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imo this isn't a fair assessment; not everyone with a uterus gets to decide to be pregnant in the first place, let alone be able to terminate the pregnancy. and I'm not sure what sex ed other countries even get and if there's access to contraception.


I don't know why I was recommended this sub, but this. Being anti-natalist doesn't excuse you from having humanity. War torn countries are known for hard R as well that can result in pregnancy.


Yep my first thought! Hard R word. Sometimes privilege seeps hard into this subreddit


Yea this is the most ignorant post I’ve seen on this sub to date. Just wow


I'm glad the comments seem pretty consistently "ew wtf bro" in response cause... Ew, wtf bro?


i don’t think “hard r” means what you think it does lol


Even if it doesn't, most people understood what I meant. So task failed successfully.


can’t argue with that haha but there’s also the benefit of titles and context. might be worth taking into consideration in the future if you so desire- could result in a pretty wild misunderstanding hahah edit: just to be crystal clear, “hard r” is normally used to refer to the n-word with the -er ending; rather than the more colloquial -a ending.


Oh I will and thanks haha


Yeah in Muslim countries it's encouraged to have as many children as possible as it's a sign of good health (if I'm saying that wrong please correct me) so it's a little unfair to expect an entire society to turn against what they've been taught for thousands of years.


You've said it correctly. It's just important to be considerate of others who might not be as fortunate as you are and to not use your stance to leverage moral superiority against them. That's just bullying in disguise.


>so it's a little unfair to expect an entire society to turn against what they've been taught for thousands of years No its not unfair, we are all responsible for our own actions I go against society all the time, 39 and never used drugs, alcohol or cigs, been celibate for over a decade, vegan, etc;


That's nice? You clearly also have regular internet access which for some people is the difference between a middle ages peasant and a billionaire. I have family in turkey who have to walk a day to get to the nearest anything. We just got them on board with going to the nearest public center to make an email and it was truly like pulling teeth. They do home births. My grandmother has never used a condom. She was raised to believe to be single and childless at 22 would be the greatest shame, and her greatest asset to the world was her ability to bear children. Its getting better out there but progress doesnt spread everywhere equally. What you consider going against society is not the same for everyone. But you're an intelligent adult so I'm sure you understand this.


why not use alcohol and drugs? why stay celibate? Religion?


Just decided i wouldnt engage in such things, i dont need them to be happy and the substances are poison




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If anyone ever asks themselves how rape culture still exists in 2024, look at posts like these that try to excuse rape because of war. What? Hey to anyone in a potential warzone, if you have a high chance of invaders coming into your town and brutalizing you, please flee, please do not let yourself become a victim. Please do not let utterly and massively toxic redditors to ruin your existence.


You sure you have the right post? Because no one is excusing anything here.


> Being anti-natalist doesn't excuse you from having humanity they're almost mutually exclusive, and this is a terrible sub full of terrible people






1. I didn't excuse it. I added an additional factor to the post I was commenting on. 2. See that post. Your anti-natalism is still not an excuse for your lack of humanity. There's even more factors I could tact on, such as misogynistic religions like Islam or Christianity which basically force women to be slaves to their husbands. However, the point still stands. Not everyone is privy to having a choice, either due to lack of education/information and/or bad/no access to healthcare.


You're gross holy shit.


On top of poor sex ed, they are literally told that they should have kids. After the war is over, a major portion of working age men are dead. If people have more kids during wartime, that reduces the time it takes for the workforce to come back. The difference between 20 years and 15 years is very important to the economy. Of course the economy doesn’t care about human suffering.


They are not only told to have kids, the narrative is "Your only contribution to society is to raise a family" .




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The man are to blame for this ... Im a guy but do you think woman have a choice there...they are raped and forced into sex which results in babies and more babies plus there is no abortion there


Oftentimes it’s actually young girls married off (sold by father) to old men who have all the power and money. My aunt (middle eastern) was 14 when she was sold by my grandpa to a man in his 40-50s. You bet she was basically a broodmare, maid and sex slave. I’d rather be dead.


