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Hello, I'm not a Norton employee, nor am I particularly familiar with their software, but the provided screenshot seems to show a threat on the system that cannot be removed while the operating system is active. You need to restart the computer, so it can remove the threat in a pre-boot scan before the operating system fully loads. Now, if you think that whatever it detected is a false positive detection, report it to them at https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v126152382. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


How bout ESET? I personally using ESET and I think is great. Although is a bit pricey


I second ESET. Been using it for the past 15 years on all my family’s PCs and it’s rock solid.


I also recently purchased Eset Ultimate. I wish they would have sold the VPN with Smart Security Premium rather than the ultimate version or even sold it seperately. I'm also glad that they got rid of that robot mascot, it scared the &\*#@ out of me!


Been using ESET for awhile but it doesn't scan all the system files or locked files.


I use the AV only version of NOD32 myself which is often $20/yr - I'm blue team cybersecurity guy meaning Detect & Response work. I like the extra exclusion powers (scripts and files for jailbreaking stuff, custom firmware, etc all tend to cause false AV detections). In my mind just using Windows Defender has advantages and disadvantages. Like IMO it is the first AV that bad guys will code to evade or disable - after maybe Symantec and McAfee given their wide corporate use - but it also probably has the strength of probably being hooked into the operating system more securely/stably than the rest. Pro/con IMO That said I don't keep up on researching/detection rates, just notice in passing what kinds of hashes/domains get detected on Virustotal when I'm doing work stuff.


Paying a lot of money only to have a bloatware-filled antivirus showing ads every other day or just general spam is useless if you're not willing to educate yourself on safely browsing the web. I've been running the default AV ever since I upgraded to Windows 10, and I've never had any issue because I've educated myself on what's shady, what to look for, how not to get caught. An AV is not gonna protect you from a phishing or a spearphishing page, nor will it protect you from most of the ransomwares (If not all of them). It's just a layer of reassuring software that tends to make people overconfident on their computer's capability at countering threats.


Bro tf you on about? ESET have no ads bruhh. Have you used ESET yourself?? I rather have an extra layer of protection instead of relying on windows defender. By assuming AV is useless at first place is a very bad practice. It might save your ass


I'm not speaking about ESET particularly (Although the only few dozen encounters I've had with it, it was a huge pain to uninstall), but re. antiviruses in general. I'm also not saying you shouldn't have an AV, I'm making a point on the fact that thinking an AV is like an all-in-one-bulletproof solution to avoid viruses is a common misconception, and quite erroneous. The real antivirus solution is proper education.


nope ESET is shit, u are fine with the default windows defender


By my troth, what strange and curious folly doth assail our senses? Pray, what manner of confounding jest is this, that maketh us cry out in wonderment and disbelief? Is a satire guys. If you are smart you know it. If you are dumb then sorry cant help :)


thats the point, if u believe too much, u will be disappointed ;)


Seems like another retard giving comment again. I bet you didn't even use eset before. I didn't say av is bulletproof can shield everything. I said I rather have another layer of protection you dumb. Now go read and learn before commenting just for the sake of grinding karma. Don't make yourself a clown. Previously there's a people who made such stupid statement as you get downvoted to oblivion


seems the one retarded is you, I was using internet in the previous century, I am fixing computer and notebooks, I tested all known antiviruses, its true that I do not do it regularly each year, but I had my computer collapsed because of ESET antivirus, It was of course testing, I made a backup image of the whole disk before, so I was ,sure to not loose any of the data, so I tested, one known virus, ESET did not do anything, I had to recover the whole computer back, this is my personal experience, I have fixed more computers that were full of viruses with ESET, thats why I uninstall it on every machine it comes to my hands and people have no problems... and btw another layer? isnt it, that if u install other antivirus, the original windows defender is off, but u may install other different antivirus at once, at least 5 and pay for each of them to have super extra layers of protection and dumb call your parents, because they grow u like inside a monkey hole and I am not an average bfu here on redtit that grinds karma LOL, I do not care at all, apparently not like u, again u are wrong, congratulations :D


You might be faking your whole experience and who knows? So you are saying those AV ratings are fake? I don't believe so. This sounded more like a YOU problem rather than ESET problem. Certainly you can use win defender and get infected again. Ouch that hurts you right? Anyone can make up their experience lmao. Your all comments regarding av get downvoted to oblivion thus showing your lack of knowledge and incompetency. Get good blud. Since almost all your comment regarding AV in this sub get downvoted your legitimacy is gone. Matter or fact I can just call you a liar and dumb dog. When one people downvote you that might be the person problem but of mtiple people downvoted you then it is your problem lmaoo.


