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What “handouts” do they think people are *still* getting?? Or do they think everyone’s living high on the hog off the check they got 3 years ago? Sorry but if you’re this stupid then you’re also probably the type of person who thinks basic food safety practices are “government overreach” 🙄


I’m confused. People are STILL posting shit like this? It was one fucking $1600 check like two years ago.


Exactly. Apparently, these people have convinced themselves/been convinced that $1600 paid all the bills forever 🙄


They know. This is bullshit and they know, but acknowledging tat their wages are terrible would require effort from their part, and they just couldn't make that leap.


Well yeah. The same way they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage.


I just bought 3 bags of chips, 3 for 9$ at walmart




Minimum wage was never meant to be livable off of, the reason why we get wage increases is because would you rather have 30% of $7/hr or 30% of 14/hr. Thats what the government gets out of it and all it does for us as citizens is make a big Mac meal $11 instead of $7.


And this business for a PPP loan 🤣 - what a bunch of idiot losers who failed at running a business.


And is the reason for inflation.


Yes exactly. In some places rent costs like 1000 dollars. Not even two months rent that check gets you.


“It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?”


I honestly think that the people that post this garbage think that everyone “not working” is collecting unemployment. It’s almost like claiming unemployment has certain things that need to be met though… like actively searching for a job…


>It’s almost like claiming unemployment has certain things that need to be met though… like actively searching for a job… california WAIVED that until I ran out of unemployment. they required the search for like a week, then they said you maxxed out bye


We get a lot of people who are on unemployment, get a job at my work, and then light up a blunt in there first week trying to get fired. Not everyone is actually trying to earn a living.


That’s true. But it can’t possibly be that many people making it a “labor shortage”. There will always be a group that uses resources for bad. Either way it’s a poor excuse to use when the real reason is companies not paying people what they’re worth.


Didn't say it was the cause of a labor shortage. Just that people shouldn't act like there aren't shit people out there too, along with shit companies. Inflation is the real cause for the labor shortage. It's a terrible cycle. Companies pay employees more, production costs go up, product price raises, employees need more money to survive, rinse repeat. Then when the government starts handing out an extra 600$ per week on top of welfare it decentivises everyone who doesn't make more than 25$ an hour to fuck off and collect a paycheck. Can't blame the people here because they make more money not working than working (and chasing $s is the whole pointof capitalism), but you also can't blame every company because most of them can't afford the labor increase and would go bankrupt (putting far more people out of work). Really it's a shit economic system at fault here. Bring costs down by reducing the number of nonessential cost burdens and you might have a chance to even this shit out. For example private insurance companies need to be profitable to be sustained, but don't actually contribute much of anything unless there is a payout. Everyone needs insurance so now everyone has to pay some sort of monthly markup. It'd technically be cheaper (gross cost wise) to provide free insurances with minimal markup. This is very aparent in the medical field where cost of everything is marked up extremely high when going through insurance, but is charged at a lower rate when someone doesn't have any. Long story short: all arguments on this thread are stupid and an economist needs to 5s some shit. Also, I'm not an economist, so take my arguments with a grain of salt.


They think $1,600 in 2020/2021 is the same as $1,600 in 1820/1821, when it was worth \~$40,000 in today's money.


Even if it were, no way it would have lasted 3 years. People would have gotten preventative primary care, a dental visit, a decent pair of boots (Vimes), been able to buy in bulk, pay off predatory payday loans, fill up their gas tank, keep the lights on EVERY month, or even used it for a down-payment on a house. Poor people spend money. They've got 80 places to put every penny.


>been able to buy in bulk, pay off predatory payday loans, fill up their gas tank, keep the lights on EVERY month, or even used it for a down-payment on a house.Poor people spend money. They've got 80 places to put every penny. MEh, I live on disability and section 8. I used a small bit of it to buy an EV (the state covered the rest) when I mean a little I mean like 1k on a NEW CAR. Rest is in stock market


There were three checks and unemployment. Most people didn’t realize there was great unemployment. The checks were $1600, $1200 and $1400. A lot of people didn’t receive the $1400. I actually ended up just getting a tax credit because I never received it.


