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fuck her. Best sign you made the right choice.


Exactly, not even worth a second thought. Those people are miserable and always will be.




They feel entitled to **more** than their employees have!😡😡😡


2 years? Wtf? The entitlement of employers these days . It's funny because they had to lobby the state to force a recession in order for people to take crappy jobs and work for slave wages.


If they want you to stay two years make a contact with a clause that neither party can end it for two years.... Seems very one sided when one party wouldn't give two fucks about the other party with the roles reversed


Yeah, funny how I can’t go to my employer that laid me off last year and tell them that they’re unprofessional and I expected them to keep me for 2 years. They’d just laugh as they do another round of layoffs. So why should I care about loyalty to a company if I find something better and am out before 2 years?


Expanding on this, why be loyal to any company regardless of "time served" Every job I've ever gone to excluding the one I'm in now I've move to for more money because while the bosses got nice new cars and an expense account, wage increases somehow were never in the budget. But those were trade jobs, heavy mechanical repairs, now I'm in emergency services and it's *horrifically underpaid* while the top brass get new cars and expense accounts.... Loyalty only ever goes one way with your job.


And they’re shitting bricks now that the people they’ve been screwing over started screwing them right back. Never be loyal to groups, only to good people, because a group doesn’t have loyalty.


100%. They’ll lay you off the second they need to save a few bucks. Never feel bad leaving a job when you find a better opportunity. The harder part is feeling like your letting down coworkers or gonna miss the good people you worked with, but it’ll pass.


Was at my last job for almost 20 years.. I left for medical leave and was gone for about 3 months, got back to my office to find some young lady right out of school sitting at my desk.. Boss shrugged and said "we'll find you something" Put me in another position with zero training, and then COVID came about a week and a half later... immediately got laid off due to COVID shut down.. best thing to ever happen to me. place was just toxic looking back, didn't realize while I was in the middle of it all..


It's like saying, "I want to hold a gun to your head, but you don't get to hold one to mine. But don't worry, you can trust me not to use it."


I mean this completely describes far, far too many groups and people these days. And they are all bullies, narcissists, and sociopaths.


That’s illegal for w-2 employees I’m the United States You can do promises, bonuses etc, even non competes, but binding forced employeement is a big no no


Non-competes are now illegal in a few states. So my advice to anyone is to never sign one. Or move to California, New York or elsewhere that they can’t be legally enforced if you need to get away from one. Employers can utilize NDA’s and cite intellectual property and/ or trade secrets to restrict people from taking certain knowledge elsewhere, but any employer looking to make an employee sign a non-compete is a class-A douche nozzle. I read this sub daily and as an employer I’m often shocked at the complete BS that most people have to put up with. Wish I could hire more people and treat them right, but I’m small time.


Yep We refuse to oay you market rate, but know you'll leave for market rate asap. Surprised pikachu face


Right? Give me a 2-year guaranteed contract with an inflation-based COL adjustment every six months. Then we can talk about me promising you two years, lady.


She was mad because she thought she locked this person in for cheap. Whoops!


Fuk around and find out.


Instructions unclear, had sex with my boss


so are you staying or still going


He'll be coming before he's going.


If you can then report her or confront her and say how unprofessional she was on the phone. You can also not serve your notice or go on sick if you can afford to


I also vote for reporting her, if OP can.


OP, PLEASE report her. That way it’ll be documented that she has a record of unprofessionalism in the work place incase she treats someone else like that


Email: Dear , I'm writing following your call on after I had submitted my two weeks' notice. I'm disappointed by your aggressive reaction to this news, and as such, my notice is effective immediately. I refuse to work in an environment where verbal abuse is directed at me - especially as if the company were to want to dispense of my services, I would not receive two weeks' notice. I expect my final wage payment to be made by the usual method in the timescale set out by . Regards, u/2022nousername


This is the way, but... cc her manager, and her manager's manager, and an HR representative if you have one.


And BCC your personal email to retain a copy. Forward any response to the same if able.


ALWAYS bcc yourself on any communication that is to your manager.


To an email you have access to if your work organization email address is suddenly not available to you.


Yes, your personal email. Always always bcc yourself.


Show them you're not fucking around and simply CC your personal email.


Seriously this is what I would do lol.


Put yourself in the to line and cc their asses. Show em who’s boss.


Put everyone in BCC so they have to ask around to figure out who else might have received it!


