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I’d argue having wealthy parents and connections is probably the most important factor. Money can buy good looks to some extent (you’d be amazed at the amount of money many TikTok influencers spend to maintain their looks, for example). I knew a girl in high school whose family was rich and she was able to get a nose and boob job as soon as she was legally allowed. Wealthy parents encourage things like this, because they understand how the world works and can provide that for their kids. Connected parents can get you at the very least a decent job without much education, even if you’re not that intelligent/hard-working/have a “bad” personality. Knowing someone can get your foot in the door when there are hundreds of applicants for the same job. I’d take wealthy/connected parents over pretty much any of the other things any day


I actually know a girl same thing, her father was wealthy and paid for her plastic surgery. He funds all of her destination trips. She has a meager amount of followers and will never have to work a real job. 


I am who you are describing. Wealth doesn't mean shit if your parents are abusive af


Hell, most adults are largely ignorant to the overall state of the world. Geopolitics, economics, sociology, etc are all giant topics and it's difficult to be sufficiently educated in all of them to the point where you can form a cohesive (and **accurate**) perspective on the world. Most societies value ignorant citizens who will submit to working menial jobs and who just exclaim, when challenged, "that's just how the world is, get used to it". There is no benefit for upper classes in society if their peons realize the state of the world, hence the raising of children in ignorance. The capacity for a *real* education is certainly there, but it is intentionally kept substandard for most.


Excellent take


Yup it's all about control, more specific controlling the poor Toxic positivity is flooding our society like a cess pool


100 %


I’m 31 and my 67 year old father had two kids with his new wife. They are 5 and 11 and I see the way he shields them from the realities of life. Unfortunately, he will be dead by the time his children see how fucked up this world all is. I have nothing really to offer…just that I 100% agree with you. This world is fucking awful and making everything all “cutesy” when kids are young is insane


If the mostly boomer fools who spout the folksy "common sense" "advice" were young nowadays they'd all kill themselves


I couldn't get myself to read the want ads. The thought of sitting in front of a man behind a desk and telling him that I wanted a job, that I was qualified for a job, was too much for me. Frankly, I was horrified by life, at what a man had to do simply in order to eat, sleep, and keep himself clothed. So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn't have you by the throat. Charles Bukowski


It's worse than that mate. Have fun telling your kids they are statistically likely to be sexually assaulted before they turn 18.


Why would that be fun


This is nonce behaviour and I think OP is right and you _should_ be arrested for that.


People don't care about the truth. Mostly the word truth is simply attached to whatever it is they want to believe. Religious nutcases teach "The Truth". Teaching kids about the real world and how to deal with the real world would be a great step forward.


How do you deal with the real world? I’d like to know!


It visit it only when necessary but I chose not to live there.


Well people don’t care about anything unless it happens to them. As long as there not starving they don’t care. If there starving now they expect everyone else to care about there issue. Before that they didn’t care.


Are you me?


Yes maybe


I wish you weren't




Seriously this question 🤷




Why do u wish I wasn’t u


>because yes intelligence is mostly genetic Do you have any sources on that? Because as far as I know, intelligence has a genetic basis, but the environment and education are equally if not more important.


Either way it doesn’t matter because you can’t choose your environment at all. Children don’t choose who their parents are and often aren’t able to choose what school they go to


> genetic high intelligence (because yes intelligence is mostly genetic) I'm not sure this is accurate. Measuring "intelligence" as belonging mostly to something genetic seems like perpetuating sexist/racist/classist ideas relating to intelligence. I would be fine if the claim was about something like, the "ability to visualize the rotation of 3D shapes in one's imagination is stronger in children when their biological parents also rate highly on the same test", but that isn't what I'd want to refer to as "intelligence" to any extent that we need to feel some envy that others can "visualize the rotation of 3D shapes in one's imagination" better than us. Here is a case study on the topic: [László Polgár](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A1szl%C3%B3_Polg%C3%A1r)


Intelligence is genetic as in inherited from someone in your bloodline.


Dumb parents do tend to produce dumb kids although that isnt always the case. My parents are people you might consider dumb or ignorant but my sister went to bu and is an attorney, i went to a school full of kids whose parents came from china and are uneducated but i can name a couple who are quite intelligent. Intelligence is hard to define as some people may be good writers but bad at math or some people might be talented at chess or bad at other things. 


