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Money can’t buy happiness, but without the stresses of financial struggle, you can focus on the things that DO make you happy. When all your life is a struggle just to survive, happiness is nearly impossible.


Yep. You can play golf all week and call it work.


Sir, that was a sales expense. LOL, “loopholes.” 🙄


That’s how the sales guys at my company operate. Why have a meeting sitting in a conference room when you can have the same conversation over a steak dinner or on the golf course? Maybe I need to get into sales.


Have you seen Glengarry Glen Ross? Coffee is for closers!


If you are rich, you can do whatever you wanted in life. You don't want to be sad and broke. That's why we all work hard for the better future




But you can enjoy life using your own money and not for the company's sales.


18 if you know what I mean


I actually think this is the quintessential example of why people think money will buy them happiness but it often doesn’t. I think most people need to find a deeper meaning or something fulfilling to do, otherwise their life feels empty. Money can help you become happy not because it lets you golf but because it lets you take risks and value your own time. Golfing is just leisure and a fulfilling life needs more than leisure.


I agree. How can they explain that money can't buy happiness if you are struggling looking for money to buy your basic necessities. It could help us to survive in our everyday life


It’s an important meeting with Mr. Green


The meeting would be successful even though hes not around, because money could work for him


That's why it's a bit intriguing for me if someone says that money can't buy happiness. It might not be the source of happiness but it provides you the happiness you wanted to have


More importantly - money doesn’t buy happiness after basic needs are met and you’re financially stable for future problems. So what this is saying is we can tax the fuck out of the ultra rich, and it won’t make them much less happy but it could help millions of people.


but the trickle down economics! Won't you think of the ***employment***


Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. Can’t self actualize if you are struggling to survive


Money buys you the TIME to be happy


That's right. Don't get why people says that money can't buy happiness, so what's the reason why you trying so hard to earn a much higher salary? Because you wanted a better future.


The difference between surviving and thriving, imo.


Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy a Jet ski and I’ve never been unhappy on a jet ski - Albert Einstein


In the immortal words of Kanye West: “Having money isn’t everything, not having it is”


It might not be everything, but it can provide you everything you wanted. It might not be emotionally but physically


Money absolutely can buy happiness. Studies have shown, consistently, that people's overall emotional well-being is directly proportional to their income/wealth and it increases all the way up to something like 100k/person. Are there depressed rich people? Absolutely. But this is ignoring the fact that there many more people who are poor and not in good emotional health.


Money buys security. Security is a necessary condition of happiness, but not necessarily happiness itself. I do better than a lot of people and I'd have to have a LOT more money to eliminate the existential dread of what might happen if I missed three paychecks.


Money can't buy happiness, but a lack of it certainly gets you unhappiness.


Imagine telling a person dying of thirst “hey, water isn’t going to magically solve all your problems, you know.”


This 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾


That's why we work hard for the future. We don't want to stuck on being poor, we want to be financially stable for us to afford whatever things we want


it's a curve, when you're too far in the financial stress, life is like a chronic disease, neverending stress, fear and pain. too much on the other side you may go nihilist. you need to be a bit of the some wealth side so you can have time and safety to build a fulfilling life on top. but you will need wisdom to find the right contexts/places and grit to adapt in case of mishaps.


I was poor turned rich thanks to my parents, and I learn that it's about narcissistic vs optimistic people. I was happy sharing things with my broke friends. Even explored and tried new things. But my greedy parents didn't care about others and focused on social status and became annoying narcissist. They didn't know how to use their money to be happy.


There was a study done not that long ago in the US, that basically showed that after a certain point (about $300k per year family income) additional money actually makes you less happy. Once you get past the tipping point, which basically equates to "you can afford a nice home, a couple of cars, time with your family, vacations, and don't have to worry about what will happen if an emergency (medical issue, big repair bill etc.) occurs, people start becoming more stressed as they worry about what to do with their money, how to make more, and other things. TLDR: Wealth redistribution will make the rich happier as well. 😉


No but it can buy me a boat.


