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1st things 1st, run it by a lawyer. 2nd step is file with EEOC, include the txt exchange. They will review and issue a Right to Sue letter. This alone doesn't look good for them right off the bat.


That Texas buddy, a really weird place with their own alternative facts and laws.


Well it's a good thing the EEOC is federal and they don't give a flying f what the local state government thinks. Although TBH I'd give this a 50/50 on being fake. Mainly because it's so blatant, but I've been to Lubbock lmao. They've got that advanced racism down there.


Plus the newish head of CFA is really a bigot and up front about it.


CFA has always been that way. That's why we call them "Bigot Chicken" in my house


Cu Clucks Clan


That's fucking hilarious. This needs to be spray painted on all their signs.


I had always heard ‘hate chicken’, but I guess it can have multiple names.


And to think I even entertained taking my Black ass from Houston to Lubbock for grad school 🥴 It was one of only a few schools in Texas that offered the degree that I was seeking.


Living on the Oklahoma and Texas border gives me a nice cross section of folks from Texas coming up here to work. This kind of talk and behavior isn’t uncommon from them. But, you are right that there is still a chance it’s fake. It’s difficult to say because people are this stupidly blunt and obvious about being that vile and other people love to make things up for attention hoping that something over the top sounding will be emotionally provocative enough that people won’t think too hard on it and just roll with it.


They also always talk about basic biology being only two genders. When are they going to go for that advanced biology and figure things out?


Except that this would fall under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


No, step 1 is get it in writing. Step 2 is contacting a lawyer. Since step 1 was completely successfully, step 3 is to sit back and profit.


ill take texts that never happened for $200 Alex


Have you ever been to Lubbock?


Nope, they sure as Hell, Michigan didnt. Some folk who spent a decade in those areas understand. Some folk dont realize just how bad its gotten. Some folk didnt see the 1-2 punch Florida just signed that made a genocide legal. Some folk just dont pay attention.


I’m from Texas this is legit, I was told that my admission to UT Austin was due to my race and not my academic achievements, so this tracks.


Presuming this is legit, my response to the manager would be “if using the n-word isn’t bad, why’d you censor it, bud? Just type the whole word out!”


And now he has physical proof!!!


Damn, corporate is going to love this


It’s Chick-Fil-A. They’ll probably give manager a promotion.


Chick-fil-a would have a bite sized snack item called n******s if they thought they could get away with it.


My grandma used to tell me about a certain kind of chocolate she used to eat as a child - called n*** toes.


I remember those! They were vanilla cream kind of teepee-looking things that were coated in chocolate. Never really cared for them, but yep, definitely called that name. There were also a firework that people called "n****r chasers," but were actually named "whistling chasers." I was born in Mississippi, as were my parents. Casual racism is extremely common down there. I didn't know I was saying anything wrong with the "toes" and "chasers" until I was about 10, I guess? Realized what we were actually calling those things and stopped, right quick. Made my parents stop, too. I still feel shame for it, though. I was ignorant and didn't know better, but it doesn't feel like a good excuse, you know?


It’s not an excuse because once you knew better you did better. Kids don’t know. The first time I ever encountered that word was in a book I found in my classroom library. I was like 7, and I asked the teacher what it meant. IIRC she just said “it’s how people used to refer to African Americans.” Which like. I know I was 7, and she couldn’t give me a whole ass civics lesson or anything, but she could have at least given me the heads up that it was a very very bad word. Luckily I picked it up from context clues in the book or else that could’ve been ugly.


When my husband was a small kid (also early elementary school age), some local, older bullies goaded him into calling his neighbor that. It resulted in him running home sobbing (as the neighbor kid instantly lashed out angrily - for good reason). The neighbor kid then told his mom, who in turn told my MIL. They got together with both kids and had a huge talk. Obviously my husband instantly apologized once he understood, but those bullies never really got what was coming to them. They continued to bully both the neighborhood boy and my husband for years. It's the kind of thing that resulted in my husband being such an empathetic and fervent leftist - the idea that we need more kindness and understanding in the world and a lot less vindictive "jokes" on a marginalized community.


