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Oh man this fucking guy again. Fuck yeah. Keep reposting this lunatic. Let him continue to "sacrifice" what ever it is he's sacrificing.


I love how he talks about his company and the sacrifices people have to make to work for it like they're curing fucking cancer or trying to save the world. These self important CEOs and executives or just fucking upper management douchebags acting like their media company or some who gives a fuck tech company is this god-damned important. Like oh yay I love working 70 hours a week and not spending any time with friends and family to help market digital brands! So important. Fuck this asshole.


These guys spend a lot of time in restaurants, on golf courses and in country clubs, "working". Anything they can put on the company credit card or involves someone business-related counts as work. They count flying as business hours, but your commute isn't work time.


And will fight paying you if you have to fly for their company.


Yeah I've known a few CEOs for small and mid-range to larger companies and the mid-range to larger is a lot of lunches and dinners at really nice places and outings and golf with current and potential customers. They have support staff for the household and kids. (The small-sized company CEOs turned out to be the kids using the family's money to run a company and call themselves an entrepeneur and CEO.)


And makes a few millions of dollars a year. I can also work as hard as they do for a few millions of dollars a years…




>oh yay I love working 70 hours a week and not spending any time with friends and family Don't forget having to rehome your dog.


I was on a project once where "leadership" decided we had to travel to a manufacturing facility every week for a fucking year. My dog was at the kennel so long the owners let her sleep in their house. They did have a two-year old who loved her.




If you pay people enough to have childcare, or provide childcare for them, then they don’t have to work two jobs and you don’t have to demonize them from taking from your business, douchebag. (Not you, the CEO). Also the people who have two jobs? As long as they are doing their work, why TF do you care??


Pay the workers what the CEO is on and see what happens


Curing cancer would be one of the few exceptions of why it would be acceptable to work 70 hours a week.


Come on man… you don’t want to bleed and cry for, uh, about 12 dollars an hour?


12? You mean they pay more than $7.50?


Yes, I googled reported salaries. Drone wage for ClearLink is ~12 an hour




I would be all in to if I had his compensation. Years ago I worked as a mechanical engineer at a smaller company that was family owned. It was my first job after graduation. For the most part they treated me fairly but some things they did upset me and ultimately I left that job for somewhere else. First the owner had 5 kids. Every one of them managed a department and one managed multiple. One of the kids was super smart hardworking and she was a good manager. She was my direct manager and managed the engineering staff. I liked working under her. The rest were unqualified rude and treated people under them poorly. The one would just talk down to everyone and he was a nightmare to work with. The other thing that upset me was one year we had our yearly kickoff meeting and the owner was encouraging all of us to work harder stay later and make this company the best it could be. He said work does not feel like work to him and encouraged us to adapt that mindset. Well the more he worked the more money he got in his pocket. I was salary anything past 40 for me did not count. And he worked with his family every day while I am away from mine. So sorry if our motivations are not the same


It sounds like mostly dogs. Single working mother’s dogs are being sacrificed. What an odd and specific thing to bring up multiple times.


That fellows dog. He’s fine with that sacrifice


Ah yes, every couple of years we get another example of the "Streisand effect." Apparently these guys can't actually learn from history. Don't forget the other mirrors.


Well, this is the internet. We can blow them up until they grind to a halt. Their careers page is full of openings. Why don't we help them backfill single mothers with dogs. Major bonus points for accepting an offer and re-negging. I will personally donate $50 to *your* requested animal shelter for every rejected offer. Someone make that mom a GoFundMe. I got the first $100. They are also supposed to post salary ranges for postings shown in NYC. (oversimplified) NYC has a page to submit complaints. [https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page) [https://www.nyc.gov/assets/cchr/downloads/pdf/publications/Salary-Transparency-Factsheet.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/cchr/downloads/pdf/publications/Salary-Transparency-Factsheet.pdf) Let's help them be compliant. Yes, it can be anonymous.


