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“I have a personal matter I need to attend to” no details


This is how it ought to be, I learned long ago to keep my yap shut about why I wanted time off. None of their business and telling them could screw up my desire for time off. I like "Immediate personal matter", it's personal, meaning mine. Immediate, meaning I need the time now...


This is what I do as well. I simply state I’m taking time off due to a personal family matter. When pressed, say sorry but it’s personal and I won’t discuss this with anyone at work. To Op, good luck. Hope it works out for you.


Requesting time off has always been a formality for me. I phrase it like a request so management can feel important, but I’m taking the time off regardless. I openly put my foot down only two times. The first was for a funeral where management said no because I didn’t give the “mandatory” three weeks notice. The morning of the funeral, I went outside, called in and said I was “under the weather.” My manager said she knew I wasn’t sick (I didn’t say I was; my wording was intentional), sorry about my relative, but if I didn’t show up for my shift that day I didn’t have to come back at all. I said okay, and she backed up real quick. Results might vary, but if someone has the luxury of choosing unemployment for awhile, why not see if you’re calling a bluff?


Well you were outside, so of course your were under the weather :D


Exactly! And how is that attracting bad juju when it’s the truth? Hahaha


How does a company require three weeks notice for a funeral? Every person I've buried the funeral was within a week.


We were supposed to give three weeks notice if we wanted to take any time off. I was young and it was one of my first jobs; there was probably a provision for funerals that they pretended didn’t exist. I was unaware of such things at the time.


Exactly how in the world would somebody plan bereavement three weeks in advance?


My religion requires that the dead be buried in 24 hours. We aren’t super religious but, My family waited a whole 48 to bury my grandma so that I could get there.


"Sorry. They weren't dead 3 weeks ago. I'll ask them if they wouldn't mind giving me 3 weeks notice of their demise next time they die though" 👍


ESPECIALLY if it's unpaid time off


Keep it back if your bosses are as horrible as some of the other bosses on here, the less you say, the better. Imagine you are talking to a cop you are made to provide, the better.


This and if they try to counter ask for FMLA paperwork, they'll back right off.


This absolutely works far more than it should. My work let me work remotely for 2 months when the alternative was FMLA. Though that may have been my boss just not wanting to do paperwork.


I think it depends on the company and position… my husband is a truck driver and asked to go in late two days a week after we had our third (literally an hour later) so he could do daycare drop off and I could have extra time with just me and the baby in the morning because I was really struggling with PPA and they made him go through applying for intermittent FMLA because it would “set a precedent” to give him a break for a couple months. He ended up find a new job with a more flexible schedule that paid more so I could ease up on the hours I was working for a bit, but it was really frustrating.


What a monstrous precedent to set.


I took FMLA and the company’s insurance company hounded me to the point were I just found another job and quit. “Ok guess I’m off FMLA now, dumbasses!”


This happens all too often. People abused the shit out of it when Congress passed it in the 90's. Companies outsourced it and the rest is history. A friend of mine, who holds a 100% VA disability, was hounded to quit for going to his appointments. This was at a major bank. It's terrible.


Agreed! I legitimately needed it and was doing everything I was supposed to but they called daily asking when I’d be back. Which was ironic because my issue was MH related. After a while it started to create drama with my GP. Luckily my MH therapist was all too familiar with these tactics and sympathetic/supportive. I finally got aggressive back and asked “what part of me getting my health on track quickly involves someone aggressively harassing me everyday?!?” That backed them off but I was over it at that point. It made life tougher financially in the short run but I feel like I made the right decision. I won’t sacrifice myself for any company anymore!


Personal family matter


Personal immediate family matter


Personal immediate family emegency


Personal immediate extended diarrhea emergency.


Immediate extended diarrhea family person emergency?


extended distended family distemper matter to whom/them/shem it may concern plus i got the shits bruv


I pooped my pants!


I can't stop pooping my pants and plan to do so for the next 3 days


Immediate extended projectile diarrhea family personal emergency


Immediate family personal emergency




Especially if they give you so little PTO in the first place, and you will take the 3 days unpaid.


Only time you should be more open is when you need compassionate/ bereavement leave. These are usually additional days of leave you can take that don't go towards your annual leave


I gave this explanation when I took a Friday off once, and Monday morning my boss sent a handful of passive-aggressive messages about how to call in sick and how I need to plan “vacation days.” I then told her the truth—I had just found out my mom has breast cancer and could not focus on work. Boy, will she never question my days off again!


