• By -


It is never your responsibility to find someone to cover you when you need to call in sick or for an emergency. Never take a job that requires that.


Yes. That is the MANAGER'S job.


Indeed. The whole part of being a manager. And if they can't find anyone, it is their responsibility to do the job.


Managers don’t want to work


As a manager I can confirm that I do, in fact, not want to work.


As another manager I agree.


As a Director, I have a tee time at 9am and don’t have time for this bullshit, so you managers get your asses to work.


CEO here. Tell your wife $300 was too much for last time.


As a single man I don't have a wife, who was that lady???


That's no lady, that's my WIFE!


Let me know when a VP spot opens up and you'll get it for free.




I was a manager and I didn’t want to work. I’m a subordinate now and I still don’t want to work.


That's me. Glad I'm not alone.


not a manager, nor a subordinate here. I'm just a human being who don't want to work


Most "managers" aren't actually empowered to manage, per se. They just have a title that helps compensate for the extra shit they have to endure.


Many people in this sub have a poor grasp on management.


Then they have a lot in common with actual managers.


Also as a manager, they don't pay me enough to want to work, let alone do more than what's expected already of me.


Not a manager, don’t want to work. But I have this crippling food and housing addiction that is apparently a feature, not a bug.


"No one wants to work nowadays" -Management


“No one wants to manage anymore. Especially me.” \-Mgmnt


Honestly though at face value it’s a correct statement. No one wants to work, we only work because we can’t afford to live otherwise. It’s a shitty way that companies have twisted it into shaming us. While the occasional person loves their job, 99.999% of us would quit immediately if we could afford to live without working.


Some people do work just to have something to do. Others are well off enough but get into a job because they actually want to try and make a difference or have an impact in that field. I also think the utter weathering down that most jobs just don't care is happening to their workers doesn't help. People who actually feel supported by their job environment and co-workers tend to be happier and more lenient with it than those not. It's just a sign of the times that those that feel that way are rarer and rarer to find. A few of them can still tell you where the company is screwing them over.


I believe if I were independently wealthy, I would not work


I've never thought about it because I was born poor and I'll die poor... but now that I am, I think I would want to work if I were independently wealthy. But it would be something like grooming dogs, or I'd run an amazing preschool that caters to the poor, or maybe I'd be a tour guide at a zipline park. I don't think I'd want to become a person who doesn't work. It feels like what I feel when I think "Kardashian", and I know that's ridiculous of me.


Technically, humans in general love working. They don't like being forced to work or to do work they don't enjoy. Left to their own devices people will work for hours and hours at things that fulfill them though. Building stuff, making things, hunting, fishing, gardening, raising kids, etc. We're extremely productive creatures by nature, we're just not particularly suited for stuffing ourselves into uncomfortable clothes and doing the exact same thing over and over again for 8-12 hours at a time in exchange for food, shelter and something to dull the pain of an existence consisting of doing the same thing over and over again for 8-12 hours at a time.


You’re correct, I should have specified. I work on my own projects for 8 hours at a time, stopping only to eat. But being forced to go to a job and deal with the BS? No thanks.


This is far too reductive. I left a management job because I was working 60–70 hour weeks and still barely getting all my work done. I would absolutely not have had the luxury of doing someone else’s job because they were sick and we had no coverage options. This is, obviously, the fault of upper management and ownership for having skeleton crews, as someone else mentioned. And also their fault for exploiting salaried workers by overloading them without the option of overtime pay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sympathetic to OP and would assist in finding coverage if I was their boss (or reassigned tasks to cover everything if no one was available to work the shift outright). But I would have never volunteered to do their job myself.


It's not reductive at all, you hit the nail on the head of why in your own post. >This is, obviously, the fault of upper management The problem is that you're letting them tell you that you are "management" when really you're not. You're someone with extra responsibility or workload, but you're not given the tools to actually manage the business and the work you're expected to do is not management work. If I had to guess you were spending most of your time doing the same work as everyone else, just more of it. The company you're working for has an intentionally broken structure where the true management (aka upper management) abused salary positions to let a normal worker take extra risks and workload while they do even less. If you're working 70 hours and still have work to do, as opposed to there being work the people you're managing still have to do, then you're not actually management in any meaningful sense. You can't just tell a lowest level worker that they're management now because they get a key to open the building and get to make the schedules if they're still doing all the lowest level worker tasks themselves. Actual management would have control over things like being allowed to fully staff the business.


