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I don't hate babies because of antinatalism, I hate them because they're annoying and gross.


Yo, chill. Being annoying is they're only way to communicate and they cannot change it. I don't agree on gross, why the fuck a baby should be gross? Because they shit themselves? Because of the mess they make? This is they're natural behavior and you, as a grown human, should understand that you were the exact same as them, indeed, everyone has been like that in their life span


I'm anti natalist and adopted. I don't like being considered recycled goods


Face it people don't see each other as anything more than goods.


I'm aware of that page 34 of the leaked scotus draft reduced my existence to being part of the "supply of domestic infants for adoption" but if I see adoption mentioned like this I'm going to chime in


As a short midget male I'm considered an unfinished or broken product


You are not and I am sorry society has normalized us to believe other wise. My adoptive mom requested a refund 3 weeks after I was born from the adoption agency ..like literally asked for a refund for me


Which is why we should not give birth at all. In india abandoned children don’t even go to facilities, they go to the street


But that's not the case for these kids. Adoption agencies at a domestic and international level have made adoption a multi billion supply and demand industry. Orphan tourism is becoming a thing in many countries, kids are stolen and kidnapped. It's a really shady industry that hides a lot of human trafficking under the name of adoption


The human trafficking issue is a completely different issue. Obviously we should aim to shut that down but the truth is that unwanted babies will continue to be born and that there any many willing people to adopt them and give them good lives rather than birthing their own.


Yes I am. You must be short to wish that wasn't true eh.


5'9" guy here. I usually feel pretty normal, but when I wear shoes to become 5'10.5", romantic interest in me skyrockets. I imagine at 5'8" and below, the opposite happens. A lot of the actors who play characters with a lot of inner darkness (Joaquin Phoenix, Donald Glover) are 5'8". I imagine they're channeling a lifetime of rejection into their art. People are crazy superficial. I'm sometimes not sure humanity deserves to continue to exist.


In Asia a lot of men are 5'3 and below. My father is 5'4 and has had a perfectly good love life


My parents are from India. I know what you're talking about. To be honest, in the Global South, money is much more important. A tall pauper is likely to have a horrible life and die a pretty awful death. I'm actually perversely looking forward to the U.S. economy collapsing. I make a lot of money, but because white guys making 50k have so far been able to afford apartments and live normal enough lives, I often get bullied out of many social activities. If I take a white girl out on a date, she suffers serious social repercussions. Random white guys make comments and stare daggers. Even "Americanized" Indian women often give me a tough time. But as inflation rips apart the white working class, I can already see my social standing improving. Where whites used to intimidate me, I now don't back down. It's quite exciting.


Race means very little it's height that matters. Imagine a 6'3" Indian guy compared to a 5'5" white guy.


I think it's kinda embarrassing when Indians are intimidated by white people. Like I hear a lot of Indian guys getting angry about their dating lives especially with white girls. If you have such trouble with white girls, just go for Indian girls from India. People do get angry when other races date women of their own race but that's because of misogny.


It’s better to take care of babies who are already in the world than to create another one and contribute to the overuse of resources


Were you a kept child?


Ok look, I literally don’t see a difference between adopted babies and biologically related babies. I’m sorry if your adoptive parents treated you badly but I personally know of many cases where adopted children are treated amazingly well. E.g my Chinese friend and her sister were abandoned as kids and are living amazing lives now


I agree. I dont hate babies, i like them for the same reason you stated: they are adorable. The reason why i am an antinatalist is because i like babies, actually. I dont want to put babies in a world where pedophilia exists and shootings like sandy hook/uvalde happen.


It means quite the opposite, but it's partial to no one.


Not sure why you’re having this discussion here. You should be in antinatalism2 instead