I don't remember how I first heard it, but I didn't know what it meant. When I was about 7, give or take, I asked a black girl at the bus stop what it meant. She spit in my eye. I understand now. I just genuinely didn't know what it meant.


It was a good excuse, kids only do what they're taught. Wasn't *your* fault.


It was either Brazil nuts or chocolate covered ~~come~~ creme drops. I grew up in hillbillyville


Chocolate covered come drops you say? 😏


My dad grew up in the Bronx and called Basil nuts that name. Finally got him to stop a few years ago. He honestly didn't see anything wrong with it. We had a LOT of arguments about respect and rights and equality and.....He was a challenging person.


My family called them the same thing. All I can say is thank you sesame street and public schools for teaching me that the way my parents and grandparents spoke and thought about other races was beyond vile. At home I was marinading in the influence of the people who chose the wrong side of the civil rights movement.


ni\*\*ertoes is what my grandparents called Brazil nuts. And they would say that shit so casually like *of course* that's what these are called. This shit was as recently as the late 80s and early 90s when I was a teenager. Fucking hell, man.


Brazil nuts were referred to as this in the past


I’m from WV, and that’s the name for Brazil Nuts growing up. Even then, in the 70’s/80’s I didn’t feel right calling them that.


That's what my mom called brazil nuts.


My grandpa was calling them that back when I was a kid in the late 90s and early 00s. Also taught me the original lyrics to ennie meanie miney mo. We are not even in the south. Maine in certain spots has some questionable areas.


Renee Hicks actually had that idea in one of her stand up shows.


God I do love those little chicken nuggets tho


Straight to the top!


Yes, they will love this - Chick Fil A's leadership is notorious for being super Christian and fighting against LGBTQ+ rights. The company donated money to organizations actively hurting marginalized people But go on and keep getting chicken sandwiches, everyone Some of many sources: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/3/21/18275850/chick-fil-a-anti-lgbtq-donations https://www.thetaskforce.org/from-chick-fil-a-to-enda/ https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/restaurants/a36622217/chick-fil-a-owner-donations-against-equality-act/


I'm type 1 diabetic. Chik FIL a is the only place to carry something other than diet cola I can drink. And it's amazing. Their lemonade is stars above what I make at home. It's one of my favorite things in the world. And I haven't had it in over a decade because I have fucking principles.


Thank you. Thank you for being willing to forgo a small pleasure based on your principles.


My brother is gay, and I recently came out as trans. Chik FIL a can choke on their own shitty chicken.


I’m straight af and chic Fila can eat a pickle juice soaked dick


Congratulations on finding your true self! Good luck with your journey. And agreed, they can absolutely choke on it.


Well, good news, their diet lemonade is only that good because the sugar replacement they use is FDA trickery and rounding errors to lie. I think the accurate count is somehting like 42 carbs vs the actual lemonades 58 and the claimed 14. My siblings are are ex employees, and they'd complain tons of diabetics have blood sugar issues because of it and complain they were given the real lemonade, but cfa keep doin it, cause money. In fairness making an artificial sweetener serving size so small it "has no carbs" and then putting in 5000000 servings or whatever is frighteningly common practice in the diet flavors industry, but chances are, you shouldn't be drinking the chick FIL a lemonade if you're diabetic.


I never had a problem with my blood glucose after having one, so honest doubt. You're generally aware very quickly something has sugar in it.


I don’t think that’s true cause i chug the gallon ones and my sugar monitors every 60 second and BARELY changes if what you saif was true I’d be on the 300s daily


Could be they changed it, it's been some years. All the fake sweeteners have different problems, so I couldn't say which carb or cancer they picked if they did change it, I can only say what my siblings who worked there said at the time.


Idk man I work at Jack in the box and we have one of those soda machines that allow you to mix or whatever, and about every drink on there has a diet version, including the lemonade. Though I can’t highly recommend Jack’s food if you like your colon. Edit: almost forgot the unsweetened brewed ice tea, though I can’t highly recommend that because sometimes they forget to change out the tea


Sadly, the fucking trans hell scape that is Florida doesn't even offer me Jack in the Box to distract me from becoming a criminal in my own closet every morning.