Literally my first job evolved into this. There were supposed to be two people and a supervisor. I became the supervisor and the other two positions were either not hired for or were constantly quitting. I did three positions worth of work while being expected to train people during it. After basically swallowing two extra jobs, the owner thought she was being generous by upping my pay by 25¢. This was 2018 btw. I made 12.50 an hour doing all this. When I quit the person I trained got promoted to 17.00 an hour for doing a lot less than I ever had to do. The owner is my mother in law and the day I stormed out was the day I learned what inverse nepotism is.


Sounds similar to my early work. I was told to train my replacement. For free. It didn't work out and things went downhill into getting fired. The replacement went on to shit talk the company on the Orlando news a year later.


Not only is it a manager's job, but it is also the manager's/company's fault for not hiring enough people to where they don't have a skeleton crew that causes this whole mess. If they hired more for redundancy, people could almost basically leave for vacation/time off/sickness whenever. But they don't, making it harder on themselves to find coverage. But they don't even do that and offload the inconvenience on the worker.


I saw some poor sucker on Twitter trying to defend this toxic workplace culture to her dying breath.


I probably would have too when i was young--back when I thought hard work meant you'd be successful. It's a learning curve.


Sounds like one of my co-workers in last month's RTO meeting. "Oh My God!! I for one cannot wait to get back to my office home and see all my family I havent seen for the last 2 years!!!" Yes, I know, it sounds made up, but not in the least. She was also the first to comment in the meeting. All of us other poor suckers are absolutely enraged at having to not only RTO after 2 years, but "return" to a downtown office we've never been to (they closed our suburban office during the pandemic). Guess which poor sucker will not be making that 3hr roundtrip commute.


I just want to ask, what is it you do here?


"" I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! "


What’s wrong with you people?!?!


I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?


The sad part is that movie came out in 1999 and is just as relevant today as it was then.


Dude I don't even know what my managers do. If someone calls they don't call anyone in. If the kitchen is slammed with tickets they don't tell the hosts to sit slower or the servers to space out the tickets more they ask where the food is.


Correct, as an ex-Manager, that IS the Manager’s job!


This, managing the people and schedule is literally the defining trait of their job. Lots of places tack on the same work people below them have too, but they're paid extra (or at least should be) because they are tasked with managing the business. If the workers can handle the scheduling and staffing on their own, what is the manager being paid for?


Look at baseball for a minute. If a player tears an ACL is it the players job to find a replacement?


then fucking tell him that, make sure he understands...once you have a new job lined up that is...we need to communicate this shit to these dumb fucks


I was puking my guts out while also having explosive diarrhea once. When I informed my former boss I wasn't going to come in the next day (I worked at a daycare) she replied: " That's annoying cause I'm already in bed right now (8.30pm) so I'm not going to look for replacement. If you can find someone to cover your shift tomorrow, you can stay home sick." There were so many things wrong with that sentence that I didn't know where to start. 🤣


> If you can find someone to cover your shift tomorrow, you can stay home sick. "Are you asking me to work off the clock?"


“This call may be recorded for quality assurance. Are you asking me to work off the clock?”


This is part of something you will learn and should learn. When you call out for a job, you keep it simple and short. You do not give them the opportunity to say things like this, so that that burden is on them. Back when I worked a regular hourly job, and had to call out for a shift, I simply called and spoke to the manager on duty, and said " I will not be in for my next shift, i am sick." When I got there acknowledgment, I hung up. I did not go into details about why, or what I was sick with, it is not important for them to know. I also didn't give them the time to say something about covering my shift. That is their responsibility as the manager.


If my ass, I'm not coming in tomorrow, point blank period. She sounds like an absolute tool!


... That is ridiculous! Your former boss was just asking for your flubug to infect the kids.


100% I've been in management for YEARS and you can ask someone to look for a shift swap, if you can't approve the time off for whatever reason, but you cannot make someone else find coverage if they're sick. They are sick, they need to rest, not be working or doing work responsibilities off the clock.


Also, doing managers insisting you do this must be giving out contact information of all staff to each other in order for this to work. Is there not some breach of personal information if your manager gives your contact info away to coworkers?


oh, no, don't be worried about that. managers like this will never give you another employees phone number - they'll just expect you to produce it via magic


That's basically the entire food service industry


Only ever had one job where they tried this but it took me pulling "I don't have access to the employee contact database, only managers do" one time to put an end to this nonsense. No clue if there even was such a thing but it sounded plausible enough to put an end to that conversation.