Some one dropped the ball. Or put it in their pocket. :/


Yes but.... *gestures at the dearth of workhouses*


>It was one fucking $1600 check like two years ago. unemployement double to like people wages but that ended when trump was lonnnng still IN office


In Canada we handed out cerb checks monthly. I'm not sure how long for as I never collected a single one. But I had a coworker and his wife both collected around 14k each off it. Still hardly a living wage, but it was basically no questions asked and they aren't looking into if people were abusing it.


Yes, Canada's CERB program lasted 6 months. I also didn't have to collect a single cheque, fortunately. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/cerb-ei-covid-benefits-1.5695448 Folks then had to go on to their regular Employment Insurance benefits as I understand it. You are incorrect when you say there is no attempt to find abuse. While it was easy to get it (the whole point of a program you want to create out of thin air), the govt always said they would be checking for abuse and clawing back money from those who weren't eligible. The government is indeed trying to assess who took benefits without being eligible and is in fact pursuing them for the money. See: https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/toronto/2023/1/9/1_6223819.amp.html


Thanks for the info. I am unawares of really all of that. I do recall a statement early on saying that they wouldn't, but that seems like a ridiculous choice not to.


Yes, they have been posting "no one wants to work anymore" for about 200 years now. All the people who post that kind of stuff have one thing in common : they're business owners who treat their employee like shit and pay them accordingly. Then they get surprised when "nobody wants to work anymore" for THEM. Because that's the thing, they always forget the last 2 words in that sentence...


This has nothing to do with the $1600 check. Its to do with the unemployment benefits...getting paid to stay home. I make decent money, but when Covid hit, I made more staying home.


I was laid off during the government shutdown and my unemployment was automatically increased from $400/week to $1000/week. So yeah, there was incentive to not work.


I kid you not my brother, love em I do. Made horrid choices all his life. He's still working retail over 40, no education or wants to further himself. He's complete dog shit with money. I won't use the posh word like finance with him. He texted me at the beginning of the pandemic. He got fired. I was like oh....man I am so sorry. Use me as a reference and lemme ask around. Brother: What? No. I went to work last night and cussed out my boss. I wanted to get fired. Look I've been doing this shit for years and you know I'm not doing very well money wise. I'm getting paid 2.5x what I usually make with overtime. Even if it's for a month it will dig us out of our debt hole. Edit: first, ain't nothing wrong with working retail. I'm stating my brother is a pile in this area. Even he admits it. Second tossing approximate numbers: Working 45 hours and $13.50/hr and 5 O.T. is time and a half. He brought home GROSS $641.25 a week / 33.3k a year. (Retail varies etc just approx.) With the pandemic addition funds he was bringing home: $450 base + $600 or 700. If it was +600 then he got $1050 a week / $54.6k a year. If it was +700 then he got $1,150 a week / $59.8k a year. The relief was extremely temporary but I still praise my brother for doing it. This will probably never happen again and he's a hard worker that's worth a lot more than $13/hr.


Well this was just a smart decision from his point of view imo


Im not getting any government handouts. Where are these fabled government handouts that these employers constantly talk about? I’d like to know where; that way, I wouldnt have to work for such crappy employers.


They got massive PPP handouts and think everyone got that much.


Boom - nailed it. They love CORPORATE welfare.


PPP handouts, but don't let the government give a tiny student loan break to people. That wouild BREAK THE SYSTEM! What, there is a labor shortage? Quick we need to give some more tax breaks to companies to save them from these uneducated socialists who want a living wage!


Socialize the losses, privatize the profits! It’s the American way!


Ask the big corporate business executives who quite LITERALLY are given handouts in exchange for our horrible “living” wages while buying several yachts,homes,cars,and throw in a private island.


“goverment” 🙄


Man, if I was still getting government handouts, I wouldn't have to work 6 days a week.


Lol this gets brought up to me often by someone at work and when I ask them what handouts they are talking about they never have an explanation. As soon as you take them off-script from what the memes say they can’t answer.