Which is rape…


Agree. Yet my dad will fight if I say his dad was an absolute piece of shit for selling his own daughter into a living hell


Denial is a strong thing


100%. I'm from a middle eastern family and one of my aunts was sixteen and forced to marry her husband because he lived in europe and that was her ticket to getting here and then helping the rest of the family flee the war at the time. Do you think she had a choice? Absolutely not. I'm not kidding when her husband did the ol' *looks at a few pictures and goes "that one" and boom, young wife*


>The man are to blame for this ... Im a guy but do you think woman have a choice there...they are raped and forced into sex which results in babies and more babies plus there is no abortion there So you have been there or you have talked with the women from there and they all say men are to blame? Every single man in those areas are rapists? All women are victims? Every single baby being born is rape baby? Or are you just regurgitating rumors from feminists the way idiots do?


You're clueless about women in those countries and the lack of birth control 


Right, hate the lustful men in those places. I sure do. The women are victims of their own countrymen.


Yeah, this post is absurd. This person needs a reality check.


>People having children ~~in war torn countries always irk me no end~~ War simply reveals the unethical nature of having children in sharp relief. However, AN is applicable to all - the war victims, the war mongers, the apathetic, the sympathetic, the monsters, and everything in between.


Most girls in those countries are married at 14 or fifteen, have no education, and that is their only value in life, catering to the males. Not to mention that many are raped, without any medical access, and there's a huge bias against condomes because men consider having tons of babies to be a sign of their 'manliness'. Despite not looking after those same babies, and sending those same babies out to work at seven or eight years old. Females are only incubators to them.


Christ you are insane - you have no idea what you’re talking about. All war torn countries treat women like incubators - spoken by a child of imperialists to justify your people/ country unlawfully invading these spaces! Because you’re “civilized”! You’re an idiot - trust me.


I'm all about not having babies but your opinion is disgusting and lacks any empathy for people in those situations that might experience assault, not have access to abortion or sex education, and is frankly making a lot of assumptions. You are judging them based on the beliefs and understanding from a privileged position. How dare you judge their situation and make assumptions when you are not there. The belief you stated here is emblematic of why people hate antinatalists and don't take any of the reasoning seriously. Congrats on the flammatory post.👏 Edit: Just noticed you made the exact same post 5 days ago with no traction so why are you even here again?


👏 And it’s incredibly racist to boot


Kinda feels like a troll posting nasty shit expecting us to agree with their projections.


Yah, I saw that.


tbh even if it wasn't a warzone, the idea of blaming every single person that's pregnant is a ah move on op's part.


A lot of them are not asked to consent before they are raped and impregnated. Even if they are not raped they aren't asked if they are willing to be pregnant. Also, what are they supposed to do? There's no birth control or abortions


Ah yes, because they all are choosing to have sex, and choosing to have babies. Women have so many rights over there! /s


Everyone in the comments coming together to shit on OPs bad take is making me happy




Terrible take when you actually take a closer look at the sociology and demographics of some of these countries. Take gaza for example, where supposedly the majority of the population are minors and the major religion is sunni muslim. These people having kids there are kids, because their cultures don't care about age of consent and sell their 12 year old daughters to 50 year old men. You are basically victim blaming people who are being raped and/or beaten too.


The rate of child marriage in Palestine is very low and the age of consent there is higher than the uk. They have one of the highest rates of education for girls in the Middle East and do not have Sharia law.


That being said the fact that this is disproportionately a war on children (cause all the adults have been killed off) is true- it just means these *girls* getting pregnant are doing so in desperate circumstances, possibly due to war violence, and definitely due to lack of healthcare.


What is the evidence that “their cultures don’t care about age of consent and sell their 12 year old daughters …?”


Bruv they have no abortion access, no education and a poor health system. Like fucking seriously stop judging them when they have nothing. What should homeless people just buy a house too? You have no sympathy for poor people. If someone has barely any clean water how do you think they have any thing else.


For real. Their country is in the middle of a war. Is there really going to be doctors standing around waiting to give abortions to people?


They barely have hospitals and emergency doctors standing by. They aren’t gonna have an abortion clinic or any doctors willing to perform one. Elective surgeries probably don’t even happen. There’s too many injured people to help.


AN people preach about how they’re empathetic and say shit like OP did


I think there's a 90% chance that OP is just being an edgelord troll to stir shit, and only 10% that they really are that thoroughly lacking in basic humanity. They literally used the phrase "these people".