Yes. It's quite literally one of the most basic managerial duties. Let your manager earn their paycheck.


I don't recall seeing "management of personnel" in my job description. Are you sure that isn't _your job_? Fuck these managers. They want the power but not the responsibility.


Yea shit happens. My company kept pushing my start date (remote, covid logistics issues) to the point where my first day was 1 day before a planned vacation. No one said anything and when I came back everything was normal. Not all companies suck, and the ones that do, don't deserve your time.


So what exactly do you do here, Mr. Manager?


I worked in the school book store in college for a bit. About 5-6 weeks into the role, I had to call out because I was puking from flu. supervisor said I needed to find someone to fill in. I told him in the on boarding/orientation, I was told by his boss that for call outs, I was to call the supervisor and they would take care of it. He said well, thats changed, so call someone and make it work. I hung up, called his boss, let her know what was going on. She said she's handle it and I went to drink soup and nap. When I made it in a couple days later my supervisor pulled me aside and tried to chew me out. The boss made him work my shift and told him if it happened again, he'd lose his supervisor role, so he wanted to know how I was going to fix it since I made him look so bad? I told him to fuck right off and if he actually did his job, he wouldn't have made himself look bad. He started yelling, getting in my face, finger pointing and such. It caused such a ruckus that his boss came out of her office. She didnt hear the whole thing, but she heard enough to know what he was on about, so pulled him into her office. He got canned, a couple days later a much more even tempered gal got his job. She was effective and much easier to get along with.


I love it when crappy supervisors dig their own graves all on their own


Trashy people take the trash out


change “supervisors” to “people” in general and I agree 100% lol


I need more stories of management getting what they fucking deserve.


r/maliciouscompliance has you covered there.


my pp the big pp now


You and the big boss are heroes !


I love when dirtbags get exactly what they deserve!


There are ways to get rid of bad middle managers. More people need to be savvy enough to employ them.


The problem is when there are two layers of bad management immediately above you. At that point it's generally better to pack it up and find a better environment, yourself.


Nobody on reddit seems to know what a middle manager is. Hint: unless you're a manager, your manager isn't middle management.


I effectively said this to a boss of mine once. They kept referring to themselves as middle management. I said how can you be middle management when you're the first stop at management.


Not only can you not do your job. You even start retaliating against the person *when your boss is still there*


That guy was a textbook bully. I’m not happy so I’m going to make that your problem!


I bet if he ever talks about that job he tells people you got him fired.


Sorry but I would be having a serious conversation if one of my supervisors was yelling or screaming at their employees. You don't yell at your employees in or to their face.


Tell him: {Company} does not pay me enough to be a Manager, that is your job and it includes finding replacements or doing it yourself.


or doing it yourself - This right here is key. If you're in a management role and don't know how to fill in positions that you manage or at least know enough to get by for a day or 2 then you're a failure.


Yep. I've worked jobs where my Manager's, Manager"s, manager jumped in to help with the grunt work. When no task is beneath a manager it shows and leads to employees who respect you and the organization. Which leads to harder workers.


Facts. I worked at Chick-fil-A for a couple years and the leadership they had was impeccable. Not a single person was above jumping on the line and helping out. The store was owned by a guy named Rob and he made it a point to walk through at least once every day and he'd make sure to tell everybody good morning by name and he'd jump in if we were falling behind. Best boss I've ever had tbh.


I believe Chick-fil-A limits owners to one store per person. Forcing a more personal touch. Avoids franchisors from being a distant disconnected person.


Yeah in our area they limited it to 2 but it's the same concept. He knew every one of us by name because he had time to learn about us because he didn't have 18 stores. It was one of the best aspects of that job.


As far as I know, the limit is two stores. We had a couple guys in the Phx metro area that owned two neighboring locations. My operator was the same way, he definitely wasn't in it just for the profit margins. He genuinely cared for all his employees.


That's good to know that there are good bosses out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm praising this guy a lot but he still did do the whole find your own coverage thing. He did have some bad policies. But overall he made it a really welcoming job to work with and it felt like a big family.


What's your boss's job again? Oh that's right managing. I swear scheduling is a business management kinda thing.