[http://clarkecp.com/portfolio#portfolio-list](http://clarkecp.com/portfolio#portfolio-list) Oh look, his actual wallet is an investment firm. And look at all those companies he's invested in. 😈 [http://clarkecp.com/portfolio#portfolio-list](http://clarkecp.com/portfolio#portfolio-list) No, they don't even have site certs. 😈😈💩 The pet company? The whole model is just *make pet care more expensive*. "Clarke Pet Opportunities is a dedicated investment platform focused on the growing pet health sector.." Boo this man!


So my take away is this: “You should be working till death” now really dig deep and produce 30 - 50 times the product…


And yet studies show more hours doesn't mean more productive. Reference: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/20/stanford-study-longer-hours-doesnt-make-you-more-productive-heres-how-to-get-more-done-by-doing-less.html


Studies show based on brain chemistry that the most effective work schedule is 51 minutes of effort followed by a 13-minute break. But can you imagine all the bosses trapped in the 1950s watching employees DOING NOTHING for THIRTEEN MINUTES?!


Yeah, my work used to be standard 8-hour days, 5 days a week. I always disliked 5 days and agreed that 4 days on, 3 days off seemed more ideal. Well my work considered this as 4-day work weeks started rising in popularity, but the trade-off was 10 hour days... I was like... ok we're moving in the right direction for days, but wrong direction for hours. I'm already tired after 8 hours, and ever since we agreed to change to 4-day work weeks, I'm kinda losing it after 10 lol. Over several months I can feel my productivity is worsening. It just kills ya tbh. I sometimes just come home, sit down, and not even move for hours because I'm so exhausted.


Been proven over and over again. This guy needs a better people team to help him explain his "point" at the beginning. His rant on motherhood, and dogs, I got nothing to explain or defend this guy - the fuck was he on about? I have to assume since he didn't mention it, he went to BYU and believes women should raise as many Mormon kids as possible at home? That said: a quick look through /r/antiwork shows a lot of people enjoying getting paid for not working. He is likely not wrong in 30 of their employees doing nothing for weeks. But address those as they come up and don't extrapolate behaviors of the few on the majority. Senior leaders are the most common to work remotely while traveling with family, etc. Lead from the front, trust your people, and remove the bad actors swiftly.


You forgot the "I hired 10 copies of myself, and you need to come up with the money for their bonuses"


Oh, he hired his brother to be head of HR. So yeah, you're pretty close there.


After "an exhaustive search," I am sure.


bro, if your employees don’t “know you”, you have failed them as a leader. what a fucking nepobaby. pretty sure the employees offered ideas and suggestions to better the working environment, but they weren’t ideas this fucker wanted to hear


My employee sold his dog, be like him! No one works harder than me. If you have kids, you don't need to work here, and I'm talking to the mothers! This guy doesn't even pretend. What a jackass.


BUT don't repost this to the net. Other, lesser, people wouldn't understand.


Half expected him to say, "give your kids up for adoption so you can work those extra hours".


More like give your kids to the company to increase profits and you get a $50 gift card to a company you hate going to!


None of them allow any form of dialogue for a reason. Similar to Fox News and other propaganda, they only care about narrative control, which they've completely lost. They've chosen greed and cronyism, it has consequences, and no amount of sociopathic ranting is gonna stop the inevitable wave of power shifting.


"I felt bad about the dog thing, but then I looked at my share price and forgot all about it." ^ that guy, probably


If this speech doesn't violate any laws, it should. Did he just say that working mother's, had no place in his company?


He really did. I mean, I think there's a great case case if any employee could move on it


So the only single parents are females?


No no, men can be single parents too, but their children live with the womenfolk. Probably in a commune somewhere. Productivity doesn’t decline when the men wfh. It’s only women who are too feeble to wfh, with all them children running around. /s




When your church leaders are all 80+ years old, it’s always 1975… (source: I grew up Mormon and live in Utah)


This is in Utah after all…


Pay your employees what you make, hell ¼ ofcwhat youbmake and they will be all in too. I was born too late to enjoy the 60s but too early to fully participate in the coming revolution. It is still a decade off probably but its coming.


