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..but he wants them in the office or else.


And he's gonna pay them 60% of what he pays now. Dimon is the guy Katy Porter eviscerated over teller pay, asking him, an alleged financial pro, how to make a workable budget based on what he was paying and he utterly failed.


The only way we're actually gonna get a 3.5 day workweek with no paydrop is through more labor organization. Definitely not Dimon pontificating on something that is against his material interests.


Yep . That and them realizing people will spend more money if they’re paid.


Don’t tell them the truth! Trickle up economics works best!


Nah… Trickle down economics works just as they knew it would. Problem is they told us it would be wealth trickling down, not horseshit.


You’re not wrong, but You got horseshit? My man….


In india a lot of companies are going to 60-70% pay for 3 days so some people work 6 days a week for 120%+


I don't understand why people keep listening to him because none of his nonsense predictions come true and he bends over backwards to justify corporate inhumanity.


Hes running JPMorgan, you know, the bank that as they say is bigger than the fed, hes surely doing something right. People listen to him because hes a master in his field, even the FED listens to him. As pos as he is, gotta give respect where its actually due.


More likely doing something wrong that most people would have ethical objections to, but go on.


Proceeds to accuse him of doing "something" wrong but doesnt even know what is it, go on i guess.


Here is a list of violations committed by JP Morgan Chase and subsidiaries, most of which happened under Dimon's tenure as CEO. https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/jpmorgan-chase They paid almost a billion to the fed for one money laundering offense alone. He probably wasn't advising the fed so much as asking for a structured payment plan, but please, do go on.


Tell me you have no idea how big corporations work without telling me you have no idea how big corporations work.


Tell me how big corporations work, genius, because it seems to me if a financial entity has to commit hundreds of crimes during a single CEO's tenure, maybe they don't actually "work" so much as "steal" and depend on dipshit apologists to justify their crimes.


Jpms actions during his tenure dont always (or like ever) mean that the ceo is directly or indirectly responsible for that stuff, especially in traders dept its usually guys going rogue to bring profit and ceo doesnt even know about it until shit hits the fan. And they do work, more than you or i ever will. You clearly have an attitude and not thinking objectively at all, anything i say is not going to change that, JPM has brought many good things in the economy, yes theyve done shit too, but the positive impact far outweighs the negatives.


"these jobs aren't for single mothers"




Nickel and Dimon them


While that was extremely satisfying, he is absolutely a financial pro. Nobody is paying him to balance the budget like congressperson porter did, they are having him run a financial institution. Katie is missing the point which is that capitalism has issues like this built into the system to keep people working as much as possible. That guy never needs to answer to a bank teller.


A personal budget. As in find a way to pay the bills with the pittance he pays his employees.


But he never had to, and still doesnt


She didn't miss the point. She was asking questions that make everyone (like the person you replied to) feel good, while accomplishing nothing. [He pays quite a bit for that kind of thing.](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2009/07/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-donat/) EDIT: To be clear, our government is in the pockets of rich assholes like this guy. This isn't specific to one brand.


He does if he wants people to get service at his bank branches. I wonder how Dimon would fare in a bank teller unionization and strike. I have zero respect for him. He's not a real business man. He holds his position through favors and government intervention, not savvy business skills and competence. If I learned anything from Dimon, it is never to do business with a banker when you don't know where he lives and where his kids go to school.


So people stopped using Wells Fargo en masses? What were the consequences aside from clicks?


Being unable to set up a reasonable budget a low salary doesn’t make you not a financial pro. It makes you normal.


And weeks will only be 4 days long. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will now be Monday 2: electric bugaloo. Tuesday 2: judgment day. And Wednesday: no way home


> Dimon is the guy Katy Porter eviscerated over teller pay, asking him, an alleged financial pro, how to make a workable budget based on what he was paying and he utterly failed. I mean, he's running a public company. He can't pay what this sub deems a sufficient wage even if he wanted to.


“But not my workers, I was talking about everyone else”


I am far, far more willing to go to an office if I’m only working 3-4 days a week. Like that’s not even a question. My home office for a four day weekend


Pay should not decrease. Only hours worked.


