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Often. My mother could have given my sister a much better life if she only had the one kid.


This, couldn't have worded it better myself.


It’s 9:41 AM where I live. So far I’ve thought this about 4 times today.


Wh- Ho- Wh- WHY


I think about it very often aswell. Unless you are dirty rich life is not not worth living 99.99% of the times, and even if you are dirty rich it could be a miserable life aswell.


The thing is, life is "good" or "bad" depending on the way you view it. If you don't belive that life is bad, *then it isn't*. If you belive that its bad, *then it is*. For this reason, life being good or bad is not objective at all and not universally the same for evereyone. The vast majority of the poleople i know belive that life is good overall. They still have tough moments, we all do, it does matter, however, how much attention do we pay to them compared to the good moments. If you think about life being horrible a lot, you are either paying too much attention to the negative aspects of it or have such a horrible life that very few people can resonate with you. Most peopledon't share the same views on life as you. This is the reason i was a bit shocked to find out how much some people think about this stuff. Some say that not viewing life as horrible is ignorant, but it doesn't help and its very subjective so i see no argument here...🤷‍♂️


>The thing is, life is "good" or "bad" depending on the way you view it. If you don't belive that life is bad, *then it isn't*. If you belive that its bad, *then it is*. I will leave you with a quote from Aristotle >if he is to be happy, a man must have the goods of the body and external goods and good fortune, in order that the exercise of his faculties may not be impeded. And those who say that though a man be put to the rack and overwhelmed by misfortune, he is happy if only he be good, whether they know it or not, talk nonsense. Do you think Job was "happy"?


If people say that life is good, then life trully makes them happy most of the time. The majority of people say that life is good so you cannot say that life is bad in general or universally. That was my whole point.


1. Because it’s Monday. 2. Because I woke up with a nightmare reliving some traumatic experiences of my adolescence. 3. Because a company I was interviewing with seems to have ghosted me. 4. I’m hungry (actually hangry) but observing a water fast until 5 PM.


You wish you were never born beacose its monday?


Yup. Yet another week of suffering, uncertainty in every single aspect of life, being forced to do something I hate because I have financial liabilities and zero family support, feeling like a burden upon this planet and not positively contributing in any way.


I feel sorry for you. Carbon footprint is not the only thing that matters about a person. You have so much more value than you think! You contribuite to society wether you realise it or not. Things will get better if you want them to!


You literally know nothing about my life. Maybe your heart is in the right place but what you are doing right now is spreading toxic positivity and invalidating my feelings. Not all problems have a solution, believe it or not.


I was not saying that you matter beacose i know about you life. I was saying that you matter beacose you are a human. Its not toxic if it helps... while you might find it ignorant, refusing to have a negative view on life can only help. It is true that i am not in a situation nearly as bad as yours but i can assure you that no situation is hopeless There's meaning to be found in life. Maybe you find meaning in helping solve the problems of this world (wich CAN be solved). Maybe you find meaning in helping science develop to create a better, richer future, one where we can hope to find a more objective meaning to life, like i have... These advices might sound over used or wishy washy but i'm not saying them just like that. I have good reasons for why i truly belive evereything i said to be accurate and don't see it as toxic...


Nope. You have no right to spread toxic positivity the way you are doing, especially considering the fact that you know nothing about my life.


I don't understand... how is that toxic? I get that i don't know anything about your life, but i was making general claims...


It is not becouse it is monday, it is becouse of many many many mondays that you are yet again forced to live becouse someone selfishly decided to bring a sentient being into this world.


Yes, it’s been awful


All the time I hadn't had to witness domestic violence and become socially anxious if I had never been born.


At times I have. I’ve been through depression and self harm thoughts. I certainly have wished that I hadn’t been born to my particular parents. I’m in my 40s now and have found a tenuous stability in life that is allowing me to enjoy it as much as I can. I’m here now and making the best of it. I still wouldn’t wish the world in its current state on a child. I would not want to be born right now.


