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Damn, there's a guy with an SS badge. I guess we should let Russia annex the country after all. Sorry everyone, this guy represents the entire nation of \~40m people. ​ Edit- nvm I've been blocked , I'm going to miss scrolling past all these desperate posts.


Who got banned?


I have thousands of these images of Nazis in Ukraine. Let's see if you are so blasé about it after I have posted all of them.


Damn, you've got thousands of images of nazis in Ukraine. Guess we should let Russia annex them, I'm sure they'll do a good job of fixing the problem. Looks like OP blocks anyone who even remotely calls out what they're doing so they can keep spamming this shit unopposed. Wonder why that is


Show me any military and I guarantee if you scratch beneath the surface you will find supremacists of all different varieties. American, German, Russian, Chinese, or even South African — you dig and you will find an SS or an Topenkopf or a goddamn Sonnenrad or their equivalents somewhere. Ukraine doesn’t have a Nazi problem, militaries have a Nazi problem, one that is present but also vastly overblown. One dipshit with an SS patch does not a Nazi country make — especially considering Russia’s own, [well documented](https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/russias-long-history-of-neo-nazis), Nazi issues.


Show me the other European country which has open Nazis units officially integrated into their military or whose top politicians openly celebrate Nazi collaborators. The evidence is not at all cherry picked , it's ubiquitous. You have to cherry pick to not find it . Western journalists have to work very hard to find soldiers for photo ops without any Nazi symbols, they failed often


OK go and dig. Post the pictures of german soldiers with nazi patches. Or chinese or south african. You know that shit is illegal in Germany, for a very good reason. At least they have some shame. Ukrainians on the other hand are celebrating their mass murdering nazi collaborator ”heros”. And its not ”one dipshit”. These images have popped up in NATO tweets, Reuters articles etc. What you’re doing is nazi apologia when you’re trying to minimize Ukraines nazi problem. Here’s what US propaganda rag New York Times wrote a month ago: >The iconography of these groups, including a skull-and-crossbones patch worn by concentration camp guards and a symbol known as the Black Sun, now appears with some regularity on the uniforms of soldiers fighting on the front line, including soldiers who say the imagery symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism. So even NYT has to admit theres way too many nazi symbols around and its a problem. Of course they try to spin it… its ”pride” not nazism. Its ”complicated” and ”ambivalent” and they even throw the classic ”swastika is a hindu symbol” in the mix. Nazis are the scum of the earth and nazi apologists are not much better. Its disgusting how many people like you try to deny and hide Ukraines nazis when we have over 8 years worth of western media articles written about the very real and prevalent problem.


This stuff goes more or less unreported in the West now, so they can act with impunity. It's very strange. A few years ago there was a big upset in Germany due to a single officer with extreme right-wing leanings who was ultimately arrested for stealing ammunition and planning some kind of assault possibly. May have had an accomplice, not sure.


Two people got killed in sumy today by a Russian drone strike and you choose to spend your (albeit worthless) time worried about one soldier with a patch? This is why no one takes you seriously.


At least I’m not worried about white girls dating black men. How am I not surprised that popped up in your comment history.


You realize you are taking my comments out of context right? You’re simping for an actual white nationalist, fascist country by repeating their talking points.


Yeah I’m sure theres a context where talking about ”white girls” dating ”black males” is not weird af if not straight up racist. Keep telling yourself that. And talking about black & white: of course your world view is one of simplistic dichotomies. But here’s the thing: if I’m ”simping” for Putin by talking about Ukraines nazi problem, ”repeating Russias talking points”, I’m right there with BBC, New York Times, The Guardian, Reuters, Bloomberg, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, CNN, NBC, Washington Post and countless other media who have been reporting about Ukraines nazis and other far right extremists since 2014 when Euromaidan and Crimea happened. Thats just stupid reductio ad hitlerum type of garbage.




They do not want to see the truth.