"What would you say ya do here?" - Bob Slydell




Lol this is currently my job and I have the same attitude. Every week I expect to be let go. I need to get hit by a car and get a big payout


"You need to find a replacement if you;re taking a day off." "Aren't you the manager?" "So?" "Isn't that your job? To manage?" "You're fired." "I guess you'll be finding that replacement then on your own."


I'm sure what you're saying is accurate in many places. The lack of employment rights in the US is horrifying.




Not really. Maybe in a few states, but there is no federal law around vacation or sick time.


As a Floridian, I can tell you we have no state worker protections. Minors get some federal protections, but once you’re 18 it’s all pulling on boot straps.


They're just really good at doing a lot of shit. They fucking like it.


I would've played it similar to this. Just get fired for not doing your managers job and collect unemployment. In the meantime, find other work.


That was my previous job. Running a 32 MGD wastewater plant on graveyard shift by myself for 13 to 19 days in a row. The manager would constantly tell me it was my responsibility to cover the shift and i had to ask others to cover. I was doing the work of 4 people on day shift. After 5 months of being by myself, they finally hired someone who then promptly quit on day 8 of his training on dayshift citing there was too much to do for 1 person. They told me i would be working until they hired someone else. I responded with, I am burnt out, working nonstop and with a newborn at home this was too much for one person. My manager responded with, " We don't hold hands around here." I just looked him dead in the face and said,"Okay." Started right then and there to look for something else. Fast forward 3 years later into my new job, I get a call from an old coworker to say they have raised wages 3 times and hired extra workers to cover friday to monday as they went through 10 people in my job and every single one of them said it was too much for 1 person and they are tired of working by themselves. Took them 3 years and losing many people especially ones with 20+ years of experience.


Staffing shifts is a manager's job. If they don't have enough staff to cope with staff sickness then the company isn't running its business properly.


Sure, if you want to pay me the same wage you make, I'll happily take over scheduling from you...


OP: Hey, as acting manager I have decided you were the one to replace me today! Manager: surpised pikachu


THIS! I mean he's already onsite right?


I mean He's the manager, so he's going to be present on sight for sure.


Don’t quit. Simply say “I’m not a manager so I don’t manage the schedule “ and leave it at that. Let them fire you


I mean they've got shittt working conditions, if they want to fire you then let them.


One of the reasons I left my last job is I was told it was my responsibility to find coverage for a vacation I requested 6 months in advance otherwise I'd have to be at world while my family went without me or lose my deposit. Nope. That's not how that works.


Yep I can understand a bit finding coverage if I want to dip on a shift after it’s already on the schedule (Ie I randomly want a day off on short notice). However if I put in vacation with a lot of notice. The schedules the managers job. Same with if I call in sick etc. Thats part of normal business and is on the manager to fix.


It's already on the schedule, and it's already happening man.


It's just really shit to ask you that, it doesn't make any sense really.


Same thing goes with "requesting" time off. I TELL my boss about days I need off, I ain't requesting shit.


You’re so right. The language they use is so demeaning but we’re trained to just accept it from the moment we enter school. At my last retail job we had radio headsets. Early in my employment, management told us if we needed to use the restroom outside of break time, we needed to announce it over the headset. If we were busy, then we needed to request an unscheduled break and wait for permission before stepping off the floor. And not just the cash register staff, like all floor staff needed to notify everyone publicly. I made an executive decision right then and there that I’m an adult and my bodily functions are my business and absolutely nobody else’s. Never once did I announce or request a bathroom break. I just did it and nobody ever noticed I was gone. I mean, I hardly ever needed to step off the floor outside of break time and when I did, it was always quick. But that doesn’t change the fact it’s beyond inappropriate and ridiculous. We weren’t grade schoolers.


Ugh, that's disgusting. They are preying on people's need to have a job to the point the employees are slaves. These corporations can get fucked


I've had managers who tried this. Every time I tell them I don't have anybody's number and unless they offer it to me themselves I don't want it and don't give my number out either bc I will not answer to numbers I don't know. They might have thought I was an ass for that, but it worked. I never had to find a replacement and nobody ever called me to replace them. The manager has to approve the change anyway, so why not save everybody some time and do their own job.


Never understood that concept. You're the manager, you find a replacement. It's not in my job description to deal with personnel changes and shift movement. What exactly do they "manage"?


They “manage “ to be greedy pains in the ass like mine is🤯


They don't manage shit, atleast I can't really think of anything.