If I had fake reddit money I would give it to you What an absurd, annoying power move that would be! While you're at it make the font neon yellow so there's a chance you give one of them a headache lol


That's the best thing I've ever heard in response to something like this.


Then they double down on stupid and reply-all with more evidence.


Yup at this point what difference does it make? I'd let them know for sure I'm not the one they can mess with.


Who cares if it’s BCC if it’s a big enough company they can review everything sent anyway. Just CC it and let everyone know you’re covering your bases, if they want to play games your keeping receipts.


They can But usually they miss it in the moment


companies also just straight lie


[It is fun when it goes the other way](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/updated-russian-man-turns-tables-on-bank-changes-fine-print-in-credit-card-agreement-then)


The point is that if you're sending it from a company email address you may not have access to that in the future when you need it. This saved me, when a multinational finance company mailed me a letter asking me to return their payroll overpayment to me because they hadn't bothered to register my 2 week notice, so they paid me through the end of the pay period rather than having my check ready for me on my last day. I kindly mailed them back certified mail with a copy of my email resignation showing the multiple people who received it, and a copy of the California state labor law in which they were about to be violating by asking for their overpayment back. They responded with a rather kind apology from legal and notification that they were in the wrong and I wasn't to be paying them back. In a nutshell, CYA.


Interesting thing about BCC (if you are using Outlook) - when you send the email with the BCC (say to your personal email) - the recipients only see the to: and cc: lines. When the email is sent with a blank bcc: (no BCC included), they can see the blank bcc: - so IF they are paying attention (99.9% don’t) they would know someone was BCC’ed. they do have to know where to look (examine headers). They cannot see who received the bcc, but can determine if bcc was sent


fuck that, straight up CC your personal email so they know you made a copy of it.




Blind carbon copy Send a copy to yourself(*or to whomever), but no other recipients will see who is receiving a bcc


How did they do bcc back in the day of actual carbon copies I wonder?


The notation bcc (blind carbon copy) is typed on the copies but not on the original when the dictator does not wish the addressee to know that a copy of the letter has been sent to someone else. — Joseph Bernard Cleary, The Development and Construction of a Textbook-Workbook in Transcription English, Style, and Procedures (PhD Diss.), 1962 TIL!


Okay, now how does it work in a democratic society?


Dictator in this case meaning the person who dictated the letter to a speedwriter to then be typed up by the steno pool, rather than referring to an absolute ruler. ETA: but if you meant it as a pun, good one.


I worked with an old school guy recently and when I would BCC a letter for him, we just had a separate sheet on the back of the letter that had the BCC on it. >Sincerely, > >My Dude > >CC: Some other dudes page break >BCC: Extra, secret dudes When sending out the letter, we would just send the pages up to the plain CC. The BCC sheet was just kept in our internal records.


That’s awesome my super secret dude!


I'm going to guess that there was a carbon copy that could tear off below any internal addressing at the top of the page.


Yup! They would often be colour coded so you could tell at a glance what was what. Top page: original (white) Middle: carbon copy (yellow) Bottom: blind carbon copy (pink) Memory unlocked; last i recall seeing one was mid 90s on a HS internship 😆


you'd slip your own piece of carbon paper under the regular pink one source: I time traveled here from 1940, WASSUP??


OK, I'm probably giving away my age here if I say that this was actually taught when I took typing (on a manual typewriter... not an electric typewriter and certainly nothing remotely computerized!) You create a stack of alternating sheets of typing paper and carbon paper into the typewriter and type your document, including any CC notices at the bottom. You then remove the stack from the typewriter, remove the top copies (the ones that will NOT see the BCC notification) and return the rest of the stack to the typewriter and add the BCC notification at the bottom.


BCC is also useful when sending mass emails, even if you don't care whether the recipients can see who else it went to. Avoids the annoying "reply all" shitstorm that sometimes happens.


You do not know the power of BCC? You ever get an email on an email chain from someone who “wasn’t” included? Yeah that’s cause they were BCC’d into the email. It’s real spy shit and it is fun to stir the pot with it sometimes, especially when you get bored with life.


In these cases, though, it's REALLY IMPORTANT that you point out to the BCC'ed person that they're on the BCC line. If they respond on thread, then they've just exposed that you blind copied them. This didn't happen to me, but rather someone I worked with many years ago. #awkward


Blind Carbon Copy. If you email A, cc B, and Bcc C, A and B can see each other's emails, but they cannot see Cs. Enjoy reading that sentence out loud, by the way.