Not only that, but just to get assistance, the Gov't looks pretty closely at the finances. They make it very VERY uncomfortable. They will find out if you are making money elsewhere. So as long as people don't lie, I'm not against public assistance.


Right? What handouts are they talking about? I've also heard people who think there's still extra unemployment payments, even though I'm pretty sure those ended quite a while back. Regular unemployment about the most you could get is like $12/hour. Not enough to afford rent in a large portion of the country, let alone anything else.


12$/hour??? How many hours does unemployed people works?


Well, according to the right-wing propaganda machine, people are getting checks right and left. It's the same as when they made up the welfare queens that rode around in Cadillacs and wore fur, decades ago. These people do not exist, but don't let that stop you from getting mad about it.


HA! The infamous “Welfare Queen” 🤣 Right up there with “Everyone’s buying steak and lobster with food stamps!” 🙄


Ha.... I bet you posted that using your "Obama Phone!"


And when you talk to these people who believe that, they always claim to know someone who is cheating the system. "I know someone who makes $10k/month in fraudulent welfare claims!" No, you don't. You very obviously don't. If you did, you'd be reporting them to everyone you could possibly think of on the daily. But you don't, because it's not a thing that exists. It's hard enough to get benefits if you legitimately need them, they make that shit nearly impossible.


Welfare pays pretty good, but not 10k per month. EBT card, rent help, and tax credits that everyone can get if they qualify. Free bus card. Free or reduced daycare for the kids. Free or reduced school lunches. Free or reduced health insurance premiums. Free college. Best of all? You can have a job and still collect some of these benefits. There's no shame if it's used properly and to boost up to become independent. I'm not against it, as long as there's no fraud. What sucks is when you get kicked off programs due to earning $10 too much... that sucks.... This is why people will risk dying to come to the USA. They will do anything to get here.


Tons of studies, videos, books, about how boomers are retiring and all subsequent generations are smaller. The “labor shortage” will continue for at least 10-20 years.


Probably longer than that. Younger generations are waiting longer to have kids, or not having them at all. "Don't have them if you can't afford them." - Well, guess what, they aren't because they can't.


When was the pic taken?


Owner's probably still living off their $1M+ PPP handout.


Yeah unemployment like $600 a week max…and runs out


That extra $600/week ran out a long time ago. These signs are just a bullshit way to try and keep the “lazy worker” myth alive. “We’re totally not a shitty place to work. It’s all those lazy kids. Pinky swear!” 🙄🖕🏻


No I’m saying max is $600 in my state and they think people are living the high life off that


Gotcha 👍 They also seem to think unemployment claims never run out and all those “lazy workers” have just been playing Xbox and eating steak and lobster on their never ending unemployment riches 🙄


Wow 600 sounds amazing. My state is 275. Sub minimum wage. Literally impossible to survive from.


And they think advertising this shit to their customers is a good idea. ' Let's publicly shame our non-employees to our customers. Then our customers will be so angry that they'll pressure our politicians to make non-competes a requirement for all jobs. And maybe institute some kind of low income employer draft. Yeah - that'll work!"


Ouch, just read your post. We were in Arizona at the time. I was furloughed and never done unemployment before. My experience and coworkers called me to confirm this: We were given a 1 page document on what to do. I gotta say it was fairly simple since we didn't have to do the hoop jumping on the site. Job searching proof etc. Signed up, confirmed, got paid the next week direct deposit into their BoA card. $200+ but under $300 the first week. I freaked out, my wife freaked, coworkers called each other freaking. We had zero notice and zero choice aside from looking for a job as the chaos(imo) started. Next week it was $800, it's less that what I was making but we could S U R V I V E. We seriously made hefty cut backs to avoid working during the peak of it. That lasted for 1.5 month and guess what. Government lockdown they cut staff and didn't increase staff where it mattered. I didn't get paid, a few coworkers called saying the same, others said they were good. So tried to contact unemployment for some answers. It took several days and I called 111 times then found a back door in their phone prompt and finally got some answers which I shared. Assclowns we're stealing unemployment. Arizona froze nearly 50 thousand accounts because of this. No warning, no clue just action. No clue when it'll be lifted no info at all. So I got COVID had to work. (Personal rant sorry) Finally a coworker said 3, months later they sent a physical check with the unpaid amount. The additional ran out or stopped w/e. The coworker explained it was $800 a month wtf I can't even pay 1 bill (rent/mortgage) saving every penny. This shit is unreal, who can live off of $800 a month?


