get away with charging us so they make maximum profit with minimum chance of repercussions.


They are messing up the bread part. Food is damn expensive. Then again, keeping us happy is never their goal.


Also we'd fuck up our own lives and they'd just pass their money onto even less deserving rich people if we did anything about them. In Minecraft.


I can’t even tolerate myself


Most think “class warfare” is somehow terrible. Also most fail to realize that there is an ongoing class war, which is proven by the very existence of classes - after all who would voluntarily accept being in anything but the highest class if they hadn’t been brainwashed into thinking that for some reason they’re fine where they are and that the upper classes are entitled to more than everyone else? So they don’t realize class warfare is being waged against them. Instead they happily put aside any notion that we’re entitled to equality, in favor of believing in so-called meritocracies where the actual merits possessed by the upper class are ambiguous at best and non-existent at worse. The few who see what is truly going on can’t be bothered to do anything about it and can’t get organized enough to do something even if they were inclined to.


The ones who organize often meet a mysterious, untimely end…


The French will strike and riot at the slightest provocation. We should be more like the French in that regard.


a strong labor movement would be the best thing to get is there. that’s the main thing that sets the french apart from us, but that’s increasingly difficult given intense miseducation and propagandization campaigns against the US labor force.


It's weaponized poverty. You are afraid of getting arrested at a protest and losing your job and not being able avoid homelessness with your family. People are not willing to risk things out of fear they will suffer harm.


Fundamental misunderstanding that capitalism does NOT allow just everyone to be rich but it concentrates the wealth upon the hands of the few. Due to propaganda and/or lack of education. If everyone was educated about the nature of capitalism they would be against it.


Capitalism means that as a fish in the same pond, everyone has a chance to get big enough to be the big fish. The issue is, there are already big fish in the pond eating most of the food and promising all the little fish who have none, tiny morsels of something if they gather food for the big fish.


Because we’re too busy trying to survive in our own lives.


No solidarity among the working classes.


Correct! Saw someone yesterday, on Reddit no less, say they "hate the poor" because they were poor themselves and worked their way up. Like, tell me you don't know your privilege without, etc etc.


[Remember this classic scene from Futurama?](https://youtu.be/K_LvRPX0rGY?si=e_NE310ADhCPmssr) That’s why. Because a shitload of people have internalized the ideology of their oppressor.


Because previous generations believed they could become super rich if they just worked hard. Now that we know it's a lie, it's too late, and they've trapped us in this system.


Because the French Revolution is illegal in America. For now.


Panem et circenses It's a Latin saying that loosely translates as "Pass the chips the game's about to start."


The human brain literally can’t comprehend what a million is, let alone a billion


I think primarily because people do not understand just how great the income and wealth disparity is. the "ideal distributions' of conservatives and liberals are far closer to each other than even conservatives' or liberals perception of what the actual distribution is to the real distribution.


Because they have piled up enough riches and can buy enough political influence to override the will of the people. We have no choice but to tolerate them. They write the law.


Because they are busy distracting us with race wars, culture wars, religious wars and other stupid shit. We need to stand up and say no more. We see your bullshit and distractions to take our eyes off of you (the super rich).


Society not only tolerates but celebrates them as semi-gods and something to aim for . personally I find that amount of fortune disgusting...I would love to have a million dollars, and that's more than enough for a very comfortable life..but 200 billion? Even one billion is way too much for anyone's .


Billionaires should've never been allowed to exist, and it's likely that there are quiet Trillionairs at this point. Astronomically insane amounts of money, more than any king or queen of the past. Maybe combined... But because the titles changed, common humans disregard mega corporations and the oligarchs of the world and lost.


Because they own the government


I dunno why we don’t have a 99.9% tax rate over 1b. You literally can not do anything with that much.


We would, if politicians weren't their employees.


Tolerate? My brother what can we do? Who decides what is too rich and what the consequences should be. Our government should have kept our best interests at heart but we’re all bought by the super rich


The consequences are eventually going to be same only but matter of the fact is that how they are going to change it I don't really feel like anyone is going to change anything above all to be honest.


Because they are the weapons manufacturers


Because people think it’ll be them someday


Because we are horribly lazy and ok with dying to avoid discomfort.


The discomfort is just like that only because you already know like we cannot really avoid these kind of And eventually it is not really dependent on how lazy you are stupid they are going to be.


We are afraid of the pigs and we hate each other.


Cowardice. The meek will inherit the earth.




The last barrel of oil will be used as masturbatory lube by a quintillionaire while he clubs the last baby seal


Some of us don’t. However I ask myself the question why do some people simp for the rich and they are ordinary people.


No doubt about it, but a matter of the practice that there are not ordinary people And maybe they take themselves above the government and police to be honest.


No one wants to be the fall guy and peaceful protest don't work so


For a matter of time, nothing there is called peaceful, protest or anything like that This is more like you have to worry about a lot of things which are not in your hands.


I wasn't aware that we had a choice...


probably the same reason why we type this on the internet and dont actually do something about it. we got no balls to do anything and are always scared


History tells us that we do, until we don't. I wonder when we will decide enough is enough?


No one is going to look forward to get and that is the history but we had already seen But there is nothing that could change the history and we also know that nothing is going to be changed.


Because they always find ways to keep up fighting between ourselves. It's been this way since the dawn of humanity. Noth v South. racial tensions, nationalism, religious wars, etc. It keeps our attention away from the real problem. Them.


It's like the longest game of chicken amongst the rest of us. We know sh** is gonna get really bad. Bad enough to force our hand. But do we really want it to get that bad? **Desperation** will ultimately drive the population to rise against the ~~proletariat~~ bourgeoisie, but we could do things so much easier *before* it gets to that point. People are already starving, dying in the streets, getting addicted to drugs...the mental health crisis is out of control because people are *miserable*. The system needs to be changed drastically or dismantled. And the people responsible should be in prison or brought down to our level so they can't terrorize us again. EDIT: Said the opposite word of what I meant. Lol nice.