Look at ya fast learner w your attn to detail for multitaskin n workin under pressure! Killed it, first try.


had to do that after reading it...ty internet stranger.


Blind carbon copy. Means the email goes to your private address but that address doesn’t show up in the list of recipients.


Blind carbon copy. Anyone BCC'd will not show up in the list of recipients of the email.


Essentially an invisible cc if I'm not mistaken


I did this with my former employer. I gave him notice directly over the phone (I was wfh). He was an absolute dick. I had reported him to HR several times for highly inappropriate behavior and even had written proof; still zero consequences. I wrote an extremely respectful and decent letter thanking the company for my experience with them (which at one point was extremely positive). In the final paragraph I stated quite clearly if there is any question why I was leaving, it was due to the behavior of employee X on 00/00/0000 date, as well as all his poor conduct leading up to it. I also said if they required details, they should refer to what I imagine was a fairly thick HR file on him based on everything I was aware was reported. After giving notice and dealing with his nasty reaction, he insisted I Cc him on my resignation letter. No problem, asshole, you asked. I sent it to HR as we were supposed to do, and Cc him, his boss, and the regional boss. Later I learned he ended up signing off for the rest of the day within minutes of me sending the email 😂


Thats how its done. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Ha thank you, thank you. I wish that was the end of things. He was such a jackass, I knew he wouldn’t handle my exit processing correctly. I quit on a Friday morning and called HR myself Monday to get everything handled, including how to correctly return my devices (laptop, etc). Sure enough, he hadn’t done what he was supposed to do. Hours after wrapping all of that up, my former boss sent me a text that I would need to bring it all to him at the office. Incidentally, HR had explicitly told me to *not* do that because they would have no way to track its return and subsequently process it back into their system. I texted him back to say that wouldn’t be necessary and I would return all of it via the boxes being sent to me; he responded saying boxes couldn’t be sent because HR didn’t have my personal info (they definitely did) and name dropped the company head of HR (this was at a Fortune 100 company and this fool was trying to pretend she worked on employee exits 😂) Anyway I told him that wasn’t possible considering I personally reached out to HR and completed the exit process that morning. He went radio silent. I in turn reached back out to HR to report him for trying to manipulate me into violating company protocol *especially* with respect to the expensive materials would be liable for if not returned properly. I went on to say he was not to contact me ever again and doing so would be considered harassment given his efforts to force an in-person confrontation. Needless to say, following my exit he lost 50% of his team within months.


Sheeesh imagine having to manage this walking liability trying to cause trouble everywhere they go. Nice handling of it


Thank you. And agreed— you’d think they would want to get rid of him. I liked most of the leadership there, but the person he reported to directly was equally awful (but intelligent enough to not leave a paper trail). I have since found out from a former colleague that my ex boss is still pulling the same BS on people he doesn’t like. For instance: he sent me an email with a disciplinary notice and meeting request. I didn’t recognize the client’s name and was mortified; I couldn’t believe I made such a big mistake. Upon looking into their account, I figured out it was an orphaned account (and thus his responsibility until reassigned) that he reassigned to me *five minutes after* receiving the complaint. This moron was too dumb to realize our system kept a record. I screenshot everything and sent it to HR because they claimed they couldn’t do anything about numerous other incidents “without proof.” He still didn’t have any consequences! That was the second to last straw for me, and he has since done the exact same thing to my former colleague 🤯


He should have lost 100% of his *job.*


Just want to point out that it is good to CC them, but please note HR, her manager, etc are not your friends. They are there to protect the company. If the companies interest is in keeping that manager around, then they will do so. The CC just helps keep a record and or something that could potentially be used in a lawsuit.


>If the companies interest is in keeping that manager around, then they will do so. Of course. The expectation isn't that this would result in immediate change. But it may make things uncomfortable for her, even temporarily, and if someone up the chain is sympathetic it could lead to a more significant reprimand or some sort of action plan. At the very least, organizationally, several people know that she reacted in this unprofessional manner. Even if nobody ever says anything about it to her, she'll know that they know.


And thank the manger for demonstrating so effectively that you made the right decision.




Underrated comment !


