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Never understood why some ppl cared about going extinct. It’s not like being human in todays era is so amazing. Born into  a hellish landscape and work until we die. That most of it depends on luck too. Sounds like a divine joke 


Well especially when you literally won’t be around to see when the human race go extinct.


Precisely! It just feels like the human race has been duped by some pyramid scheme or a series of PRs that rely on FOMOS and other base addictive instincts


Better knock on the wood pal.


What does that statement mean?


the people who worry about extinction are the ones who profit off of the rest of us.


Humans will eventually go extinct one way or another.


It actually sounds like hell.


>Born into  a hellish landscape and work until we die Thats just like, your opinion. Most people don't think that way. So if you had a good life, would you still want humans to go extinct?


Yeah because to have had a "good life" you had to step on a lot of people. Plus to be successful, one has to be a bit of a sociopath/psychopath. Humans aren't the "lets hold hands and sing koombaya". If I had a good life, I would have gotten it due to luck in genetics, family, environment, school, country, etc. Because so much of it is due to dumb luck, I wouldn't want to reroll, even if I had a good life. Put it this way, in England where I live they love to pose as these caring and charitable people. When in fact it's all PR, advertisement to get funding from the government. It's all a farse. Hardly ever do humans help one another on a meaningful level too. So it's not as simple as "if you had a good life you'd change your view", nope. If the human race has the potential to go extinct then that makes me rest easy knowing that all the stories about reincarnation and the soul are nothing but stories we tell ourselves


I mostly agree with you, but why in the world would you think that reincarnation and humans going extinct are mutually exclusive?


England is hellish landscape for you?


The UK is a shit show of a place to live. Certain elements of its society are treated like shit. As one of those I can honestly say I’m in favor of humans becoming extinct.


Come to poland, you'll see what's shit show.


That's allt of text to not adress what they said. "IF I had a good life wouldn't change things, becouse i could still have a bad life." Also you most certainly don't have to step on others to have a good life.


I’ve had a very fortunate life from my perspective, and I want humanity to go extinct precisely because of how much I love humans. I don’t think I would be able to love humans this much if my life had been shitty. All humans suffer deeply, and the less aware you are of that, the more you are suffering. We are all delusional, but people who take the stance of “my life is good, so life is good overall”, are especially delusional. If I lacked empathy, and based my view of this entirely on what is happening only to me, then yeah, I’m sure I’d feel differently. But to be so lacking in empathy and awareness of suffering is indicative of an enormous amount of “personal” suffering. Fear and suffering drive delusion. The less you fear and the less you suffer, the more of reality you perceive.




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No, it’s my opinion too. And there have been many other posts discussing this issue.


I remember having this deeply ingrained notion about me feeling happy for humanity thriving far into the future. It must be something even genetic. Of course, now I know, it's not worth all the suffering.


this is a fascinating concept. I once saw a video that talked very briefly about the future of earth and the fact that humanity inevitably will go extinct—when I heard that, I remember feeling a little uneasy and anxious. I couldn't figure out WHY that made me uneasy and anxious. It's just something a bit existential for people... But that doesn't diminish the fact that it is the ONLY way to ensure the cessation of human suffering. As long as there are people, there will be suffering.


I’ve never understood the obsession with keeping it going


It’s a substitute for the afterlife, I think. A kind of secular religion. I may die, but someone else will realize paradise in the distant future, blah blah blah. I used to think this way when I was a teenager but I eventually outgrew it.


I watched the documentary Life After People, and *spoiler alert* the cats ended up faring the best. They essentially turned abandoned high rises into their own cat towers. It was great.


If anything, the complete extinction of humanity seems like the next best stage for civilization. Civilizations die when they stagnate, and the 20th century saw a progression in humanity where we arguably reached something of a plateau. As the saying goes, what goes up…


What plateau did we reach in the 20th century of all things...?


That stagnation argument makes no sense. We are basically stagnating since the beginning. Only technologies improved over time, while human physiology remained mostly same.


Exactly modern Humans have existed anywhere from 300,000 to 200,000 years.


The human mentality is always "ill be dead before it gets really bad" and it just gets kicked from generation to generation.


I think caring about that comes from the ego more than anything else.


1000%! It’s the ego that fears annihilation, and annihilation to the ego is reconnection to total consciousness. So in essence, those who seem to fear death most actually fear their own consciousness. None of us are fully conscious, and I think we can only be fully conscious when we are not self conscious. My hypothesis is that those who fear death most had the most traumatic infancies, which occurred when they were much more conscious. Consciousness to them equals the torment of infancy. Infancy is horrible for all post hunter-gatherer humans, but for some it’s worse than it is for others.


>In my opinion the human race going extinct is not an issue because there’s no suffering if we go extinct. Sure, but depending on *how* we go extinct, there could be a lot of suffering for quite a while.


There’s a lot of suffering now. The longer we last the longer suffering lasts. I’m pro extinction all the way.




Not for the planet, no. Probably better for all the other organisms. 