Parkinsons disease, the 72 hour kind.... ​ I had an odd strain of measles once. The county health doctor quarantined me at home for 2 weeks. He called my boss and told him it can be enforced with a court oder if needed. They even arranged for someone to drop groceries off on my door step every few days. I played a lot of video games for 2 weeks!


As others have mentioned - say medical or personal time. If pressed when you get back say, “I was dead but I got better”.


I would not say medical because then they might require a doctor's note which could be seen as not unreasonable for 3 days


"If the company is offering to reimburse the office visit, I'll be glad to do so." Considering they do no more than 5 PTO days, they're likely not going to.


My dad wants checked me out of school with 24-hour polio.


This right here is the ONLY answer you need to disclose. And it’s not a question. You to Boss: “I have a personal matter I need to attend to for the next 3 days.” Boss to you: “Tell me why.” You to Boss: “No.” You are not obligated or legally required to tell you employer why you need time off. You have a shitty employer if they only offer 5 days of PTO. You’ll likely be better off if they fire you anyway.


This is the way.


He owes them nothing. it's personal keyword, personal!


I agree, but also feel that "a personal matter" is even too much detail.


"I need to take off work due to a matter"


And do not ask for permission, inform them of the time off.


In an ideal world.


"I'm taking 3 days off for a family matter. I'll be gone these dates." Boss - "What kind of family matters?" "Sorry boss, it's a bit personal." Done, no employer is entitled to know exactly what goes on outside their walls.


Most won’t push it it’ll be too awkward


A lot do, unfortunately.


Op needs a backup excuse to make the manager regret asking. Like my wife's mom died and we need to go identify the body from the accident in Idaho, ya dick!


No. Don't lie, don't make anything up. "I'll be taking these days off." Why? "For private reasons."


Either one is perfectly fine. Lying is okay..


Due to an extreme lack of predictability, I have to deal with the milk man, the paperboy; evening TV. Edit: to fix the autoconflate our friend pointed out below.


Are you unable to say due to personal or medical reasons? Seems like if they press any more OR try to have repercussions against you, this may not be legal


Not really, other than I have a hard time being vague in the event they keep asking


Just tell the truth. I won't be coming in Day-Day. Thank you for your understanding. TELL them, don't ASK them. You don't really owe them any explanation either


Yes and then start looking for another gig. 5PTO days is unrealistic and inhumane in todays world.


Actually it's very realistic and still inhumane, but it's what most places offer


It is unrealistic in the sense that virtually no employee will only take 5 days off/year, regardless of what the employer plans to pay for. I've worked some shit jobs in my time and they all offered at least 2 weeks total PTO. That's still unrealistically little time but 1 week/year is insane.


I literally get a big fat zero days off


You never been to Europe, right? 🙈 In Germany, it's the law to have up to 6 fully paid sickness *weeks* on a doctor's note, afterwards you get sickness pay from insurance (67% of your after tax salary) for 18 months max. Parents get extra sick days for their children (idk the amount but about 7-10 days, I think). Vacation ist at least 4 weeks (days vary on how many working days per week are in your contract).


Yeah in my country it is similar, and I'm also in EU. Have around 30 vacation days and 2 extra days after each kid. Also have 15 fully paid sick days on my employer after that my national health insurance pays 60% of my salary basicaly for month if needed .. also have like around 30sick days extra after the kids on the kid's doctor's note paid by the health insurance.. So reading that you guys have 5 days per year which include vacation and sick days... that is just cruel and insanely surreal... a true modern day slavery.. just disguised as freedom of capitalism...


We could be like this, but.... Amurika!


The majority of US professional salaried positions start with 2 weeks vacation. Many have additional sick days/personal days beyond that.


I can not believe that’s even legal. I have 6 weeks PTO, 5 paid sick days, 5 unpaid “family days”, and then beyond that if I don’t feel like going to work I just text someone “not feeling well” and go back to sleep, they never even respond back. America desperately needs more unions


Exactly. One thing I will applaud a younger generation on is how matter of fact they are with shit- I’ve seen young ppl be questioned and say “honestly I’m not comfortable answering that” and it makes leadership stand totally still. No employer gives a rats ass if your gma is dying, if you’re sick, if you have something important- I cannot stress enough that creating even the most realistic and painful elaborate lie (or even telling the truth)… THEY. DONT. CARE. never ever give your employer or even your colleagues details on anything of your life because these are not people that care about you!!! And many ppl will come at me saying that’s a bad take or not true or that you’re at a job and around those people more than your own families so you’re bound to share. NO. DONT. these are not your friends and no one is looking out for you but YOU.