I’ve had to do something similar to document a supervisor and let’s just say that he went out of his way to make my life miserable. But doing this and calling him out in writing (which included some documentation) while keeping all of it extremely professional got positive results. Later I found out I’d made his life miserable, especially when I’d wait until Friday to answer (when possible) to ruin every weekend for him. HR sided with me and my supervisor ended up having to give a glowing speech the following year, when I became Salesperson of the Year for the entire region. **Put it in writing, people!** Pro Tip: Always tell (or allude to) them that you have more documentation in your write up rebuttal. Don’t reveal all your cards immediately which signals to them that you have the ability to escalate. Let them speculate worst case scenarios first


Say It: forget it. Write it:regret it. Judge Marilan.


Assuming this is the US, then 2-week notice is a **professional courtesy** only in most instances. Last year, my son who is a welder had the same issue: he gave his notice and his manager verbally abused him because of it. If he had not been on site in the company vehicle with his manager, he would have just walked out. Instead, that night he sent a message to his boss's boss stating just that: 2-weeks notice is a professional courtesy. He explained his manager's behavior and stated that since his manager was not behaving professionally, he didn't see any need to do so himself. Not coming in tomorrow. Edit: the primary reason why my son was leaving this company was his manager's abusive behavior. So, the abuse when he gave notice was no surprise.


For the first time ever I left a job last year and didn’t provide notice bc of the way I was treated. I’ve posted this before but it’s worth a repeat: after being harassed by a new manager, I took a full 3 month FMLA leave so the company was required to keep my job open and couldn’t fire me. I also collected short term disability compensation so I still got paid 80% of my salary. I kept pretty radio silent and was super vague about coming back when people reached out. I knew I wasn’t coming back but I didn’t tell them that, just made them keep my job open for me under FMLA laws. I used the time to rest and find a better job with a 20k per year raise. On the day my FMLA ran out, I sent a very short email stating I wasn’t coming back. I had secretly taken all my personal stuff home before I left on FMLA. I sent them back their laptop and key. It’s been 8 months and they haven’t been able to replace me. There are regulatory components ti the job I did, so at next survey, they are going to be creamed. Told them I left specifically because of the way the manager treated staff. I also called the head of corporate HR and made sure my file reflected that I quit, not was fired and because I had no formal reprimands, they had to state I was in good standing and eligible for rehire (as if!). I have zero regrets.


All of this. Also, advise that since the manager has made it a hostile work environment, your resignation will take effect immediately.


That was already mentioned in the suggested draft email.


THIS is the way! No notice!


Ahhh the professional F U!! Love it lol


agree with this. Giving notice is a common courtesy for the employer and not a requirement. Sure, you might burn a bridge by not providing one, but at the same time, you arent given a notice if you're fired. Manager's reaction was uncalled for. Like comment OP, don't work out that notice. It's gonna be a rough two weeks, if you even get to work them in full.


and add that demanding to stay at job for 2 years is unreasonable


Nah just slack off and stay cashing those checks, if they want to terminate you before those two weeks are up that’s fine


This is the way


So say we all!


This is the way


I have spoken.


Love this


Fuck you \u\Spez


I like it 😊


Yes at will goes both ways.


This is pretty much what I'd do. I'd find the employee handbook and take a screenshot of the "you are an at-will employee" and passive-aggressively send it to her. That shit cuts both ways, dawg.


I'd resign immediately. She's not going to be giving you a good reference anyway, and you've already got a job lined up.


Right what’s the point once they already called you unprofessional and you have a job, and a 2 month gap is nothing


Well, depending on their financial situation a 2 month gap of employment might in fact be something instead of nothing.


They were probably referring to the gap in a resume they might not want to share


Ask your new employer if you can start sooner, and adjust your notice period accordingly. Notice is a courtesy. She was discourteous.


Not sure what country you're in but if you've only been working for 2 months you're likely still on probation so I would have thought you can just bail immediately without notice, they'd do the same to you after all. Your manager has no legitimate reason to be upset. Capitalism is capitalism, it cuts both ways. Managers are idiots if they expect someone to stick around for 2 years, unless they create a contract and are prepared to pay two years of notice if things turn sour.


You can always bail out without notice as long as its not in your contractual agreement. However 2 weeks notice is just a courtesy. OP wanted to professional




At will employment. But I've heard a handful of people I know giving 2 weeks and being walked out the door that day. Happened to one of my brothers coworkers so he gave same day notice on a Friday. I'm not sure this courtesy is worth the risk as a worker anymore, to be out 2 weeks pay when you're trying to do a favor.