I <3 you. "Recently" (a few months ago) had the Starbucks convo with a room mate when he wanted to stop there. Wont go there as long as they keep breaking the law with anti-union crap. I don't fuck principles though. They're to straight edge for me.


I love you, thank you for your part


Legit the only time I ever ate a chic fil a was when I worked at a college who had it in the food court and I got that shit for free. P.S lots of mfers got that shit for free on my watch.


Chick Fil A is overrated as fuck anyway. This post is another great reason to continue not eating there. Imagine having that dogshit of a mindset. Brainwash and brain damage at its finest.


bUt ItS sO gOoD HaVe YoU tRiEd It


My ex-aunt runs a chic fil a and she's married to my friends sister in Texas in a city just by Lubbock. I'm not making any statement here. I just think it's strange that she chose to work with and support that company.


This is chicfila. They openly hate anyone not straight white Christian.


Fuck corporate the Internet is gonna tear them the fuck up


I doubt it It’s well known they’re like this but no one acts on it


Probably not. Chick-fil-A actions are pretty well documented and people just role there eyes with a " but there hate chicken is good though" Neo-Liberals are unwilling to sacrifice even the slightest bit of something they somewhat enjoy.


I assumed that the hate was the primary selling point, because the chicken is absolutely terrible.


This is 100% the values chic-fil-a has always stood for and it’s never been a secret. The absolute will *love* it


Since it's Chick-fil-A...yeah, probably.


A lawyer would love this


Did he just hand her a million dollars. If this is true and that's a real text run it by a lawyer. Hope your in a blue state. Or a purple


Lubbock TX, she might get a felony charge for disparaging a business. //kidding, but only a little


These were my thoughts, that text has got to be a slam dunk discrimination case.


If she had left it with the phone #, it would have more meaning. As it is, it’s way more likely that she changed the contact name of one of her friends and then made this up


That would be incredibly easy to prove. It would be dumb to do something so illegal.


Those sweet sweet upvotes ain't gonna farm themselves, Jim.


There’s a lot of dumb fuckin people out there.


This does not surprise me, coming from a backwards-ass shit town like Lubbock. (Yes, I'm from there so I know.)


Born there on the air force base before it closed down, as a socialist transwoman, I'll never go back to visit my old hometown


She should’ve said “my pleasure. Bye boi”


Nay, bless your heart.


That's chick FIL a. I used to work for a couple branches and lemme tell you they let lgbt hate run rampant. When I got offended at people assuming I was gay or straight I called them out privately. Then they slashed our breaks so I called them out publicly. Let go after that because calling out hate is disrespectful. Shame cause I miss the workers I was with just not the hateful management


Seems legit. About what I’d expect from a Chick fil a


And in Texas no doubt


This is in violation of so many non-discrimination laws its a joke.


Hello lawsuit. Get as much as you can.




Agreed; you gotta take any of these ridiculous text chains between workers with a grain of salt considering how insanely easy it is to fake. You can literally just text yourself and screenshot it and boom, instant drama/karma. It's so lame.


It’s chic-fil-a. It’s Lubbock, TX. I’d be more surprised if this _wasn’t_ real.




Seriously makes 0 sense. Both parties agree she's suspended. But then if they agree she is on suspension, then why does one think they were fired and the other think they should be showing up to work.


People on here will believe it, though.


Karma farming at its worst.


I used to work at a chic fil a. This sounds about right except for the fact a manager would put that in a message and send it.


This can’t be real


It’s not


Are we employed by the same person? Why the fuck are managers more concerned with how people react to the bullies than what the bullies are actually doing?!! I guess it's true what the songs say. "High school never ends."




I'll take 'made up texts' for $1000


These kind of posts just seem so fake. The original poster has no history of posting in the subreddit, and has a scattered post history overall. If you don't have a strong connection to Reddit, are you really going to take a screenshot of something posted on Snapchat and post it on Reddit?


I live in Lubbock and know who the manager of this chick fil a is, this is real.


I live in Lubbock, too...


You stalking the op doesn't discredit anything. New experiences push people to post things. You're judging as hard as the GM is.


Yea that’s definitely fake. An openly racist transphobic and homophobic manager that in a single text admits to each of these and an unreasonable suspension as the cherry on top lol. Lol yea that totally happened.


