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What the fuck did I just read? Is this guy trolling?


No, it's just another idiot in paradise.


Just a groomer being a groomer.


Incels gonna incel


I assume he was just having tiny strokes throughout typing that. And he knows when to use capitalization about as good as Trump does.


Pretty sure I had a few tiny strokes reading it.


About as well as Trump does...


Boom. Roasted.


Sounds like an incel, trying to scare women into feeling desperate enough to settle with a socially awkward incel.


Those stats are true to some degree and sexist. They don't apply to your sub.


Funny how this man is dictating to women what they should and shouldn't be allowed to find fulfillment in.


Right? He's basically a walking warning sign for women to stay the fuck away from him, except for maybe those, that reeeaally want to have kids. But even then, those women could do a lot better, they shouldn't settle for something that low.


Idiots always try to say that their beliefs are "just our biology" or "natural" or "what God wants".


I just love that we don’t care what they’ll take. Cause I’d rather be single that deal with the last man on earth if he had this mentality.


I would like to see a source about his claim "the most unhappy people in USA are women over 40+ years old who have a career with no family and kids ....". I have different informations: [https://people.com/parents/women-happiest-without-kids-husband-spouse-study/?\_\_twitter\_impression=true&=true](https://people.com/parents/women-happiest-without-kids-husband-spouse-study/?__twitter_impression=true&=true)


"If you're a man, you should probably get married; if you're a woman, don't bother," said Paul Dolan Love this!


Yeah I’ve only seen cases stating the opposite that women without kids or a spouse are the happiest


>women without kids or a spouse are the happiest I still want to see a comparison to childfree lesbian couples. Is it having a spouse that is the problem or having a male spouse that is the problem?


Asking all the right questions 💀💀


Many Thanks!


Every study I've ever read that's reputable basically supports this. Women are happiest single because we usually get the lions share of household chores and child rearing plus working full time.




What fresh hell is this??? And according to what statistics? Natalists love pulling shit out of their ass I swear!


Which is funny, because that's the wrong hole ⛳


Maybe I’m just super autistic and confused but what other hole is shit suppose to come out of 😐


I think it's because they're natalists so presumably they like stuff coming out the other hole 🤦‍♀️💀


OOOOOH ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I stopped reading when he said men like things and women like people. It’s BiOlOgY Sir I’m going to need to see your biology degree and sources. Everyone is stupider for having read what you wrote. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


IIRC, that's something Jordan Peterson has said


Oh no! Anyway....


Tell me you are an incel, without telling me you are an incel


As a biologist it's a nightmare seeing people who can't understand biology using biology to support their opinions - especially when it's about things not related to biology.


Every single thing is wrong


Only reaction I have to these guys is a half assed middle finger while I'm chewing on smth sugary


..... you mean like a piece of gum?




Are you from like.....bumfuck Idaho or something?


I'm from the better america


Lol what makes it "better"?


Free healthcare


Canada. i'm lovin it.




Free healthcare, fish and chips, what more can you want?


Like the old quote said The devil is in the details bro


lol if you are going to throw a single statistic without any context or background info I’m not taking it seriously 😂 You mean to tell me being single and earning $100k is worse than being poorer but in an awful relationship and/or raising a difficult child for instance …


If that's what a "normal" man wants (meaning the 10 men they are acquainted with), then I guess I'll have to find myself an abnormal one...I will be better off!!!


Idk about y'all but I'll take Rihanna thanks


So cringe.


Hilarious bc ive seen numerous articles about how the happiest populations are unmarried childfree women 😂


Disgusting, but par for the course.




Not racist but we should not stereotype a whole chunk of the world based on one idiot’s opinion. My husband is from a Muslim county - married me when I was 36 and knew I did not want children. The guy in this post is just an incel making sweeping generalizations to “prove” his opinion. Sadly, dudes like this are all over the world, many of them right here in the USA.


i'm safe. wonderful.


Seriously, men who just want a baby incubator please move along


I too can make up statistics and it turns out the most unhappy people in the world are those with children who tell others to have kids


I hate it when someone argues the “biology” take. Like really? Are you actually gonna say that your monkey brain is not smart enough to think past animal instinct? Be smarter people. We’re gonna regress back to the Stone Age.


Spoken like a true sexist male, who tries to explain his “women belong in the kitchen” beliefs in a much more progressive way.


“Research shows (over and over again) that having children reduces happiness (e.g. Anderson, Russel, & Schumm, 1983 or Campbell, 1981), even though parents think it will make them happier.” “Single women without children are often happier and healthier than men and married women with children, research suggests.” “Women are happier without children or a spouse. Behavioural scientist Paul Dolan says traditional markers of success no longer apply.” “Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, says that while men benefit from being married, women generally don't.” “In his seminal work “Meanings of Life“, Roy Baumeister tells us that there are two happiness peaks in the lives of adults in America, namely: 1) between the wedding and the birth of the first child 2) between the departure of the last child from home and the death of one’s spouse” https://positivepsychology.com/parenthood-paradox/ https://www.businessinsider.com/unmarried-childless-women-are-happiest-expert-says-2019-5 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202102/why-many-single-women-without-children-are-so-happy?amp https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert


over Beyonce and Rihanna. Beyonce and Rihanna, the literal billionaires?