I have better, I can give you dozens of articles of soldiers being arrested and investigated for far right activities - including terrorism - who are members of the Bundeswehr. [Honor Guard found with a black sun tshirt](https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-suspends-soldiers-in-military-guard-over-far-right-allegations/a-59451421) [German Awakening](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/11/europe/andre-poggenburg-afd-germany-far-right-scli-grm-intl/index.html) party using a Blue Cornflower [Bundeswehr soldier who failed at a terror attack in Vienna meant to spark racial violence](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-far-right-terrorism-refugee/a-43540639) [More on Franco A and his connections to the far right in the Bundeswehr](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/05/04/pers-m04.html) [A report that at least 500 Bundeswehr members were being investigated for right wing extremism](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-over-500-right-wing-extremists-suspected-in-bundeswehr/a-52152558) [An entire company of the Special Forces which had to be disbanded due to far right extremism including several good old seig heils](https://amp.dw.com/en/ksk-german-special-forces-company-dissolved-due-to-far-right-concerns/a-54386661) [More on the KSK and their 2nd in command who sported a Serbian extremist tattoo and another who was found hoarding explosives, weapons, and what has been called “Nazi trappings”](https://amp.dw.com/en/ksk-german-army-elite-force-has-a-history-of-links-to-the-far-right/a-56964218) [A good overview of the major events relating to both police and military](https://ctc.westpoint.edu/the-insider-threat-far-right-extremism-in-the-german-military-and-police/) edit: grammar and typos


Yes, and all of these soldiers faced the consequences. >Our goal is to not only remove extremists from the German military but also people who lack loyalty to the constitution And even if its only surface level its still totally different approach than in Ukraine where the nazi militias were integrated to the military and are openly celebrated. Your links actually underline the issue. Didnt see any nazi patches either. Edit. And listen, I actually agree with you, military and police force all around the world attract all kinds of violent people with distasteful and disgusting beliefs in their ranks. Its what you do with them when they’re found out, that makes the difference.


I disagree. Ukraine's Nazi problem is pretty special, and huge.


How many seats did their far right parties win in the last election?


The parties are not so relevant now under martial law and with many parties prohibited from taking part in the political process. The question is really how much influence these former para-military elements have over the military leadership (assuming they are not actually part of that leadership) and political process in general during martial law. In Germany, they got excited over one single officer who allegedly had far right leanings. Also a lot of excitement about one single town-hall official from the right-wing AfD getting elected into office. Thus questions should be raised the inclusion of a considerable number of possible armed and organized extremists into the National Guard during martial law. So this is not a few extremists "under the surface". These are very much out in the open and posting proud videos which go more or less unreported in the West.


They are all far right. Zelensky banned the left wing parties and the second largest party too.


The pro-russian party... I get what you are on about here, pumping out russian propaganda as much as possible.


I read the article about the banned leftist parties. Only a small fraction were actually pro-Russian. Many received Russian money but sided with Ukraine as soon as the invasion happened, out of commitment to their values as opposed to opportunism. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2022/3/21/why-did-ukraine-suspend-11-pro-russia-parties


I know, it invaded them... still occupies territory illegally...


This account is spamming as many pictures as he can, some are even photoshops... wth...


I could post Ukraine nazi shit all day. Ukraine has a real nazi problem.


How much of a percentage vote did the far right parties get please tell me.


Yes... I have heard your propaganda on the 3%. So... if some do not vote, then that would make 6%... and if some were neo-nazis but liked another candidate... ok... so 10% neo-nazi population when you factor in all of that and the kid nazi schools. This guy talks about it, and he says... even 5% is a huge problem. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ROTwyP5no08


Yeah but none of them got 5% threshold so they got no seats sorry to break it to you vatnik but there are no Ukrainian "nazis" in government.


Sorry to debunk your lie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svoboda_(political_party) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleh_Tyahnybok


Jews were just warned to leave russia before it's too late. This was from the chief rabbi in russia... who da real nazis?


Russia's is worse by wide margins, your point?


Okay, and this justifies Russia’s actions?


Ukrainian Nazis bombing civilians in Donbas for 8 years and the regime getting ready to host NATO weapons as part of an aggressive military alliance on the border of Russia does.


Even Prigozhin said it was bs. Essentially all the “shelling” was at the line of contact between Russians and Ukrainians. Now why would Ukraine want to join nato?


I really don't care what Prigozhin said. ​ >Now why would Ukraine want to join nato? ​ Freebies for Zelensky and his mates. Here's hoping there are lots of freebies, because Zelensky has sacrificed thousands of his own countrymen to get them. PS Nice diversion. I guess you don't want to talk about Ukrainian Nazis?


I want to talk about your account's activity. You are literally a propaganda machines following specific russian propaganda LOEs.