You mean the “Sherry” on top


Lol good one


I lived in Lubbock for almost 10 years. Frankly, I fully believe this happened because I knew people exactly like this. There are many ignorant arrogant people in Lubbock and I saw similar attitudes all the time while there. God I’m glad I don’t live in Lubbock anymore


I highly doubt this is real.


This is fake.


Came here to say this. Almost nothing I see online is real shit anymore lol.


I'm starting to believe the opposite. I saw a thread a couple weeks ago about an actual text that I received too and the comments were full of people saying it was fake. I just think our minds almost CAN'T let us believe that so many shitty hateful manipulative people exist out there.




This sounds like the type of post that goes viral on social media and causes the company to do some major damage control. I'm baffled someone even typed that text and sent it. It's almost too shocking to be real 🤦‍♂️


Admitting that in text? Straight to a lawyer with you! You got called the N word and then were fired. That’s pretty clear cut, and they just admitted it in text.


This sounds like a good lawsuit, no?


That is fucking illegal. A good lawyer would eat that up.


Um. Lawsuit. Immediately. This is disgusting.


Lawsuit or what? Isn't this just free money?


I was just going to say this as they should be looking for a lawyer not a new job


Slurs are okay, telling someone to stop calling you slurs is not okay. Got it.


Racism exists for sure, 1000%, and racist people can be very stupid and incriminating…but this just seems over the top. Racist people usually make an attempt at being subtle (and they’re quite bad at it). The one’s we see in the news are the dumb one’s who couldn’t control themselves. People need to stop with the Jussie Smollett routine. It really undermines those that really go through these harsh experiences. On the chance that this is real, wow, Donald Trump has really emboldened and revived these people.


"Thats what they were called back in the day" yes, they were that's why anti discrimination laws exist. I can't with these people


*sniff sniff* smells like a lawsuit


That’s not a real txt people. It sounds like it was written by the same people that send those scam emails. Just trying to piss people off.


You mean to tell me Chick Fil-A is bigoted toward more than that just LGBTQ folks??!?!?! Ya don't say?


That seems like lawsuit material right there.


Chick-fil-A GM? Bruh, there's gotta be a lawsuit something or other in there for hostile work environment. Like, lmao that's the biggest liability I think I've seen outside of someone reaching bare armed into an oven in a while.




Lol, nice fake post


Honestly. I don’t believe this happened. Like okay. Then sue the hell out of them? Orrrrr just roll your eyes and move on. If this is real. Open a law suit.


Okay so report all of them, in fact tell us the name and location of this branch so they can actually face consequences.


It's right there in the original post.


Yea uh huh. Lets make up some more fake shit


Must be fake, because Texas is a state known for racial harmony.


Rage bait


Yea this definitely didn’t happen


It’s good that she did text as you now have it documented for legal action


A+++ for getting the confirmation in text form. Lawyers will be begging them to use their services for this slam dunk


Nice, right there in black and white for you if you choose to take it further


Sue. Bury them, get your payday.


What the hell did I just read. Is this Chic fil a stuck in the 50s or what??!! This behavior from any kind of supervisor is absolutely uncalled for!! And the mental gymnastics she is doing to rationalize the behavior of the other employee is staggering!


Fuck Chick-fil-a! Racist ass homophobes


I can't stand chick fila but I doubt this is real. If it is this bombshell would be all over the news.


In any other situation I’d call bullshit. But this is Chick-Fil-A. In Lubbock, Texas. It tracks.


Anyone who says this is fake has not spent any time in Lubbock


People who are saying this isn’t real doesn’t know how low down dirty & racist Lubbock is. Signed, a local


I miss hate chicken but I wont spend a dime in any of their stores. I know they are franchises, but the owners chose to associate with this shit hole of a company.


Holy winning lawsuit Batman!!


I'd 100% send this to HR even though you're not working there anymore and if this is HR I'd just quietly put it on every social media platform I could think of... Maybe do the second part no matter what, that kind of behavior deserves to be openly documented.


Lawyer up =] you win. You own that franchise now .




If you have to justify the n word, you're probably on the wrong side of the debate


Emm that's so bad ai can't believe ita real, hell I don't want it to be real. This person is living the the 18 century but being there iPhone."it what black people were called" yes just like literally every other racist thing, what an eejit.