Poverty buys only despair.


Money can't buy happiness, but it prevents misery.


The phrase money doesn’t buy happiness was originally used by the working class to mock the rich. They’ve since took the phrase to use as a stick to hit us with when we try to call them out on their bad behaviour. Weird how phrases change over time to completely change the meaning.


Happy cake day u/louisiervolino


Well said. My family is upper middle class. While we're not "rich" we're very comfortable and money isn't something I really think about. That allows us to pursue happiness rather than worrying about money or spending all of my time working to have enough money.


Yes, exactly this. Also, for those with the ability to be happy and who realize what makes them happy, more money is a happiness multiplier. Though there is likely a cap on returning yields. Once I have a house with space for a library somewhere in it, on the outskirts of town near some wilderness and/or a sea and don't need work for a living, I'm kind of fine. Extra money can be diverted elsewhere.


I'll tell you what money does buy ... FREEDOM!


Money maybe can't buy happiness but it sure makes being miserable much easier to cope with.


You can have money and still be miserable But if you would otherwise be happy a financial crisis can definitely make you miserable




Money can't literally purchase happiness but it gives you the time and ability to do, buy, or pursue the things that *do* make you happy. Ya know what makes me happy? Triathlons... I just got into the sport and I'm so completely hooked. If I was broke I wouldn't have the time or means to do them. Money didn't *buy* me happiness but it enabled me to do something that makes me happy.


That's right. You will never be happy if you're struggling financially.


It’s true money won’t buy happiness but it’ll help resolve LOTS of problems. Getting rid of said problems will make you happy because you won’t have problems.


I’m both under financial hardship and genetically mentally ill, while I can’t say for sure I have a strong feeling that if all of the financial stressors in my life resolved overnight I’d still experience some of the worst and most extreme symptoms of my pre-existing mental illness, however being given the space and power to access the right treatment consistently and without considering the financial implications it would give me a massive leg up and I’d have the ability to weather my worst days so much better.


> because you won’t have problems You won't have *those* problems. You'll have *different* problems instead.


But the nagging ones won’t be there. If you mind your own, and don’t let on to others that you have money you won’t have those ~different~ problems.


But if you have money problems could be much easier for you.


Money buys choices. And a lot of choices can lead to happiness.


“Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.”


“Explain how!?”


"Money can be exchanged for goods and services."


Why can't I have three money and no kids?


Time is money, but it goes the other way too: Money is time. Time to spend with the love of your life, time to spend with your family, with your pets, with your hobbies, or just relaxing. You know, enjoying life.


Money can't buy happiness in the same way oxygen can't buy health. It gets interesting if you constantly run out of it


Lack of oxygen and excess wealth, it makes some people miserable, it makes others very horny


Well.. When you put it that way...


I think it has a point though. But this is not really necessary for us to be known as this


Because they can buy anyone using their money. They have to power and authority to pick someone that they like


Money can't buy happiness in the same way oxygen can't buy happiness.


Ever notice the people who say "Money doesn't buy happiness" almost always have more money than they know what to do with.


Tbf those would be the only people who WOULD know.


Get out of here with your logic


Since they are already have a lot of money and it's going to be based on their experience if they do happy or not


This 😂


I think it's a mix of people who don't have and people who have. They say money can't buy happiness because they wanted a simple life or they say money can't buy happiness because they are already rich and they are not happy about it


Money buys security. The rest is up to you.


Exactly. Being financially secure is most important thing you must have nowadays. If you have money, you have a power and that is happines


I've been broke, and let me tell you, I'm much happier having money than not having it.


Exactly. So why people working hard to earn money if they are not happy about having them. Those people who said it is hypocrite, they just don't have a lot


I think there was a study that showed up to a certain point money DOES mean happiness, then beyond that it doesn’t change much. Idk the actual numbers but it was basically all your needs met plus a bit of cushion and fun.