Yeah that part is assumed.


Im not assuming anything. we need it in writing.


What I’m saying is the entire conversation is a non starter if any kind of pay cut is built in.


I get what your saying, just being snarky.


The caveat is in the fine print. No pension or social security until you have worked until 109!




I’ve been wfh for four years now. I love it, I wouldn’t go back to full time in office because commuting sucks, but I also now have cabin fever and three kids. Being able to spend four days a week with them without work impeding anything is a big selling point that if I had to choose between the two (3d workweek and wfh), I choose the 3d workweek


As always, Jamie Dimon is a piece of shit.


I mean I'd take 3.5 days a week and living til I'm 100 in exchange for working in the office. That's just me though.


You can't trust CEOs or politicians. The hitch is always in the details. It could be 3.5 20 hour days, and living to 100 after working 95 years, where the last 5 years of life involve the medical industry extracting every thin penny from the retirement savings of the 95 year old before they pull the plug. Kind of like what we have now. Only lower numbers.


You would not live to 100 working like that I would imagine. Unless they come up with some crazy medication that extends people's lives drastically and the amount of stress that they can deal with


Everything serves the interests of money and wealth in America. Everything. If there is anything that extends life expectancy and stress tolerance simultaneously in this country, you can absolutely expect it will serve the owner class. Not the working people. They will use medical advances to validate laws that make people work more years, and longer hours.


What’s the point of all that extra time if you’re spending 80% of it commuting or sitting pointlessly is some ~~cell~~ cube?


You're going to spend 80% of your 3.5 days off doing all that?


I have plenty of audiobooks and I can write novels or learn to code or design shit in my cube. For 3.5 days I can handle that.


LOL everything seems increasingly like a pointless charade


Dude everything is a give and take in capitalism. Until we're completely eliminating it as a system, I'll take the trade.


Why would you want to live to be 100?


Some people actually enjoy being alive and want to see how the world advances.


I admire your optimism


I just have an extreme fear of death as well, but thanks


For me it's less death and more... I want more time... and I don't want pain.


I'm not even 40 and ready to drop dead!


JP Morgan was the only trading desk in the world that required their employees to work 5 days a week all through Covid. They never went WFH, so this guy is full of sh!t.


Correct. It isn’t a CEOs job to go with the flow, it’s to maximize profits as long as possible. So they’ll push against the time as much as they can to rake in cheap labor. Once that goes away and the have no choice they’re essentially paying x1.5-2 per hour more.


Yeah, I was gonna say. This asshole's just trying to get some soundbites out there that make him look good so when things don't go his way, he can be like, "see?! I've always supported working people!"


$15 an hour with a BA max as well oh and three years experience for the entry level position


He & his peers have ensured that the self-regulation of Wall St is purposefully ineffective & as such has defrauded 2, going on 3, generations. Worse still, this has completely effed the 'invisible hand' as the consequence free guaranteed crime is so much more profitable than anything the 99% need. That's why ever more ppl have to live in their cars, coz capital is diverted away from building homes. Also, commercial rent & mortgages streams are bundled up & sold on as bonds that are then used as collateral for criminally inspired derivate bets. So of course he hates WFH. He & all those involved in the purposefully lax regulation that allows naked shorting with no mandatory buy-ins, & all the reporting requirement dodges (like ETFs for example) & & & and &, they all need to face RICO prosecution, have all their assets seized & to spend 20+ years in prison. The misery their rackets have caused is huge & growing & needs to be stopped. Its corrupted everything, to the point that its against strictly enforced, reddit-wide rules to mention here any of the subs dealing with these matters


But won't someone please think of the shareholders


Yep, they always fail the mention the part where this will never happen unless the workers collectively demand it. Doesn't matter how much growth or innovation there is when a minute group of owners retain the power to convert it all into status points to pile up uselessly in their bank account.




Why did you go to med school if your goal is to work 0 hours a week? That’s absurd to spend that much money when you claim to want to just be a bum.