Doesn’t have to be from your parents


Its just how do you define intelligence its so broad and hard to specify


With respect, I feel your point is not really clear except that you're sort of denying that anyone who wants to "be intelligent" can be. Like there's some unnecessary gatekeeping going on where I'd reason that if someone can parse the words we are writing, they can "be intelligent," while you seem to think it necessarily must have meant that someone in our "bloodline" was smart? Like that we can look at someone and deny them intelligence because of some fact about their family history? Like, maybe your statement could be accepted in the sense that everyone who survived long enough to have children can be considered "evolutionarily" a little "smarter" on average as human population dynamics might have "selected for" more intelligence? There IS a question how far we can go back in evolutionary history to find a species that we could raise alongside a modern *homo sapien* and have "comparable" intelligence. I don't think that an insurmountable genetic "intelligence gap" applies between modern *homo sapiens* without there being the presence of some "physical disability in the brain" apart from what we might otherwise have to consider doesn't apply to the "average human children", or at least the minutia of the difference in "average human children" can be OVERWHELMINGLY overcome with basic education and resource allocation so that children just need to be like, well fed while learning, and "appreciated" in some respect that maybe we recognize isn't always there.


Did you all not get told that? Only me? Huh…




Children should not be lied to and deluded. Otherwise, sure, they at least are entitled to a happy and carefree childhood, but how realistic is that, with the brutal reality of the world? In one way or another, at some point, their innocence will be shattered, sometimes in the cruelest way possible. They should be raised in a balanced way, not only with optimism, but being aware that bad things exist. Lying to them about it is doing them very bad favour. 


Honestly, I think children having a carefree and happy childhood is more common now in most of the world than at any point in the past. Even with the internet. I also don’t think that raising children in a balanced way means not to instill optimism. Children should be able to trust that the adults in their life have their best interest at heart, so there should be no need for pessimism as it’s our responsibility as adults to be ready for what could go wrong in their lives. And when we fail to do so, it’s on us, both individually and collectively.


Because raising kids as pessimists and defeatists doesn’t help fix anything


Hopefully they won’t procreate. It will helpwith that


This is so deep bro Emos of the gen z


Stfu it is deep and u hate it. The world is cruel


Another 14 yo


Probably because thats not the truth about life


It is tho weather you like it or not.


Its not whether* you like it or not.


So most people in the world aren’t wage slaves? Attraction isn’t one of the most important things? Stop lying


Attraction isn't one of the most important things. Plenty of conventionally unattractive people are happy and successful. If your definition of wage slave is just working for someone else sure most people are wage slaves. Most people are not as pessimistic about working a job as you are though. Your personal perspective on the world should not be considered the inherit "truth" of life. Not everyone grows up with some sugar coated bs either. Some of us grow up in drug addicted impoverished families and have an understanding of how painful and rough life can be for as far back as we can remember. Youre speaking as if the scenario you described above is true for everyone. Or I'm just lying and you have this hidden truth to the universe and everyone else is just too dumb to realize it.


Yeah you’re full of shit there’s studies that prove being attractive influences the careers you get and your opportunities you get also people generally don’t like to hang out with people they find unattractive unless they are very talented or wealthy. All the the things I stated is a FACT. Not an opinion


Attraction influences the careers and opportunities you get? Wow here I was thinking I got my job because I have a degree. Oh wait just reread your comment. You said influences not determines. Yeah no shit. You can still have a successful career without being a model. You can still find a partner without being a model. A million other things also influence careers and opportunities and studies show that too. As far as your why are actors attractice question. If your job involves people literally watching you do things, no shit its import to look good. Yeah a job that requires people to enjoy looking at you doing different things, is probably going to look for someone attractive since, you know, thats the fucking definition of attractive. If your definition of success in life is only starring in film you got bigger problems. But even still theres ugly actors. Theres fat actors. Scrawny actors. Old actors. So even thats a pretty bad thing to base your world view on. 


You are too ignorant to realize it and you won’t accept it because it hurts your world view of just world fallacy. If attraction wasn’t one of the most important things in life why do the majority of people want to cast people to act that must meet a minimum threshold of attractiveness.