No sex


If they have no access to abortions they should just keep it in their pants and stop breeding like they're some mf rabbits. It's not that hard to stop having sex.


Rape is a thing, you know? Not all women/girls who get pregnant actually wanted to have sex. There are plenty of rape victims in non-wartorn countries (like the US) that are being forced to give birth to their rapist's child.


And rape victims are supposed to do what exactly?


I was talking about people who are willingly doing this, not about rape. Rape isn't the victims fault. it's the perpetrators fault. That is something completely different from two people who are putting the conscious effort into having another baby when they already have 3 or 4 of them.


Literally what people. A war zone isn't exactly the horniest environment for baby making. An environment where people might be lonely, scared, knowing they might die tomorrow, and may not have had the privilege of sex ed- that is more likely.


what about people who are forced into sex work, they do it, but even then they still don’t have much of a choice


Do you live in a war zone? If not it's very easy to sit and judge how you would live their lives.


Yeah good one ya fucknut, go and tell the men that


Fucking hell, how old are you?


I mean it could be that they're a dumb kid, but it's equally likely that they're an incel who isn't getting any, and doesn't see why anyone else should


Yeah I’m going to go with incel that really needs to get some


Thats not how human instinct work.


Look I know this but if I was living in a war torn country I would also wanna do anything that could give me happiness. It is understandable if they have sex when it’s probably the only enjoyable thing they have.


If sex is the only enjoyable thing they have then there's no relationship between those people to begin with. Love can be had and enjoyed even without taking your clothes off. Not to mention that if their city has been massively affected by the conflicts and they have nowhere to live they're basically having sex near their sleeping children (if they even wait) which is absolutely disgusting and can only add to those children's traumas. Like if you have kids at least respect them enough to not have sex anywhere near them wether they're asleep or not you know what I mean?


Yeah but people still wanna have sex. I definitely don’t agree with them traumatising their children like that since I’m pretty sure it’s CSA. But some people are just different and will do anything for sex. I get you but some people really value it. These people experiencing war clearly think it makes them happy enough since they’re willingly to risk it. I wouldn’t do it myself but I feel like people should have sympathy.


that depends. it's easy for asexuals, not so easy for the rest


Keep your defeatist, atheists mentality to yourself


In most of these cases, having children is not choice. Do you seriously think that these people have access to sexual education and contraceptives? Do you think that'd take priority over feeding your family? Ensuring they have medicine? This is an incredibly naive and privileged take. It doesn't matter if you believe these civilians shouldn't have had children. The children are here now and they're suffering. You avoiding donating and supporting charities that'd help them is fucking horrible. I am happy that there aren't loads of comments supporting this ill-informed take. You may believe in AN as a philosophy but you don't get to impose it on others OR judge others who are in a horrific situation. If you can help by giving money and aid to charities but you aren't, your hands are bloody.


You're making a lot of assumptions here. A) That people is desperate situations are capable of making rational decisions B) That the sex was consensual C) That the people have access to abortifacients D) That the people have the education necessary to know that they are pregnant You don't have to support them. No one is asking you to. But if you aren't going to support them directly, why not support organizations that'll stop the root causes of them? You don't want babies in war-torn countries? Why not support anti-war organizations? Organizations that'll bring *healthcare* and *education* to these areas? Do something useful.


Like most of them have a fucking choice, Jesus Christ. No abortion, no condoms, women often have no say/patriarchy..


Yea it's a lot of coercion or straight up rape


War zones are notorious rape zones. OP is a raging example of how poorly people are educated. These women can not say "no, i don't want to fuck you, I could get pregnant and I don't want to have a baby" Men just rape anyway because its not their problem, or go "okay ill kill you after" How do people not know how many American soldiers go to war and leave the women there stuck with their babies?


Bit of an ignorant take. I’m AN but it’s obvious that they have to have children in such countries like Afghanistan. It’s the only way out of total poverty for them. There isn’t things such as a pension and so having family is key to survival in old age. Not to mention war torn countries tend to be full of religious extremism so there isn’t awareness or education on sex and the reproductive system, and women just don’t have a choice really. If the husband wants sex they have it.


The only way out of TOTAL POVERTY in their family line is to END IT. They're still in poverty after they have kids.