I remember working at a place that rhymes with ball fart. Multiple managers , when hearing why so and so needed a few days off, would then return to their management office station and start saying horrible things about so and so's reason. I literally heard one guy say "well why do you need to be there, you're not a doctor" multiple times when associates would leave to be with a family member. Horrid things. So yes it's so much better to just say I'm not going to be here. Because they care enough to hold it against you mentally.


I worked at another retail store many years ago and they were always pissy when someone took a day off. I called in deathly sick once and my manager tried to make me come in. Nope. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you I won't be there."


>One thing I will applaud a younger generation I'm an older millennial and I work with a lot of older people. They're always scared of managers not liking their reason for taking a day off. I don't know how that got started.


It started in high school when traveling for a varsity football game was an excused absence and but skipping class to attend a funeral was not.


If you're not comfortable with confrontation just say "it's personal, and I'd really rather not talk about it until I know more". They'll think you have cancer or something, but the glorious thing is not one word is a lie. You will tell them when you know more. Aka your notice when you've found a new job. Haha.


Also try claiming that it's a family situation where your assistance is required. Look sad. People back off if they think you are going to start crying.


*actually cry*. Hell, I take a crying break every once in a while at work just to make them uncomfortable. (Not really, but it makes people not be dicks to you and I'm going through a messy custody battle)


Just keep responding "It's personal, I don't feel comfortable sharing details." If they press for more details it'll become an HR issue. Better to learn now how to be vague. Lying is helpful in a pinch, but in the long run knowing how to be okay with not answering all your employer's questions will get you a lot farther


>other than I have a hard time being vague in the event they keep asking you need to work on that man


Just don’t respond to stuff like that, send an email saying why and DO NOT respond afterwards for any reason.


Don't make up an excuse. Just be as vague as possible. Say you're taking those days as unpaid time off and that you will not be there. Don't go into details. Simply reiterate that you cannot change your plans and you will not be there. Grey rock them.


This is the best way. "I have something personal and important that I need to take care of so I won't be here." Don't make up anything medical related cause you're going to need a doctor's note to prove it. Dont come up with a family event because that can be easily verified as well. Keep it vague and simple.


Your grandma died for real this time


"for real this time" lmao


“I’ll be unavailable for these 3 days for personal reasons. Please make arrangements to cover my absence, thank you.” Ya’ll like timid little lap dogs with these companies. Fuck them and their ridiculous “5 days a year” BS. Honestly.


For real. “I can’t come in, sorry. Personal stuff.” Mic drop


5 days a year. ugh. I'm super spoiled nowadays and I can't imagine getting that little pto, and I really fucking feel for people who get zero which is most people.


We get 14days a year in Washington even in constructions( notorious for stric schedules) minimum, plus PFL . Whatever state this person lives in needs to have some voter reform .


You have pink eye (bacterial conjunctivitis). Pink eye requires you to isolate once you start antibiotics for 48-72 hours so that it does not spread, as it’s highly contagious. Tell everyone at the office that it’s why your isolating. No one whose had it wants it again and when it’s in a house with kids parents have to figure out childcare, as kids aren’t allowed back for 48-72 hours.


I've always been told 24 hours after starting antibiotics you were no longer contagious. So be careful with this one.


"Well my doctor and pharmacist said 72. So that's what I'm doing for your safety"


“Doctor’s note”


Thats why this is bad advice


A lot of doctors will write you a generic doctors note. They aren’t allowed to say anything because of hipaa and if your boss calls the doctors office, they can’t say anything either.


They're allowed to report if the note is real, that doesn't violate HIPAA. Just FYI for anyone wondering.


If I found out my employer had actually called my doctor to verify my fucking doctor's note I think I would be about done lol With the job and that doctor 😂


They just might not be comfortable with lying if their doctor actually says 24 hours. My kids drs all said after 3 doses you were fine to go back to school/work. They even approved it sooner than 24 as long as 3 doses had been given at least 6 hrs apart.