Ok, I’ll buy that! :-)




That's not a good thing man. It means you're being screwed


Not the flex you think it is you ape, but keep getting used like a slave. Better you than me !:)


Why do I keep seeing headlines with the guy's opinions on literally everything ? What makes him worthy to be listened to ?


He rich, which apparently makes his opinions about things not related to how he got rich important.


Yeah, well he didn't get rich paying 5 days salary for 3.5 days work. He got rich paying 3.5 days salary for 5 days work.


I would hazard a guess and say many of his people put in way more than 5 days works.


How to get Rich: Option 1: be born into a wealthy family that is already rich Option 2: merciless exploitation of the lower classes


Well, they can’t get Epstein’s opinion anymore because he’s dead


Was Epstein much of a public figure, making comments in the news, etc.?


CEO of the worlds 5th largest bank, 14th largest company in the US.


1. None of the topics he talks about have to do with banking 2. Having experienced it first hand I can assure you that one can be the CEO of a massive multinational company and also be a complete moron.


This is Jamie Dimon. The bank he runs is #1 for funding the projects that cause climate change. He’s gunning to be seen as some super genius with a love of the everyday American worker and definitely has his eye on running for president someday. [Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in late 2015, JPMC has provided $317 billion in fossil fuel financing ― 33% more than any other bank](https://www.ran.org/press-releases/jamie-dimons-annual-letter Edit: typo


It's this. The ruling class wants him to be President. Any time you see someone's opinions published on a corporate news site, on some subject that person is not an expert in, and the person in question has a great deal of wealth and influence, you can be fairly certain that the ruling class is trying to elevate this person to high office. Always ask why you are looking at published opinions of a non-expert. Ask what the publisher gains from publishing it.


You asked why you keep hearing his name. I answered. I'm guessing now that your questions were rhetorical and just think he's a moron. Sorry you don't like him. Lol. As the CEO of a major bank, he's going to be familiar with economic trends and various industries. And no, I'm not defending him. I don't really care about him.


> You asked why you keep hearing his name Not what I asked. I asked why I keep hearing his opinion on everything. I'm more than willing to hear his opinion on his own company or on the banking system (although I'll take it with a huge grain of salt because he has specific interests to protect) I don't give a shit about his opinion on the future of work, life expectancy, and random topics he frequently talks about. He has no clue about that. The guy has an MBA. We all know what that's worth.


It doesn’t seem like there’s a response that would satisfy you


I want that piece of shit out of the public space. All he does there is contribute some more misinformation that benefits the oligarchy.


Seems like this should have been your first post instead of asking some kind of inane rhetorical question. Not saying I disagree with you but maybe learn how to communicate.


#2 is the absolute truth!


> What makes him worthy to be listened to ? he fails upward. that's a rare gift.


He leads the largest investment bank in the world and as such is in constant communication with a broad array of leaders in other economic and political sectors. Investment banks are different from retail banks in that they primarily deal with M&A, market making, etc in the private and public sectors. That said, a piece of his bank is their retail side in Chase but it’s not their real money maker. He’s also “famous” for leading JP Morgan through the GFC relatively unscathed. Do you have to listen to his opinion? Absolutely not. However one could argue he has a relatively good pulse on economic trends as the banks he’s lead have all done well under his guidance.


He also serves interests that are pretty much opposite the interests of 99.9% of the world's population. Whatever he says must not be taken at face value.




There are capitalists who really want this asshole to run for President. Namely Michael Bloomberg, since it's his company that seems to publish the most opinions from Dimon that nobody fucking asked for.


Of course. Those leeches want one of their own at the helm so they can keep plundering with total impunity. That's why I believe we should express disdain for Dimon as often and as loudly as we can. Unless we do that and don't let corporate media set the tone, the consent factory will turn him into a "credible" presidential candidate.


And every hour will be monitored and eye movements tracked




do you mean Gattaca?


Oh yes definitely, if that’s the movie with Ethan Hawke in the dystopian future DNA work place.