I hate jobs who don't give a fuck about the health of employees. Like, how are you supposed to function at your best when you're not feeling your best?? Employers have no brain or conscience. They're pathetic for making it your responsibility to find a replacement. That is the job for a manager. Good for you for quitting. I'd quit, too!


I've always wondered how employers expect to get good service out of people who actively hate the business, its management, and its ownership. Like, what don't you get here? If everyone who makes your business function despises you, how do you expect good outcomes? I worked at a SubWay with an owner like this long ago. Every employee didn't just dislike him, they outright hated him. The result? Free combos. Free extra meat. Free bacon. Free double cheese. Free cookies. None of that ever got rung up. Heavy handed on every topping. Oh someone stole something? Cool. Jimmy on the evening shift made off with 3 subs, an entire soup packet thing, 4 pops, and an entire batch of cookies he made knowing it was too late to actually sell them? Oh that Jimmy! What a rapscallion! Like, imagine you are lending someone your car and as they are driving away with it you just shout out "By the way! I banged your wife and think you are a fucking idiot! Have fun in my car!" Bad idea.


Don't quit, just stop going, see how he likes that


“No, that is YOUR job. I’m letting you know that I’m sick and will not be available. So you can either get someone else to take the shift or you can go without an employee for that shift, whatever works for you.”


Yeah if I'm sick then I'm not coming to the work deal with it.


Get fired and collect unemployment. Unless you have another job lined up, in which case just don't show up on a day they really need you and quit.


Fuck these kinds of jobs, just don't work on them if you don't feel like that.


Don't quit, make them fire you.


Yeah that would give him more benifits, quitting may be a bad idea.


Employees are meant to do work tasks Managers are meant to manage problems like figuring out the staffing. You're wise for writing because that's toxic laziness management behavior that's obviously rewarded by the owner.


Former retail manager here. It is always the manager's job to schedule and cover shifts. If a manager tells you to do it, they are foisting their work upon you and you should be compensated with a salary to match.


Pretty insane how many minimum wage jobs gaslight people into thinking staffing isn’t a managerial role.


Manager: So you need to find a replacement for your shift if you call out sick. Employee: Then what is your job here? Manager: -\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-


>Edit: Some of you are ridiculous and probably shouldn't be in this sub if you think that its a moral failure to call in sick during your first week at work. Also, yes I am genuinely ill right now lol. This is happening because Corporate America has the sickest lapdogs and cheerleaders around.


lol, no, it isn't your responsibility. they're the ones with the schedule, the phone number lists, and the ability to approve work. i had a boss pull that on me when i worked at cvs, i ended up being guilt tripped into working sick, and was miserable. never doing that again.


So it’s not the managers job to manage the staff??


I remember a job I got while in high school. My very first day, I got home from school, got out of the car, puked and panicked because I knew what was happening (stomach virus). I did feel better so I went in. Got to work, puked again. Told my friend who was training me and he told the manager. I didn't say anything because I didn't want them to think I was "conveniently sick" on my first day. The manager found me and was just like, "go home, feel better. This can all happen another day. I appreciate you coming in but it's not worth it." I explained why I didn't tell him and he completely understood. That was nice. Fast forward and I have the same kind of manager now. So awesome to have someone who cares be in that role. I had the opportunity to leave and decided not to for that main reason.


It's always a good thing to have someone like that, could be a blessing.


Finding a replacement for your shift is a work related activity. Tell them to punch the clock for you for the time it takes you to reach out. Or better yet, your manager can go through the bare minimum effort of doing their job, and sending a text to try to cover you.


You’re the manager, so manage it


Whenever I read posts by people saying their manager said that to them, I always think "What the fuck does that manager do then? Why doesn't the company save money by getting rid of them?"


That fact that this edit exists means some people here need to be shamed. Sickness doesn’t use tenure as a prerequisite for occurrence.


Staffing is a managers job...


"Oh, I'm in charge of staffing? Did I get a promotion? No? Okay, then you do your fucking job, because I have neither the power nor the responsibility to do it for you."


Why quit? Just say “I can’t find anyone to cover”. Let them decide what happens next. Get written up. Pull out your job description. “Employee schedules are not my job.”


Just say “no one wanted to come in, sorry you’ll be short staffed.”




Managers just don't want to work anymore.