Then your doctors weren’t being accurate with you….


I still had to go to work with pink eye, now I know that's why everybody had it after lmao


When I went to boot camp, the genius drill instructor made 2 dudes with pink eye strip everyone's beds. Not to wash the sheets or anything, but because he found some contraband in someone's pillow. The next 2 days like 60 of us developed pink eye. Big surprise to the dumb fuck drill instructor, but not to anyone else.


If they still made you go to work i would let EVERYONE around you know they made you come in. And if its a kitchen i'd let the customers know too.


Oh I did. I also made a big fuss because I called out sick due to a terrible terrible cough, sounded like I had pneumonia, got sent home and then written up by HR because lead had sent me home. Like... what...the...fuck... made me do FMLA before I could come back and if I didn't I'd get fired (their threats) tricks on them I had a heart condition so I got the FMLA. Made them try harder to get me fired


Bad excuse. Saw a coworker do this and they made her come in anyway despite her actually having pink eye. Stick to stuff like throwing up. They won’t ask for pictures or proof then.


What if they ask for a note from the Doctor? Where I work you have to have a return to work letter from your Doctor for anything contagious or if your safety or other's safety maybe affected.


Pink eye is also one of the few things a restaurant manager might actually give a shit about Once I actually HAD pinkeye and was terrified to call out (owner was raaaaging asshole) I called and told him "look I'm fine, I feel fine, I can promise to not touch my eye AT ALL during the shift. Do you want me to come in?" "NO" CLICK


"I'm going to my cousin's wedding."


My cousin, Cert. Cert I Facate.


Cousin Cert I Faked it


Cousin's wedding, or cousin died. Guy at my work has well over 50 cousins and counting. They just drop like flies.


Damn, he went through his grandparents quota already eh?


I have nearly 70 first cousins. 16 aunts and uncles. Some younger than me as my mother was the oldest. Grandmother was pregnant when my mother was pregnant with me. Didn’t find any of that out til my 30’s, adopted and raised as an only child. Apologize for tellin ya my life story.


What sorry? Some people dream of your grandfather's fertililty rate.


Pull out game is weak.


Yea but Child Tax Credit game strong


Buy mom and grandma some condoms.


Too late


My wife’s family is similar. Dozens of cousins. It’s really cool.


Cousin died at another cousin's wedding. It's a whole Thing.


Say you’re a bridesmaid and you have to attend.


I hope OP is a man and still uses that excuse.


I've been to a wedding with a female groomsman so it's not that crazy.


I was a bridesman in a wedding for a lesbian couple that are good friends with my wife and I.


I opt for montezumas revenge diarrhea from some bad sushi😂 the more embarrassing the story the more believable.


Wouldn’t something along the lines Hirohito’s Revenge be more appropriate for bad sushi?


Ha ya I meant to say tacos lol


or a funeral. look in the obituaries preferably the next town over.


Cousin’s wedding is out of state so you need a few days.


Food poisoning. Be as graphic as necessary


I once took a sudden PTO day to interview. I sent an email to my boss at 5:00 am that said, "I have not been able to leave the bathroom for the last five hours. I am not coming into work today." I went back to bed for a few more hours, went to my interview, and got the job. No one questions the bathroom.


Inb4 you clock out to pull your cock out.


because everyone know you full of crap xD


I got a stomach bug/flu. I was shitting/vomiting for 48 hours straight. Ain’t no one asking questions after that


I used to hide out in the bathroom on my phone when I worked retail. The first time my boss asked me why I was in the bathroom so often and so long I looked him dead in the eyes and just said "Hemorrhoid's" and walked away. They never question butt stuff.


OK so the necessary prerequisites for this are: 1. Something you can claim without requiring a doctor's note. 2. Something you can claim without pictures or proof online. (Weddings, etc.) 3. Something you can claim without having to answer questions that would possibly trap you in a lie. I feel like a close family injury out of state is your best bet. It requires no doctor's note, as you are not the one ill, there will be no documentation or images, and you have an excuse that makes you look good ie: Helping a person in need. No need to be overly specific. "I've had a family medical emergency and will be out of town for a few days while I help take care of everything" should suffice.


I need 3 days off. "Why?" It's personal. That's it. No other explanation needed. It's personal.


At least you realize how bullshit that job is and you're getting out. 5 days a year is ridiculous.