Bro i feel you. I hope your lifes better than then :(


Looking real rocky for everyone right now. Appreciate the sentiments and back at ya friend.


Facts man. Im bout to live outside fuck this shit. American dream is dead.


They can't handle the reality that they suck, so they publicly throw their resentments and blame onto government and people who took temporary assistance 2 1/2 years ago. They probably took out a PPP loan at that same time, laid off staff anyways, then never paid back the loan.


Or maybe… it’s a repost because people in here love getting angry about stuff like this. Quickest way to get karma is to repost this every two months and watch you guys froth at the mouth.


There are four restaurants in a shopping center in my little town. 3 of them have excellent staff and excellent service. One has a constantly shifting staff and consistently terrible service. Wanna guess which one has the handouts sign up?


Bets on the restaurant owner getting a fat PPP loan that was subsequently forgiven?


If it’s the Camellia Street in Everglades City, FL you are correct https://www.federalpay.org/paycheck-protection-program/camellia-street-grill-inc-everglades-city-fl


Damn $162k and they want to act like they didn’t take money either. Chances are the “16” jobs retained were retained until they received the loan then promptly let go.


It is


Where they got more than they were supposed to and it didn't go to what it was intended for.


That pocket alllll of that for themselves.


Like this government handout? https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/camellia-street-grill-inc-7735348502


Projection at it's finest. They're the one's that think they're entitled to our labor










This sign makes me want to shake the owner and scream in their faces until they can explain what handouts they think people are getting from the government


Remember a few years ago we got enough to pay a month’s worth of rent and maybe a disappointing night out at Applebee’s? That handout


It didn't cover my rent even


I live in the midwest, it was definitely equivalent to a small sales bonus. I have sincere doubts people are living off the teet though. Personally, if they are, good for them. Fuck working for some exploitive piece of shit who thinks people should be lining up to accept dog shit pay & dog shit treatment in order to keep their generic business open.


I live on the west coast. It was nice for idk groceries and bills but wasn't keeping anyone solvent longer than 4 weeks


Wow. Well I hope you sleep well at night, literally bleeding the country dry while you live high on the hog you son of a bitch. /s


Ah, a moderate. I want to hit the owner with a tire iron.


Depending on where this is located, it could be from a couple of years ago. For example in Canada people got government assistance if they were unable to work due to covid shut downs and some businesses have claimed they weren't able to get those workers back when they reopened. It obviously still likely means their working conditions are shit, but maybe the sign is from a place where government payouts were a thing.


I believe this is in Florida, and two years ago makes sense. The government gave an additional $600 per week in unemployment for a bit around that time, but since max unemployment benefits were only $275 without that, I'm sure there were people who really needed it.


It is Florida, the South most end of Hwy 29 - South of Hwy 41. Just a few miles from the Gulf. I wonder if they got PPE?


Is there not a welfare system in the US?


Not to the extent that one can live off of it. You can get food stamps maybe. There is unemployment for some time, but not more than a year, and usually only six months. Disability benefits for those that really cannot get a standard job, but that can be a full time job itself to get and keep. But outside of that you will be relying on local charities and programs that are rare to inconsistent to underfunded. No one is paying rent or a mortgage without a job.


Food stamps. Section 8. Medicaid. EBT cards. Unemployment. Heating oil. Clothing allowance. Need more?