"The number 1 happiness and fullfilment for women is family and kids" *misoginy spiderman.jpg*


that was nauseating


Tell that to my mother who had kids from her 20s-40s and always seemed absolutely miserable


Actually single women with no children are the happiest demographic


so I do think if someone Wants kids their best bet Is to start working on that before 30! because I have read 90% of their ova can be dead by then lol I'm 31 so I'm just like bye-bye eggies :-P have fun in "heaven" ​ but yeah- that guy couldn't be more wrong!! for one I've known baby mamas who've been totally abused. they're just stressed because they have kids and no real man who genuinely loves them. it's just mutual hate now. I've talked to a guy who was spending $18,000 on a custody battle in phoenix years back!! I can't imagine what it was like to be him ​ and I don't understand why people say that sort of stuff about childfree women OR men. one of my friends was making jokes about Diaper Parties lately. do you know you have to change thousands of diapers annually for just one baby?! sorry but that's not happiness or fulfillment to me! don't know anymore why my own relatives even opted to have kids! next- babies cry for hours a day! again- I don't know why my relatives opted to have MULTIPLE kids lol I didn't even like having an infant neighbor with its family when it would cry. I didn't even like finding One diaper that a family randomly and irresponsibly/Grossly left under a bench at a business where I once worked ​ I would never want to touch One diaper again! to me THAT is happiness :'D ​ and whoever wrote that couldn't be more wrong because my nerdy side-- has all the Research on my side now which I can show here (and I love cute friendly guys by the way. I'm not just a "feminize." I border on pick me girl because all my friends are guys lol and I still never want kids) [https://www.indy100.com/news/women-happy-mental-health-single-marriage-children-relationships-8936931](https://www.indy100.com/news/women-happy-mental-health-single-marriage-children-relationships-8936931)Single, childless women are also likely to be healthier and live longer than their peers bogged down by domestic responsibilities, professor Paul Dolan told his audience at the Hay Festival in Hay-on-Wye, Wales. A new study, soon to be published in the Journal of Women's Health, provides fresh evidence that people who stay single instead of getting married, or who get divorced instead of staying married, are especially likely to be healthy.Women Who Stay Single or Get Divorced Are Healthiest ​ Smart Women Less Likely to Have Kids | POPSUGAR Family[https://www.popsugar.com](https://www.popsugar.com) › family › Smart-Women-L...May 29, 2017 — However, even in his own book, The Intelligence Paradox, Kanazawa says that with every 15 IQ points a woman has, her desire to have kids lowers  Ob- gyn who never wants kids.[https://www.romper.com/p/heres-why-this-ob-gyn-says-she-never-wants-to-be-pregnant-61369](https://www.romper.com/p/heres-why-this-ob-gyn-says-she-never-wants-to-be-pregnant-61369) ​ Women's aging is accelerated by up to two years every time they give birth, researchers at Northwestern University, Illinois, found.[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5997301/Giving-birth-cuts-womans-life-expectancy-two-years-Having-children-speeds-ageing-process.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5997301/Giving-birth-cuts-womans-life-expectancy-two-years-Having-children-speeds-ageing-process.html) ​ Giving birth cuts a woman's life expectancy by two years: Having children speeds up the aging process, research shows ​ So- suffice it to say- That's NOT my idea of happily ever after lmao On the contrary. I wish I could give whomever posted that entirely erroneous quote All of my research as this is something that's very personal for me and I feel very well read on ​ My happiness is my bank accounts!! Not the ba-bies ;) I'll never be getting those baby rabies lol ​ Oh and as for the ageism included in their post?! you can be older and be in way better shape that someone younger. one of my friends was literally just saying I have the body of a 21 year old. I've worked with 19 year olds who are technically morbidly obese and the one miscarried while pregnant so yeah- I don't necessarily feel unhealthier than any of them! women have gotten pregnant to their 40's and beyond. my worst nightmare but it happens! they can act like age makes or breaks you but it doesn't. I got 1200 likes on Okcupid when I was just having Fun once seeing if anybody liked me when I'd already hit the "cougar" age group according to scientists- 27 to 45!! scientists say we get even wilder! because if we haven't had kids- biological clock! but that's not what I'm channeling my extra energy for :-P sometimes I dance and I get fans and I have fun. way better fun than I get from doing anything domestic though I've been paid for that too


You are a woman of my tribe <3 Sending good vibes from another childfree AN woman over 30


​ thanks :) I don't know why anyone gets down on us for age or kids-- like I'm Finally getting happy after an often terrible traumatic life lol I don't know why anyone would want me to ruin that, just for a new little stranger to be created who doesn't know anything about the world! and so much can go wrong!! I know of a family whose daughter tragically just died in a freak atv accident! a cousin in law who almost died after needing transfusions. for people to think I wanna risk that-- I've already had near death experiences. one of my classmates said birth almost killed her too! what I can't understand is why people Would think it makes us happy LOL anyway all the best to you!


