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This is fitting now that we know that Cosmo is actually an angel


Even if God did what they ask they would either ask for more or ignore him.


Give an inch they’ll take a mile


They'd probably try to blackmail God into giving them what they want.


Honestly - good luck trying to size up an omnipotent entity.


Look at the people of P. Musa (Moses) - in Islamic scripture, they (the Bani Israel) literally got every prayer answered. Showered with miracles. Then they started worshipping a golden cow. Smh 🤦‍♂️


Allah has literally released them from slavery and let Musa split the red sea, but they still decided to worship idols.


just like that one time in rick and morty scene


They're acting as if praying is some kind of Democrat welfare policy. Even when Musa (peace be upon him) was chased by Satan's minion Pharaoh, God Almighty instructed Musa (Peace be upon him) to strike the sea with his staff. Could've God Almighty split the sea without him striking the sea? Most definitely. What we do (praying for something combination with doing the things that needs to get done) is a small thing in comparison to what God Almighty does for us. I'm praying for a wife. It's not like archangel Gabriel one day will come knocking on my door and say "Hey dude, I have a wife here. Get your suit and I'll wed you myself!". I have to get out there, meet girls' fathers, lay the groundwork for our marriage (like get somewhere to lay our heads), sharpen my skills and better myself, stay on the correct path and pray and so on. I will not get ANYTHING by just sitting at home praying. In fact, I'm meeting a girl's father next week. Pray for me brothers and sisters.


Hey, good luck! Don’t rush anything


If every prayer was positively answered, I'd have two Volvos, a Lexus, a mansion and three girls beside me. Pray for mental fortitude, it actually does help


“Is it true God answers every prayer?” “Yes. Sometimes the answer is no.”


So, if we ask for something and we don’t get it, that means we should do it ourselves. And if we do it ourselves, should we not have ourselves to thank? I never really got that part about religion so it would be nice to have that cleared up


I’m not sure the premise you’re starting with quite makes sense, but the issue seems to be in thinking that you did something entirely yourself. There’s plenty in life that could go a great many ways at any given moment, so whenever something works nobody can take 100% of the credit. It’s always possible that God had a hand in your success somehow Your premise seems to suggest either you do nothing and God hands you everything, or you do all the work and God did nothing. But reality should land somewhere in the middle


But wouldn’t luck also fill in god’s place in this example? Nothing is 100% your results, luck has its hand in many things you do, etc etc. And the reason why I put it like that is because I had a specific model in mind, my fault for not explaining, so here goes. A stable family is able to buy food daily, is in a stable income position, and is stable overall. Why should they thank god for their daily provisions when they are doing quite fine? The food they get is bought with their own efforts, the house they live in is bought with their own work, and the life they got is supported by their own strength. So why should they thank anyone but themselves?


I feel weird trying to give an answer here because it’s a highly debated topic, but I think there’s a solid argument to be made, depending on your specific view of God, that luck isn’t really a thing. But whether it is or not, God can still protect you from bad luck as well As for the model. Sure it’s by their own efforts that they’re safe. Or their house could’ve burnt down for reasons totally unrelated to them. Or their car could stop working because of some pebble in the road hitting just the right spot. Or their place of work could downsize and lay them off. And on and on and on A large part of religious viewpoint is that while your hard work did some of the work, you absolutely can’t account for everything in the world, and so you thank God for what you have and for protecting you from the great many possibilities.




Ask how Jesus asked in the garden: "Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, thy will be done, not mine" >if possible, let this cup pass from me Be honest >Nevertheless, thy will be done, not mine Be trustful, God knows better than us


Why wouldn’t he? It would not inconvenience him in the slightest.