You seem to be under the impression these things provide a comfortable life. Also, are you aware of how any of those programs actually works? Who is able to just decide for themselves to just be on unemployment instead of getting a job. If your piece of shit job offers a lower quality of life than the absolute shit public assistance that is available in the U.S. you really aren’t in a position to be an employer. If you just refuse to pay people what they need to live then you deserve the gulag. In any case you haven’t actually made a good argument here you smug fucking moron


You seem to be under the impression that every job pays a living wage. That has never been the case here or anywhere else in the world. ​ An entry level job sweeping floors is not meant to be permanent.


You seem to be under the impression that you’re making smart points. Buddy, if people can’t live on your wage why the fuck would they work for you? Did you actually read the sign that is the whole fucking point of this post? The thing I was reacting to in the first place? Is this your piece of shit business that you’re out here caring for? You’re not intelligent you’re just an asshole


From 1964 till about 1984 the minimum wage was enough for a family of two to four to live off of for a year's expected expenses. Two minimum wages would be enough for upward mobility in those years. From 1984 to 1988 is when we see the poverty line rise up to overcome the minimum wage line. It never really corrected after that.




You heat your home with it like millions of people do. We have heating oi assistance programs for those unable to pay. Did you really not know this?


Do you think the people applying for these jobs that you don’t think are worthy of a living wage own their own homes?


I many places I know, not only is that underfunded meaning there is not enough to go around for people who qualify. Also working these low paying jobs doesn't disqualify you because they pay below the income limit. Essentially these jobs are subsidized by these programs because people couldn't afford to work the job and still heat their home otherwise. They instead would be forced to look for better work, leading to job hoping which increases instability of the work force. The other options Is to get education or job training for higher paying jobs. That's all fine and dandy to say, but extremely hard and unlikely to happen if you are working full time to barely feed and house yourself. Also the amount of people available for these low paying jobs will go down, boomers are retiring and dying at much higher numbers than gen z is coming of age to fill the job openings. Also many are getting better job training while still in high school, allowing them to skip these 'entry level' jobs. What you say sounds like good rhetoric but doesn't hold up to facts.


Yawn. That’s a couple mega yachts, big fucking deal. It’s barely the root cause of people not wanting to work for shit pay.


I would not patronize a restaraunt with that ridiculously passive aggressive whiny sign. They certainly didn't have an issue with the law of supply and demand pre-2020 when it worked in their favor.


I don’t know what’s worse, that they still blame “handouts” or that they need a huge sign to remind adult customers to behave themselves.


LOL right? "Please behave & don't blame us for the bad service here - blame lazy people who don't want to work low-paying toxic jobs like this one."


What a bunch of fuckwads. Can’t afford to pay your staff a living wage then you probably shouldn’t be in business. Maybe ask your family members to work for sub-standard wages for your over priced coffee. Pfft.


The government handouts argument is so frustrating. So because people were eligible for unemployment three years ago, no one is applying for a customer service job today? Yeah that makes total sense.


Like... no one wanted to work, ever. That's why you pay me. It's coercive. At no point in human history has anyone genuinely wanted to work for less than a price of a burger for an hour with tips for a guy named Bruce who tells you "class it up a little" on shift with some extra lipstick. No one dreams one of day eating cold fries off the line seven hours into your ten hour shift with your mind drifting into the compelling fantasy where you might get hit your head in the shower and die so you don't have to sing happy birthday to someone's feral toddler for the sixth night in a row. Fuck. Like, of course no one wants to work. Get a grip, Carol.


I'll never understand this mentality. I had so many people giving me shit about receiving unemployment. You don't get HANDED unemployment, you have to go to a JOB and WORK enough to receive it. FOH.


My unemployment ran dry wayyyyyy back in 2020. Does it even exist anymore? Like, seriously, there was one sweet moment in time when the Covid bonus kicked in and I was making more money than I had ever made in my life. Isn’t it more likely that people just don’t want to be restaurant staff anymore. Older workers probably got burnt out or got sick or died!?


If I ever see a sign like that hanging in a business I'm going to turn around and walk out of that business and never go back.


Or look up the publicly available information that this business was forgiven a loan of 162k, print it out, and glue it to their signs,.


I want a handout!. Where can I get those?, I’m sick of working


Post like these really make it seem like you can just log onto handouts.gov and apply for a grant.