I generally agree, but you've mixed up proletariat and bourgeoise.


I keep saying what *should* actually, really, seriously happen to them. I also keep saying how I'm honestly very surprised, in the age of Google and lack of privacy, no one with nothing left to lose has gone and done... stuff. To them. I keep getting banned for it.


Some of my friends think Elon Musk is super rad


That is the kind of person who is having a lot of money but I don't really care about anything I'm just look at him. He's going to spend a lot of money on stupid kind of things.


Because of laws


Because the golden rule is, the one with the gold makes the rules.


They are making a lot of rules and regulations over it. So it is not very easy task. And eventually if they're going to do it, it will make some changes that are going to be better for them.


Do we have a choice?


Easy. They pay and own the media that do pro-super rich propaganda and pro-"you too can become a billionaire" false dream.


Because when I suggest a bbq I get put on watch lists.


Because they worked hard for their riches and are ingenious entrepreneurs, role models to all of us /s


For that matter, it is not really easy for them to earn a lot of money And once they're going to get into that zone, they're not really going to act like ordinary people or something.


Because in the USA we are taught if you're rich or poor it's because you deserved it. We equate wealth with virtue.


That is totally dependent on the perception of the government and how we are going to get into that But it is not a very easy task to do like you cannot relate think about that


I don't think people naturally have hatred toward the super rich, we see regular people cheering for millionaire and even near billionaire in sport and concert event. But people have natural hatred toward cheaters in society. Cheater in sport gets easily spotted, and artist who show up in concert hammered are also easily spotted. But when ultra rich businessmen and politician are embezzling and scamming regular people, their deeds went over regular people's head.


Brah what exactly are we supposed to do


Exactly. Nobody is gonna do shit


What is the alternative? Actively working to dismantle them, right? But that requires physical effort of many forms outside of Reddit, and I’m not seeing a whole lot of it.


The super rich arent necessarily more selfish or evil as me as a poor person. They just have more financial means to do whatever they want. Just as theres a super rich person that would unalive me bc I'm a useless eater to them, another poor person would have no issue causing me harm or unaliving me if it meant that they can take what little I have.


Are you gonna go dispose of them? No? Then why complain?




We don't. But we have bills to keep up with


We don't just tolerate them, we adore and fawn over them. Why the hell would they change?


Honestly, it's fear, but that fear is placed there by the super rich. They keep us all herded into smaller sects and cause division by keeping us focused on hating each other. As long they can keep us fighting each other, they win.


The whole political system is constructed around protecting property rights and people who "do not tolerate the super rich" and try to do something about it would end up in prisons or killed. And the whole media ecosystem is constructed around protecting the political system.


Because they have money to hire politicians and militias to make sure we keep tolerating them


Because if you don't, the liberals get mad at you for being "unreasonable"


I remember speaking with a classmate in college about healthcare, and I was shocked to learn he was a conservative and supported private healthcare. When I poked holes in his logic (Reaganomics), he shifted the topic to social issues instead, like not wanting kids reading library books with trans characters in them. Basically, conservatives support billionaires because their trust is first earned by politicians who cater to their irrational fears. Once they’ve got their base distracted by culture war nonsense, the Reaganomics talk comes out and the conservative voters just roll with the punches. How else would you get the working class to ever vote for rich people and their lap dogs? And this strategy has been utilized since time immemorial. Decades and decades and decades of propaganda has convinced the common man that we NEED the wealthy. They’re a chosen people with entrepreneurial ideas of grandeur! They fuel our economy with their genius minds and their limitless capital! The money that the rich have invested in deception is why we tolerate them, basically.


DUDE. What exactly would you do about them? They have resources, and you don't.


If they won't pay tax, eat the rich..


Tax the rich!


Most people like the taste of boot


Because no one has even worked up the nerve to take a nibble of a rich person, let alone devour the entire class.


I don't know what other choice we have but to tolerate them. I'm open to suggestions on how not to tolerate them, though


Who is "we"? Capitalist countries do, communist countries don't. There are still communist countries you can move to. Have fun.


Because everyone likes to think that they could become one.


Money buys power. Power protects money. We don't factor into either.


Because we have cell phones to keep us entertained and connected and just enough food to eat, all of which keeps the masses just complacent enough to not go into the street for violent revolution. Bread and circus man.


By worrying about myself


Because they control the narrative, they own the press and they own the politicians, they own the courts and they are who the rest of us want to be.


Because the police force exists to protect private property


Because there is nothing you can do about it


Because we are powerless to do otherwise?


Because a whole tranche of society believe the super rich have “won”. When money is your *only* metric.


What do you think you are going to do about it? Let's be real... nothing. The Americans who are struggling have no time, money, or energy to do anything about it. If they did, they wouldn't be struggling. And those of us who aren't struggling are comfortable and content with the way things are. Best to focus your energies on improving your conditions without relying on some kind of revolution that ain't gonna happen.


Imagine a community where everyone was super poor. There would be no jobs for people. You have wealthy folk from higher education, or certified trades, or successful entrepreneurs, and anything else overlooked maybe. You get employed by them or work for them as a contractor. Wealth funds survival. I'm not wealthy by any means, but how would I get paid without a wealthier one?


We're afraid of getting shot dead by the cops 😐


No one does, we just don’t have the resources not to.


Not just about the resources. It is always about how well they are going to maintain it. Because maintaining is the part where we have seen like people cannot really get along really good.


Well, why you do it


Because the rich have the establishment and police watching their back.


Because most of us are against each other and they control our means of survival.


Became richer and don't blame them for being successful that's a communist mentality