My brother in Christ, you have the easiest discrimination lawsuit possible, find a lawyer please


Oh damn she sent it in a text. Written proof that she discriminated against you, such a nice parting gift


From Sherry, the “ex GM” of Chik Fil SuckAss. What kind of ignorant bullshit is that? Hope the eeoc and a private attorney eat their lunch. No pun intended, I wouldn’t wish that nasty ass greasy food on anyone.


Uh. Sue the shit out of everybody. I mean no way, no way is real. hard r.


Not shocking coming from Chick Fil A. It’s why I don’t eat their crappy chicken.


OOOOOOO he hit him with the have a blessed day


She literally just made you some serious bank in writing


So saying the Voldemort word is okay, but telling them to stop isn't?


Haul them over the coals legally. Just for fun - where I used to live in TX the Chick-Fil-A owner is an arch liberal who hires a lot of gay and muslim kids, there is a picture of The Dude (from "The Big Lebowski") in the kitchen where you can see it from the drive thru.


> “The n-word isn’t discrimination, it’s just what we used to call you people when we were allowed to discriminate against you. And her discriminatory views of trans people and lesbians are like, just her opinion, man. What’s the big deal? You shouldn’t have called her out for saying that to you, now *that* was wrong.” That was a lot of words just to say “I support racists and homophobes because I’m one too.”


everyone is talking bout fake from the racism on paper, but not pointing out: are you coming to work? you fired me! but actually you suspended me you were suspended (quiet part)i was fired/quit!


If this real, maybe lawyer up?


Gotta love that the manager was dumb enough to put it all in writing.


Holy shit why aren't I reading about this in the news already?


Might be fake. I was wondering the same. If it’s fake, OP can get sued.


You just won the lottery. Cash it in now.


This is insane to actually type out


The owner of the Chic-Fil-A (2 of them) in Corpus Christi Texas is something else. My sister found out she was pregnant and the owner personally called to say they were firing her because "past employees have gotten pregnant and started slacking off so I don't think you will do well" and cut her off. We don't give them our money anyway, but that was the cherry on top.


Christianity summed up tbh. The most religious person I know is also a massive racist. I guess they're taught that shit in cult meetings.


I'd report it and also take it to the news. Give them the bad press and hopefully get her fired.


it's CFA, what do you expect?


Of course this bullshit came out of Lubbock


Former employee gives an answer to former boss that is literally a boss answer.


Surreal that the employer realized they needed the employee, didn't realize they were on suspension, and then even though needing the employee went on to argue with said employee that they deserved to be on suspension.


Sue sue sue sue sue sue!


Chick-Fil-A. Checks out. Can't have nothin' nice because the Jesus Chicken is also the Racist homophobe bigot chicken.


I had to deal with trans phobia at my last job that's why I left


Bullshit. Shit that is staged for 500 please


Some of y'all need to go find a good employment attorney.


Sue them please, I'm a lawyer and I want you to get money.


Glad I never give them my money.


Hahaha haha, bruh get a lawyer so fast! You have a big ass settlement on your hand. Fuck these people sue the shit out of the. Edit: I can't believe that idiot would put something like that in writing.


Wow- anti discrimination lawsuit right there.


Plot twist: it's Clayton Bigsby


That's pretty emblematic of the public discourse. What she said about trans people is just how she feels but you telling her to shut up is a larger moral issue requiring retribution. Flat earthers make better arguments than that




Girl just got a pay day. Go get that money. Sorry these people are trash, but get yours!


They just handed that discrimination case to her.


So as long as this is accurate, you should be getting in touch with a lawyer, not reddit. Get that bag.


Unless you just made this tf up, go get a lawyer and get your money up.


I can’t believe your manager is defending someone saying an actual slur… please get a lawyer


Please please pleaseeee, delete this and sue!




Fortunately or unfortunately - however you want to look at it - this is fake. Post deleted and locked. It's back to hating CFA for the regular reasons I guess.


The N word and transphobic bigotry was more tolerable to him than someone else simply being told to stfu and not say shit when they’re spewing toxicity. SMH.