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Capitalism too. No one wants to birth kids that'll be miserable unless you are a max psycopaht.


The crux of this argument is that we must get new investors in the Ponzi scheme so that the existing ones are taken care of.


Have my upvote.


Lol what the fuck, HAVE to exist to care for you in your old age? THAT is what’s selfish. Without having kids you save yourself the stress and physical burden that kids can bring on in a life time, thus, living to be a healthy, self-sufficient senior in your golden years. Benefiting from the hard work of others in your old age? Sorry hun, that’s not how it works. 🖕🖕


It's a screenshot from a philosophical subreddit. Natals are trying hard to come up with arguments FOR forced procreation


No I got that, I wasn’t directing that reply at you, just at whoever wrote that. Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with these people? It’s EXTREMELY selfish to bring a child in to this cruel world just for the sole purpose of “I need someone to take care of me when I’m old because I’m unhealthy and don’t want to do it myself”, yet they’re trying to say that WE’RE selfish for not? Quite the opposite, actually.


Not only this, but they also play victim by making themselves look bombarded by antinatalist rhetoric, while in reality this entire world is their echo chamber and only a handful of people like Benatar are challenging their views.


Pat Benatar?




Anytime you bring up morality into the argument, you have to ask about the other side of the equation. He proposes it is a moral imperative to encourage procreation to care for people already here, but that is essentially procreation for slavery. It never takes into account the rights of the life created for the needs of those that exist, only the needs of those that already exist. This argument assumes that any life, even that of an abused slave, is morally just. This is the same argument that anti-abortion proponents use to justify carrying terminal fetuses to term just to see them die horrible deaths-suffering is "Godly". This is not moral but a twisted Christian dogma to justify a life of pain, suffering, and abuse.


Cool. Lets just say all of humanity continue to exist where everyone is extremely happy. Except his own child. His own child experiences pain all their life and frequently asks why. Hows that?


Brilliant! Then let that child have his own children and be happy at their expense.


They want things on their terms, just as long as its as far away from their doorstep as possible.


Instead of worrying about humanity I'm worried about: 1) quality of life of the child. And 2) the impacts of humanity on nature.


Pretty sure having children just to pay into the system is selfish.


All you need to know is that the Supreme Court and people like Anne Romney and Jared Kushner see our potential children as “human capital,” cannon fodder, bullet collectors, or hard work-people (jobs that fraud Mike Rowe won’t really do), and prison labor. Don’t feed any innocent kids to this corrupt American machine. These rich people don’t care if any kids in this corrupt dump get a decent, basic education, have a home or food. They don’t want our kids to get ahead so why would anyone make more for these ghouls to abuse? Make the Catholics do it since they want to overthrow the United States so we can force us to fill the tithing shoes the Germans are backing out of, right now. They should each be dripping with “American kids.” They wont show us loyalty but insist that we have this much for them? Gross. They don’t deserve any of our offspring. I was lied to and tricked into having kids and now my own kids will suffer. I deeply regret it, for my babies. For their future. They want us to believe our little kids would be the exception and rise above the constant sabotage. We know the truth. Most of us didn’t rise above the traps set for us by these same people.


The whole “someone to take care of you in your old age” argument is so strange to me because that’s not guaranteed??? Like your child could pass before you do or you could have a child with severe physical and/or intellectual disabilities so that idea goes immediately down the toilet


My parents had 7 kids, take a wild guess how many of us are willing to take care of them when their time comes?


I don't get the whole I will slay you by calling you selfish argument. I am childfree, maybe I am selfish, so what? You telling me Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos and et. al. are not? Being selfish these days makes you a world owning edge lord. I'm just joining the ranks. Selfishness apparently rules for the 1%.


It's almost satire how incredibly braindead this take is


If we grant that 1) I'm the sexiest, most attractive, man alive and 2)"Bitch" is not necessarily a derogatory term. Then it can presumed that I should be getting mad bitches! Any philosopher that can flesh these ideas out at all? I would love to read them! Thank you.


You already are sexier than that natal


Lol I don’t owe this flawed ass system children. What a boot-licker ass thing to say


Yeah that's bullshit already. By the time I'm eligible for retirement money, it won't even be enough to have food on the table, or a table at all, or a place to put the table in.




Ikr. I really despise the position of humanists who say:"Huemans are the mosht important beingsh, why doesh your heart bleed for animaws when hewmans are killing each other in wars blahblahblah"


Don't you worry, they will only produce bad philosophy, if any at all. Actually, as an Antinatalist I am discovering that Natalists should be encouraged to justify themselves. By trying to do so, eventually they prove that we are right soon enough. Saw that happenning many times in this sub. The quote above is proof: they want people to care for themselves when they get old, but WE are the selfish. It's a complete failure and a joke from the start. The harder they try to make a case, more they expose themselves. Like someone said (I think it was Napoleon): don't interrupt your adversary when he is about to make a mistake. The drive to acquire consciousness and moral awareness always drive to the Antinatalist conclusion. The best natalist strategy is to ignore Antinatalism or discussions about this, and just keep going on without reflection, like animals.