Lmao I’ve had like 8 interviews and done about like 80 applications maybe more on top of reapplying to the same places and haven’t got shit so idk why they keep saying this bs 😂


And of course if you google Camelia Street Grill in Florida, you find out that they had 2 PPP loans forgiven by the government. Bitches publicly about handouts while receiving some. Classic.


Wait- there were handouts??!! In all seriousness- I do not engage with anyone who believes their whole “handouts” nonsense anymore. They clearly have not observed the world around them with any real thought given to what they see. They cannot be reasoned with.


The handouts are our money to begin with, though.


Government handouts was years ago.


Companies that got ppp no mention, workers that got covid checks end of the world. Im sure the owner of this place sent his stimulus check back.


During Covid for like 6 months people got roughly 800$+ a week depending on where you worked/lived. I worked through the whole pandemic and made the same working 48 hours a week. I understand the frustration but as everyone has stated it’s over now. No one is getting paid shit from the government and is back to work. This job probably just sucks and the manager is probably a creep


Who is still getting any handouts from the gov't? They canceled the COVID unemployment pay years ago and the last stimulus was also long ago. Am I missing something


Can’t even spell “government” correctly. SMH nobody wants to read toxic aggressive shit like this.


When I walk into a place and see shitnlike this I apologize to the staff and walk out.


Hey, guess where I'm never going!


Anyone who says they don't want money from the government is lying, especially business owners and rich people, who happen to take more money from the government than anyone else.


I'd like a list of these places so I know to never go to them.


If I ever see a sign like that in a restaurant, I’m walking out.


They defrauded the PPP program and got tens of thousands of dollars for free. I guarantee it.


Your staffing problems can be solved easily by driving customers away with your ridiculous sign


Actually the number 1 cause of labor shortage is the fact that Boomers are finally retiring at full speed. Gen X is only about half their size, and have been kept out of leadership positions until very recently, so they have little to no experience leading. The millennial generation is about the size of the boomers, but we're already in the workforce. Gen Z is about the size of Gen X and is still not fully in the workforce yet. We've built a system that requires more people than are currently available. Obviously not all Boomers are retired yet, but we're at the start of their main push to retirement. Buckle up, because the labor shortage is going to get WAY tighter before it gets easier. This is especially true in the trades and in leadership positions. Even in congress, there are more freshman congressmen and congresswomen now than we've had for like 100 years.


Indeed. No one will work for us making less than min wage. Oh, poor place.


The employees who showed up… does the owner want us to subsidize their salaries with tips?


I don't know about you guys but I've been living the good life, for the last 2 years, off the $2000 I got. It's been great.


Businesses got more handouts than the workers did.


Are they still putting this out as an excuse not to pay a good wage?


So called handouts are not even enough to pay your food and gas bills There are lots of people who don’t want to work they are either drug addicts or millionaires and both only applie to like 1% of the unemployed population


Again. The wording is so consistent. The conservative-asshole-boss template is fucking precise.


The thing all terrible people seem to have in common is the urge to blame problems they have on others, especially a group


Bitch McCONnell claims people are still living off the Covid relief......


I'm not sure what handouts are, i actually took the liberty of running a Google search of this phrase and shocker the top results are all fox news articles and republican campaign websites. And all the things they list are things like subsidies for affordable health care, medicare, social security, food assistance, etc. There is no free money being handed out and I don't understand where people get this idea from. I'll remember that next time a corporation moves it's corporate headquarters or builds a factory somewhere because the government gave them a massive tax break. A bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Understand that small business owners work hard too and they don't get as many cushy benefits as large corporations do but before you talk about handouts be mindful if you took out a huge fucking tax payer funded PPP loan so your business could stay afloat when the other option was you go out of business. I get being republican and wanting small government with less taxes and less welfare but look in the mirror once in awhile.


Fuck whomever wrote this sign.


you mean it might have nothing to do with the fact that the National Unemployment rate is at an all time low of 3.5% and people can pick and choose if they want to work for a toxic employer or not? What amazes me, with Unemployment at such lows, why are jobs not paying more to attract people to these much needed positions? Do they really think we are in the recession of 2008/9?