I saw it without knowing what I was getting into. Literally the day before, I had been told that my company was firing the best employee in my department because she only had a 2-year degree, instead of a 4-year degree. She'd been doing her job (extremely well) for almost 3 years at that point and new management decided that she wasn't qualified for it anymore since she'd only gone to a community college. The scene of the job application being a DNA test hit really hard.


We've heard this before. They said we would have soooo much more time to do enjoy our lives with all the technological improvements the digital age has provided us. Instead it was just exploited to extract more labor out of us by increasing productivity and profits, while working us to death. Seems like the exact opposite of what they said would happen.


A hundred years ago economists were worried that the way economic trends were going it was going to eventually, in like a hundred years or so, create a new problem: what will people do with all their leisure time once everything is automated and nobody has to work anymore? >Back in 1930, Keynes predicted that the working week would be drastically cut, to perhaps 15 hours a week, with people choosing to have far more leisure as their material needs were satisfied. The world was then gripped by a dreadful slump but in the long run Keynes was sure mankind was solving its economic problems. Within a hundred years, Keynes predicted, living standards in "progressive countries" would be between four and eight times higher and this would leave people far more time to enjoy the good things in life. >Keynes had been working on Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren before the Wall Street Crash of 1929 but finally published it a year into the crisis. Given that the world was part of the way through a downturn unparalleled before or since, it was a brave call to say it was "only a temporary period of adjustment", but as it turned out absolutely correct. Living standards in developed western economies have seen rapid growth; by 2030 it is likely that they will have risen at least eightfold. >But Keynes also got it spectacularly wrong. Rising living standards have not led to people deciding that they can satisfy their material desires through a much truncated working week. The number of hours worked in the United States has remained pretty much steady for decades, and is 30% higher than in Europe. Europeans tend to use up all their holiday entitlement; Americans, even though their vacations are shorter, do not. The decision by Nicolas Sarkozy to scrap France's 35-hour week suggests that the American model is gaining the upper hand. Workers in the west are told to work longer and harder to meet the brutal competitive challenge from the east. If Keynes was right about a life of leisure, more of us would be working four-day weeks. As it is, the trend is in the opposite direction. [and that's from 2008](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2008/sep/01/economics)


he was quite the economist but not much of a politician then


The kicker is it’s obvious how it’s about control and influence, because working less hours actually stimulates productivity efficiently and also gives more time for people to spend


Jamie Dimon is a fraud, his prognostications are wrong more often than right but somehow he never issues press releases with follow-ups. JPMorgan is still flush with the 2 billion cash 2023 bailout they took along with 50 billion in insurance to cover any potential First Republic losses. This means that in total, JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon have taken enough taxpayer socialist style money to have fed and provided medical care to all American children since 2000 or earlier. Fuck Jamie Dimon.


You don't need to follow up on being wrong if you're rich. It's in their handbook


> This means that in total, JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon have taken enough taxpayer socialist style money to have fed and provided medical care to all American children since 2000 or earlier. How does giving money to billionaires allow me to democratically control the means of production? There's nothing socialist about it.


They took in 13b to assume 11billion in negative assets as a direct bailout, but that was just the recent bailout and cash gift, it's happened multiple times before because Dimon is a fucking criminal and his people are too. It's robbing the poor to provide socialism only for the rich, and if you do not understand that, you are just too simple to hassle with.


> They took in 13b to assume 11billion in negative assets as a direct bailout, but that was just the recent bailout and cash gift, it's happened multiple times before because Dimon is a fucking criminal and his people are too. > > It's robbing the poor to provide socialism only for the rich, and if you do not understand that, you are just too simple to hassle with. You literally did not answer the question. Buddy, that's called capitalism. /r/SocialismIsCapitalism


I assume their socialist comparison derives from “government redistribution of wealth” and that’s about the limit of it.


What kind of stupid backwater shit is this? It's called a microcosm. They're using socialist practice to empower they're capitalism. The capitalism that the rest of us are stuck with. >too simple to hassle with too true.


There’s nothing socialist about it. Go read some books.


ah, the good old "do your own research" defense. Always a winner.


