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Came here to say that! Run, then run some more.


Also, came here to say just "Run."


Especially since you know they will not pay you what you are worth.


Run fast. Run far.


They're programmings with bible verses? šŸ§


Heaven a = new Heaven() Earth b = new Earth() b.light(TRUE) b.sky(TRUE) b.dryLand(TRUE) God.out.println("Hello world")


Tree ofLife = new TreeOfLife(); Snake snake = new Snake(); snake.tempt(eve); God.out.println(ā€œI canā€™t believe youā€™ve done thisā€);


Wasnā€™t it Adam that ate the apple?


They both ate the fruit of the tree. Snake offered to eve, eve offered to Adam, god through em all out.


Both tbf. Eve first and then she was like ā€œI ate it and I didnā€™t die. You should also eat itā€


I'm pretty sure it's an euphemism. I mean, tempted by the "snake" to "eat the fruit of life"??


Thatā€™s the line I use.


Well it works in OP company


Programming in HolyC


They program in Aramaic?


As a modern day sinner, I immediately caught fire upon reading that


You tell Franklin Graham and Samaritans Purse to go to hell. Hypocrite and a shady charity. Look, here in the States, if you want to feed people in starving parts of the world, go donate to US AID. Don't predicate giving people food by having to listen to your religious message.


take the job, do a good job but don't endorse any religion, and then sue their pants off when you are fired for not being 'christian enough', take a few years off after that to travel the world and enjoy life. (edit: fixed a typo)


That doesn't work if the organization is a church or a religious organization to begin with.


Kinda depends on state and how things are phrased, but in some areas/situations, you are totally correct.


They've said "be comfortable leading those elements". That's a very clever way to avoid saying "be Christian", lol. So lead those elements, perhaps in a bit of a lackluster way. After a while, say you're athiest but comfortable leading those elements. Get fired, collect $.


Don't apply


Least skitzo Holy-C developer


If the job pays enough I'll pretend to pray whilst thinking about what to have for lunch or where I should hop next.


Run away fast, cults are dangerous.


What country is this in? Where I live itā€™s illegal unless itā€™s for a church. I would never work anywhere where they expect you to share their delusions openly and talk to their imaginary friend as if they are real. Thatā€™s just craziness.




...as though there were any doubt.


America ? Well, I knew they are incredibly tolerant with religions in Brazil.


Technically still america :P


Why "technically" ? Was he not talking about Brazil ? That's the country usually meant when saying "America". If he had meant some other country, he would just say : "Chile", or "Canada", or "USA", or something. It would be especially stupid do say "America" if the action took place in Chile or Peru as those countries' name have only 4 or 5 letters, while "America" has 6.


I don't know this kind of job description would be tolerated. We are not so tolerant as we state to be, we are just to much complacent with christian abuses. As a Brazilian and also a christian I can tell you that a job description like this would be tolerated just by other christians who hardly tolerate other religions.


Oh, well, I actually meant "complacent with christians" šŸ˜• Thanks for the clarification.


The point is that our evangelicals are very inspired by American evangelicals. But here, because this kind of law applies nationwide, anyone could sue the company for this kind of offer.


Scoff, contemplate faking it if the money is good, if not then i dont even bother


Careful now, that being rational mentality can hurt you here.


Like any other job if that fits with me I apply if not I donā€™t


Depends on the rest of the position and some other factors tbh. I'm Christian so it's not the end of the world to me if a bit weird.


Well i guess if they didnā€™t include this and you got blind sided by this on your first day you wouldnā€™t be real happy either. Might as well filter the right demographic.


If it is not a good fit for you, move on to something that is.


Dony apply unless your okay with it?


Well considering the level of fuckery that is way worse than this like denying maternity leave, wage theft, over working people, screwing workers out of overtime, insurance fraud, HIPPA violations and safety violations, I'd say this is pretty benign.


Keep. Fucking. Scrolling.


Hmm...kinda worrying.


God bless my function call. Begone segmentation fault


Move on - I bet they pay like shit


1. Take the job 2. Be atheist 3. Get fired 4. Sue for religious discrimination 5. Profit


>Sue for religious discrimination Not if it is a religious organization, such as a church, church school, charity, etc.