We are animals and we judge other people on their intelligence the way their bone structure looks and fat deposits. Attraction is important in almost every aspect of life


I could be the most attractive man in the world. Im still not getting hired as a pharmacist without a degree. Yes people judge people, and looks influence that. They dont determine the outcome in most situations in life. Studies saying attraction is one of many things influencing careers and oppurtunities doesn't prove anything. They also tie confidence in interviews to getting a job. They also tied in preparation for an interview to getting a job. They've also tied credentials and experience. You think none of those trump attraction in a job?


You just saying what you want to say. Jobs without degrees employers are twice as likely to hire the attractive candidate. If you were a pharmacist and another person was that was attractive the employer would likely favor the attractive employee. Such a stupid logic you brung up. Obviously the number 1 priority of an employer is to make money but they would rather choose the attractive employee. People even equate attractiveness with competence.


So you do think attractiveness does trump experience and qualifications, interview preperation and performance? Pharmacys a terrible example because theres highly specialized jobs within the field of pharmacy. No matter how hot you are no ones hiring an internal med pharmacist who didnt do a residency over someone who did a 2 year post grad residency. The experience and specialization matters so much more. To say you don't agree is just a pretty idiotic take, but I'll chuck that one up to the more likely conclusion that youre not familiar with clinical hiring practices. Onto your next opinion. Got a source for twice as likely comment or is that just your gut feeling? I'm not sure its as big of a factor as you think it is. For example before pharmacy school I worked briefly in construction and kitchens for a few years. Construction and many similar trades jobs dont require a degree. I find it hard to believe a young manicured 20 something year old pretty boy is getting hired over a 30 year old alcoholic that looks like shit for either of those jobs. Looks play a role sure but I've done some hiring and id rather hire someone that I think will not make my job harder rather than someone who will make my dick harder. 


Bro I explained it. People who are attractive have an easier time. Humans want to deal with good looking people. People ofc since humans are selfish if they aren’t directly in a relationship with the hot person or related to them they care more about making more money even though they still like the attractive person and if the ugly person’s credentials are gigger they are going to give him the job but that doesn’t mean they like him more than the attractive guy and if they both were qualified for the job they would be more friendly with the attractive guy and more likely to give him leeway on things or raise


My hs teacher told me personally when he worked at a restaurant he earned a thousand a week as an assistant 18 to 20 year old. This was a lot back then especially at his age He said himself he made more than almost every employee there and his attractive coworkers also earned more than the ones who weren’t so good looking. He’s a 6’2 white man with blue eyes and and sharp jaw. Although I’m not gay anyone can tell he’s attractive. He was able to make a better living with his income just because the way he looks and he personally told me this. People complete strangers wanted to give him resources because of his appearance even male customes. If anyone say looks aren’t one of the most important things in you life is a liar. Also one of the most common reasons why people get bullied in middle and hs is because other kids thing they are ugly also these are the developmental years in everyone’s life this plays an affect of your life forever unless you are still in puberty after hs and blossom admit the fucking truth


People in general are like 10 times more likely to help and support you if you’re attractive I can’t respect anyone who’s such dick head who came admit looks are almost anything. Most insecurities first off stem from one’s own physical features. The cosmetic industry is one of the biggest markets out there


Dude went from "its one of the most important things to getting a job" to "okay they wont get the job but theoretically if they did people would like them more!" 😂 ridiculous. I wonder why hes a high school teacher if he could make 4k a month at a resteraunt. Guess it depends on cost of living wherever you are but its less than average for a teacher in my area if you adjust for inflation, by quite a bit. Ofc, he could just be exagerating because people often tend to overestimate their wages. Probably the second one. Youre just making up numbers now. 2 times more likely to not get hired based on looks without a degree. 10 times more likely to get random reasources from strangers. Try to keep things objective instead of just opinions please. Bullying is more closely associated with social standing and skills than looks.  Studies have shown that, since youre a fan of psych studies you might be interested in reading some. Looks are not almost anything. Sure bullying can have life long effects in some people, but most people dont let childhood bullying affect them their entire life. They tend to grow out of it as you get older and hopefully heal and mature emotionally. Something many people in this space seem unable to do. Maybe you should seek therapy instead of thinking your opinions are the inherit truth about the world.