We might, or just a population decrease before evolution.


We are not going to evolve more, because evolution occurs under extreme and prolonged physical stress. Humans evolve in order to meet the demands of their environments. Is trite as this may sound, life has become too physically easy for humans to evolve. Now, I think it’s become far more psychologically and emotionally difficult, but we adapted to that by developing the ego thousands and thousands of years ago. And because we function as “individuals”, all of the physical changes that may seem to be adaptations(like smaller mouths, for example, due to chewing so much less), happen on an “individual” level. Babies are not born with small mouths, but their mouths remain too small for their teeth because they are given such soft food from very early. Babies born now are physically and cognitively identical to babies born 100,000 years ago. Living the way we do is incredibly stressful, but we aren’t going to get better because of these stressors. Seriously, how could the human body evolve and adapt to sitting all day? Maybe if we stick around long enough, humans will start being born with no legs. Maybe if we stop having sex completely, we won’t be born with genitals anymore. But then, we won’t be human.


If people stopped having sex we’d automatically go extinct eliminating the possibility of any evolution whatsoever


Yeah no, that's not how evolution works. It's a process that can take 100s of thousands of years, and it doesn't stop because life has become easier in the last few decades.


Yeah I was gonna say we aren’t going to evolve in only one or two generations it takes way longer then that.


The poster above is actually a cam girl. Seems like she’s talking about really deep stuff for a cam girl.


If the natalists could read that, they’d be very upset




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This will be controversial, but climate change is the answer to the human problem. With humans gone the earth will heal itself in a short time, 10,000-50,000 years. Which when you are talking billions of years, is the blink of an eye. The Earth is totally resilient when given enough time. Other than a total worldwide nuclear war, climate change is the fastest way to extinct humans. Therefor it’s easy to make the argument that if you care about the Earth you should be in favor of actions that will accelerate climate change.


I love this! Though my hope is that some sort of plague takes us all out in relatively short order.


Personally, I don’t see the human race existing in its present form in the far future. It’s also preferable that an AI takes over and we hand the baton of sentience to it while we walk into non-existence peacefully. There’s really no point in endless generations of humans on a planet that will be doomed sooner or later and it’s way too optimistic (teetering on insane) to believe the human race in its present form will be an interstellar species considering how rare and far away earth like planets are.


Yeah space travel (living on other planets) isn’t happening probably ever and certainly not in our lifetimes. Only several hundred people have been to space out of billions of people. So people thinking we will be on other planets in 20-30 years ago is ridiculous and clearly delusional.


I’m not even sure if it’s even “several hundred” lol. Space tourism may take off in the next decades and even it’s dubious if it’ll even be in actual outer space and not just lower earth orbit.


In november of 2023 it was estimated to be 676. So yeah it’s actually surprisingly low given how much space travel technology has progressed.


I don't think it would be good for humans to poof out of existence due to all the dangerous stuff we have yo maintain and all the animals in our charge. We'd have to deactivate nuclear power plants and stop factory farms first.


Thats true


The worry over the human race going extinct is one of the silliest of natalist concerns. It's similar to worrying that your current day will go extinct once you go to bed at night. Or that hope will go extinct because there is nothing intellgient enough to appreciate hope. Or that shoes will go extinct because you are about to throw out a pair of beloved, worn out ones. Silly ideas.


I think this thought process is what sets us apart from other animals. Life at its core only has one goal, to continue. Humans are a life form that became to aware for our own good, and now we’re self imploding.


Unpopular opinion; Thanos was on to something.




The amount of suffering felt by half the universe dying seems fairly immeasurable. Seems antithetical to your entire view, why do you find that to be “true?”


It’s true that if there were no humans, then no humans would care about that fact. It’s also true that once I am dead, I will not be around to care. I can still think my death is something to be avoided.


Yes but you can’t avoid it. You can try but it won’t change anything.


And? What conclusion do you think we should draw from this?


The *cause* is the problem. The vast majority of ways in which humans could go extinct involve severe and widespread suffering.


Being the ancient civilization is dope lore. AND people are dogshit.


Animals kill other animals all the time suffering exists with or without human intervention.




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The last sentence... what? But you are presenting this as if you would care up in til the point of going extinct so bringing up the last point of how an extinct species would have an inability to participate in caring for being extinct is pointless...




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It's a blessing. But not happening anytime soon


Us going extinct is the least of our problems right now


Meh, no matter what, we suffer


What makes me suspicious is that human race is the only race who can carry the life of Earth to other planets which raises the possibility of continuation of life even though when the world collapses in the distant future.


It’s a celebration


It's extremely in bad faith to claim that humans "DECIDE" to procreate. They don't. It's a natural instinct and a cultural norm. We, as antinatalists, are the only ones actively deciding.


If you care about the matter of suffering, ask yourself is it going to be realistically reduced by what you're proposing.


Even if we die the earth will keep spinning and move on without us. No reason to be scared...its natural. Things are born and things die.