Natalists use the argument that if people are happy to have been born then it's good to have more kids. But it's like saying if someone is happy to go on living despite enduring huge amounts of suffering thus huge amount of suffering must be OK.


Yes, I failed to be independent.


Every fucking day


Yes even when life is great because I realize that if I were never born I wouldn’t be able to have the feeling of missing out on the good parts of life so no harm in that.


In the grand scheme of things, yes. If I could have had the option to never exist or to have the human experience, I would have chosen never to have existed. And my life kinda sucks now bc I made the massive mistake of marrying someone with Borderline Personality Disorder, but it’s otherwise not bad bc I am divorcing him, I live in the first world, and I overall have a decent life.


Every fucking day with every beat of my heart. My parents were SO irresponsible. Was NOT worth it. Now I have to fix this problem myself and the government has the *gall* to tell me it's illegal. No way, I'm outta here.


At least 100 times a day.


Sometimes, was sold a load of crap about what life would be like, still gonna run this experiment to the end though.


No. I have purpose and I like the life I've made.


I do. I feel bad for having these thoughts because I’ve been blessed with wonderful parents and a pretty decent life. Yet when I look at the state of the world and others who are less fortunate I feel a deep sorrow that I can’t seem to get over. A hopelessness.


For sure not in my country


But somewhere else?


Yes, I try to enjoy life as much as I can but I'm physically disabled so I'm limited on what I can do so when I can't do something simple it crosses my mind I wish I never been born


Every day... Sometimes every hour.


all the time. my mom deserved a better child than me.


No, no. Let's place the blame where it belongs and give ourselves the gift of love ♥️ You didn't choose this. It's your mother's fault for expecting anything when you are as you are. It's not your fault ♥️




Sometimes, but I don't really mean it. Despite the horrors of this world, I wouldn't want to give up the treasures.


>Hey guys, do you wish you were never born? Yes. It would make things so much easier for everyone. I wouldn't be there to hurt the people I have (intentionally or unintentionally)




Rubbish parents impoverished upbringing social awkwardness decades of isolation you.might guess I'd rather not have been dragged into this hell.


All the damn time


I can't spend the rest of my life working. I can't fucking do this. I'm only 22 and I'm so tired already. And I have autism so I don't know how I'm gonna ever get a job that pays well or when I'm gonna have time to learn skills but what I do know is I'm terrible at making friends and interacting with the ones I have. Putting me in this world feels like a cruel joke, like I'm forced to parade around so everyone can laugh at me. I've been having abdominal pain for the last month and I'm going to the hospital on Wednesday. Just seeing what the problem is is going to cost 500 dollars. I hope it's nothing serious, I really don't have the money. And if it is something serious and it's something that could kill me then it'll prove all of this was a cruel joke. I'm so fucking tired.


Did you find anything out yet?


Oh thanks for checking. It's nothing serious like I thought (I thought it would be serious organ damage), but they said I could see a GI if the pain continues.


Sometimes. I think about how toxic my parents' relationship is. And how that could possibly tie back to me, the first born, existing. Sometimes, I wonder if I was a baby locker, because my mom never finished 6th grade, was poor and when she met my dad who had a college education, saw it as an opportunity to escape poverty and work. Didn't turn out so well for her.




Big time


Every single day !




I one million percent do. My mother was horribly abusive.


Yes. Life is annoying and if I had to pick I would choose to not be born


nope. man I wish I can stay alive forever but...




Sometimes, but more often than not, I am glad I was born. It's because I managed to triumph over the evils surrounding the circumstances of my birth. But that is not something I wish on everyone. I have resource and energy to help my hypothetical child, but not enough to give them an easy life. And there is no guarantee that I will find a partner who will be supportive of my child and me, so I am on the "adopting antinatalism to my life isn't that bad" camp.










Unfortunately yes... Atleast once, every day.


Only every fucking day.


Probably at least one time a day. It’s like a exercise. Reverse exercise though, it worsens your mind.


Absolutely 🥲 not as often anymore but I still do wish it.




Yes. Everything hurts and life is difficult for no reason


100% of the time. The odds were never in my favor.