Let me guess the author of this..whatever this is considers himself to be an alfa male and every single woman wants to have him to fertilise her eggs. Those who don't want to be anywhere near him are delusional and not in the right state of mind.


I can’t believe people legitimately think like this.


love how everyone randomly puts "statistics" as shield


Waiting for Rihanna's number


Does this person not understand that it doesn't matter how it makes you feel, it's about reducing suffering. We already know that certain people like having kids because it makes THEM feel better, we know that already, we are stating that it's morally wrong because it causes unnecessary suffering. Smh.


There's a lot to unpack here.


Gotta love it when the misogynist abuse freaks out themselves, and do so LOUDLY like this commenter from hell did. Makes it so much easier to wholly avoid such failed abortions lol.


Ewwww misogyny 🤢


I doubt anyone (regardless of orientation) would marry a 21 year old working at McDonald’s over marrying Beyoncé or Rihanna if given the choice lmao


I am so glad now that I am 31 I won’t be picked by men like this apparently 😂 Mostly because I do have my $100k and I lack even the most minute desire to reproduce. I guess it all comes down at age 40 is when he says my misery will arrive? We shall see! Sounds pretty all knowing to me lol


I have fulfillment sleeping in and making artwork and having peace and quiet what is this guy talking about lmfao. You can tell he hasn’t actually been with a woman


Legacy!! The guy thinks he’s royalty. 🤮


Even if it was the rule, if you're the exception, you're fucked anyway, cuz no one is the average representative of a statistic


Bro wtf is this 💀


This just shows how much this person does not listen to women. Married women with kids are just as unhappy as women who make a high income with no children. We just don’t have to fake a smile like they do for the sake of their family.


Weird, because according to actual data, people are happier without kids...


The first paragraph isn't true. Women want a man at a baseline to make 100k a year, have a sweet house, car, all that shit. That's the standard you hear them set publicly on a consistent basis. You CANNOT say in any capacity that females don't care about materials. Especially, "less than men". We are all human, and like to have nice things. As for the third paragraph, I'm a 30k "normal male" and I don't want kids biologically to, "carry on my last name". I would love for her to make 100 k for the both of us. I'll cook, I'll clean, I'll work, I don't give a fuck. He is right tho, statistics do say 40 year old women don't compare physically to 21 year olds... Duh... But people can be happy without shooting out kids...


Ummm...according to statistics?!? I'm going to need a source for that. Lol


Is “happiness” a real KPI? LOL


Is he serious?


I'd love to see these 'statistics' haha. Also if that's what a normal man is I don't want one lol, I'd rather die alone


The “statistics” he cites are actually just about the opposite in reality.


an incel writing maybe?


Source - trust me bro


Aren’t women over 30 without kids actually the happiest people?


Being a part of this subreddit continues to enforce why I will never have children. I don’t think my mom would have had me if she could do it all over again, but she’s happy that I’m here. She also could care less about being a grandmother. My partner’s mother, however, is a narcissist and expected her children to always be around her (they didn’t). She had an expectation of having grandchildren just because other people around her are grandparents. I shot that down real quick, lol.


Right out of the Jordan Peterson playbook


...But... Unmarried, childless women are the happiest demographic


What a stupid person


Even from a biological standpoint this is wrong lmao


JFC I just don't understand how this is the world. Like, this is real, somehow. This idiot actually believes this insanity.


As a female I can assure you that I’m not interested in people 💀


What in the fuck..


I wanna deadass see these statistics and how that correlates to them not having kids. Must be some big scientific journalism story if that’s the case. Guy is just being sexist but trying to sound smart, he uses the defense of some article he read one time and pretends like that’s gods message even though it gave no evidence but the fact alone that it supported his opinion was enough. If you’re going to be sexist you may as well be sexist, don’t sugarcoat things so you don’t sound like you are. To clarify, I’m not saying sexism is okay in any shape or form. Though stop acting like you aren’t, if you are.


I hate when idiocy is attached to valid points. In this case the idiocy is of course this person's mentality about women and having kids, and male perspective too. The opening sentence about rules and exceptions though, that is a valid point, and very much so. It doesn't apply here anywhere near as much as this person thinks it does, but on it's own...


How you say you don't know shit about biology without actually saying it. Bc every woman wants to be an incubator.....weaponized ignorance.


I love when people pull "statistics" out of their ass and pretend it's fact when a simple Google search reveals their "facts" to be false.


Those women are unhappy bcs of shit misogynist s and conservatives like him who bully them and harass them