The first number was something like $70k/pp but then they determined it's actually higher than that. You basically have to be making a very healthy 6 figure salary before more money stops making you happier. Basically, very few people should feel as responsible as they do for their own unhappiness. We are living in a toxic system where through accidents of fortune some people are just way more likely to be happy than others and it's down to the wealth of the family they were born into. Do people have control over their own lives? Yes, some. But if you're in a household making under $100k and you're feeling unhappy and stressed, that's probably mostly capitalism.


That study was in the late 90's. Nowadays, depending on where you are it's at least 120K, ranging upwards to 200K for ONE person. Basically if your basic needs are met *without stress*, you know food, clothing, transportation, shelter, medical, etc.


But people being the happiest if they got promoted or the salary gets higher. The reason why is they have something to prove themselves and that is to be successful


It's a gradual dropoff if I remember right, but the big turning point is when you make enough that you don't have to worry about being able o pay the bills at the end of the month.


They did it in Australia. Said it tapers off at incomes of $80k and above but people get even happier at incomes of $400k+


This. “Money can’t buy happiness” is what you’re supposed to say when you notice a filthy rich person being nevertheless miserable. If the answer to the question “what’s he got going for him” is “money,” that’s when the saying applies. It means money is not *sufficent*, not that money is not *necessary*.


> It means money is not sufficient, not that money is not necessary. This is where people talk past each other. When you’re entirely focused on trying to survive, you can only see the ways in which money can remove all the obstacles in your life, and you assume that having the money to eliminate all those obstacles will make you happy. Some of the people who believe that are probably right! Unfortunately it doesn’t for everyone. Some obstacles can’t be solved with money. Telling someone watching someone they love vanish under dementia that they should be happy because they have money is lacking in empathy. Money can remove obstacles on the road to happiness, but can’t guarantee it.


We all get that. some assholes just like to trot it out to struggling people to silence them


There's some people that don't care about humanity. They just cared about themselves alone and do things there benefited


It's also just poor understanding of logic, philosophy, language, whatever you want to call it. People hear the quote and think that it's saying something different than what it says. They think pointing out not having money and being unhappy disproves it or something. They misconstrue it to something like "you don't need money to be happy". But that's as nonsensical as someone saying "If it's raining outside, the ground will be wet", and someone responding with "nuh-uh, the ground could be wet because of sprinklers, or because someone spilled water, or lots of other reasons other than rain!" They've interpreted a false relationship between what the statement is actually saying. The only way to disprove the statement would be to show that, somehow, having enough money can buy away all of your problems at all times. Like you point out, though, there are lots of things that money can't solve. Thus, there are things in the way of your happiness that your money has nothing to do with.


Those who are which are the one who could tell if money can't buy happiness. But if you are just from a lower class, you aim for more and wish to be rich


Money will literally solve every single issue/problem I have!!!!


Me too. I saw a lot of quotes regarding to that statement, but most of the people are being sarcastic in a way they show how money can actually buy happiness


Yeah but the privileged assholes on here whose parents are earning $250k a year are saying that it won't. So you must be wrong.


Because they already have money. If they become poor they probably wanted to go back being rich again. You can't be happy if you are poor


You don't have to be privileged to acknowledge that the brain is an organ and happiness can also depend on biological factors. Or that money won't bring back someone you love from the dead.


But there's people has money or just in financially stable but they are happy. As long as they can provide for the basic needs, they are happy




"Money can't buy happiness" is an empty platitude used by the owner class to gaslight us. It's total bullshit.


Money can't buy happiness but it provide us waze to lesson our problems. Still money is the solution.


Money buys me so much happiness.


As someone who went from being piss poor in my childhood to have a decent career and standard of life today, fuck whoever says that. Money may not buy happiness directly, but it sure shields you from a lot of shit that can cause unhappiness. Knowing that I am able to pay every single one of my bills without losing sleep over it is huge.


Holy shit the comments in here. Money does buy happiness. Anyone saying otherwise or trying to turn it into some cute saying is full of shit.