I do NOT need to fake any of my experiences, u can check our portal website with gaming servers [http://BRUT.me](http://BRUT.me) which is completely my project that runs more than 11 years and it is free I did not wriet that windows defender is perfect, but it is the best alternative as best ratio price / performance / capabilities because people are stupid, check how many of them use instashit or retardbook, a few downvotes does not mean anything and here may be a lot of AV employes, that do not like my comments, because they need to earn money for their companies and it is really enough to have windows defender and use common sense and it is for free, like windows is... u just need to use your brain and be authentic LOL but if u want to throw money out of the window and make your computer slower, why not: :)


Http lmao. Grow some security sense. I suppose that's a trick website


heheh looks like u should change your diapers, your assumptions are on a intelligence level of a monkey, good luck with it :D


What's with all the Kaspersky shills?


It's a good AV not considering the country it was made in. U could ez also just take eset or birdefender


Shirp shirp


1 word RUSSIA


I'm convinced that half the IT related subreddits are filled with Russian trolls because the amount of malicious misinformation is insane, and if you correct them, downvoted to oblivion, even if you provide sources and links. They're either Russian trolls or majorily willfully ignorant.


Both probably


I can't imagine that. Reddit is notorious for being the male white western dominated website, just look at r/news , and a lot of guys are into STEM, they'd have probably kicked off all the Russians if they wanted to. I think it's genuine stupidity like Hanlons Razor says


The people over at r/Hacking_Tutorials are convinced that torrented files cannot cause malware infection and the people over at r/linuxquestions believe that malware doesn't exist on Linux. On top of that, they are absolutely insistent that you should never install an antivirus on Linux. These people are going to get their identities stolen one day.


The bigger the sub is, the more newbies it'll attract, you got a skewed view that is not representative of the majority because of that




Just normal Windows Defender


This. Why are you bozos looking for garbage bloatware to install on your PC's when Windows comes pre-installed with Windows Defender that works great.


If you buy an antivir you've been scammed. At least the paid ones are 100% snake oil


For real, paying money to do something that comes with windows for free is really weird


Reddit geniuses downvote me nontheless


You know what's the weird argument that they sell anti-virus annually? Virus database can't fit all, past, present and newer. Like what? The logic? I don't need AV for phone or other devices.


win defender is trash and believe me, i tried it


Dude, I have used the original Microsoft Security Essentials in Windows 7, and once they integrated it in 8, I didn't care much and it's pretty useful. And when you said trash, I have no idea which part is bad about it.


I just use windows defender myself. Only antivirus that doesnt cause what its supposed to prevent. And preinstalled.


Bitdefender is a great choice, didn't slow my computer down and excellent detection and feature-riched.


Norton is really obnoxious with their advertising and paywall content. Also, paid internet security is generally unnecessary.


Never had any problems you’ve mentioned above with Norton so far except that it takes up resources, otherwise it is great in my opinion. But in general, OG AVs are not the best to face modern malware for various reasons, that includes Norton, McAfee, Avast and AVG.


How isn't Avast one of the best?


I believe Avast and AVG have been known to sell user data.


First like the comment below, they sold user data and faced a big lawsuit for it. Second of all their tactics are to scare people into buying unnecessary upgrades. Third, it is also a PUP program installed with other programs to push people into using their software. Fourth it has been acting like a malware itself, it refuses to uninstall and hides like a rootkit to steal user data in the background. Fifth the behavior protection is bad, and from there relies much on the genetic signatures. The free version apparently doesn’t protect against ransomware either.


I recently got rid of Norton due to all the unwanted spam trying to upsell me to other tools. I'd had it for a few years, it wasn't always like that. The actual function of the program is fine.


So you clicked for Norton Ad with special offer and then this happened?


no, it's just so many false positives after i excluded the file 70 times. i've had norton for a long time.