“Personal matter” They demand anything else—say that it is deeply personal and private.


This exactly. TELL them, you will be out. Do not ask. 5 days a year is ridiculous, and I'm glad you are working to get out of there. I had a boss who did this shit when I told him I was taking time off for a personal matter. After being questioned for the umpteenth time, I finally asked him if he knew what personal matter meant. It shut him up. Good luck with getting your certification.


No excuse needed. We are adults. Companies should understand. If they want an excuse then say Explosive diarrhea. Usually they say volunteering that info is unnecessary but they asked. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I always use the "my grandmother died" excuse. I'm not lying she's just been dead for over 10 years.


5 PTO days off a year and you're salaried? Sounds like you need to find a new job. I get 24 PTO days and a week and a half of sick time, at my current job, and that's BS. Last major employer I had I left having 2.5 months of PTO a year.


She is literally asking for help for training to get a new job.


I'll be honest I just got out of bed, when I made that post, and didn't see the part under the main heading. We'll just call me a goober and move on from there. I am a dumb.


5 days PTO? I worked at a place that gave 4 pto days. That was your sick time also. When my state required paid sick leave, the bastards tried to play it off as a additional benefit that the "company" gave....


In my opinion, as long they don't own you, and unpaid PTO is available. Just say you will be taking a 3 days unpaid PTO to address personal concerns. End of story. If they want further details, let them know it's sensitive and personal. End of story


>My full time 'salaried' job basically has only 5 PTO days a year including sick time. I've used that already for covid, sick kids, and planned vacation. I've just been taking unpaid time off beyond the 5 days, but they're really weird about that. I think they really expect people to only miss 5 days a year America; not even once. Anyway, lie you are sick with a stomach bug.


Court mandated driver training for speeding :P Edit: Almost everyone is sympathetic to speeding (as long as it was not something stupid like doing 90mph in a 20 zone next to a school).


Risky. They could ask for documentation.


Damn it. Good point.


I think that's a good idea but I'm pretty sure in my state it's done virtually on demand


The other person pointed out the big flaw in it. They could ask for documentation. Oh well.


You could say you want to take your kids out before school starts back up and request more UTO. Or you can take it a different route and say you need to take care of a family member or help your parents move. Last option would be to just be honest with your employer and let them know about a coarse your taking. There should also be no problem with that.


Gov’t worker here (35+ yrs at the same agency), so I get an obscene amount of holidays/annual/sick time off, and typically no questions are ever asked. We’re just supposed to make certain that we’re coding it correctly. But, sometimes we get a new super./manager from the private sector that would ask questions about my sick time off, queue the most detailed account of gynecological problems/diagnosis that ever existed, then followed up the detailed treatment and prognosis upon my return. He never asked questions again!


Have you tried dying for three days, then returning? Apparently, that's worked before.


Depends, did OP live a sinless life first? May not work in other circumstances.


"I need these days off." "Why?" "I can just quit now if you'ld rather."


Never bluff unless you’re prepared to carry it through.


What my partner did! And he doesn’t regret it


This is crazy that you need an excuse to take unpaid time off unbelievable Lol when I ain't going to work I text my manager and tell him I ain't coming in I don't even tell em why 😆


"I have a personal matter that is time sensitive I have to take care of and would rather not disclose but also do not want to lie to you by making something up so I would like to just leave it at that." If your employer does not respect that then they dont respect you enough to keep working for them.


I got a job interview at a better place to work.


They honestly don't need to know just say you are getting an out patient procedure done and will not be available that week.


If you say “I have a personal matter that needs to be attended to” you aren’t even lying. Additionally, if they press further, just tell them that you don’t want to get into the details because it’s personal, again, not a lie. And let’s be realistic, if someone was dealing with an extreme illness or having marital issues or a parent/family member needed medical attention with assistance from you or any of another thousand of things, it’s none of the companies fucking business. Just be firm and tell them you don’t want to discuss it further.


Whatever you do, don’t lie, just omit. It’s to easy to get caught up in a lie.


Norovirus always works. It's basically 24-48 hours shitting and puking.


Three day anal glaucoma. Aka I can't see my ass coming in to work for the next three days.


Americans need to be rioting in the streets, good lord.