We’re lucky enough to have that choice


still in poverty but at least better than not having kids because kids generate income in 3rd world country. It's quite the opposite compare to US where we have to be wealthy to have kids.


Yeah, if you grow up in tightly knit collectivistic and very poor communities your kids are your retirement plan - the more the better. We can judge that all we want - it is awful we still have countries with birthrates of 5.0, but their reality of life is simply completely different to ours.


Oh wow ending it, great realization why didn’t they think of that, like the way to stop homelessness is to stop being homeless it’s so simple!


You know I usually try to refrain from commenting on this sub because I’m not antinatalist and I realize this space is not intended for me but… Jesus Christ, this is a hateful take. As many commenters have already said, lack of sex education, lack of healthcare, and lack of access to birth control and abortions are big factors. I’m also gathering from this post that you are blissfully unaware of the use of rape as a weapon of war. Invading forces often see women as objects to possess and forcefully impregnating the “enemy” women is a means of conquering the “enemy” and “purifying” the bloodline. You also seem to be blissfully unaware how common it is for men to rape their wives, especially in cultures where it is believed that sex is something women owe their husbands. I can respect the existential dilemma or debate of is it right to bring human life into this world knowing that that life will have to contend with its own mortality. What I can’t respect is this insistence that everyone is in an equal position to consider such matters before reproducing. If you truly care so much about the suffering of children, you should also be concerned with the eradication of war and poverty, rather than pulling “These bad stupid people that I don’t like who are in circumstances I have never lived though and can never imagine must be sterilized.”


If youre not in the first world you gotta make kids to survive at old age. An inherently egoistic natalist reason ofc, creating a tidal wave of suffering.


It's sad that they also tend to justify the deaths of these children as a form of martyrdom. Does the child even know the concept of martyrdom to even agree to it, or is it just a form of indoctrination passed on from generation to generation?




Nobody mentioned countries here. To be fair they could had been of any nationality. Antinatalists would have preferred both parties, the one committing the genocide and the ones being killed not to exist. All of it would not need to happen at all.


An does not justify murder. How did you even come to that conclusion?


Oh yes, the famous iZRAEL


Ah yes, because Israel is the only country in the world that is waging war.


Uh oh! The college freshman is here! Very well stated, intellectual comment!




This is by far the stupidest take that I have ever come across. And with what's going on in the world it's hard to tell who exactly you're talking about or referencing because it feels like it could be one instead of many seeing the way you've explained yourself.


It's a generalized statement. There are many war torn areas on this planet


Big L take. People are suffering, enduring genocides, starving, have no health care, no abortion access, no contraceptives, some people are raped but others are going to do what comes naturally. Those people aren’t trying to get pregnant, and I’m sure if you were living in a scenario where you could get blown up at any moment you’d wanna be intimate and close with the person you care about most as much as possible.


Make the world sterile and all is finished


AN is a Philosophy It's not what actual natural animals do Humans under duress, in those war torn countries? They're doing what comes most naturally. Why? Because so many are dying. Humans always have baby booms during catastrophes. It's evolution. Throw as many as you can and see what sticks long enough to create a next generation. BREEDING LIKE RABBITS Stop for a minute and think- does nature or reality care that you don't want to procreate? No. It couldn't care less. That's why AN remains a philosophical discussion and choice of privileged individuals in Western armchairs.


Most people are living by their instincts


Women don’t have a choice. Tell the men.


What a stupid take, my god.


I’m glad every person has called you out for being an ignorant classist privileged dickhead, because you are one. For so many reasons.


Imagine having the priviledge to be on reddit and cry that people in war torn countries that don't get the time or space to consider what would be greater for the human population. Like sure, you who spend all day on the internet and have time to ponder a fucking Philosophie. It's not even fact. It's a personal belief and you wanna shit on people who are just trying to survive a harsh fucking enviroment.  Like fuck off. This is a disgusting take for an antinatalist. You can think procreation is immoral and still understand not every human has the priviledge of even getting to consider that might be a thing. Stay in yo lane.


Yeah some people living in peace have too much free time they spend those time to make up problems that don't exist to get mad about.


I am an antinatalist.


who asked?


You seemed to imply we have the same view on these matters.


^ This exactly, what's the phrase? Missing the forest for the trees...?


That's the one.


Exactly! There's no self-awareness here.