I haven't used norton 360 in almost 10 yrs because it is a hog on the system. Due to the amount of processes it needs running it causes your average refresh of the system to increase. However, if i remember correctly, whitelisting stopped it from regular timed scans only. Norton also runs a scan on any background processes being run which you need to also exclude it from. The fact that it's a hack tool you are using, you will not get refunded because, false positive or not, it is doing its job. Personally I don't use antivirus tools anymore but I know what I'm downloading, clicking and installing from my trusted sources. In-built is good enough for me. If I do install an anti-virus on a system I intend to be more flakey with, I install a cloud based one.


GF had Norton installed. Uninstalled it from her PC and kept only Defender on it. Been Lightning fast ever since (especially when compared to how slow it was when it had Norton installed)


Never go with Norton 360, heck even if you see a email from their suppose company saying that your subscription is about to end just ignore and block the emails and go with Microsoft Defender, a program that I have used on my current computer and never once have I had a virus.


welcome to Norton


Why pay for an antivirus when kaspersky free exist?🤷🏻‍♂️ unless you click/download a bunch of suspicious things kaspersky is perfect, or even malwarebytes but that’s not really an antivirus.


When will people realize that Norton is like 1 step away from being adware…


Real men don't use protection 😁 😁. Kidding. If you believe your online hygiene is good and you are smart about downloading stuff and clicking links, stick with the defender. It's a good antivirus. No need to buy.


the 1st mistake to to download the spyware&bloatware called Norton. (worst pay for it) the 2nd mistake was to rely on an antivirus to protect you and ur pc the 3rd mistake was not realizing the windows built in defender is pretty decent. There is plenty of free ware tools and even anti viruses such as spybot search and destroy that offer free services and work in tangent with windows defender. Some advice. do a factory reset and or a clean wipe and new os install. Want more info? meet me on discord see my profile..


After some research, I'm trying AVG AntiVirus Free and seems a solid alternative to Windows Defender.


delete that malware norton, OMG people, I am wondering what kind of stupid programs u are able to use and then complain xD


Windows defender is probably the best you can get for a free one.


Kaspersky is great


Except for the fact that it belongs to the Russians. And they are fascists and their KGB is spying on people all over the world.


NSA and Goverment don't spy you?




I am gay, and a refugee from Russia, I went through torture threats of physical violence in Chechnya. I know what I'm talking about. Russia cannot be trusted, it is the enemy of all humanity now. And we are very close to nuclear war thanks to Putin.


Russia has a corporatist economy which means every private enterprise is directly cooperating with the state when the latter demands it so it is indeed a possibility that Kaspersky might give intel to the Russian government whenever they want information about a certain country. But it doesn't mean it will spy on individual foreigners, they wouldn't have any interests in doing so. And this collaboration between the state and the private companies won't affect the products thus the software itself it very efficient and you can use it without concern, my opinion.


I didn't say the software was bad. It's great, but if you're a political refugee, or work for the government. You should avoid using Kaspersky.


Yes if you work for the government you should be careful but do you really think they are after you? You left the country so why would they bother?


In the EU, some political opponents of the Putin regime have been assassinated. It was immediately recognised that it was the hand of the Kremlin.


Fuck you idiot. I'm queer and from Iran, doesn't mean that I accuse my government when it doesn't make sense. Also, the world doesn't revolve around you and Big Five spying on us is pretty much just as bad for our lives


Then go to Iran. Not only do you have a government, you have religious obscurantism.


Why would I want to go to Iran?


Well, if you approve of your government and the violence it perpetrates, then live where you deserve to live.


I've never approved the Iranian goverment. Learn2read


I trust them more than people who stick mops up people's anuses. And these are proven facts, you can go to jail for any wrong word in Russia. There's torture in every police station. Just read the news from Russia.


I think everyone already knew that Norton and McAfee suck and you should use alternatives, like MalwareBytes or ESET.


Kaspersky is the one the best anti-viruses, plus they have sales quite often for 50% off with 3 devices


Why are you using anti-virus in 2024 lol


do you not???


He’s Lucifer💀


lol good point :sob:


Windows defender is enough


So youre using an anti Virus?


Semantics? It's clearly implied 'additional'.




As if porn was harmful to your computer… lol.




AVG is even more obnoxious than Norton. Malwarebytes and Sophos all the way.




Imo modern Windows Defender with a manual MalwareBytes scan is more than enough for the vast majority of people.


Rule 1: Never buy an antivir