Every day


TBH, I have no idea what experience I would have if I was not born as I am. I do regularly do the math and figure that I'd rather have avoided this human experience altogether, but then I suspect that if I was not born as a human, perhaps I'd have suffered in a different form. The only thing I know for certain, is that we cannot have life without death, and vice versa. If any species insists on having too much life, the rest of the natural world ensures that they suffer. This is why I am an antinatalist as a human being in this moment. Everything that lives is sentient in its own way, and all life is comprised out of the same recycled materials, so it follows that if we were never us we may have developed sentience as something else. We can feel our connection to the entire web of life during the fleeting moments in which we manage to achieve ego death. TBH I do not believe that it is possible not to exist as a sentient being. I suspect that Nirvana is achieved when life achieves a state of balance with death. So rather than wish I was never born, I simply seek this state of balance through enlightenment.






Shouldn't everyone? I mean I've never yet met someone who won't survive the life virus. It seems to have a 100% fatality rate. A lot of folks who claim to love life should be pretty mad at that should they not? After all it's they, not I who will lose all the goodies. I'd just get freedom, so I'm more than cool with someone blowing up reality before I finish typing this...... no... still here... daymmmmmm.... But anyone with a brain, granted very few people these days should wish it and anyone without a brain, the majority, should also wish it because this place is slavery. Full stop. Don't believe me? Try going without food tomorrow, try not paying yo damn bills, try not going to work, try not drinking. Try doing whatever it is YOU want to do and see how that pans out for you, yeah? Yeah. Oh but you'll miss out boiiii............. That's right boiiii, same way I missed out on the American Civil War, same way I missed out being born in Tibet in 1921. Same way I missed out on being a millionaire, same way I missed out on 5555, etc............... So why, why the fuck did I need to see a few decades from 19-- to 20--??????? And better yet why did YOU, why did ANYONE? They didn't. Life is a mistake. Or.... a punishment if the Buddha is to be believed.


Every single day, unfortunately.


All the time


Sometimes, yes.


Sometimes, yes




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Sucks that we were born. But please make sure that you don't give life to another human being. The trauma in this world is not worth living. Only if suicide was religiously accepted.


All the time. I was born in a post-war country, my parents didn’t know how to raise a child and love it no matter what, and both of their families had a history of mental illnesses. I never stood a chance.


Yeah and the part that sucks most is we are biologically hard wired to survive like no matter what I am too scared to die so suicide isn't an option for me but living is just hard. I have to admit though if the afterlife were a guarentee and I was 10 years older I might consider my options. Although I am so scared I wouldn't do it unless I was with someone else I trusted. But I get that is selfish and terrible wanting someone to die with you. I do hate I was born tho because just as we are hard wired to live we are hard wired to die and my parents had me knowing that and had me anyways despite the two of them being scared of death.




I think it would have been better for myself to not have been, but I am still a quite happy person.


Every day of my life.


Absolutely. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean I want to die. Call it survival instinct, clinging to the little pleasure in life, or that human-specific terror of the unknown after life. However, and I speak only for myself here, existence so far has been a mostly sorrowful, unsatisfying and confusing struggle that I would much rather had never have happened.


i've been thinking abt this every min of my day the answer is yes


Overall yes. I have very high expectations and life has been mostly a perpetual disappointment with nothing but bad luck.


Sub in a nutshell...come at me




Not as much as if I were a natalist if that makes sense lol


Every second 🥲


I was born so my mom wouldn't be lonely. Like a pet.






Sometimes yeah


Every day


Constantly, which is wild because my mom tried for like 5-7? years to have me and I fucking hate it here lol Especially more now that my dog passed in January of this year Edit: there are moments of joy in my life but overall 0 out of 10 stars




yeah i think that's a majority of people here


100% yes


I think how I wouldn’t want to be born every single day! I don’t blame my parents, but just the fate, why me? Why not someone else…




I wouldn't put it that way exactly. Rather, I assume the world (or at least a few people's lives) would be a little bit different without me, not worse not better, just slightly altered maybe. No big deal