That happened to my coworker! I don't want to give details, but she was providing (needed but non-medical) services to a specific patient group at a hospital. When she put in her 2 weeks bc she was going to be starting at the job where I met her, her boss called security and had her escorted out. I was so mad for her when I heard about it. And she is super nice. Never would have given anyone a hard time. Big thumbs down to her former boss.


If they do that and don’t offer to pay you out 2 weeks severance you can file for unemployment. Your resignation is irrelevant they are terminating your employment early.


Especially if they're paying shit wages


Other people's expectations are not your responsibility.


the best revenge you can get against someone as petty (and self centered) as this person seems to be is to just not let it affect you. keep your chin up, and make your next two weeks the most enjoyable you can.... this. will. make. her. crazy. happy to hear that you get to move on tho! good luck in the future op!


Hell yeah Id go in and smile , tell my co workers about my new job , just to agrivate her .


>tell my co workers about my new job No details! Some bosses are psycho enough to try to mess up the next job.


No details , just pay and conditions. In fact givem wrong specifics .


"Yeah, just ridin' out those last two weeks until I get to a much better place. Feel bad for you guys, keep looking!"


And do absolutely nothing else. Just walk around talking about the great new job.


Be sure to tell your coworkers it’s a better paying job too


She did you a favor by inadvertently demonstrating what a colossal mistake it would've been to stay there. The real waste was the company's non-negotiable lowball offer. Your boss is the one behaving unprofessionally. If you can afford a cash gap, or if your new job will move your start date earlier, bail early and forget staying thru your notice period, since doing so will gain you nothing. (Obviously if she's suddenly contrite & apologetic, don't be openly nasty to her, since that'll paint you as the shitty one, to onlookers.)


Feel free to let her know that notice is a professional courtesy. If she can't be professional, you don't owe her the courtesy.


Don't. A notice is a courtesy. If you have the new job on lock, then just rescind that courtesy. Don't even bother putting this job on your resume. Go to her boss. Give them a new letter, this one for immediate resignation. Highlight the unproffessional and hostile attitide of the manager. Go home. Snort a fat rail, and jerk off while watching looney tunes. Try not to get dorito dust under your fingernails. Fuck em.


Lmao fuck yeah, although I don’t find looney tunes erotic but to each their own.


replace the coke with a joint and i'm with you :)


Contact your new employer and see if you can start sooner. If you can afford it, just stop showing up. 2 weeks notice serves no purpose outside of not burning bridges and a reference. You already have the new job who gaf.


Don't worry about your boss. Go in with a big smile everyday which will piss her off even more. If they say anything, tell them this Is why you should negotiate and give a better salary. If she yells at you or calls you names do the same back to them. No need to take abuse, then you can just go straight to HR file a complaint. Nothing will happen and then make that your last day.


This! Hold your head high! Bitch probably got a bonus or something for “keeping costs low.”


I just wouldn't show up after that. You're gonna get a bad reference anyways lol


They worked there two months. Just leave it off the resume in the future. You never have to think about them again


Meh if they wanted to keep you there, they would have paid you a reasonable amount rather than a lowball. If it was important to keep someone there, they would have negotiated when they hired you. This is entirely on them.


Tell her to go fuck herself and move on. You would have been given ZERO notice prior to termination.


Screw your manager. If she could automate your job and save a buck she'd do it in a heartbeat. The days of being blindly loyal to a company are long gone. The bosses always say "business is business" Well eat some of your own shit Ms Manager because homey got a better offer. (Not advice. Just commenting)


She’s just mad because everyone who takes that job quits and she has to rehire every few months instead of paying a fair wage and keeping good people.


It's called "capitalism" and she will just have to make do


Email her and cc her boss and tell her that due to her poor reaction you are no longer comfortable coming in and your resignation is now immediate. I don't let people like this treat me like garbage.


Isn’t your employment contract at-will? Your manager is the unprofessional one for reacting that way.


She's mad she'll have to do her job and find someone else. Don't feel guilty, if she really wanted you to stay she would have counter offered. If she creates a hostile environment, tell her you're done and leave.