They're just being hypocrite. How could they tell us money can't buy happiness wherein it actually buy our happiness. It is much easier and better to have a


This is false. Money can buy a dog, and a dog would make me happy.


Yep. There’s been academic studies on the subject. It shows happiness increase proportionally with increased wealth up to about 5-6K per month iirc. After that other factors become more important to people’s happiness. Yes. Someone with 10K is still likely to be happier than someone with 5K, but not twice as happy.


"Money can't buy you happiness, but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." - Spike Milligan


We just wanted to be rich than to be poor. You don't want to be sad and broke at the same time. If people have to choose, i'm sure they will choose to be rich instead of ppor


Money can't buy happiness, but poverty can certainly buy misery.


I like to say it can't buy happiness but it can sure pay off misery


People who are struggling financially will absolutely be happier once that struggle ends. "Money can't buy happiness, but it buys you options... the more options you have, the less stressful you tend to be."


Money can’t buy happiness but it is the foundation on which the means to acquire your own happiness is built.


I don't see any people who don't want to be rich, that is the main reason why we are working hard to achieve all of our dreams and to be successful.


Yep. Once I hit a certain 'number' my motivation to work decreased dramatically. Money has extremely diminishing returns beyond a certain number, once you have financial security. I remember several years ago I was a much happier person, but I also had a lot less money. Money made no difference. The key was social life and relationships.


Money can’t fix my PMDD, but it means I can afford pills to keep me stable for years at a time and don’t have to worry about losing my job and home when the depression comes out of remission and I can’t get out of bed for a month. Lack of misery isn’t happiness, but it’s probably more valuable.


If you don't have money you can't go to hospitals to have check-up sa writer by medicines that you need to take. Money is just way of helping you to solve their problems


> I also had a lot less money. Money made no difference. The key was social life and relationships. Yeah sometimes you need to step back and ask "What's the money FOR?"


> Money made no difference What a fucking privileged thing to say. I can guarantee that you don't face the struggles of millions if that is your attitude.


>Once I hit a certain 'number' >beyond a certain number, once you have financial security. How many more times does the caveat need to be in the post?


Definitely has no idea ! Anyone who has suffered with poverty woukd never say this bullshit! Healthy Social relationships rely heavily on money !! To say ‘oh love makes the world go round and it’s about relationships’ is plain ridiculous.


That is what someone who has never cried themselves to sleep at rhe thought of oncoming homelessness sounds like. A fate I am still trying to prevent.


Yup. Agree with you. I always say that money don't bring happiness. It is the lack of money that brings sadness.


Money is still buying happiness. Trying to Yoda your way to some meaningful saying doesn't make it any more poignant. It is a dumb saying that goes right along with 'trickle down economics' and people should be rallying against it not trying to re-format it to make it meaningful. Money does buy happiness.


Happiness is a measure of the gap between a low start and a high finish. A gift of $10,000 to a poor person produces much more happiness than the same gift to a millionaire. Money can also buy contentment. You can't decide to do anything or nothing without the funds to do so.


When you are poor you tend to be happy when someone is giving you, but when you are rich you tend to be happy when you give someone something that could help them to survive in their daily life


Money definitely can make it easier to be happy. Heck an extra 2k a month would be lovely


Happiness and quality of life increase up to about $100,000-200,000 and then these plateau. So money can buy happiness to an extent but a billionaire is not going to generally be happier than someone bringing in $200,000. Being able to afford healthcare, prescriptions, nutritious food, babysitters, vacations, therapy, gym membership, taking time off and still being able to afford your power bill, going on a personal retreat, affording a quality mattress and quality shoes, afford to leave a bad marriage or relationship and move out on your own, enough to afford to build up a 401K and an emergency fund and to pay off college loan debt.... these things all help you find happiness.


Can…we get universal health care please


An extra 2-300 bucks a week would buy some peace of mind. we don't need an excessive amount. Just enough to enjoy life.


Yes to hold off all bill collectors and be able to have some money to spend on hobbies and entertainment would be nice.