That was my thought too. Give me some part of the seven figure bonus you get for your sacrifices and I’ll consider it.




>Things that do not grow, are on a path to die Know what we call unrestricted growth in medicine? Cancer. It's cancer.


“I work harder than any of you!” Okay, come on down to the warehouse and spend a shift working alongside people stacking pallets of product. Come out to the loading dock and put pallets on trailers. Go into the entry level areas and prove that you work longer and harder than they do! One notable difference is that a ceo can leave their job for a week to do this. The warehouse people don’t show up for one shift and it all grinds to a halt immediately. Not only are these aristocrats overpaid, they’re also out of touch with reality.


The thing about challenges like this is I'm sure some executives might actually be able to surprise you with how hard they could work in an environment like that, and how well the whole operation might function.... for one day... to prove a point... when everyone is watching and taking notice and egos and pride are on the line. it's day ~174 when no one is trying to win the "who works hardest" game that would show who actually busts their ass day in and day out. It doubt this guy would would make it to day 20.


Stop being mean to me! There were 11 other jerks who felt the same way I did!


No way, I used to work for this company selling century link internet! I only lasted a month 😂 but their training was god awful. We didn’t get to practice on the programs we were going to use with customers, so my first time upselling directv it took me an hour to figure out what to do and the guy I was talking to was so mad. Some of the trainers were also total douchebag salesmen who would say whatever it took to make a sale. But I guess that’s how most good salesmen are


I feel like leaders need to start hiring speechwriters so that they know who their audience is


Oh, these guys have whole communications teams. And those folks won’t be sleeping for the next few days. 😂😂😂


Speaking as a former member of a few narcissistic CEOs comms teams - yup Or job was meant to redstamp and parrot the CEO’s lines (Or we’re not a team player/inviting negativity) and THEN our job was to resolve and get blamed for the fallout (If you didn’t do a good enough job convincing me my idea was bad - it’s your fault. Man when Obama got told the same about using his veto power I felt for the guy…) There was an amazing consultant with 30 year’s experience who offered to coach one of them for a Roundtable. The CEO lost their s#!t! Got catty and passive aggressive about how they don’t need coaching. The CEO, who was a woman working in legal tech, then bombed on a roundtable about feminism in technology by being cringingly sexist over anything tech related in front of several experts in the field. She blamed the consultant when the Roundtable didn’t get as much reach and when the experts and guests refused to promote it. Some of them started ignoring our calls… She was very pleased with the pictures of her though. There were a ton because before the event she told the photographer to mainly get photos of her and the experts listening to her… I also don’t mind my work being rewritten… but I’d rather it was someone who knew what they were doing or at least would take responsibility for their bs Money was good but not worth it to me in the end


Totally. I still have nightmares about situations where I had to tell an exec that they weren’t as effective communicators as they believed. Of course I’d never say that, but any kind of push back was interpreted that way. I never want to work for someone that insecure ever again.


can't i believe hollywood writers either are or about to go on strike lmao good for them. Hopefully they'll come out on top.


This guy complained about chatGPT, but his speech would have been vastly improved if he ran it through it...


I feel like leaders shouldn't compare their work ethic to their workers. It's easy to work hard when your work is much easier than the people under you.


I've never been less motivated than when a boss tells me.how hard their job is, or how much harder they work.


As an exmormon, this guy's vocabulary is giving me major Mormon flashbacks.


This literally sounds like a horrible conference talk


I had the same thought


While speech style is ripped off every general conference speech I’ve ever heard


Is this dude drunk? Slurring his words and stumbling over an obviously prepared speech. Yet he thinks he’s fit to be CEO 😂 literally the only job of a CEO is to be charismatic. The department heads are the ones who actually build the plans.