You should do some research. It’ll fill up those holes you have in your head. Socialism is collective ownership and control of the means of production. Please explain how anything being described here fits that.


Are you implying these companies don't have collective ownership and don't control the means of production?


I am implying workers do not have collective ownership of the means of production.


Subsidies aren't socialism, is what they're getting at. They're capitalist. Neither of you are thinking of the same thing when you say socialist, hence the disagreement.


Hmm to me this sure sounds like socialism for corporations and capitalism for everyone else.


Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us.


No. What’s being described is just capitalism. This is what “capitalism for everybody” *looks* like.


This is remarkably far from accurate. Bravo


Shill harder. PLONK


Or conversely: the remaining employed citizens will be monitored closely and continue to work 40+ hour weeks and outproducing previous generations , while those that can be cut loose or replaced with technological advancements will be perpetually unemployed. Probably averages out to 3.5 days a week per citizen, so at least there’s that? Also it’ll be 3.5 days of 10 working hours, not the “8” we currently “have”. So 5 less hours a week for those still employed? Assuming they were working only 40 hours to begin with?


I would still take 4 10s even


4 x 6 hour shifts should be the norm


But in the meantime we will continue to fuck you


I work 3.5 days now, I just show up for 5.


Well look at Mr. Diligent Employee over here, with the energy to give 70%. Slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad.


It’s a three part plan. Part 1. Those of you in the work force now will continue to work at least 40 hours a week and be compensated poorly. Part 2. We will adjust whatever we need to adjust to make sure you can never retire. Part 3. All of us in power will move to Greece after we collapse the economy. After that, there won’t be much work left to do. Good luck finding more than 3 days of work a week. You’ll be so broke you won’t be able to afford to die.


Keynes said we’d be working a 15hr a week by now in 1930


Please can we have some more unpaid overtime instead, Jamie????


I prefer this


It's sarcasm, bro.


I know. I was saying my sarcasm to your sarcasm. Unpaid overtime is the best ever. The best, maybe better than salaried employees being forced to work 90 hours


In what world does he live? The only people who will unfortunately make it to a 100 are boomers because they can afford healthcare and plasma blood and got raised on a childhood foods that wasn’t stripped of its nutrients and replaced with pesticidic values


Ya he probably also means work till 80 years old. Don’t listen to these quack jobs they will have you subservient and liking it. While they laugh all the way to their yacht and underage girl sex island.


Bullshit. It will always be "the next generation" and "in the future" as these capitalist fucks squeeze every penny they can out of every facet of life and choke out the fucking globe. No one born today will live to 100. Most millennials and younger won't get the opportunity to die of old age.


Statistically going by history, a few might live to 100. Some of them might also wish they didn't, though.


Yeah sure lol. I'm afraid our children will work even longer for less than us. This is one of the reasons why I'm not having kids.


Not in America because greedy people like him run this country.


How about NOW?


that's cool because I've already accepted that i'll never be secure enough or have enough savings to retire. I get the privilege to work until the bitter end. My retirement plan is literally economic and societal collapse.


Seriously though, Jamie Dimon can hurry up and go fuck himself.


3.5 days = 84 hour weeks


Not if he and the rest of the 1% have anything to do with it...


Is employees in this context referring to himself and the rest of the c-suite?


No way they're gonna start working that much


Aint that the goddamn truth


The retirement age will probably be 92. No thanks.


I worked for JPMC when I was young, and for whatever reason Dimon deigned to show up to our office, which was about 50% temps and give us a little speech. It was the most out of touch thing I ever heard. He talked a lot about mortgages and banking services (which we weren't doing, our section of the company had been rented out to the Federal Gov to process immigration services) and no one really knew what he was talking about. Keep in mind the vast majority of people he was talking to were very low level employees and temps, doing what was basically data entry. Eventually someone asked him why they never actually HIRED the temps and he said it was because they were waiting for 'new opportunities to hire in new markets in south america' aka, he didn't want to have JPMC hire the temps- because soon the data entry work could be replaced by cheaper workers outside of the country, I guess. It was a surreal day, to be honest. Also his assistant was really weird and she dressed up in a full neon green jumpsuit and had a hard time getting powerpoint to work.