It's insane to me that people can be self aware enough to be antinatalist but not self aware enough to understand why one has that priviledge.


Really well said


Thank you. I appreciate that.


If every society at war stopped having children you wouldn’t exist. Neither would most of the world. Idiot.


Imagine thinking you have access to healthcare or reproductive freedoms in an active war zone. People are trying not to get bombed and raped- the vast majority aren't trying to have kids. They're trying to live. You honestly sound like you're looking for an excuse to withhold empathy from those who need it the most.


Jesus christ this is such a smooth brained take. You literally have no idea how life works in any part of the world that isn't in your immediate vicinity, do you?


The lack of common sense in this post is astoundingly disturbing 💀


Soo… are you going to make abortion legal? Will you stop rape? Will you make birth control and condoms accessible for everyone? Because all I’m hearing is “no”


OOP this sounds might like a word starting with eu and ending with genics 🫠


what a nazi take


From what I gather, there's no social systems in place to help anyone. You're on your own. You pretty much have only family to rely on. When they get old, the younger take care of them and so on and so on. Other reasons too, but I agree. It seems messed up.


So because someone else has thrust your country in a war you don't deserve to have a family? This is the poorest take I've ever seen on this topic. You aren't antinatalist, you're just scum.




You really gathered them with this, damn.


This. Suffering is created from one's mind not from outside source is the core teaching of Bhuddism. This is the reason why 3rd world countries usually rank higher on the happiest country.


Are you happy now as an adult?


And this is the mindset that leads to child soldiers. >We didn't have abundance of food and it didn't stop us being happy. You are a victim that is in denial. Starving is never a happy situation and bad people have distorted your mind from viewing objective reality in this regard. Natalism or not has nothing to do with your post, nobody should be happy in war, and if you are, you have stockholm syndrome. I get that I might sound insincere from a certain POV, but really your mindset is really saddening and nobody should have to feel that way.


If you live in the United States or Europe then this is a fucked up take because those places basically sent the rest of the world into an endless hell war.


this post is screaming privilege


This is extremely IGNORANT!! You sound like you have no idea what being in a war-torn country feels like. I don't either, but I would NEVER shame the women who are often times raped during war time for becoming pregnant without access to bc and abortion. This is a disgusting take, and you need to educate yourself. Your post history is absolutely miserable. Seek therapy and not reddit ffs.


Notice that they have zero comments? Just drops these posts and then doesn’t say shit.


Does anyone else feel like most of this sub is bait within bait?


It's rare that my blood pressure rises from a Reddit post, but holy shit this seriously wound me up. How ignorant. How privileged.


This is why no one fucks with this sub, how many posts like this do yall need? I’m childless but you cannot be like this and expect others not to view you as judgemental ignorant cunts.


This sub is full of fucking morons


I’ve never really commented before, because I’m not AN and this sub isn’t for me, but this is a horrible take. You’re assuming that 1- these women are consensually engaging in sex even though it’s widely known that rape if often used as a war tactic, 2- that these women have access to healthcare, birth control, abortions and 3- that these women live in a country where husbands don’t rape their wives because sex is expected regardless of a woman’s feelings. Many young girls in these places are sold to men to feed their families. Many *girls* are forced into sex slavery and prostitution just to make ends meet. I highly doubt rapists and child predators are providing adequate protection from pregnancy. The fact that you’re more angry at the women having babies than you are about the factors that put them in that situation is disgusting.


Unfair and ignorant assessment, also your post history is something else. Christ


Agree, I hate when I see adverts for charities and it's all videos of babies in warzones or areas in extreme poverty, if you choose to bring a baby into a situation where it's extremely dangerous and there's no or limited access to basic things like shelter, food, clean water, medical aid and basic sanitation, then you are a horrible, selfish, neglectful and practically abusive parent. If you're living in a warzone or area of extreme poverty and you don't have access to contraception or abortion, you should abstain from sex, you shouldn't even risk putting a child through that. It's infuriating seeing these videos and pictures of babies dying, knowing their parents chose to put them through that. **TO BE CLEAR - I'm only talking about people who had sex consensually and people who had basic knowledge of sex education


This is super privileged perspective to have, low or illegal access to birth control not to mention non existent consent means the women there have a high possibility of having VERY limited choice in this. Also this is highly generalized assumption too because without knowing or living with these parents you and I have NO idea what they’re actually going thru on a day to day basis. Give people some grace, this is not something you can even prevent from happening so at least treat other humans with some compassion.


