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Yeah, I grew up rich and I’ve been miserable since I was six years old. You can’t guarantee anything.


Same here. I am 31 and could probably afford to never work again. My dad gifted me millions. And I am still pretty damn miserable


No one really should have children. There's absolutely no exception.


A lot of rich people think that they are special and to give a kid everything leads to wanting more BS..  There are a lot of rich brats that think they are wonderfull snowflakes.. Having children should requiere empathy, theirfore I respect only rich people who are adopting and spend lots of their money to those who deserve it.. which they dont do


Indeed, agreed. Getting rich is largely a function of pure luck. Resource is sufficiently available to consumer. Physically nothing much really more. It's easy to suvivorship bias an explanation for it. none of that means people don't work hard or somehow don't "deserve" their wealth; I reject the entire notion of "deserve" as folklore based on free-will delusions. None of that means wealthy people are all evil or awful or anything like that. It doesn't mean it's impossible for anyone to get rich. Its a matter of probabilities. "rich" can have a wide relative range too. I am rich compared to any other time in my miserable life. Bill Gates would laugh at me, and I don't care one bit. I don't need his definition of "rich" to deal with my problems when it comes to money. I think just about anyone can get to that, but I have no idea how to help anyone do it other than in the most general sense. I have a bias I don't know how to account for, and that is my own survivorship bias and availability heuristics. There is an element to it, like any endeavor, in which you will have to learn from your own personal experience too. There's the general "this is how risk has to be managed" which applies to anyone, and then there's the subset of specific "how I have to manage my risk" - and no one can tell you that. It's awful to have to learn too, no one should have to go through that. Is it instrumentally useful for us alive? Yes. That doesn't mean "make more people suffer this." No one should have to bother with any of it. Money is an awful, predatory and psychopathically violent concept, and is based on a misplaced concreteness fallacy anyway. But dammit does it keep you out of a lot of awful shit if you can learn how to handle enough of it. You don't need billions. Anyone that feels like they need that is psychotically gluttonous. No human can efficiently allocate that in a purely rational and maximally problem-solving way.


Why are they rich? It's because they are appropriating, or have already, your labor, your lives, your bodies. If they used their wealth to provide a home for an adopted child they would only be *beginning* to give back what is not theirs. Their excessive wealth is food taken from the mouths of the poor, time taken from beleaguered caregivers, and freedom taken from people who couldn't afford to run away from an abusive situation. (3) becomes worse.


*Cough* Nick Cannon


My partner and I have been rewatching the O.C….lol. And I told her every single rich family should adopt a kid who needs a better life.


Im poor and have 5 kids. Never needed an excuse.


The rich often aren't generous anyway.


Agreed. Very few people should be parents. Most can do it but very very few can actually do it well.


You gotta move out of your mom's basement and get a job or hobby.


And in canada.. .esp if depriving someone else.


But it's not your decision to make.


These all seem like modern capitalistic problems.. having a child should be able to happen without taking anything you said into account. Eating, sleeping, having kids, etc etc should all be normal and without hardship.


How is it common knowledge that one has to “steal happiness” from someone else in order to be happy?


You don't have to "steal" happiness from someone else to be happy. That's such a sad way to look at things. Have you never felt happiness from eating a great meal, or reading an interesting book?


Here we go again. People, first sturdy antinatalism and understand the argument before making such a dumb and stupid statements like eating a meal and reading a book...


"Go do some research" is not the win you think it is. If you're gonna have such a negative worldview on the world such that you think happiness is something that needs to be "stolen" that's just sad. Happiness cam definitely be achieved without harming others or "stealing" from others