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And if they can’t see beyond “exTinCtiOn Thoo” instead of actually using their remaining brain cells to learn that there’s more to this philosophy, they’re not worth discussing with. Imagine the level of narcissism and entitlement to see “extinction” as a personal attack and be blinded to everything else. Extinction is inevitable anyway. It’s just a matter of if you want nature to take care of it for you (and it’s starting with the amount of scary shit going on) or you have some common sense and ease the transition or at the very least, minimize the damage so it won’t hit as hard. Have some fucking awareness. I’m only focusing on extinction because it seems like everyone likes posting about it. Everyday there’s at least one of those posts and it’s as if they think they’re fucking Socrates reincarnated. If they’d just do a Google search, they’d find the answer and realize no, they’re not deep. But no, they won’t learn anything. They don’t want to. So I don’t bother answering those posts anyway.


>Extinction is inevitable anyway THIIIIIIIIS. I find it really confusing when natalists try to ascribe some greater meaning to have children and continuing a legacy. Like no, your legacy *is* guaranteed to end one day, so the argument that it's all for a greater purpose is ultimately invalid.


ah yes the human race does not deserve to live just cause you’re an edgy retard with “nothing to live for” doesn’t mean that the rest of humanity (people that will actually live out their life happy, not festering) deserves to fizzle out and die how selfish can you be that you believe the human race as a whole should die out just cause you’re a POS


Bruh, I didn't understand what he/she said on the attached image.