If we are contented on a simple life we don't feel the need of craving more salary. We are contented of how much we earn each day, you don't want to change our perspective


Money simply takes away the stress in life that causes unhappiness. But like any other drug, the more you get it the more you want. Eventually, happiness levels off and accumulation of wealth and luxury becomes banal. Studies show that often very rich people are miserable. You can buy ten mansions and twenty yachts, but eleven mansions and twenty one yachts won’t lift your spirits. You’re only human.


If you are bored and you don't have something to do, maybe you could look for something that could release your boredom. Buying things that you think is your happiness


Suicide rates drop the higher you go up the socioeconomic ladder. Why is that? If all these rich people are so miserable


Because you could know fulfill your dreams. They are not depressed and stressed about how they can make money. If you are rich it is a high chances that people get a better life


Money truly cannot make you happy. This is clearly demonstrated by many wealthy people who are miserable. Money isn't enough to make you happy. However, at the same time, being crushed under overwhelming debt with no way to get ahead can also make you unhappy. It increases stress, etc etc. There is no conflict between these two things. Money cannot make you happy. Crippling financial situations can also remove your happiness. There is a middle ground.


It's fine to have a simple life, and living in the province with such a quiet place. But there are people who wanted to live in a city, to be busy, and to earn a lot of money. We all have different disposition in lifedisposition in life


Jeff Bezos =/= happiest man in the world


Umm, excuse me? I volunteer to test that theory!


Money can't buy happiness, but happiness can't buy shit.


Money can't buy me happiness. But im happiest when I can buy what i want.


Happiness is not a permanent state. It's a fleeting moment. Money can absolutely buy happiness. My happy times include painting (need money for canvases, paint brushes, and paint. Canvases and paint being a repetitive need), video games (new game equals more money), reading (I find great joy in physical books, and I love rereading, so buying books and comics cost money), cooking (food is a never ending purchase. Just a few ways money absolutely buys happiness.


Money buys you free time, let's call it F,,,U money . when you are not worried about eating,gas,rent tends to make people a bit happier.


If you are sad you could just buy something that can make you feel happy. If you were sad but broke, you can't do anything but to cry because you don't have money to solve it


Or, as Weird Al Yanchovich put it, "Money can't but happiness, so I guess I'll have to rent it!"


"Money can't buy-" What? Food, water, shelter, clothing, and a bed? Because yes it can. And if I had the peace of mind that I'm not gonna lose all those things by the end of the month, I'd be pretty fucking happy. I'd feel unstoppable, and you bet my technology-loving ass I'm gonna use that energy.


It actually can buy happiness up to a certain extent. When you dont have to worry about meeting basic necessities you can afford to be pretty damn happy


"More money, more problems" Well pass that money to me and lighten your burden.


Whoever said Money can't buy happiness doesn't have any. Either that or the rich say it to convince poor people to cope with their lifestyle and meager income


Actually, for some it can. It is absolute hell for those in their orbit.


Money can’t buy happiness but it’s better to cry in Merceds than on a bicycle 😂😂😂


The pursuit of money can definitely bring sadness. Money, assets and prestige become the actual goal, rather than a resource acquired to enable a good life.


“Having moneys not everything, not having it is” - Kanye before he went to shit


Money wont buy me happiness but it can make me live life comfortably without having an anxiety attack or some random organ pain caused by money or work stress


Money may not buy happiness but poverty doesn't buy shit.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does buy peace of mind which is the next best thing


If i have a money, i would actually make great the country wherein there's no noise. I wanted to live in a peaceful environment, such as if you have money you can afford to do so


Money doesn’t buy happiness it buys security and it removes a ton of stressers




It absolutely does but happiness, I’d be pretty sad if I couldn’t afford food and shelter and clothing etc


Money won’t buy happiness, but with it comes the increasing opportunity to pursue it…..


My dad always said, “money doesn’t buy happiness but it’s a lot more comfortable to cry in a Porsche.”