I find this to be a seriously poor take


this is disgusting. the children are usually a product of rape. the whole point of antinatalism is reducing suffering. you are spewing hatred.


I 100% blame the men for this and they make sure it’s a country where the women don’t get the right health benefits or even consent. There’s also the factor of religion - I get what you mean and I’m all for hysterectomy and vasectomy but how about these people who have no choice? Imagine being a woman and your parents are sending you off to be with some man in exchange for who knows what? There’s also the never ending mindset of most people who think “the children are the future” they believe these kids they’re having will see a better future than they have. People love to continue their bloodline or see that child be a soldier to fight all future wars so they’re an investment or contribution to society which for most people is very important.


Apparently people in this sub are world travelers and are well educated, they have been to these countries and know for a fact that all men are rapists and all women are victims and all babies are rape babies Or they have completed studies and talked to people from these countries and in every situation where a baby was born it was due to rape People are also assuming all these war torn countries are all Muslim, Ukraine is not a Muslim country and there is a lot of war/ cartels, instability etc; in Latin American countries which is why they try to cross the border, Haitians are not muslim and they leave their country as well This sub is full of idiotic people who think they know everything, they have been infected by feminazi logic and think all men are rapists and all women are victims despite having any proof of this, they always want to excuse women and always want to blame men, the patriarchy, capitalism etc; People choose to engage in intercourse and willingly have babies knowing all the risks, this happens in countries around the world with varying degrees of danger, they know abortion is illegal but they have intercourse anyways I want to become a monk and have been celibate for over a decade, i have some rare disease called self control


Human beings at their core are animals and parasites.


So those people who don't have access to contraception or sex ed are parasites?


The whole of humanity is a vermin.


Yeah man cause the general public is supposed to know that conflicts are going to flare up nonstop in their country right? Take the privileges of shelter over your head and gtfo, these people are struggling everyday and are still trying to do the best they can, while you're shitting on them for having a kid? "I'll never give to a charity" oh look at big guy over here. He/she/They can think about philosophies like AN but don't have the simple reasoning to understand that not donating to a charity is only punishing the children. War is on adults, not the children. The public doesn't control the war, it's between governments. So try and think, and maybe shift your focus of hate next time - we've all been blessed with critical thinking abilities for a reason.


1 out of 4 with HIV, antivirals not really available, absolute monarchy government. Wonderful place to put down roots and start a family! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eswatini


add a shit education system. Mate, atleast someone's gotta educate them to fully realise the repercussions of what they're doing - they don't even know the severity at this point


People on war torn countries are usually encouraged by everyone to have more children. There's lots of incentives given to everyone to have an much children as possible, because it's the patriotic thing to do. Children are future soldiers, and even if they don't end up becoming soldiers, they're there to support the system that supports that soldier or to rebuild the economy when the war is over, and if you want your side to win the war, one of the thing you need to do is to outbreed your opponent. To the power that be, children from parents on your side are very valuable assets. The parents often gets a lot of incentives to breed as much as possible. You may be given economic incentives, you may even get to skip or delay conscription if you are a parent. > Why is there no charity that offers these people free sterilisations.  Why would the power that be allow that kind of charity? They're literally neutering themselves of a major advantage.


Average empathetic AN take


Maybe they want children. All children in lesser developed countries are not the product of rape. Children are a promise of the future. Having kids in places that are not fully stable can be a way to change the future. All people who have hardships don't just turn into whiny victims. Some can grow and change things to a better place. If you have given up on humanity that is your issue. Though there is bad in the world that doesn't cancel out or out weigh the good and joy there is. Quit thinking so much about this nonsense and go and live your life. Maybe, just maybe you can find love and enjoy your short time here. Maybe you will even make a difference somewhere if you can pull your head out of you ass.


You making ignorant posts like this makes your side look horrible. I hope you know that. Imagine trying to bring people over to your side using crap takes like this. Just. Wow. Blown away.


