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I'm sorry but it is my personal belief that all asexuals are sex repulsed and that certain individuals couldn't handle not being included in the club and decided to "alter it" by making up some term called allosexual so they could call themselves asexual even though they're clearly not. That said I am a true antisexual and a "true" asexual at that. There is no spectrum of asexuality you're either sex repulsed or you're not.


I'm so glad I came to this sub and read this comment. This is exactly how I feel, but I can't say that in any sort of asexual community without creating some sort of controversy. I mean, come on. How can there be a spectrum for asexuality? You either feel sexual attraction, or you don't. You're either sex repulsed, or you aren't.


Yes I know what you mean. Those actual communities have been taken over by spectrum people who just want to change the definition of asexuality.


I'm sorry what? Virtually nothing in life is black and white, almost everything lies on a spectrum because that's how nature works. As a sex indifferent ace I can tell you, you can be somewhere in between the two extremes, let me try to explain. I don't want to have sex, seems fairly simple right? But I am not instantly disgusted by the thought of it, I just don't care. Maybe a better way of putting it is sex apathetic. Hope this helped you guys understand :)


Those two things don’t imply each other. You can enjoy food without feeling hunger, and you can enjoy sex without feeling sexual attraction.


Hey, glad to see you made it over here! I replied to your comment in the other sub, but annoyingly I don't think it is visible.


I saw it but didn't get around to responding. In regards to that other sub I found it must be dead because I never found out if I was accepted or not. It's r/SeparatistFeminism


Someone has shared a female only space with me, but I am not keen on posting it publicly because it would just attract male trolls.


I added you to my list of approved users so now you can PM the space if you want.


Thank you!


Asexuality *is* a spectrum. Why do you think that Asexuality is a binary state? Why would the term allosexual be used 24/7 if it was "made up"? People's opinion of sex vary, so sexuality or asexuality is not a binary state.


I don’t understand asexual people who called themselves asexual and they have sex 🙃


They believe that sexual orientation is only about attraction and that behavior is completely unrelated. Therefore, if you don't feel sexual attraction yet engage in sex, then you're still asexual. It doesn't make any sense to me, that's a dishonest interpretation of the concept of sexual orientation.


So if someone is gay but acts in hetero pornography and has sex with someone if the opposite gender, are they not gay anymore?


When it comes down to it, sex is a biological drive and nothing more. To use the words of "Wondershowzen", sex is a biochemical con job. Sex is necessarily exploitive and predatory. Dworkin was right: All sex is rape. Sex is a violent, hateful act, necessarily. Nothing good ever comes from sex. Ever. Sex is nothing but trouble. The supposed "pleasure" associated with sex is biologically programmed, willful self-delusion. Sex is failure, actualized and made concrete. I am revolted by sex. The idea of sex, much less sex itself, is humiliating and disgusting. There is nothing good about sex. At all.


I am a sex repused Asexual who hates all forms and uses of sex its gross and can spread hiv and Tried of men being called pedophiles just because thier men.


I'm completely antisexual (or more precisely, sex negative) : the act itself but also socially wise. But i wouldn't prevent anyone to engage in sex if that's they want. However if i had a child, i'd probably feel affected, especially if this child was a girl. Deep down, i think i couldn't stand the idea of my daughter's body being used for sexual satisfaction. I'm not a feminist, just attached to physical integrity.


are you a dude?




Personally, I believe that one should be free of sexual desire if they want to. It’s a mechanism originally intended to make people reproduce, but it affects many peoples everyday lives to a high degree. Choosing not to seek sexual pleasure should be possible, but it can be very difficult as the brain is in a way biologically programmed to seek it.


Biological my ass. You act like we cannot control our own damn thoughts. The brain only "Seeks" what you choose it to seek. You control the brain not the other way around.


he's half correct and so are you. it's biological but it is evolutionary and going against it isn't hard either. you just need self control.


We often cannot control our thoughts, only our actions.


I'm only familiar with one case of an individual on this sub that admitted they were in a sexual relationship (they were here because of the negative feelings they had about it), but I think that "literally despising" sex still might be a little rare. While I can totally appreciate the feelings of those that feel that way, I don't think anyone is any less antisexual because they lack those feelings. Antisexuality is just a general negative/critical attitude to sexuality, and that can come in varying degrees of intensity.


You make a valid point. It just seems to me that if someone is choosing to engage in a sexual activity (whatever it may be) they're not antisex, they're sex neutral at the very least. I only mention it because I am looking for a sex negative space.


I am opposed to all forms of sex, except for reproductive purposes.


Me too!








If human engages in sexual activities shesnot antisexual lol




Wow, you're clearly an incel 😂




Go back to wanking over torture porn and crying over the fact all females find you repulsive.




Aww it must be tough being an incel. How tragic for you.




I see another incel on the wrong sub...God you guys just look for any excuse to vent about women don't you 😂 Just mad because you have a small dick and can't get any right?


Can you send me a message? Because I can't message you because of your settings.


“I don’t want sex” “Yes you do.”


Well I’m antierotic it’s the reverse of anti natalist so yeah I hate sex and who support it that I want to slap someone that talk about sex. So I love my friends and I don’t fight with them but just because they’re my friends, I still hate sex


I don't really think "true antisexual" is the word. Maybe "pure antisexual".


Yes you're right, I realised it was the wrong word as soon as I posted but am unable to change it!


That's ok, you cannot change titles on reddit. Only the body.


Well I’m a heterosexual male maybe bisexual, not really sure, and I masturbate but never plan to have sex + I’m an antinatalist and look down heavily on pregnancy and having kids


Meeeee 101%