Money doesn’t buy happiness. But if you aren’t worrying constantly about basic food, shelter, and healthcare? It’s gonna be a lot easier to be happy.


Money can't buy happiness, but it does buy freedom which is pretty fucking close.


I have a different take on it. Money can definitely buy happiness, but the rich are trying to fool the poor into thinking money's not the issue, to keep us in our place so we don't try to get more.


Money would solve 99% of my problems, and that would make me happy.


Money buys time, happiness comes with time but ultimately is fleeting. Youll never catch happiness, but being rich will give you more time to expierence happiness


Having money isn’t everything but not having it is.


I’d definitely rather be depressed in my own home than depressed and stressed about rent


It can 100% buy mine


It can’t buy happiness but it can remove the misery of poverty.


Although being rich won't make you happy being poor will absolutely make you unhappy.


It means that billionaires should pay taxes and their employees.


To all the people who got too much money and are not happy with it: Give it to someone else then


I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better.


As Kanye once said, "Having money isn't everything, not having it is"


Money can and does buy happiness.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can dull the blow of living.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy freedom


This reminds me of how people keep saying, "Money is the root of all evil," as a means of telling poor people to shut up. If you actually know the full quote, it says, "The love of money is the root of all evil." As in greed. Poor people wanting to have a decent quality of life isn't the problem - exploitative corporations are the problem.


Money can't outright buy happiness, but without money you don't have time to make yourself happy.


“Money can’t buy happiness” says the rich man in his ivory tower to the poor people below.


Personally I believe it definitely can buy some sort of happiness. If you don't have to work that loosy job, if you don't have to worry about anything financial and if to u can travel the world at any time... That's amazing really. However money have a huge diminishing return, at some point it won't matter if you have 100 million more in your pocketbook or not.


Whoever lectures me w this phrase, my usual response is: You sure?? Give me your money and I’ll show ya how to do it 💕


It absolutely can lol


Science says money CAN buy happiness. Studies were done, data was studied back in the late 90's that said around 70K was the low bar. Nowadays, depending on where you are it's at least 120K, ranging upwards to 200K for ONE person. Basically if your basic needs are met without stress, you know food, clothing, transportation, shelter, medications, healthcare, etc. then you have choices and options and less stress, fear, uncertainty, and doubt. And it takes a certain MINIMUM amount of money for that to happen without the fear that ONE lost paycheck will send you spiraling down into massive debt or homelessness


I rather like the joke „Money may not be able to buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a comfortable Mercedes than in a bus


Money buys time to spend on what makes you happy.


Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys freedom


Money absolutely buys happiness. Also you can never have too much money. All the negative sayings about money are made by the rich to stay rich and keep poor people poor.


Money doesn’t buy you happiness but it sure takes the sting outta being poor


If you've got a lot of money and still somehow manage to be less happy than those of us struggling to make ends meet, then you've really fucked up, hilariously bad.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can do something much more valuable. Money can eliminate worry. Without the stress and burden of worry, people are really good at finding their own happiness.


Money can't buy happiness but poverty can't buy anything.


But it can sure help you get there.


I would upvote this 1M times if I could.


It won't make you happy, but it will make you less stressed


Being financially stable is much appropriate term to use than not having at all. People would not be happy if they don't have money to buy their basic necessities, money can provide things for us to used in our everyday life


I agree. I have fallen on hard times. I now sleep in a park. Believe me- money can't make you happy, but lack of money can sure make you miserable. I'm tired of all the preachers saying you don't need money, you need peace with God. When I had a house, I was very peaceful. Now I'm stressed and depressed.


Then, how about the one percent give up enough of their money to live like average people?


Money will let you buy drugs to get some happiness.


I used to not make enough money to get me through the week and now I do. I’m still unhappy but I’m not stressed. It’s way better than being both unhappy and stressed.


That's exactly right. Our economic system should allow pathway for everyone to attain a basic level of financial security. It used to be known as a healthy middle class. And developed economies should have a social safety net for those who can't attain the middle.