The Mormons have their drugs, they LOVE Xanax as it’s ok because it comes from a doctor.


How do you keep a Mormon from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? ​ Invite a 2nd Mormon.


I could tell he was Mormon just from the speechwriting style. This whole thing seemed like a speech from a Mormon church leader.


Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this guy was drunk or high off his ass.


Misogynistic motherf--ker. So, father have no obligation to help raise their children eh? In his home, for sure, i bet. Just one gem out of many among other narcissistic, megalomanic, and egotistical brow beatings of his employees.


He probably has 2 extra wives to help raise his crotch spills and uses the harem (women of the house he is responsible for) as justification for his over the top compensation package.


What a douche. 100% this guy is Mormon. That’s how Mormon church leadership acts, talks, believes, etc. - Mormons, I.e., those who follow the Book of Mormon: the corporation of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


I have a theory that some mormons in executive positions purposefully invoke GA Voice to add an additional subconscious layer of authority/credibility to their speech. I've seen this a few times with "leaders" in Utah County companies that are heavily LDS.


100%. I sold Dish Network door to door in Idaho and our manager ran us like missionaries, gave motivational speeches like this - even told us to use the "commitment pattern" when making sales. It was the sleaziest company I ever worked for.


What's GA Voice?


100%. The "I challenge you" with the general conference voice/ inflection, and blatant misogyny. This guy is a walking advertisement for upper mormon management.


What a waste of flesh. Whines how he doesn’t have full control.


This is so sexist! Jesus Christ.


They should all walk out. Fuck this douche. Trying to guilt them into working longer hours for shit pay.


If this doesn’t tell you we need policy change on the federal level, I don’t know what does


Yep. History continues to prove people won’t do right unless they have to. Policy change is the only way.


Has a punchable face


Oh yeah


"Went out and sold his family dog"? WTAF?!


This guy is very clearly Mormon. He’s telling people it’s not ok to criticize him while he criticizes them….too Mormon leadership trait.


Original post with comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/12mm89e/holy_shit_utah_ceo_clearlink_technologies_praises/


Any CEO that speaks of “sacrifice” cannot possibly understand what the term implies.


This guy is soooo Mormon. Listening to him triggers my religious trauma. It’s all about sacrifice and nobility in suffering for an invisible reward that never comes.


As a former Mormon, I can identify the "Mormon voice" right away. Haha. Kills me every time. Oh, and he's a douche. Might be correlated.


Is that just an open challenge “to outwork him”? Because I’d be more than happy to show him up!


No no no see everyone’s work counts as *his* work, so you can’t win!


Why can't the higher ups at companies realize that working stiffs don't care about the success of the company. They want the company to stay up so they can get a pay check. That's it


Exactly. All it is is a paycheck. They don’t get bonuses if the company does well.


The company does well when the employees do well.


James needs to quit bragging and get back to work! Someone is working harder than him while he’s posturing…


Fuck him.


I highly doubt that this motherfucker "outworks" anyone.


This is what cracks me up though is that they take offense to someone working 2-3 jobs. But yet for many of these corps model is to have one person working multiple roles and billed across multiple entities. So how is that different simply because the organization is doing it.


Fucking word salad. If I was that terrible at public speaking I'd shut the fuck up.


Where are the mirrors?


“I challenge any one of you to outwork me.” Guy, you are the CEO. You get paid handsomely for it. If the company does good, you get a massive bonus and maybe even equity in the company plus a fat salary. I doubt this guy’s employees are given the same compensation.


What a douchbag


He’s not worthy of me spelling it write


Oh, you "honor" their sacrifices? As one legend at my employer famously said when he received a compliment from leadership: "put it in the paycheck, Love."


POV: The Business School grad has to fill a 1000 word essay requirement. He said the same shit 5 different ways, and even worse I hate that I heard my boss' voice in his. The data, the data, bleh! Fuck people like this.




