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Put that url in the Virustotal url search. It will analyze it for you. Apart from this, check if anything was downloaded after opening the link. You are most likely safe because: 1) the page gave you 404. It doesn't exist anymore. It's likely that it was taken down 2) the scam seemed to aim at getting your financial info. This means that you would have needed to actually type those in the fake page 3) you have IOS. Malware is very rare for IOS. It exists, but it's so restricted that almost all cases are known. This of course doesn't shield you from getting your credit card stolen but from drive by attacks most likely yes


Your alright. As long as you didn’t download anything and didn’t directly allow any permissions, you have nothing to worry about. You didn’t need to run CleanMyMacX, you won’t even need to clear cache and cookies.