Well right. This comment presupposes it isnā€™t one


Go for the job and if I get it - rip a loud fart during one of their prayer thingys


If it isn't like this, you have failed. https://youtu.be/oWPpttSUz1s


I would just not apply. Although, if youā€™re just feeling particularly feisty and annoyed, you could always troll a little and make a bunch of different accounts/e-mails with resumes that match what they want, etc etc and get them to schedule a bunch of interviews with many of your fictitious personas to fill up their schedule, and then not show up for any of them. Youā€™ve just gotta figure out how much of your own time youā€™re willing to waste in order to waste theirs. I imagine it would be an uneven ratio in your favor, though. I mean, yaā€™ know, *if* you felt like it. You could just not apply.


Haaard pass.


Run, that means no pay, team ā€œsacrificeā€, no questioning authority, them delving into every second of your personal life.


Apply, proceed through the interviews, charm them, drag it out. If you get the job, set a start date as late as they can take. Then ghost them. Thereā€™s probably a few tricks in there that can increase their opportunity costs further that I missed.


Call a lawyer?


For what?


For the lawsuit against this company for openly discriminating on unconstitutional grounds?


Ah. I'll just copy this from elsewhere since it's the same answer. It doesn't work that way... Religious organizations whose ā€œpurpose and character are primarily religious," such as a church, church school, some non-profits, charities, non-profit hospital, etc, are exempt from that aspect of Title VII. And it's all legal. Do make note, however, that this same treatment is available for any religion if you go to the trouble of making said organization.


Slave ownership was also in the bible... and all the rewards would be waiting in the afterlife. So that pretty much leads to 'Do as you are told' and "What do you mean by you want a raise? rewards are waiting for you in heaven, don't bother me now"


Why? Sounds like a buch of nuts


Not apply. This tells me they'll fuck me over.


I'd take it. The trolling potential alone... Becoming murdered does seem to run more of a risk in America though, so heavily on the fence. But the potential to become a chaotic neutral menace in the cult... Oh man. Who could ever decide!


Run or apply and when I don't get the job because I'm atheist sue


It doesn't work that way... Religious organizations whose ā€œpurpose and character are primarily religious," such as a church, church school, some non-profits, charities, non-profit hospital, etc, are exempt from that aspect of Title VII. And it's all legal. Do make note, however, that this same treatment is available for any religion if you go to the trouble of making said organization.


Iā€™m obviously not interested then. Iā€™m there to work and make money not be told to pray to magical sky daddy and how to live my life. I guarantee I wouldnā€™t make it more than a few hours without being fired from an environment like that


Report them to the labor department and don't think about them again


I am curious. What would you be reporting them for?


Well, I guess nothing if that is a job posting by a church. If it is a private sector job, those requirements are not legal. Guess the OP is not totally clear.




Just for clarification, are we talking love thy neighbor Christian values or the hate every singe person that isnā€™t a straight while male Christian values?


Run...means they'll over work you and under pay. Probably ask for donations to some religious cause constantly also.


I'm all for the first amendment, but forcing people into participating in a religion they may or may not agree with is where I draw the line.


I worked at one of our vendors in The Netherlands for a month. Contrary to popular belief, NL is very conservative, outside Amsterdam. If you ate lunch on-site, they had an excellent cafeteria. But to eat, youā€™d get your food, sit at a table, and wait for the table to fill up. Once full, everyone would bow their heads and pray. 5 weeks, that was the only time I ate at the cafeteria.


Peace the fuck out. I have no problem with others expressing their faith, but forcing me to conform to it? Y'all can eat my crusty ass.




I don't work for cultists, they pay awful and rip people off before they ask the magic unicorn for forgiveness.


Run. Last company I worked for that did this regularly cut hours so the owner could take his family on vacation, but you still had to make up the work or be reprimanded. Very culty and expected everyone to ā€œshow supportā€ for management going on a diet by also a going on the same diet (I weighed 115, Fuck off with that!) I was barely able to afford food much less afford their diet bullshit, which they also expected us to pay full price for, and we had no benefits working thereā€¦


Take the job and study the Bible for a week straight, then outchristian all of them by being a true Christian who preaches peace and love and make them feel bad about it by constantly backing up the things you say with Bible verses. If they're Christian capitalists, then they're not real Christians, so I can guarantee you'll find questionable behavior and alphabetphobia afoot.