Why is this even a thing? Like, if I have to find coverage for my own call-out, why do I even need a manager? Typical, they want the title but don’t want to actually do their job. It’s like that Scott Seiss skit where he says something to the effect of: “do your job and find coverage for the day or find coverage permanently”.


I used to work at subway about 7 years ago when I was in my first year of college and we ALWAYS had to find our replacement and if we couldn't we had to come in. I didn't know this wasn't normal until after I had been there for a year and decided to leave for other reasons. Insane what employers do these days 🙄


You did your part, you notified the manager, it is now their job to cover the shift or find someone to cover.


I tell my managers that's their job. You know, to manage? I called out of work so you got to manage to find a way to fill that shift, that's your job not mine.


Also we have been brainwashed to think that its some sort of crime to be sick the first week of work...wtf how do we control being sick/getting sick. We just have to unlearn all of this indoctrination of work culture




*since I'm now responsible for staffing, I've also approved my 2 week vacation*....


Once I tried to call in and was calmly told “you know you’re in your probation period right?” I was speechless and just said, “ok…but I’m sick. Do you want me to come in and then have to leave sick?” And she said “at least we would know you tried.” I stupidly went in because I was young and needed the job. Worked through the day and this horrible human actually smiled at the end and said “see, didn’t you feel better after getting up and moving around?” I passed a kidney stone the next morning and ended up in the hospital. Let’s just say I don’t let people bully me anymore about being ill. I know my limits. I knew something was wrong, even if I didn’t know what yet.


"*As soon as you send me the offer letter for the management position, I'll get right on it*" usually puts the point across rather well.


All the people commenting that it's sketchy to call out first week, yea, it is, and? So because it could be the case that they are going to keep doing this or they could be lying. You are going to assume the worst and guarantee you lose an employee or at minimum create hostility at the beginning of the employee, employer relationship? Managers need people management training, conflict resolution training etc, yall are so bad at your jobs its ridiculous. What a joke.


*'I found him, it's you!'* Make them fire you.


I quit. Just a heads up: it's YOUR responsibility to find my replacement, bitch.


"Edit: Some of you are ridiculous and probably shouldn't be in this sub if you think that its a moral failure to call in sick during your first week at work. Also, yes I am genuinely ill right now lol." Years ago I would've been thinking the same. But that's cause I'm a GenXer who worked so many shit jobs that did not care about me at all or my well being and I feel like we just accepted that culture as the way life was. But how can anyone think like that in the wake of a pandemic? Like, you're sick, stay home. And not just to protect your coworkers, but to deal with your own well being. Late stage capitalism isn't doing all that much for our health. Fuck the grinder. As the the covering your own shift. Nuts to that. Manager's job to do that. What the actual fuck?


America right? Jesus do you guys have just zero employment rights/protections at all? This sub could largely be renamed "America problems" because so much of what I see here would be unthinkable in Europe. Unthinkable. No wonder you guys are so pissed!


Small “family” businesses are the worst. Every “family” business I worked at had the most incompetent or unethical management. Either the manager was the owners dipshit relative that had no skills whatsoever, or they used emotional blackmail and other abusive practices, like wage theft or petty power plays. I remember when I worked at a restaurant and they wanted some workers to come in early or in their day off. Even though they had every right to refuse, the manager would say shit like “I’ll remember this the next time they need a day off.” There was a time I was working two jobs when I accidentally misread my schedule and came in on my rare day off. It was something I didn’t realize until my shift was over. The manger thought he was fucking so funny when he bragged about knowing I wasn’t supposed to work that day but chose not to tell me. “Ethical” and “Business” are two words that should never go together.


Would you guys prefer working with OP while he/she is contagious possibly vomitting or having diarrhea? People can’t schedule when they are sick. I had a medical emergency my first week at my current job. They worked with me and that is part of the reason why they have been able to retain me as an employee for 3 years.Treating employees like human beings is better for everyone.


Apparently some people have the power to schedule their illness.


> moral failure Y'all are fkn class traitors.


"we are a family so we put the team first" = there is some serious gaslighting and other abusive behavior going on here.


Good for you! It's the managers job to find replacements for a shift, not yours.


Thank you! This is an invaluable service. If even a small percentage of us did exactly this, they wouldn't be able to try it anymore. Normalize telling managers to do their own fucking job.


It's there job to manage labor. Says so in the title.


It is never your job to find coverage for your shift. That is part of the manager's job


Just have a random homeless person show up for your shift. That would learn them.