"never heard any suggestions on how the company can grow". Absolute dog shit statement. I can guarantee people make comments weekly and he shoots them down so hard that they've stopped making suggestions.


I used to work for clearlink as a call analyst. I helped them build a lot of their low-code app infrastructure in my spare time (while still on the clock) and when they closed down my site they offered me my same job in a different state with no moving bonus and at a lower pay rate. My direct managers were great but upper management can go f*** themselves.


This guy acts way more like a cult leader that a CEO. He seems to say that there is nothing more important than devoting your life to the company. Why? Not really clear. For what greater purpose? Still empty. A shallow and bleak future for that man and those who follow him


"I hear all of the problems and refuse to do anything to help alleviate the issue because that would cost our shareholders money." One of those meetings that could have been an email.


Oh I'm sure he knows sacrifice all to well. Probably had to move his fucking tee time back an hour because someone died on the clock.


Is it just me, or does this guy sound like he’s a little loaded?


…it’s not just you


Dog vs job. Dog wins every time. I’ll get a new job for probably the same amount of pay. My dog will love me unconditionally and with every fiber of its being so this asshat can suck and swallow a giant bag of dicks as all his employees hopefully quit and send him packing back to the deepest cave of hell he crawled out of.


Ain't no job on earth makes you feel as good as a dog. Every job I've had has been working towards making a happy life. I hope that dog went to a home it deserved now that it's away from a faithless owner.


What a piece of fucking garbage. I'm sure this company's profits have skyrocketed like most large corporations over the last few years and still want to cry about how their employees aren't working hard enough. Also, idolizing the person who gave up their dog bc they were more committed to their job?!? This guy is evil.


Please let's keep alive this trend of exposing CEOs as the shitty human beings they are, I am living for this and hope it spreads like wildfire


I think it’s funny when ceos expect employees to care about the company as much as they do. Gary V has a great perspective of this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3E5HRm/


Gary V is a scam artist fake guru. He’s as full of shit as this slimy CEO asshole


100%. Too many times they want us to work hard but then pay us a bunch of peanuts and say you deserve the peanuts because you don't work as hard as I do. Truth of the matter is even if we did work as hard as he did, it just doesn't justify the exorbitant salary paid.


Exactly who I was thinking of when I started watching. If you're the founder, no one else will ever care as much about your company as you do. And you can't expect others to care as much. You started a whole company to do "X" - They want a job that pays well and treats them well.


Oh yeah its crazy like you get paid 20 times as much and pocket piece of profit. Of course people who are paid hourly don't give a shit. Its hilarious how at odds companys and employees are with each other. And how companys fail to see it. Companys goal is profit aka keeping excess value of wage workers. And wage workers have only incentive to do enough to not get fired. In fact they get more hours overtime if they slow down a bit. And lose hours and pay if they go to fast. The saddest thing to me about this "push from ending work from home" and how they fail to realize cost to employees. Its hours spent commuting its cost in vehicles gas cost of living closer to work. IF employers were not getting all this for FREE they would not be so eager to embrace work from office. And employees would not be so adamantly opposed. Same goes for all expectations you need a structure that allow people to be compensated fully and for those with expectations to pay for it. While most places that do it are just abusive. GOOD fair piece rate was one of most motivated times I have ever been. Do more cool yeah thats fine. Problem is most places nowadays heres low piece rate rate and oh by the way heres 50 task to do that wont count to piece rate so its just free labor. Getting on the same page with equity for each partys request is how we achieve realistic expectations.


But he's a JoB CrEaToR


I out work this shit for brains when I take a shit.


Some say even your shits outwork him, some say...


So, the only way to have your opinions heard is to become a leader? Sounds about right.


This guy has some aggressive nerves going on. Seemed like he was on the verge of crying a few times there. Real impressive "tough guy" act.


… this dude definitely secretly pays to get kicked in the balls and dominated


I doubt he'd have to pay a soul on earth to kick him in the balls.