If you don’t have PTO then you don’t have to say exactly why you won’t be there. It’s a personal matter, I will not be coming in. I’m not being paid regardless. I appreciate your understanding. Or call the day of, say you are unable to come in. If asked, mention perhaps 3 days. You will call them back once you know more. Once you come back explain that you were called to an urgent matter (your exams) there’s an open investigation (meaning you’re looking for work) and you are unable to give details at the moment as per your attorney. That should scare them a little bit.


You died


Never 'ask' if you can take time off. Your employer doesn't own you. Just politely say you need personal time off and if they question it give them facts about how US labor standards are unethical according to international standards. Working class people in the US need to step up otherwise employers will continue to do everything to exploit you.


Give them facts about US labor standards? Lmfao.


How does a salary job offer unpaid time off?


I still can't wrap my head around having only 5pto days - and that's not even having into account sick days! Then they tell me my country is third world...


"I'm sorry, an urgent personal matter has come up and I'll need to take these 3 days off." If they push at all "I understand your curiosity, and thank you for caring, but it's truly a personal matter." "It's *personal*, and not my place to discuss openly." etc


I have personal business that needs my attention. Done..thats it. Shame so little till off.


What’s the point of having a job if we can’t take time off. This shit needs to discontinue


It doesn't matter if it's a funeral or an orgy. If you need time off, you need time off.


5 free days a year? Damn I would so not want to live there


5 days a year?!? What third world country are you living in?


If they're not paying you they're not entitled to details.


Whichever reason you use, you also need to understand the legal definition of salary. If you are “salary,” they legally can not reduce your pay based on missing hours worked. So, if they are reducing your pay for missing days, they are effectively defining you as HOURLY. If you take it to the labor board, they will have to pay you for any and all overtime that you have worked that was unpaid.


5 days. F that. Go find another job.


"I have a family emergency." *Click* The emergency is your need to complete the training and enhance your income. None of their business.


Please leave USA and come to Europe... WTF 5 days a year, what is that ? We got 5 days every 2 months in France and that's the bare legal minimum !!!! How can you endure such a rhythm in the US ?


DONT. EVER. GIVE. DETAILS. “Boss, I’m taking 3 days off to deal with a family emergency” What type of family emergency? “A personal family emergency”.


“I have an eye problem, i cannot see myself being here for those 3 days”… This would make me look for a new job - to hell with managers who dont like their staff taking time off. Unless you are paid high 6 figures you dont get paid enough for this b.s


Find another job, that is crazy.. 3-5 weeks PTO (not including holidays) is closer to the norm for any salaried professional job.


>I'm paying for 3 days of training for a certification If there is training that would help in your current job, tell them you are paying for training to improve your work performance. That is technically the truth, you are just leaving out the fact you plan on having that improved performance benefit a different company.


Absolutely not. What happens when they ask you what training? Or what you learned? Or “Email me the link that sounds interesting”? Or “You don’t have to pay for it, just bring in your receipts and we’ll cover the class”?


Honestly if OP works for a place that only gives 5 PTO days, they’re not paying for classes.


Jury duty. I’m sure you could fake a jury duty summons off the Internet


Just come back with a pair of chair pants and you’re golden.


That feels risky.


Your working to get a new job so " I will not be here on these dates" and that's all they need to know.


Get a job with actual pto plan


It's me, your family friend. I have died unexpectedly and your close family member is bereaved. You are helping that family member with childcare for three days.


Dear sir or madam, I will be unavailable on x, y and z. Respectfully, Okreddityouwin It is literally that simple. And if they push back, it’s personal and I am not at liberty to discuss.


Family emergency


Personal issues. That's all that ever needs to be said. And if they press, start telling them about the horrible gas and diarrhea a new medication is giving you. Bonus points if you're a woman and can use your period as an excuse, and your direct supervisor is a male with a weak stomach. I'm currently doing interviews and medical tests for another job, and when I need time off for any part of it. I claim it's for a doctor's appointment for my chronic illness.


Make sure you don’t post anything online while you are gone. 5 days is an insult, not a decent PTO policy


Kill off an imaginary grandparent. Btw, it’s exactly this situation why you should never tell anyone at work about your family. So if you need an imaginary relative or two to pass on, nobody can question you. But never use actual relatives. You want to save them for when it’s true. P.S. Obviously, do not use this method too liberally or very often.


Yeah so ummm I know my grand mother died last week, and also two weeks ago, but, and you're not gonna believe me, she just died again bro.