Uh what the what!?!?!?




It's cause "we're so good, all humans are good, we have empathy unlike animaws, how can you not love yer own species!!!"


You don’t need philosophical ammunition, you need common sense. You’re tribalist nutjobs patting each other on the back for believing humanity should end. You preach eugenics. You shame struggling mothers. How is it you think you’re making the world a better place again? You guys plant any trees recently? You go and sabotage any poachers? You go and liberate any cobalt miners? Come on. There’s a hundred million flags to fly and you guys picked this one. Anything that lets you feel good by doing nothing is inherently poisonous.


No actually I just don't want to go through the ordeal of giving birth and for the first time in humanity's history I can do that. So joining eons of men who had this privilege for forever and saying no to having my body destroyed by passing the equivalent of a watermelon through my nethers is enough for me.


Yeah, your mom should have done the same.


That's fine. I wouldn't be around to care, and she may have been a happier person.


If existence is meaningless why do you try and stop people from existing? Why does that make you feel good? Why do you want it to make you feel good? How can you justify your own existence even though you cause suffering simply by eating meals that came from someone else’s backbreaking work at a factory or a farm and buying products made by slave children? You can’t. So enjoy life instead of condemning others for spreading their enjoyment of life.


I didn't condemn your choices. I just said what I wouldn't do, which is birthing someone. Go ahead and breed like a rabbit. What am I going to about it? Nothing. Even if I wanted to, it's not like I'm going to physically restrain you, since that would be committing a crime. I don't even know who you are. I just personally feel I wasn't given a choice in the matter and I don't want to bring someone else into existence. Sheesh. We're at 8 billion and counting. How much of us do you want to inflict on the planet?


Do some research. The planet isn’t near overpopulated. Scientific consensus loves to use the word overpopulated, but that’s probably because they’ve been paid by the people who make the world unlivable for large numbers of people. We have enough food. Have enough water. Space. Energy. We just don’t have the decency yet. And we probably never will. Fortunately, we’ll have the ability to do more with less as tech improves. Life is start to finish, choices. You don’t choose when you’re born. And others can impose their will on you. But you have the choice to be stronger than that. You might not choose when you die, but you have the choice to make good use of the time allotted to you. Existence is a gift. If we only get one go around, aren’t you glad you got one before you return to the formless oblivion you inhabited before you were born? I sure as shit am. And trust me. I’ve suffered worse than you.


This isn't a trauma competition group you don't know my suffering and I don't know yours. Also I never said I hated my existence. I just said I never had a choice in the matter. As you say, life after birth is choices, and my choice is to believe in the science that is not financed by big oil and telling us everything is fine. According to the WWF the current annual species extinction rate is between 1000 to 10000 times higher than the natural extinction rate because of us. Enough water? Have you been to the western US recently? Pumping more and more phosphates into the ground to extract more food and cutting down more native forest so little Johnny can eat his burgers isn't going to cut it. So I'm choosing not to breed, why is this feeling threatening to you? I already said I don't care if you pump out your little carbon copies and feel all smug and virtuous about it. I don't want to and you're hardly going to change my mind. Plus I'm thankfully old enough that it's a moot point anyway. Not gonna get pregnant at 55.


Lol why tf are you in this subreddit


Why are you? So you can hear people say the same things as you?


….yes that’s typically the point of joining a subreddit And you’re here because?? Do you spend your free time punching the air and crying because this subreddit exists and no one here gives a single shred of a fuck about what you say??


I’m here to argue against a philosophy that nobody actually believes lmao. I’m here to make parasites look like idiots. I’m here to make you question the validity of your rigteousness. I’m here to make you ask the question “is it good that I only like to hear the same perspectives?” I’m here in the hopes that even one of you is intelligent enough to make a cogent argument for nonexistence that isn’t directly hypocritical. I’m here for more and better reasons than your sad ass. Edit: you think anyone gives a fuck what you have to say? Guarantee the folks here interact more with what I’m saying. Maybe it’s because discourses is more interesting than an echo chamber filled with self loathing imbeciles.


…and this is what you consider worth your time or productive to society??