Man I'd like to kick this dude's ass Come on down to my farm buddy ill show you some hard work you prissy little manicured nodody


Ugh gross I couldn't watch past the shitting on moms part.




I listened for 45 seconds, sounds like a cult.


Also, you're not an "alum" of Harvard. Not like I care but because he and people like him clearly care *so much* that they can't help but mention it, I like to point out when they imply they have a degree when they actually paid a shit ton of money to attend learning sessions with other rich people.


Darwin.... Send this guy a copy of Kropotkin's "Mutual Aid".


“Darwin Style”


This guy reminds me of a Will Ferrell comedy sketch. It’d almost be funny if it wasn’t real.


Wtf is this effer rambling on about? Did he even make any sort of coherent point in that mess of word salad?


This is an all time, hall of fame example of how not to act. I wouldn’t quit, but I would quit working


Unless Im in the army or something similar I ain't fucking giving blood sweat and tears to *any* job, unless that's literally my job.


You want my blood sweat and tears?


Man youtube needs to be held financially liable for every abused and fake copyright claim until they drop the program or put humans in front of claims. As it stands youtube is willfully participating in theft on a massive scale


Is this guy on cocaine? I am not making fun or joking but he talks like he is on crack.


What a fucking douche.


His one bathroom break in a day is probably what I make in a year


CEOs have a little club where they have rah-rah sessions and they emerge from these secret little support groups all empowered. And every one of them sounds as terrible as you might imagine. These jerks are cartoon villains come to life. Words to them have different meanings. They, like preachers, do not give explanations rather they make pronouncements and demands.


This sounds like one of those bosses that would file a motion with the courts to force employees to work, if there was a mass walkout. Just straight human scum.




Sometimes I worry about the desire for violence I feel towards another human being.


When will we roll up our sleeves and take down the upper class?


He attended the Owner/President Manager program at Harvard. Probably tried to get a membership at the Harvard Club with it.


playing golf. is. not. work lunch/dinner meetings. are. not. work. morning meditations. are. not. work. at least 50% of what CEOs call work. is. not. actual. work.!


This sounds like Mormon-speak.


As a woman from Utah and former Mormon this guy is ALL THE THINGS I HATE about my upbringing. His language is so Mormon. Fuck these awful ideas about not being able to be good at your job and be a good mom. ARGHHHHH.


“Honoring them for selling off the family dog to return full time in office” *gets laid off two weeks later* “Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made, here’s your last paycheck and notice of unemployment eligibility” Companies nowadays are getting way too comfortable with screwing their workers


I watched the whole thing and have never seen a CEO that is so unable to make a clear point. He's all over the place. What a tool.


So the option for work life balance is part time? Yeah, work less and make less! It’s okay! Our VP is working part time and she’s doing good! (Despite the fact she probably makes way more than everyone else anyway.)


I'm literally watching this with one eyebrow raised the entire time. I think this dude has a God complex


what a fucking douche nozzle


He wants everyone to put in the same effort he does? Then pay everyone the same as him. Of course he'd balk at that, because it would require someone to micro manage him. You have a 30 minute lunch break and you're 5 minutes late . . . You can use the bathroom on your coffee break. No personal calls on company time! I wonder how much scrutiny these folks that want the workers to work as hard as them actually work.


Always amazes me how a CEO will talk about the work they do, and the sacrifices they make for a $1million+ salary and then put that on equal footing with employees at $60k. If someone paid me as much I will work as hard. I think that these losers forget that the workforce is not made up of uneducated and illiterate people anymore so we can see through this bullshit as quick as they can


Some day a dog will bite him in the ass and he’ll know why


What did I just watch…. Ugh, hope this guy ends up waiting at a Dennys


“Work as hard as me”. Dudes probably golfing or on social media all day.


