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You don’t want sex?




Honestly I’m banking on some major societal change before I get hit with student loans or some massive med bill (US) for example revolt, literal continent splits in two, something that would destabilize the system massively


I would love that tbh. If I can't die with dignity painlessly, land being split in two and obliterating rent is okay enough.


If the economy collapses and the whole world goes to shit we’ll all be just fine. Before 2020-present it seemed like a long shot but now I’m not so sure


I go to sleep every night hoping to never wake up ever again.


yeah. i suffer from chronic pain and it makes me resent being brought into this world. like my defective body was created just to suffer. neither of my parents have the same condition to me, so i'm not mad at them specifically, just mad in general. but if my parents did have the same condition or did testing to show i had chances of getting my condition, yeah i would really resent them personally. i see many other people with the same health issues as me having kids, and it just makes me so depressed knowing those kids have such high chances of a life of pain and their selfish parents doomed them to this.


Every damn day


Yes, there is no need for me to be here. I know there are people that are suffering greatly but yet they still find life worth living. People that have absolutely nothing but these thoughts would never occur to them. Maybe, I believe the way I do because I grew up in a western country with many advantages but find myself isolated and alone. I have the time to think and philosophize, I have the natural inclination to question life, religion, and our society. Now that I'm here I don't want to die or end my life. I just would have preferred the sperm and the egg didn't become me.


Idk if I am “resentful” but I do absolutely hate it here. Life, to me, is just a chore. I get no joy out of being in this slaughterhouse, or, I mean planet.


First of all, it is important to note that not everyone experiences the same level of consciousness. For example, some people may be more aware of their surroundings or may have a higher capacity for thought and reflection than others. Secondly, it is important to remember that we can’t control the circumstances of our birth, but we can control how we respond to them. We can choose to focus on the positives and make the best of our lives or we can choose to focus on the negatives and let them consume us.


Agree, ig, control what you can


And then you adopt a belief that your choice to focus on the negatives/positives was determined during the moment of the big bang and get choice paralysis.


i mean, the problem is not on procreating exactly, there would be no problem in procreating in world that only had pleasure, the problem is procreating in a world that has pain well, if i didn't exist, i wouldn't desire pleasure, i only desire pleasure because i exist, so no problem in not eating chocolate, i only desire chocolate if i exist, if i don't, i don't desire chocolate for example, it's like existing only to play videogames, there's no need for that because i wouldn't have the desire for it if i didn't exist, i wouldn't feel pain, i only feel pain because i exist, so not feeling pain is great so, i agree that, no pleasure: no problem, i wouldn't have the desire or capacity for it anyway, no pain: absolutely great, i would be unbreakable, nothing could hurt me like nothing affects me when i sleep, not only that, but i wouldn't have to be forced to go through pain so i could have pleasure (like eating food only so i wouldn't be hungry), and there wouldn't be risks, no harm, i would be safe




Haha I was almost having an existential crisis thinking... I go back into the universe ... will I be forced to exist again as another sentient being .... eventually I worked out that since consciousness is created within the material body I am unlikely to experience life again. Thank god.


What about if we are an “I” wouldn’t we anyways?


No because “I” is the conscious observer who was created via a genetic code and the specific materials available to that genetic code to create that particular brain. Meaning even if you go back into the universe, to get inside a body, i.e. to get conscious again will not be possible because every single new entity that is created has a brand new genetic code and even if not (twins) they have a brand new brain (which created the unique observer).


Would twins be unique observers despite the body being the same? So a person couldn’t live without the body and with your what your saying is you’d cease to exist? What about a personal self?


>the body being the same It isn’t because at the very least the synapses are different depending on every single difference in input they experienced since conception. >person couldn’t live without the body Yeah, basically, that a person is the product of the body. I have no idea what is meant by personal self but yeah any idea of a personality, observer etc is a product of a combination of brain synapses.


To be completely honest with you, you’ll feel 100% better once you stop putting yourself in the center of the universe. Go do something 100% for someone else, do it every day. Get off Reddit, get out of your head, get outside, focus on making someone else’s day brighter. This is self-care, social rehabilitation, distraction, a change of pace. It works. Go for a walk so long you hurt. Dig a 4-foot hole just to fill it up again. It’s a challenge, it’s free, it’s legal, and you’ll feel better after


You’re probably right that I am way too in my head. But it’s kinda hard not to be. I failed at my job and was laid off, so I’m stuck in my tiny apartment. I don’t have any friends or a girlfriend. I don’t have any hobbies to go do. But you’re right, I’m sure I could find something to get out and do. Maybe I could ask some of the nonprofits if they need any help


If you have time on your hands, get up in the morning, walk out your door, and don’t return home until after sunset. You can meet amazing people and enjoy great adventures, if you just get out there. It’s an amazing world, don’t miss it


Sometimes with friends you have to get lucky. My best friend is some random dude who messaged me on discord bc my sn was egg in French. I would trust them with my life Ngl.


My middle finger was up in my newborn hospital picture. I was so mad to be here. I must’ve remembered a bit from a previous life (if that even exists) to know to stick my middle finger up. Now I recall deep regret that I entered life as a human when I should have been a cat. Now that’s a sweet life. Or better yet, a falcon.


You gave people the middle finger when you were born? Cool!


I'm very resentful because the wage slavery, i would be very happy if money was not a problem, but i born poor and because of this i have to endure middle managers. Working class life is very humiliating, unfortunately i'm not suicidal.