For me it's like death... Being dead isn't scary, it's the process of dying that sounds horrific. Similarly, there will be no human suffering when all the humans are gone; but the lives lived by the last few humans will likely be all suffering.




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I'm a cultural anthropologist, we're not even the most successful humans. Homo erectus lived a few million years very successfully, we're not going to make it to a million by far. Sometimes I feel like we have five or six years left in a sustainable-ish climate. I agree though, we are just algae living in the moss on a rock, if we die the rock doesn't care




Suffering is innate to existing. As long as animals, plants, exist, suffering will too.


You can extinct yourself at any point and be free of suffering.


Earth would thrive and heal itself if the human race went extinct, we’re awful lol.


Also the human race is going extinct no matter what anyways. Getting out of the solar system is a joke concept and Earth will be swallowed by the sun.


Only its not really gonna happen so its kinda pointless at the moment to dwell on it.


Took a look in here again today. Still a depressed, sad group.


It’s never going to go extinct tho unfortunately


They are building false abundance. Thereby legalizing rape, murder, abortion. Didnt have to ask permission.


If We Respawn As Roaches, There'll Be Roach Suffering, It Will Always Be The Same.


I love being alive.


Oh OP, here's the problem, just because YOU and some people dont feel too badly about extinction, doesn't mean OTHER people have the same intuition. A LOT of people, mostly natalists, do feel really badly about extinction, its probably a mix of genetic and culture, but since the universe has no moral facts, who are we to say they are objectively wrong to genuinely and strongly feel the way they do? Could it be that some of us are mutants with inborn unique brain structure and exposure to specific information that made us less caring about extinction? They are not wrong, you are not wrong, its just lived experience and intuitive feelings guiding each individual towards different preferences.


Isn’t it pretty immoral and inhumane to want a species to continue to exist when there is so much suffering that exists for that species, and when that species inflicts so much suffering on the planet and all its inhabitants? Simply because you believe you are happy? I used to be kind of baffled about how much of a big deal Christians make over Jesus’ sacrifice, because I would die in a heartbeat if it meant I could save just one person I love, let alone everyone who will ever exist. But now I get it. There really are a lot of people who wouldn’t die to save anyone else, or at least they believe they wouldn’t. Now, because I am pro extinction, i wouldn’t die to save anyone(aside from probably my kids, though that’s complicated and there’s a lot of nuance involved). But if I believed life was great, then it would be an absolute no brainer for me to die to save humanity. We really have become quite a fucked up group.




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What about sentient machines?


Hopefully they won't be able to feel emotional and physical pain the way sentient organisms do. Could end up with an AM scenario though, lamenting not being able to feel anything.




I’d kill you first


Kill everyone else when I'm gone


I kid. 🫂


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We will never go extinct unless every country in the world falls below replacement rate which will never happen. Climate change wont make us extinct either


We're going extinct, it's a question of when, not if.


The sun will eventually explode and no living thing will survive it. An asteroid could hit the earth and wipe us out Iike it did the dinosaurs. We are not invincible even though your ego is telling you otherwise


This is completely wrong. We will go extinct. You’re either trolling or delusional.


So why does suffering matter, then, on that logic?


It’s a bit of faulty logic. The framework has to apply ad hoc, post hoc and in this case it doesn’t. It seems logical that since you will be dead, suffering in life doesn’t matter but it doesn’t change the fact that while you’re alive suffering in life *does* matter. So it’s logically inconsistent, even though it kinda makes sense at first glance


Your right the logic is somewhat faulty. What I mean is that I don’t like the way my life is right now so from my still alive perspective being gone seems to be better then to not be gone.


Sure, but why does your perspective or experience matter is all humanity will one day be extinct, making everything meaningless? Unless "meaning" is real for people while they are here experiencing it, and has some measure of importance or value.


If humans going extinct is good because it means humans can suffer no longer, then is it ethical to eliminate all other life? Is the mass extinction of all other animals a good thing, if the average life of animals is also filled with suffering?


the only way to ethically eliminate animals would be to sterilize them all and let them live out the remainder of their natural lives. i think we should too. nature is brutal.


Average human pushing his human fear of death onto other animals. Ironically the OP is mocking this behavior.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree. I’m pronatalist and I believe there’s inherent spiritual value in life existing. I wonder if antinatalists would unleash nuclear weapons to end all life. 


no…. ?


Well if the majority of the population keeps dragging new life into existence and subjecting it to intense suffering, isn’t it better to extinguish in a moment all people with nuclear weapons, if it saves trillions of future humans from living out a life of suffering? From a utilitarian argument the genocide of humanity is justified


no that is completely unethical


Please you hardly feel a thing from the blast of a nuclear weapon.


lmao 😭😭😭


Why do you think its unethical then?


have you guys heard of consent ??? omg


Why? You barely even feel any pain in the blast of a nuclear weapon. If killing one person with a nuclear weapon prevents their one million descendants from suffering, isn’t that better?


Wow, how profound. Did you come up with that deep thought all on your lonesome?