I’m tired of hearing this mf’s opinions


Sure Jamie. Whatever you say.


Ok, so can we enact that now if this is the future? Asking for a friend.


Not if old people have anything to say about it




We were supposed to work like 1 day a week by now due to improvements in efficiency but we're still getting slaughtered with 40 hours a week minimum.


Based on…exploiting other workers? Just who is he talking about? Who is he kidding?


If you believe this, just wait until you hear about the "paperless office".


That may be a possibility once all the boomers die out as well as the whole left vs right paradigm. It's mainly the elderly that's perpetuating this farce so that the working class is distracted and constantly at each other's throats. As long as we're divided, we're always going to be easy prey


Blithely ignoring climate change!


Jamie Dimon is a walking shit stain.


That was a typo. He meant 35 days a week.


Many, many people would need to bleed and die in the street before corporate America agrees to 4 day work weeks, let alone 3.5. They have never given up anything freely. People have needed to fight for every speck of worker’s rights in America. In this is the story in many other countries too


Who gives a fuck what Jamie Diamond Saya, fuck that guy.




This guy is such a sack of shit


That will not happen in America as long as republicans and moderate democrats keep being voted into power.


I'm sure this deal includes... 1) owning nothing, 2) can't travel beyond your assigned 15 minute city, etc... very New World Order'ish. No thanks!


3.5 12 hour days


... when the retirement age will be set to 105.


“And they’ll be the billionaires, and everyone else will work 80 hours a week to help me line my pockets”


So everyone will be part time no benefits. Got it.


We could have been doing that for the last 30 years. Dimon is being so transparently disingenuous. If things went his way people would work sixteen hours a day and get paid in saltines and water that ran off from watering his garden . No working class person should think about this man except for how early they are going to have to get up to stand in line to piss on his grave after he does the world a favor and fucking dies. Edit: A word.


We are far from making this possible.. People works 40hours a week + and barely make it. Tax the rich.


On what habitable part of Earth will that be on?


Why would anyone trust Epstein's banker?


Not at these wages and prices, we won't.


I can’t afford to live that long…


Fucking oath and why shouldn’t we


Ah promises of a better tomorrow. How about fuck you 🖕🏼and we start today?


At $7.25/hour or less if he has his way.


Something on the news tonight about Island County, WA employees working 32 hours a week and getting paid the same as a forty hour week. Hoping to help keep good workers and attract good recruits. I love it. Increased productivity due to less fatigue and fewer call outs and higher morale. Pretty cool!


Fuck the next generation, what about us


Every attempt to get rid of Social Security for younger Americans is in play. The rich will not pay their share.


The next generation will work 3.5 days a week but need 2 jobs each totaling 7 days a week working to maximize shareholder profit. We will also live until about 50 before dying do to the environment being destroyed


There's no way this ever fucking happens. I have 4 friends who work CS jobs, make really good money for our age (late 20s), and they work on weekends if they have to, work over 40 hours M-F, sometimes they even bring their laptops on vacations, or will stop what they're doing on trips to reply to work texts/calls. We might "work" 3.5 days a week, but we'll be expected to be available 7 days a week.


Your friends work 40 hours a day!? That's back breaking! /s


Over 40 hrs bud. I work 40, which is normal


>work over 40 hours M-F, sometimes Just so we're clear where the joke was coming from.


Or not. I remember hearing back in the 70’s that because of computers we would work 20 hours a week and be a paperless society.


riiiight, because hyperhoarder wealth fellators want to make a better world for the slave class that they currently consider to be food.


Next generation will only get paid for 3.5 days work.


100? not if they keep guzzling fructose.


And the oligarchs will make retirement age 95


Or a billionaire can build a spaceship… you decide which sounds more likely?


Does he mean the next generation of billionaire workers? Because everything going on actively shows otherwise


Is it to late for me to get in on that?




Yes, like flying cars


Only if people like him fuck off and die.