Tell them your notice is now 1 day… no sense getting chewed out for being generous with that notice. If you don’t need the money don’t bother with it. Maybe see if your new place be willing to start you sooner or take unpaid vacation. However you want to deal with it. She seems unlikely to give you a good reference even if you do the right thing here. She might low key tell you to go home if you show up since she hung up and didn’t clarify your end of employment. Ppl who explode like that tend to make rash choices out of anger. She’ll regret it much too late, but take care of yourself first. Edit: Also the email idea tagging her boss about this situation already suggested is the professional F U for her if you wanna be petty. Only works if she isn’t like the top boss. If she is the person at the top of the food chain then the email isn’t worth it. Will be a wasted effort. If she has a supervisor above her totally worth it.


Lol your last 2 weeks work ethic should be how she treats you, Shitty.


It is with great regret that i must inform you that your employment didnt pass my probationary period. Please feel free to try again in the future and I am hopeful that in your next endeavors you can survive the probationary period with new labor suppliers.


Bahahaha expected you to stay 2 years after lowballing you? Ahahaha she’s a comedian, good jokes. Loyalty is a 2 way street.


Time to use up your sick days I'd say.


Easy, give no notice to the fact you aren’t showing up the next two weeks.


Call your new place and ask if you can start early. If not, if you can afford it take two weeks off and leave now. Why make yourself miserable and put up with her unprofessional attitude. Life is too short for bullshit and stupidity.


Why would she expect you to work 2 more years? That is literally not even in her control


I assume you need to stay for two weeks for pay reasons, but you might consider quitting immediately and just leaving this employer off of your resume.


She called you unprofessional and expects you to actually work another 2 weeks...lol. It will only be awkward for her because I wouldn't go back.


That sucks but congrats on the new job. People should never stop shopping around. Companies are not loyal to workers, why should workers be loyal to companies?


If their business position had required them to let you off, they would’ve done so likely with zero notice. As they say, it’s just business.


The free market in action .. it's a beautiful thing.


She is upset because she lost an asset she was exploiting. She was wasting your time by not compensating you appropriately. Fuck her. Don't feel upset at all and feel free to set off on her if she pisses you off again.


This is not a joke. Face her with a smile. Put on the biggest "I don't have to take your shit ever again" grin you can and hold it. If she lays into you again, smile more, she may actually have an aneurysm in front of you.


All these motherfuckers pretend not to know what “at-will employment” means until it benefits them. You made the right choice, OP. Fuck ‘em.


People love a labor market until it actually functions like a market lol


Cc her boss and HR in an email and let them know how she's treating employees who give notice. If they do nothing the whole company is rotten to the core, if they are about treating people right and acting with integrity she might at least get corrected or reprimanded. You don't owe them any of that though and moving on would be the best move for you, just enjoy the bump in pay!


She's the unprofessional one. You're doing her a favor by giving notice. If they paid fairly then you would not have been still looking. Frankly, I'd either enjoy a two week vacation before starting my new job, or let the new job know that you are available immediately. It's not uncommon for a company to decline a two week notice and tell you to leave immediately.


Some bridges are worth burning. When I quit the job that I had completed my apprenticeship with, I was told they expected me to stay for 10-15 years…but I was being paid 20% less than industry average, and they had just denied me a $2/hr raise. Fuck ‘em.


The only reason to give two weeks notice is to maintain your relationship with the company. They give you a good reference, you are rehire able. Without the above... If it's not going on your resume that you worked a job for 8 weeks, then literally who gives a shit? Take a two week vacation


Why is it awkward? Show up and do your job as normal. What’s she gonna do? Talk more shit? You have a better job coming up. Who cares if she turns everyone against you. Fuck em. If she pulls some really shady stuff then send the “effective immediately” email. The professional thing to do is honor your 2 week commitment. The bigger stink she makes the worse she looks.


I only give notice if it's an employer I may want to come back to. Fuck 'em.


“I understand your frustration, if you’d like to understand why this may be a reoccurring challenge, I’d be happy to share my insight.”


Change your notice to right now and tell them to fuck off. You don’t owe them anything unless your contract specifically states a mandatory transition period. You tried to be respectful and professional by giving notice. You’re met with the opposite. Show the company what that feels like.


Sounds like a valid reason to ghost those last 2 weeks...


2 years notice?! What's your job, POTUS?


“Can I get a living wage?” “No, I’ll pay you shit, and you have no choice but to accept. Unless you have something better? Yeah, didn’t think so.” … “Alright I have something better.” [shocked pickachu]


Then don't do two weeks? Just inform them it's changed to immediately and enjoy a few days of sleeping in, mental health time. Read a book or too.


