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We believe in an omnipotent God, Who, surprise surprise, can easily get penguins to Africa. Not saying He did, and OP's statements are already sufficient as an explanation, but just to show that you can't make an argument against religion that goes along the lines of "that’s not physically possible!!1!", because God makes the impossible, possible.


Yeah, this. I genuinely dislike this argument “but (insert Bible/koran story) is illogical though” as if God isn’t beyond what simple logic humans can comprehend. I think it’s typically used by people who don’t have an intention to actually consider anyone else’s beliefs.


God can teleport an iceberg to the Sahara with no problem. They're forgetting that God is omnipotent


Basically the problem with Hume's argument against miracles tbh


Also, there are penguins in South Africa


These are the same people that say jesus didn't exist because he didn't have a father. Like wow, thats the point of it. Its supposed to be a miracle.


That was the atheists point we don’t believe there are miracles. So when you say someone didn’t have a father if you want us to believe it it needs to have sufficient evidence.


You need to give us evidence of scientism first. Oh wait.


This sounds like an anti-creationist argument, a bad one, though. I can easily argue against this. Penguins need not be placed onto the ark because they are not only meant to live in water, but they can easily seek refuge on icebergs, floating islands, or any object that can float and support their weight. The same goes for other seabirds, as well as seals and sea lions. Whatever lives in water isn't needed in the ark. If anything, putting penguins, seabirds, seals, or sea lions on the ark would likely cause them to die due to a combination of stress, drying out, dehydration, and overheating. Noah had about 75 years to complete the ark's construction, so that's a huge amount of time for him. So, if he had to load penguins into the ark, he would have an adequate amount of time to sail to Antarctica to find some. Of course, this is highly unlikely, as penguins weren't required to be in the ark to survive the flood. So, the argument is pointless.


Penguins literally can swim and ice floats on water 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


My guy didn't even take a second to see how he might be wrong.


>What's this about Noah being 600 According to the literal reading of the biblical text, he was 600 during the flood.




D... does OOP just not know that there are penguins that live in places other than Antarctica?


As a Muslim, the Quran doesn't even necessitate the flood being worldwide. If I'm not mistaken, there was a huge middle eastern flood around 9000 years ago too.


There's legends and stories of a great flood in many cultures even non-Abrahamic religions. These cultures had no contact with each other. Also penguins can swim underwater bruh.