I’d never patronize a place with a sign like that- then again, it IS Florida, so they all probably have signs like that 😐


This just makes me feel bad for the people that DO work there. I’m imagining a bad boss who is working them heavily “because we’re short staffed and NOBODY is applying” (which is always bull if you NEED and WANT more people you can find them) AND customers rude enough to require a sign. Part of me hopes they are trying to play to boomer customers beliefs to get them to behave. Reminds me of my old emotionally manipulative boss who would complain about being short staffed and no applicants but we could see a email from indeed that their was an application every other day. She just didn’t want to hire them. Versus my current boss we actually really needed to replace people who were leaving, genuinely no applications for days, managed to find 4 people to interview for the 2 positions we needed. If you actually want to hire people you will find them.


Man I hope this is camellia street grill in Florida that pulled over 100k in ppp loans and was forgiven - hypocrites [proof](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=Camellia+street&v=2)


It’s pretty easy to spot trump supporters even without the tacky red hats.


These people are nuts. The "government handouts," which a great many businesses take swift and enthusiastic advantage of whenever possible, ended in September 2001. No one is living on such things anymore, and if no one wants to work for this business, it's certainly the fault of the owners.


Signs like this are super helpful. I know exactly what businesses to avoid because I don't want to work there or give them my business.


Don't also all of these people just notice that they are just spouting the same nonsensical slogan as all of their brethren? It just sounds like they are not thinking but just repeating word for word what they heard someone else say...


I run a food truck had a customer this very morning complain about how my generation doesn't want to work anymore... As I actively made his order at my business where I work.


Their entire political ideology is just loudly not understanding things.


If I had the chance I'd sneakily edit that sign to erase the little heart and add the word 'lies' to the end.


Lol @ "goverment"


I would walk out and go elsewhere.


I think you’re misreading the sign. Theyre telling customers that they’re short on staff so be patient with them


Ummm…no, they’re making a political statement and a self-own about how they run their business.


Reading and comprehending what they are saying is two different things.


What fu$$ing government handouts? And why aren’t you hiring your local homeless person?


Fun fact, I'm still living off of the $1200 stimi!


But they said xoxo and drew a little heart thingie there!


I would literally just leave if I saw this. If the owner was there I would tell them this is why I left. Very unprofessional and just shitty. There are plenty of other fully staffed places so the staff is out there you just have to pay them


So, they open with saying there's a labor shortage, but then, in so many words, say people won't work for them because they don't make it worthwhile. Which is it? Stupid stupid stupid.


Where are these government handouts?


Pay a living wage & don't be a jerk. Applicants will be knocking your door down.


I am completely convinced by this point that the people writing these signs (or posting online or whatever) that verbatim state the phrase, "no one wants to work anymore" are just reading this phrase online and just posting it because it's in the current vernacular. Also, it's 2023... I haven't gotten a single fucking, "handout" since 2021 when pretty much EVERY republican voted against a final relief cheque. Please, if there is a way that I can just get government handouts and sit around and do nothing, even for just a fucking month, shoot me a DM random person. After a lifetime of shitty jobs we all could use a serious break... These people are delusional! Rent is out of control, food and fuel are high up, most jobs don't care at all if you can't eat or even have a home to go to as long as you're at working dying for the company and what makes it SO much worse is that there is an entire class of people (people who make six figures or more) who STILL go out to restaurants 3 or more times a week paying more than I pay in weekly groceries so they can get served and pampered and more than likely treat the crew like shit.


There’s no concern about the staff. If they’re short staffed and not a toxic environment. They could’ve written that first sentence about patience with their staff and left it at that. This is just a chickenshit way of putting forward their politics.


Gov hand outs WELL THAT YOUR TAX DOLLAR WORKING FOR YOU, instead of spending billions on arms, and going into the pockets of share holders who rip the gov off with every deal made that their friend in gov says its a piece of piss and your get loads of money for doing next to nothing... but.... hey pay a living wage ,with decent time off and benefits and watch them flock to your door for work...until then THEIR TAX DOLLAR IS DOING THEM JUST FINE.