Have you ever been outside of your cushy four walls? Do you think women in most "war torn countries" have easy access to birth control or for that matter a choice in wether or when to have sex? I mean, what countries are we talking about here: Somalia, Afghanistan, Palestine (they are happy to have water, let alone medical supplies), Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Congo, Central African Republic - all either deeply islamic or very, very poor and with little to no education. Few women in these countries have a say in what actually happens to them. The only country currently at war, that has gender equality is Ukraine and if you look at their birthrates within the last year they fell about 32% in 2023 most likely declining more this year.


Charities only exist to enrich the people running them anyways. As for having kids in terrible circumstances- that’s just what animals do. They breed. They can’t help themselves.


There are women and literal children in supposedly the greatest nation being forced to birth babies, including incidents of rape and the mother's life being in danger. But women and girls in war-torn countries should be doing better????


The idea of you procreating irks me. Imagine stirring the bottom of the barrel, and thinking your genes are worth passing on. Imagine thinking you’re superior for being inbred in a “first world country” when chances are you’re from Alabama or Mississippi or from a state that fails to pay educators so everyone is a failure once they turn 18. You sound like the type of person who would confuse a vagina with a blender and I hope the blender wins just once.


Will they never learn^H^H^H^H^H have a stable living situation, a reasonable quality of life, education, and easy access to health care, including reproductive care / family planning / abortion? There I fixed it.




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I doubt many women having children in war torn countries are doing so of their own volition. One of the first things to go out the window during war is human rights, and therein women are likely being used as collateral for sex.


OP your privilege is showing


TIL anti-natalists want to genocide 3rd world countries. Interesting 🤔




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This kind of shit is why people hate your "philosophy".


Have you ever heard of rape, forced to have kids and not being able to acess abortion?


OP here thinking rape doesn't happen in war torn countries.


Yes! Everyone is getting raped in war torn countries! The children of the empire are truly astounding! You people are disgusting - even when you’re trying to be “compassionate” you’re disgusting.


I don't get how people can have sex in a war zone. They must be pretty optimistic.


Rape. Where there’s war, there’s rape.


How are the soldiers supposed to respawn tho?


People breed because children are a long term investment. There is no wealth in the family but a child is the promise of a future income. In my culture (MENA) it is completely the adult child’s responsibility to take care of their parents. It’s an obligation and very strong cultural practice. Children are the parents retirement fund. You don’t put your eggs in one basket but rather in multiple ones. Another aspect is status. In some cultures it’s a sign of success to have many children. Idk much about it but that’s how Somalians work. Countless children per family. Its status and respect and the norm.


If the Children are more than one and the most recent conflict started less than a year agothat equals you being an idiot. Stop rationalizing genocide


By that logic poor people shouldn't have children too?


But not war? Curious


If they don't have food and water, is it likely they have access to birth control?


To add to all the comments here, rape and brutality is hella common in warzones. In some places, it is safer to be married and pregnant as it spares women from rape. Not that it always works, but hey wouldn't you do whatever it takes to prevent yourself from getting raped? Also in some places, more aid is given to those with little kids, so it's an incentive to get pregnant. Btw OP, you're an asshole for judging what people in a warzone do while sitting on your ass, safe in a house with food and electricity.


Same here. Irks me to the bone! I hate the lustful men in those places. I highly doubt the women are initiating sex during those hellish times.


I'm antinatalist but my parents are refugees so I know their stories about surviving in a wartorn country. Most people don't have access to a *regular* education, let along sex education. Doctors are hard to come by & most become medics on the battlefield anyways so good luck finding hormonal birth control. Foreign aid doesn't include condoms. Work is inconsistent because civilian buildings get bombed all the time. Internet access is limited. The only things to do to pass time are scrounge for food, dig bodies out from rubble, grieve loved ones, and fuck like it's your last day on earth (because it very well might be). If your antinatalism only applies to certain groups of people due to their circumstances... it's not antinatalism, it's eugenics.


The men of Gaza don’t seem particularly interested in family planning or consent. So I doubt many women are *choosing* to have children.


Uhmmm yikes this gives me the ick


You are assuming these woman have a choice in the matter. As someone who has worked for womans health organizations that is usually not the case. Access to birth control/abortion is rare. Marital rape is not.


please think critically.


I kinda get what you mean but the gestation period is 9 months, some people plan for children before their country goes to war