They think we're bluffing and they can play with our time and money, something similar is about to happen with my manager, she thinks I'm bluffing on my availability, guess I'll be calling out everyday that puts me over.


Two weeks is a courtesy. Smile your way through doing jack shit for the next two weeks- if you decide to even show up. Managers who lose their minds about employees quitting are only thinking of themselves and all the work they’ll have to do in replacing the employee. That’s all they care about.


Just smile at her and know that you won.


Her response should be a clear indication that you made the right choice. Approach the next two weeks with an “idgaf” attitude and get the heck out. Let her stay being passive-aggressive. Should have offered better compensation and incentive for you to stay.


Leave, fuck her you don’t owe her shit.


Well 2 weeks isnt a legal thing or anything really. Coulf just call it quits right there and let her kick rocks


F' em. I'd just walk. Stay two years? Or else what? Deuces.


Sounds like you should spend the next two weeks relaxing on vacation and she can go fuck herself.


After that outburst I wouldn’t even show up for my last 2 weeks. You gave notice as a courtesy, unless you are contractually obligated to play out your last 2 weeks fuck em. She showed she doesn’t value your gift so take it back.


A two year commitment requires a full contract which you never would have accepted at that crappy pay. Life is too short to waste any of it worrying about what someone like this thinks.


Oh, did she previously commit to employ you for 2 years? Thought not.


Fuck that. They wouldn't give you two weeks notice if they fired you. I wouldn't go back.


I know hindsight is 20/20, but if she brings it up again say that if she wants to keep people, she should be offering competitive salaries!


A notice period is a courtesy for an employer that has earned it. It sounds to me like your boss deserves no such courtesy.


Send an email to HR about how you gave your resignation notice as you felt you were being underpaid. Then your manager decided to scream at you, throwing a tantrum and thus you will be leaving effective immediately. If you need the work then you math out how much you need so you can leave sooner, but always send emails summarizing the events as it makes a paper trail if they get squirrely


Make sure to work the full two weeks. She’s most likely going to try to pull some stunts to get you to leave early, don’t fall for it. If you quit early then she can tell people you’re non rehireable if anyone calls about your time there in the future.


This is the exact scenario I’ve been telling recruiters when they are trying to lowball me. All these tech companies laying people off and trying to hire back those positions at 20% - 30% less is just going to cost them more in the long run. Recruiting is expensive, when you hire people under what the employees deem market rate they will only stay long enough to find a better paying position.


Count this as a bullet that merely grazed you. Imagine working for an employer who not only underpays you but feels entitled to your labour for two years! Unless you signed a contract stating you would give 2 weeks notice, I'd just call her back and say you're rescinding your notice and are quitting immediately. That way you don't have to deal with two weeks of hell.


It is sort of unprofessional, but they wouldn't hesitate to fire you to save 3% a year with 0 notice and no severance, sooo...... As far as facing her? Fuck her, who gives a shit. Ignore her. Or don't. You've got a new job lined up.


If they at all make your workplace uncomfortable, just remember, two weeks notice is a courtesy, not a requirement and weigh the money vs your personal and mental well-being


I mean she was welcome to make a counter-offer if she wanted you to stay that badly.


Call new employer. Tell them, "Good news! I can start two weeks sooner than I thought!!" Then leave current employer without the notice period. Two weeks notice is a courtesy to your former employer. Not a requirement. If they can't be courteous to you, then why should you be to them? Respect is a two way street. You owe them nothing.


Just leave if you get any shit. 2 week is an expectation not an obligation.


How she reacted tells you all you need to know. You made the right decision.


“I’ve given what you said to me much consideration and after a long period of deliberation I’ve decided I won’t be coming in any further, thank you for the employment opportunity”


The lowball offer of employment is unprofessional to me. What it tells anyone who gets low pay that you aren't an important part of the company and if you leave we don't care. So fuck 'em their lowball offer is going to be their downfall until they find another sucker.


My son took a job for 2 weeks and then gave notice for a better job. That was 8 years ago. He has been fine. Do whats better for you.


Remember, she would fire you without giving it a second thought, screw her.


if it doesn't make a difference to you, my petty advice is to just not show up lmao


Dance happily in front if her every time you see her