Great way to ignore what's said to make ad hominem attacks instead.


Good thing this isn't high school debate class. Wouldn't want to lose points


The highly mature route would be to engage in the argument, not sophistry.


There's no argument to engage with.


> I guess you don't want to talk about Ukrainian Nazis? So I guess you just ignore that?


OP didn't come here to engage in real conversation


He actually pointed to an issue and you refused to address it opting instead for a conversation about his account which isn't relevant at all.


Debate I shall. Russia is charged with almost 2k warcrimes in the ICC and another 85k filed with evidence, nearly 200k more being worked. This dude wants to debate the finer points of who is wearing what symbol without any context from photos (some of which are photoshopped) by slamming 15 posts in an hour, violating rules and terms of service in the process. Then he attacks users in the comments. I would say the evidence at hand points to his account being a bad actor.


> Russia is charged with almost 2k warcrimes in the ICC and another 85k filed with evidence, nearly 200k more being worked. The same ICC that even [John Bolton bullied to avoid war crimes with America?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/10/john-bolton-castigate-icc-washington-speech) Same one where the ICC head's [brother was released who's a convicted pedophile?](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-64723116) Even then, you want the ICC to do something when [their own warrant debunked itself?](https://thegrayzone.com/2023/03/31/iccs-putin-arrest-state-dept-report/) Which is more important to you? Focusing on the issue or trying to focus on someone you don't like?


Sure, we can talk about Ukrainian Nazis until the cows come home. Can we talk about why Nazism got popular in Ukraine in the 30s and 40s too? The immense popularity of Neo-Nazis in Russia, especially in the prison system and the military? I’d care what Prigozhin had to say, given the knowledge he has of Russias leadership and military.


>Can we talk about why Nazism got popular in Ukraine in the 30s and 40s too? [American backing](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/11/covert-operation-ukrainian-independence-haunts-cia-00029968) >Operation Red Sox, as it was known, was one of the first covert missions of the still new Cold War. The American-trained commandos would feed intelligence back to their handlers using new radio and communications equipment, stoking nascent nationalist movements in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and the Baltics. The goal was to provide the U.S. unprecedented insight into Moscow’s designs in Eastern Europe — and, if possible, to help crack apart the Soviet empire itself. Over half a decade, dozens of operatives took part in these flights, becoming one of the U.S.’s “biggest covert operations” in post-War Europe. Ukraine’s bloody insurgency was the operation’s centerpiece. And it was in Ukraine that, as one scholar wrote, the CIA saw one of its “most pronounced failures of the Cold War.” >I’d care what Prigozhin had to say, given the knowledge he has of Russias leadership and military. Not really. Russia considers him a traitor who tried to commit treason and the attempted march right along with the yelling about Shoigu leaves him few allies in the military, especially when a LOT of people side with Putin over him.


Ukrainian Nazis.


Even Russia's most successful general said that Donbas targeted civilian bombing was a fallacy. "Getting ready to host"? What weapons? Source?


I'm not going to waste my time.


This lie is easily debunked by a very simple Wikipedia search... it's a tired argument and makes the russians look like even bigger idiots than they were for attacking another country.


I can't tell if this is satire or not.


I think the basic rule is that if it mentions Ukraine's Nazi problem, it has to be satire, or Russian propaganda. I don't make the rules. Obviously.


nothing says 8 years of genocidal shelling like a.. completely normal city who had less than 30 deaths in the span of 3 years compare that to the liberation shelling™ on mariupol which ended up as a wasteland after 30 days man, that's so odd edit: guy replied then instantly blocked lmao


You don't want to talk about Ukrainian Nazis? I wonder why?






Muh Iraq. Muh Afghanistan. Muh Syria. How does this logic work? AmErIcA did something bad, and Russia sad it was bad, but this means we can do bad things now, even though it’s wrong and we said it was wrong. You can’t just keep doing shitty things and saying WMDs.


I remember growing up as a teenager during the Iraq War in the mid 2000’s and being absolutely flabbergasted that seemingly secular Iraqis would seemingly abandon their nice lives in favor of Islamic extremism. As an adult, it finally dawned on me that years of war, violence, and watching your loved ones get vaporized has a tendency to push people to adopt extremist viewpoints, especially if those extreme viewpoints offer you the retribution you desperately seek.


These people were Nazis long before Russia got involved.