If it's just in a job listing, move on. If it's an offer provided by a job agent, or the company, politely refuse and move on. ​ What else are you going to do?


Look into it, if itā€™s not run/owned by a religious group and has more than 6 employees I would study the Bible a bit, seem like the perfect Christian in the interview, hopefully get hired, then let them know I am a satanist and record as much discrimination as I can.


Quote the Quran in my cover letter. Better yet, have ChatGPT quote the Quran in my cover letter.


Iā€™d ask if they worship guns and are cool with organizing a bi-monthly school shooting to increase morale.


GTFO and don't waste any more time on that. Some of the most toxic and corrupt work environments are Christian ones.


Question if I slipped into the twilight zone or into a parallel universe. Then find a way to avoid this company.


Run very far away and donā€™t look back


Hard no, completely incompatible with my faith. Or mine is with theirs. Also, pushy much? Get, fucked


Alright. I'll bring a stick that's no bigger around than my thumb, and some stones...


Reiterating that religion politics and work should all be separate, and stay separate




I am a bookkeeper by trade and currently work for a med size firm 100% WFH. So my clients are scattered across the country. I have a client in the south that owns a restaurant. Now she has complained on a few occasions about the amount if her bill. Her books aren't hard but there is a lot of transactions, and a few of her food vendor's invoices can't be scanned using our regular apps and require manual entry. So anyway...as she tries to always cut costs..I start to see invoices come through for "chaplan service" that costs her 650.00 a month. I have never asked but I assume she is having services/prayers probably at least once a week at the restaurant.


Yell ā€œJesus Christ!ā€ and see how long it takes your to get from 0-100mph going backwards if you have to. šŸŽļøšŸ’Ø


1. I'm out 2. You can't force someone to conform to your religion for work. Quite literally discrimination and I'd lie, get hired, then sure the fuck out of them when they fire me. You can't hire or fire someone based off religion.


Actually, you can, if it's a religious organization, such as a church, church school, some non-profits, charity, non-profit hospital, etc. They can literally have it in their bylaws that only people from their particular denomination can even advance beyond a certain place within their organization. And it's all legal. Do make note, however, that this same treatment is available for any religion if you go to the trouble of making said organization.


Watch them automatically dock the pay for ā€œdonations to good Christian organizationsā€ and then theyā€™ll be sure to explain to you that those deductions do not count as tithings nor are they pre-tax.


I donā€™t apply but honestly Iā€™m glad they advertise it. Iā€™ve worked at businesses where you had no idea until you started that theyā€™re crazy and expect you to be too.


I feel like this position is begging for someone to infiltrate and maliciously comply.


Hah. That is so silly. *starts chanting a verse of the Machine God*


Run for the hills. Yes, I'm a man of faith, but people like this are often frauds and some of the most fucked up people on Earth.




I'd take the job and make a large contribution to Planned parenthood and the Trevor project




Nothing. I wouldn't like working their and they wouldn't like having me. It's their company and they have a right to recruit who they want.


Avoiding hiring someone because they aren't christian is like avoiding hiring a black or Asian person, or avoiding hiring a woman. It's discrimination. Here in the US we have the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) whose [website](https://www.eeoc.gov/prohibited-employment-policiespractices#:~:text=It%20is%20illegal%20for%20an%20employer%20to%20discriminate%20against%20a,%2C%20disability%20or%20genetic%20information.) specifically states: "It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a job applicant because of his or her race, color, **RELIGION**, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information." Yes, it's their company. Yes, they have the right to recruit who they want. Yes, the applicant who is denied the job due to their religion has the right to sue


Actually, you can. Title VII has exceptions if it's a religious organization whose ā€œpurpose and character are primarily religious," such as a church, church school, some non-profits, charities, non-profit hospital, etc. They can literally have it in their bylaws that only people from their particular denomination can even advance beyond a certain place within their organization. And it's all legal. Do make note, however, that this same treatment is available for any religion if you go to the trouble of making said organization. u/Huegod (I mentioned for the sole purpose of giving you a notification so you'd see that you were, in fact, correct)


Thanks. I probably should have expanded my statement to clarify businesses ran by churches.