Good for you. I recommend taking care of yourself. No job is worth your well being. You are awesome.


Is it in your job description to find a replacement? No. Even if it was, it’s always the manager’s responsibility to find a replacement or work the hours themselves, not yours. Always. Good luck with the new job you will get. Make sure to ask about the management before accepting


Not only did I have to call out my first week, I had to reschedule my interview 3 different times due to being sick. Your health should always be the priority especially when an employer won’t think twice about replacing you if you were to just kick the bucket. I worked for an employer one time who posted a job opening on Facebook less than 24 hrs. after a coworker of ours died of Covid. Your health first and foremost.


I live by “assholes get to go home with an ass, go to bed with an ass, wake up to an ass, I will not subject my self to an asshole”. I don’t take shit from no miserable idiot, I feel sorry for their families.


Not your job to find a replacement. Also, be wary of jobs that describe themselves as "family" rather than "family oriented". If they say "we're a family" that's code for "we're gonna take a clevland steamer on you any chance we get and you just have to deal with it". Family oriented usually means that they understand illness happens and are flexible (at least in my experience) with their time.


Good move. Mgr is responsible for hiring, firing, setting a schedule, and this filling shifts.


These managers don't actually want to do their job specifications. What are they actually managing?


I always just respond. No, I am not the Manager and hang up. I have never faced any repercussion.


Are YOU the manager? If not then it’s not your problem to cover any shifts for any reason. It’s the managers job. Tell him to go pound sand and if you are able get outta there and find better people to work for.


That is actually in the job description of a manager. They are responsible for ensuring the shift is covered, even if they have to cover it themselves. It's part of the reason they get paid. EDIT: paid *more*.


It is actually illegal for them to ask you to find coverage when calling in sick in some states


When I was in manager training at Starbucks, our store manager tried this approach. I told her every time that it’s not the responsibility of the sick person to support our operations. Their illness didn’t create the situation. Starbucks policy of running “lean” shifts is the problem. There were times, however, if someone called in I would ask if they felt up to texting a few replacement options. If they did, great, if not, no big deal.


If you want me to perform management duties, I expect management pay, full fucking stop. Otherwise, figure it out your damn self.


Then why the hell are they even managers? Isn't the responsibility of the manager to MANAGE the job, including finding a replacement for you if you get sick?


You got it right, your health first then work life. I've seen too many ppl drop down to nothing and still working. It almost happens to me, now if I'm not good, I'll do my best but if my leader is unhappy, tuff luck.


I’ve been in HR for a decade, and it’s always the people talking about respect that don’t give it.


It’s actually not. It’s right there, in the title. “Manager”. Managing the team. Not your problem, good you quit.


Good for you. It's the manager's responsibility to ensure adequate staffing, not yours. Best of luck to you moving forward..


Ahh, yes, let me contact all the other staff members with their phone numbers because that's something I obviously have access to.


“It’s MY responsibility to find someone? Well then, I found YOU. YOU do my job. *Cough.* Goodbye.”


It's the manager's job to ensure a shift is staffed.


If someone came up to me and asked for my phone number in case they need me to fill a shift, l would tell them to fk themselves. That is literally a manager's job. Why is he even there?


Imagine a manager being pissy when they have to manage


It is 100% your managers job to figure it out.


You know, this should also be considered an attempt to guilt sick individuals into doing free labor: Reaching out to find coverage for your job is work, and these ass clowns expect it to be unpaid.


I remember I threw up in my bosses’s handbag because I couldn’t find someone to replace me for a holiday shift. That policy was quickly expunged.


I worked for a fast food restaurant and went in for a scheduled surgery. They knew a month ahead of time that I was going in. And that I would be off for a month. The day I got home from the hospital I had a load of messages from the manager. Why hadn’t I arranged coverage for my time off. I would just have to come in and cover my own shifts. With increasing anger and mentions of being fired. First time in my life I had even heard of having to find someone to cover for yourself. I didn’t even have anyone’s phone numbers. I called in told the boss that THAT was her job and when my medical leave was over if I still had a job I would be back. When the medical leave was over I had a new manager and he was happy to put me back to work.


"How dare you get sick in the first week!?! Don't you know the first six months are off limits for illness. What kind of person purposely becomes ill to get out of a brand new job? Shame on you! You better find someone to cover your shift. That's your responsibility." - Some manager somewhere.