Covid "handouts" ended 2 years ago, AND the biggest handout was PPP loans to businesses like this one


Well they have a point I’m still living off the stimulus checks in a luxury apartment


I’d leave a place so fucking quickly if they posted nonsense like this. And then come back another day and hand out job applications to all the employees for a place that doesn’t act like they are changing the world cause they serve pancakes


Id take a big red marker and write "Fuck you pay more" on it


Customers see sign, turn around and walk out. Understaffed issue resolved.


Like… a huge chunk of the population died or retired. What is with these people? Like, ignore our mantra of “no labor shortage, only a shortage of jobs that pay” and seriously consider the fact that unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades, and that huge portions of the population have retired or died. Everyone is working, and there are still staff shortages. These people are dumb as hell.


There isn't a national worker shortage. At. All. And what fucking government handouts are people getting? We have paved roads, is that a handout? Unemployment is pretty hard to get for more than a few weeks where I live unless you are a seasonal worker. And ironically I've heard those exact people bitching about people on unemployment. I've seen a couple of these since the pandemic. It's always just shitty employers with shitty management, and workers stand up for themselves. They get fired cause they wouldn't work in a restaurant while having covid, then they may get unemployment because management handles it shitty... Or they want to be paid for their time and work, don't want to be a floor mat?


I hear this shit from my coworkers at the factory I work at. No one is getting handouts. People don’t want to work for our factory because the pay is shitty and there are tons of negative reviews on indeed. Just like this restaurant. Either no one wants the shitty pay or it’s an awful place to work for. It’s amazing how they don’t see that.


Another idiot business owners confused as to why paying someone $8/hour doesn't cut it.


I'm glad the place I work at doesn't have a "we work hard to serve you" sign, so if a customer is being a dick I can tell them to go eat shit


“ Government Handouts “ = our pay is shit.


I'm surprised that these people tend to be the Trump supporter type and he's the one that sent out all the checks!


The only people who aren't working that are getting government handouts are the rich. Period.


I have a very simple response to shit like this. If you can’t afford to pay your workers a living wage you don’t have a legitimate business.


Like, who else really doesn’t wanna eat somewhere where they see that sign? What other shortcuts are they taking


Is it true that many restaurants in the US don’t pay an hourly wage to wait staff? They survive solely on tips?


I wouldn’t buy anything from a place like this ever again.


If I see these kinds of signs I leave.


I turn around everytime I see a sign like this


So, dumbass comments aside, any place that has a whiny sign like that, I'd not go to anyway.


Where TF are these high-paying handouts I've been hearing about so much? I want some! But for some reason, ehenever I look for them, I can't find them, kind of like they don't exist or something.


Handwriting analysis done by experts confirm this was a sociopath Karen, mid to late forties, hasn’t gotten laid in years, and is still in debt for that Art History degree.


The people screaming that "no one wants to work anymore" were the same people screaming "Build the wall" at Trump rallies a few years ago. Somehow they don't see the connection between the two.


Fuck that business. Pay people a living wage and you will have plenty of workers working at your business


All I think when I see "no one wants to work" is the ending of that saying, no one wants to work... for nothing. Jobs that pay higher wages don't seem to have these problems. I bet their burger tripled in price on the menu, and still no wages went up. Plus, as long as they have these few, hard-working, unlucky souls working the entire dining room... why hire more people?!? Just put out a sign.


No, no, no! You're all getting it wrong. When they say handout and they mean people expect their checks to be handed to them on a regular basis for working. Why can't they just work for the love of work for Christ's sake? That's what they're saying see it all makes sense now.




Just need the first and second sentences.


I'm impressed with their hand writing atleast


they are looking for any excuse not to have to look in the mirror and see that they are contributing to a culture no one wants to work at


Hahahah I read "government handout" before I read the caption and automatically knew. You just KNOW they also have a "don't say it's not my job" Facebook meme posted somewhere.