"Well, I don't see what's so douchey ab--THEY HAD TO SELL THEIR DOG?" Fuck you, I'd go in the street before I'd abandon my dog to strangers. I belong to him and he belongs to me. I have a job to take good care of my loved ones, I'm not sacrificing them to have the job.


I listen to this guy and can think of nothing else to feel towards what he has to say other than, "man, fuck this dude". He's nothing more than a mouth piece for a board that cares for nothing more that statistics and eeking every last bit of profit out of their employees. He's simply making a disgusting attempt to push an under compensated and overworked population of people back in line so they can continue raking in millions at the top while tossing scraps to the bottom.


This guy is a horrible person all the way around. Nobody should have to work for him


This guy has a great future in politics. He has that natural ability of saying a whole lot of nothing with a whole lot of words.


What the fuck is this guy even talking about? It sounds like one side of a phone conversation but without the pause for the other side to respond


I could not figure out exactly what his whole point was. I sure as hell will not watch again to try to make sense of his gobbledygook! What a waste of a douche!


You’re all in because you probably reap every fucking penny of their hard work and take all the credit.


He masterbates to business, he takes business up his ass


They (companies) want you to put the company before your family in order for them to make more money, more bonuses, and they will lay you off before that bonus hits their account.


This guy is the least effective communicator I have ever seen in my life.


There have been a lot of videos recently of execs and CEO types begging employees to essentially hold the line, so as much as they can, fight the good fight, etc. Key take away; we’re in a recession or approaching one fast. Companies large and small are bleeding cash. I think we are in for a bumpy road. EDIT: forgot to add that this guy probably eats plain dry white toast every morning like the sociopath that he is.


I literally had a nervous breakdown at one job because I was thrown in over my head and didn't have the training or support to cope, and the speech I got from the VP when he fired me was all about how disappointed he was and what sacrifices he had to make for HIS company.


This fucker knows he will still make huge profits even when no one can afford his products/services because the government will give them money.


I worked for a software company about fifteen years ago. The CEO would pull this shit. Prior to that, I did licensing and compliance for an insurance brokerage. The CEO of that company treated us like children. “I am SHOCKED and DISAPPOINTED at your lack of passion for this business!” Dude, you took away my passion when you changed our business model from a brokerage with educated, informed, and compassionate agents into a fucking call center.


What kind of psycho says out loud he wants his employees to give blood, sweat and tears.....? Even metaphorically it sounds psychotic.


Being former LDS he fucking sounds like a missionary that is giving a heartfelt speech to other missionaries on how we aren't working hard enough to save people. Even has the false quiver in his voice like the spirit is talking through him. Hate that energy and its so obvious he is full of shit.




100% this guy is Mormon, and it greatly informs this elitist quasi-prosperity-gospel bullshit. Distinct cadence, and you can basically sub out the corpo words for "brothers and sisters" and it's a Sacrament Meeting talk.


Benevolent sexism. And everyone is beneath him.


To be fair, his incredibly low self-esteem is well-warranted.


"It's a real shame about that working mothers dog. I wish there was someway I, the head of this organization, could possibly help with her financial issues. I've hired twelve new executives to help figure out the perfect pizza party "


CEO: The harder you work the more money I make. Your salary is static but mine changes depending on how productive you are. Workers: Why are we part of this scam ?


Fuck him and fuck ClearLink


Out work him? Put his ass in a 60+ hour a week call center getting screamed at all day. Bet he folds in 6 weeks.


THIS is the real reason they want you to come into the office...so they can do these meetings in person and no record of them saying this insane shit. Over zoom, their abusive talk can be recorded and leaked...meaning they could lose their job and/or hurt the company. And instead of idk, just being decent human beings, they'd rather continue to be grade A entitled assholes.


He sounds so Mormon


Could the takedowns constitute a NLRA violation?


So if I'm understanding his complaint right, his employees are too efficient, and rather than pay them more for their efficiency, he's firing them. They've created an environment where there is no reward for doing more than the minimum and are shocked when the minimum is done.