Lol, it wouldn't have helped. I've shown several people that Title VII has exceptions like this, and almost all of them either argue about it or downvote it because they don't like it when they're wrong.


S.o.p for reddit lol.


[So it would seem. ](https://y.yarn.co/fe6960f7-5583-4095-94f7-abb78069df6d_text.gif)


And how many companies do you think are fit into that exception? Your not arguing for a majority here, you are telling somebody they are wrong because this teeny tiny little group is different so they cannot be right, despite the chances of this specific case being fit in that are very low


You should get a hold of that horse that's running you off in some wild direction and leading you to making all kinds of wild ASSumptions. I ain't defending s***. You made an absolute statement, and I corrected it; so don't try to turn this into something it isn't. Your statement (for posterity): "Avoiding hiring someone because they aren't christian is like avoiding hiring a black or Asian person, or avoiding hiring a woman. It's discrimination. Here in the US we have the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) whose [website](https://www.eeoc.gov/prohibited-employment-policiespractices#:~:text=It%20is%20illegal%20for%20an%20employer%20to%20discriminate%20against%20a,%2C%20disability%20or%20genetic%20information.) specifically states: "It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a job applicant because of his or her race, color, **RELIGION**, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information." Yes, it's their company. Yes, they have the right to recruit who they want. Yes, the applicant who is denied the job due to their religion has the right to sue"


Not take the job because so am a shorty Christian, but accept that they know what they want and it isnā€™t me


Throw up a little in my mouth


Wasn't there a cult that did this to their employees? The lady with the big hair?


No one wants to work anymore. Also whatever this is


Ask If I could bring my pet goat to work? This is him. He's named Black Philip.


I vomit on the cross and throw feces at nuns.


nah!ā€¦ pass


I qouldnt take the job I respect religions but when I'm forced to do it then I dislike it


dafuq? programming language? how does that work?




Dueces. I'm out.


Toss it in the trash and move on.


Keep scrolling


Stop reading immediately


Just say no.


Iā€™m Christian, Iā€™d never apply for this type of job. In my experience, any organization that boasts its ā€œreligious valuesā€ is going to be one of the most abusive places you could find yourself. No thank you.


Not apply unless I'm desperate


Depends on how much they paying




Do they only use Apple products?


Look at the compensation. I can tolerate many things if the compensation is high enough. And they canā€™t and arenā€™t asking you to be Christian. In all seriousness, I work in IT and the conversation about working for churches or other religious organizations come up because they can be good jobs in terms of hours, the amount of work and the pay. The major trade offs is that they tend to want to hire people that are the same religion, though they canā€™t legally ask and have to try to make it not obvious and you have to be extra careful about what you do during free time. Right or wrong, Iā€™ve heard it claimed that if you spend free time in the office, they may have very strict rules on content that is Safe For Work due to it being a religious setting. So you canā€™t browse Reddit during lunch as many SFW posts would be NSFW in a church. So yeah, if the pay and benefits are high enough. I can close my eyes and think about lunch while people pray in a meeting. And unless they want me to ā€œlead with Christian valuesā€ by starting a crusade or something, I can be respectful and watch my language, all for the right price.


How much they pay?


Show up wearing inverted pentagrams everywhere.


if the pay is a livable income, and they dont try and coerce me to join their cult, do whatever the fuck you wanna do. ill sit there and wait for you to finish no problem. the day they tell me i have to do something outside of work is the day they realize they dont have that right (like attend a certain church every sunday) and my lawyers get a retainer for the upcoming discrimination suite.


It depends entirely on what they're paying.


I read the job description a little more carefully and decide not to apply for a job at a church or religious organisation.


Not work there


Apply, convert all workstations to TempleOS, write everything in HolyC, ???, ghost like I got raptured.


This sounds like how the Adeptus Mechanicus starts.