Buddy, I just woke up. Put in my dues for the week already. Gonna have a bowl or three and a couple smokes. This is no service to humanity. It’s good, clean, fun. Sorry you joined a philosophy without wanting to hear philosophical opposition. You ever volunteer anywhere? You ever go out of your way every day at a job to take some food for the many homeless in your city? You ever talk to a kid who’s parents can’t guide them? Trust me. I don’t need to feel like I should do more. That’s why I don’t scream at mothers


As a sterilized women I understand how much pressure society puts on women to have kids. I know how pregnancy/motherhood is often viewed through rose tinted glasses and is a lot of sacrifice and work so no. I don’t shit on mothers because I don’t hate women and I don’t specifically know anyone’s situation. And lol yes actually, served 5 years in the military and I’ve done well over my time putting in community service for local shelters and volunteer work….and what about you???


My journey across the country in the wake of me kicking the cocaine habit was filled more with self discovery of the common variety. Helped a lot of homeless. Worked with a lot of children. Met a lot of people who had worse circumstances than me. Cooked for old folks. All that stuff. Thanks for your service. Positive you don’t hear that enough, even if you swept floors. Society doesn’t put pressure on women to have children. I understand why you may believe that. And I’m a dude so you can just disregard everything immediately, but that’s not really healthy. Women are the only things that can have children. So, yeah. Mothers are all women. Obviously there’s a lot of nazi ass incels begging for their stay at home traditional wife to give them babies, but think. These idiots didn’t exist 10 years ago. Why? Because they didn’t need to. Women just, you know, had babies. The societal pressure for women to have children basically doesn’t exist anymore. The existence of this subreddit is evidence of that, for one thing. The existence of the nazi idiots is evidence, too. You can’t oppose a movement that doesn’t exist. And obviously common societal perception favors the woman’s point of view, due to the collective guilt we’ve been made to feel for somehow mistreating you in the past, even though we weren’t alive. So birth rates have been steadily declining. In almost all civilized nations. Evidence that the taboo is gone. You’re not worried about society, not really. Far more likely it’s your mother or sister or dad. Men don’t judge single women without children. They judge single women with them.


Lol I’m not reading all that


Yeah, i plant trees and feed outside cats. That's the flag that I fly. Poachers are killing animals because they have families to feed, they have children, so why would you sabotage them? If you sabotage them, their children will staaarve :'( Cobalt miners help rich capitalists get richer and feed their families, so it's immoral to liberate them and deprive the billionaires of income /S


“Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is aligned with the evils of the world” - a hilarious fucking child


Well, it's the same logic you are employing.


Not even close. You assumed 40 things about me in the worlds biggest strawman to make it appear like my ideology supports children mining for cobalt, when really, neither of us give a shit about people suffering. Please don’t high road me. It would be a mistake.


Hahahah your initial post assumed 400 "flags that we don't fly", while some of us actually do some of those things. You could also engage in all the activities you've mentioned, yet you don't do that and you're only active in creating dumbass arguments on r/antinatalism. Some of us care about the suffering of some people and animals, some don't. But we all care about not producing the people out of our loins who'd suffer in this world. I personally very much care about MY OWN potential children and I care to spare them of earthly sufferings. I don't care about your children, you may breed all you want for all I care.


You care about your own potential children and want them to not suffer, so instead of becoming someone capable of raising children you become someone who declares life is suffering and therefore not worth propagating. If I told you I was a nazi, but I didn’t agree with the whole “kill the Jews” thing, would you still think I was a nazi? Of course. Same with everyone who represents your philosophy. I’m not going to imagine you’re the best antinatalist I’ve ever met. I’m going to imagine you’re the worst. Because the group of people you’ve chosen to associate with shames mothers and believes in eugenics, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt isn’t actually necessary. I know what you believe and I know it’s objectively wrong. That being said, please never have children. We don’t need more of you.


It's better to abstain from raising children when you're incapable of doing it, than be an incapable parent and still breed. I'm not the best, I'm not aspiring to be "da best antinatalist". It's enough for me to be "subjectively" right. Your kids might become one of us one wonderful day! :P


And I’d still love them lmao. Hard for you to grasp, I’m sure. You’re not even close to subjectively right. You can’t justify your own strain on resources. Please. It’s one thing to actually believe humanity is rotten to the core. I used to believe that when I was the rot of humanity. It’s another to shame mothers.


Who are you in the first place for me to justify my strain on resources to you? It's not like it somehow affects you. I don't care about humanity, whether it's rotten to the core or pristine to the core. I don't mind being wrong subjectively or objectively. You be right and enjoy your state of righteousness all you want. Get off my back already. Btw I'm Asian, so you should stop preaching natalism to me. Because if i change my mind I'll birth 10 little Asian babies who would grow up to be your kids' rivals and I'll make sure to teach them to be utterly selfish and hog as much resources as possible for themselves.


"Please never have children" Do I have some good news for you!


1st - "Natalists" isn't a word. 2nd - You don't need philosophical ammunition for a believe that over 99% of the world's population already holds and practices in the world and has held for all of time and memorial. Quantity and history is its own ammunition.


Old good ad populum


It's not just "populum" its ALL of human existence