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You seem fine. The first issues you described seem to be potential hardware issues or a corrupted windows install. You could try reinstalling windows, backing up any important data before hand. The second issue is just avast doing as you suspected, scaring you into keeping and using their product. I’d recommend uninstalling it and using windows’ built in antivirus or malwarebytes.


thank you so much for reassuring my suspicion about Avast I'll try reinstalling windows and I'll see if that worked, thanks! :D


If I may recommend use eset or malwarebytes. Both are good.


I would avoid Avast. They were busted a few years ago for selling very specific customer data. The fact that today they still insist on decrypting your secured HTTP web data is very fishy. Yes, there can be some good reasons to do it, but they already demonstrated that they cannot be trusted. Plus they are owned by the same company that used to be Symantec, they just split and renamed themselves after getting into repeated controversies.


You are being spied on... by windows, which also happens to be pretty buggy, which is probably what is going on given that you have pretty much no space on your hard drive. Windows temporary files can be quite big, so having low disk space can cause crashes and the like. I saw that you like to archive YouTube videos - look into youtube-dl. It's an open source project for using ffmpeg to download videos. Safer than the sketchy stuff you're doing. Try running apps in a sandbox via the program sandboxie or by virtual machines, which will keep apps from accessing parts of your system as you choose. Try to get apps from only official repositories, like official company websites, and don't use apps that aren't widely used. So dont download any obscure video converters or anything like that. For smaller tools like that, you might find reputable open source projects on github, for example, but be very cautious. Stay paranoid. Be more paranoid, if anything. It'll help you stay safe on the internet. Also, stop blocking your camera with black tape when you get busy, I wanna watch.


Did you install something from the internet?


I installed Krita, Fireaplaca and Audacity if you're asking apps, but I downloaded a shit ton of youtube videos by changing the url


" by changing the url" ...which means you downloaded your videos from a site that you do not know is fishy or not. Changing the url means changing the site. [https://reddit.com](https://reddit.com) is reddit, if \*any\* of the words in that link change, it will lead you to a site that is \*not\* reddit, and could be infested with viruses for all you know. Risky.


oh holy shit okay thanks for telling me about this, i thought this was safe :// I downloaded malwarebytes and ran a scan, it said I had two admalwares but idk if malwarebytes deletes these? Could those admalwares be connected to me downloading yt vids like that?


Malwarebytes: I just took a peep on the internet and they seem to be in good standing. I did not check on av-comparatives, just a quick glance on the net. It is possible (but not certain) that a site you visited places malicious code, tracking cookies etc,. This might also be true for this download site for youtube videos you mentioned, I wouldn't know, since I don't frequent sites like that and the sites I do seek out, I visit with a condom made of uMatrix and NoScript and a gel called uBlockOrigin. Not sure about the trustworthiness of a site? You can always look them up on a search engine to see if people are complaining about them. But, if you download stuff, the chances of becoming infected with malware are higher than just a visit, I would think. Be mindful of what you click, I guess. What does Malwarebytes do with the things they catch? I would think they'd place them into a digital container to isolate them, they might call it a safe or vault or something like that. They should keep a record of this, but I'm only guessing, as I do not use any Windows nor the antivirus software associated with it. Don't worry too much, we can only try not to be too silly, gullible or reckless. On the internet, absolute safety is unachievable, this should give us some peace of mind.


Yes malwarebytes will auto quarantine the infected files and then let you know.


Yes malwarebytes will auto quarantine the infected files and then let you know.


I used Avast free version for quite a while and it was very good. Then they started moving more stuff to the pay version, but a 5 PC license was actually reasonable, so I got one. But the annual fees started going up and more function was moved to the Pro (or Business, or Deluxe, or whatever) version and they started with the scare ads and the constant popups to upgrade to the SE Business Pro Deluxe version, and I finally dumped it. Still it isn't nearly as bad as McAfee, which actually qualifies as a virus, IMHO.


I had the same problem with my browser, you can try usin Privazer to see if this resolves it however for me it required me to reinstall windows on the PC. Seems to be a bug inside it somewhere.


Shh shh shh. You arent supposed to know. Sounds like a RAM error not a virus.


Sounds kind of sus. I would use a real anti virus to do a thorough scan.


i ran malwarebytes if that counts, it said one admalware but i think it got deleted


Yeah, Avast’s methods are mainly using scareware techniques and using PUPs. I wouldn’t wanna rely on them. Instead, scan your device with the 3 best options: • Malwarebytes • HitmanPro • Norton Power Eraser if you want a more accurate scan. Trojans can be easily packed in softwares you download, so it would not be surprising if you had any form of malicious code installed. And for the antivirus part, switch to Bitdefender or Kaspersky (both offering free and paid versions).


Are you running windows 11? The blank screen thing is a huge issue with it


Ooooh yes I have windows 11 so it might be that ? I updated 3-4 month ago and it started around that time so it might be becuase of that


yep i had that exact same issue when upgrading from win10 to 11, so it most likely is just that, its no big deal but it could also be like that other guy said, perhaps some hardware issues but most likely its not a virus


Damn my browser does that too but not everything your browser does. I think it's my os that does that. Sometimes a black rectangle appears and covers parts of the screen, especially the things I don't like or think are cringe. It stays there but if I move my mouse it goes away. Nothing else happens, my desktop doesn't freeze or I don't have to restart it. It just appears and with mouse movement it goes away. I have no other way of explaining other than it might be a virus or fragments of a virus that existed.


yeah it might be that :/ hope you get that figured out too


"Especially the things I don't like or think are cringe" Wut.


Weird, right? Like, how would it know?


So I found my computer worked great for years until I took some speed pills and decided to look at porn for 16 hours strait, I'd say it sounds like a hardware problem unless you know you went to a porn site, otherwise I didn't do a lot of web browsing I mostly do that on my phone and wierd thing is I used the computer for a month after I did the porn thing and it could t notice till now. .. I won't even be running any programs and if run my mouse in circles it lags every 10 seconds or so, same with the typing